The following messages are stored in message class HRPADZ_RPCDPNT1: Message pro RPCDPNT1.
It is part of development package PC18 in software component PY-CZ. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "HR payroll: Czech Republic".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Enter the VS of organization
002You do not have authorization for VS &1 - usage area 3
003You do not have authorization for VS &1 - usage area 6
004Missing authorization for all pers. numbers of CP &1 group
006Infotype 0001 does not exist on date &1
007For VS &1 are not available records in T5T1L
008For VS &1 there is not unique address in T5T1L
009For VS &1 there is not address in T5T1L
010Error during merging absences of infotype 2001
011Illness valid from &1 to &2 has variable organization VS
012Not read the employer address for VS: &1
013Date to < date from
014Fill in Date to
015Fill in Date from
016NEMPRI is not reported yet
017HZUPN has status Sent unconfirmed
018Write into HZUPN cluster canceled by user
019Failed to read NEMPRI for HZUPN
020Record '&1 &2' - error when updating a new cluster record &3.
021Record '&1 &2' - error when inserting a new cluster record.
022Record '&1 &2' - updated new cluster record &3 --> RPCDNPT9_MNG
023Record '&1 &2' - inserted new cluster record &3 --> RPCDNPT9_MNG
024Sick certificate with absence is inconsistent
025Employee started to work, add the time stamp for beginning.
026Number of worked hours and shift must be filled or empty
027Fill in the reason for not returning EE to work
028Absence was generated in IT2001 using BAdI
029Critical error. Decision number &1 already exists at &2.
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