HRPADKR01 - Message class HR Korea - Master Data

The following messages are stored in message class HRPADKR01: Message class HR Korea - Master Data.
It is part of development package PB41 in software component PA-PA-KR. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "HR master data: Korea".
Message Nr
Message Text
000********<100 Masterdata <200SocIns <400Reporting <450LinkFI *************
001&1 &2 &3 &4
004Date entered is out of the Y.E.A. date period
005Employee reentered into company on &. Check whether deduct or not
006Enter registration number in format 'YYMMDD-_______'
007Date in the first part of the registration number is not plausible
008Value &1 for the gender key in the registration number is not allowed
009You cannot change or delete records for a previous year; choose display
010Duplicated business number &1 is not allowed
011You cannot create new record
012YEA open year is &; check your input date
013Birth date is inconsistent with registration number
014The input telephone number follow up the format: xxxx-xxx-xxxx.
015Complete the dependant's education fee please
016You should maintain educational level for person &1
017NTS or Other amount should be input for person &1!
018You should input the amount for the person &1!
019Enter Business number in format 'XXX-XX-XXXXX'
020No dependent's information found, maintain infotype 0021 first.
021Can not insert new line! Please create new infotype record after saving.
022Last digit of registration number is incorrect. Please check your input
023Last digit of business number is incorrect. Please check your input
024Entered registration number or business number format is incorrect
025Enter the receipt number
026Total investment amount in stock funds cannot exceed upper limit &1 &2
027You must enter proof code of medical expense for employee &1
028Create a table entry of total expense amount for person &1
029Total amount must be no less than individual expense for person &1
030You cannot input NTS amount for Business-related Expense
031Biz nubmer should be input for non Medical Expense by NTS (proof code<>1)
032Honorable Pay excl. months should be bigger than Separation Pay excluded!
033Tax Exemption option for two companys should be same
034Cannot assign wage type &1 more than once
035Specify a wage type
036Wage type &1 is not allowed for &2 from &3
037End date of tax exemption period must be late than start date.
038Tax exemption period must be between &1 and &2
039Selected model &1 includes more than &2 wage types; check view V_T511M
040End date of applicable service period must be late than start date
041Previous separation payment do not exists on &1.
042You can only carry forward donation made in previous years
043You cannot carry forward donation that is made in year &1
044Enter the original separation payment date first
045Enter a date between &1 and &2
046Enter an amount between KRW &1 and KRW &2
047Choose the original separation pay date from list of the possible entries
048Employee is not eligible for monthly rent deduction
049Employee is not eligible for housing saving deduction
050You cannot enter a deducted amount larger than total donation amount
051Foreigner should not check the householder indicator
052Employee is not eligible for annual amount paid deduction
053Employee is not eligible for individual paid deduction
054No donation deduction exists
055Count should be input for non Medical Expense by NTS (proof code<>1)
056You cannot input uniform expense for dependent studying in primary school
057Create an infotype 3542 record of last year's income
058Enter 06 Others for other retirement reasons
059Enter a separation date earlier than Start Date or Agreed Pay Dat
060Enter amount in only one field : Int. Loan(15M) or Fix Int./Non-defer
061Pension Plan &1 starts from &2
062Pension Plan &1 is not active on &2
063Calculation-starting date should be late than &1
064Incorrect total number of excluded months
065Retirement pension only; no further deposit is necessary
066Employee is not entitled to tax credit for housing loan interest
067Handicapped code is required for disabled person and empty in other cases
068Enter an amount which is not more than KRW &1
069Biz number and company name should not be empty
070Tax exemption period is required for native exemption
071End date of tax exemption period must be between &1 and &2
072Start date of tax exemption period must be earlier than &1
073Dependent's expense can be only for first or second half of current year.
074&1 should be input for person &2
075Enter a &1
076Incorrect total number of added months
077Enter &1 between KRW &2 and KRW &3
078Enter &1 which is not more than KRW &2
079End date of handicap period must be late than start date.
080Make sure same expense is maintained for first / second half of the year.
081The expense amount of &1 exceeds the expense amount of an entire year
082Encryption of registration number failed
083Flat rate is the only allowed calulation method for dispatched employees
084Expense of &1 and that of &2 cannot be entered for the same employee
085Expense of Additional Deduction rate is not allowed for Other Expense
086Special institution is not available for person &1 who is not handicapped
087The field Floor Area is mandatory except while house type is Gosione
088Exemption period is not eligible for this record
089There is a family dependent who is not registered in the system
090Form of address(Mr./Mrs.) and gender are inconsistent.
091You cannot enter an expense period for expense of &1.
092You must enter an expense period for total expense.
101>>>>>>>>>>>101-199>>>>>>>>>>Reserved for SI Korea>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
102Do not enter exemption/reduction percentage field for the SI status &
103Percentage must be the number from 0 to 100
104& is not hiring date. Do not flag 'No premium in the hiring month'
105Employee & is not assigned to a social insurance association yet
106Enter SI exemption/reduction percentage
109No business place is assigned to the representative BP for NP specified
110No personnel subarea is assigned to the business place(s) specified
111Med. ins. assoc. code &1 is assigned to a different company code already
116No entry in the social insurance agency data for SI mod &1
117No definition of representative business place for medical insurance
118No personnel area/subarea data for business place &1
120No entry in the social insurance grade table for subtype &1 on &2
121No entry in the pension insurance grade table for the amount &1 on &2
122No entry in the pension insurance grade table for grade &1 on &2
123Calculated medical insurance grade is greater than 9999
124No medical insurance association assigned to pers. area/subarea &1/&2
125No pers. subarea was assigned to medical insurance association &1 yet
126No social insurance entry on &1
127The input Medical Insurance grade is greater than the maximum value
128No entry in the mecical insurance grade table for the amount &1
129"Venture Investment Trust" cannot be selected for Venture Investment
130No data has been processed
140End date is earlier than start date
160Select at least one option between eligibility acquired and lost
161Cannot find the Monthly compensation amount limit &1 in V_T511P
200<<<<<<<200-399<<<<<< Reserved for Reporting Messages >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
201No company code is assigned to personnel area &1
202File contain no valid Registration Number, no employee will be processed
203Can't read file. Check the file is available
204Can't find matching personnel number in system
205Personnel numbers &1 for this Registration Number will be updated
206Can't get data definition for year &1
207Field &1 in Form Cd &2 exceed max length of &3
208Field &1 in Form Cd &2 should be number type
209Field &1 with value of &2 in Form Cd &3 is not in correct value range
210&1 &2 &3 &4
211Tax year &1 in xml file is different from year &2 in selection screen
212Personnel numbers &1 not in the selection condition
220Error occur when update infotype &1
221Error occur when update infotype &1 with subtype &2
222Data update successfully
223Can't find dependent with &1 when update infotype &2 (subtype &3)
224Data update successfully with warning
225Check updated data for infotype &1
226Check updated data for infotype &1 with subtype &2
227Can't find financial institution with &1 for infotype &2 (subtype &3)
228Error occurs when deleting infotype &1 (subtype &2)
400<<<<< 401 - 450 Messages related to FI Link (Bus.Place, SecCode) <<<<<<<<
401Business place &1 does not exist for company code &2
402The section code &1 cannot be assigned to personnel area &2
403Business place &1 cannot be assigned to personnel area &2
404This combination of business place &1 and section code &2 is not allowed
405Business place &1 was set according to definition of section code &2
406Inconsistent customizing of section code &1 in Financial Accounting
407Enter an insurance number or correct the representative business place
408Combination of insurance number and representative bus. place not allowed
409Business place &1 cannot be assigned to the medical insurance assoc. &2
410No business place was assigned to pers. subarea &2 of pers. area &1
411No representative business place assigned to medical insurance assoc. &1
412No employment insurance data maintained for business place &2
413No pension insurance data maintained for business place &2
414Business place of head quarter not maintained for company code &1
415No tax office data maintained for business place &2
451>>>>>>>>>>>451-499>>>>>>>>>>Reserved for Maintenance View>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
452The wage type &1 is assigned to &2 .
453Enter a calculation process for the seniority parameter
454Enter a base wage type for the user-defined base type
500Bonus payroll cannot have value '1'
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