HRPAY99IMPEXP - Nachrichten f�r generische Import/Export-Bausteine

The following messages are stored in message class HRPAY99IMPEXP: Nachrichten f�r generische Import/Export-Bausteine.
It is part of development package PCAL in software component PY-XX. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "SAP HR Payroll Application Development".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Import error: Version number in type pool &1: &2; version PCL2: &3
001Import error: No result found for key &1 &2 &3
002Cluster indicator &1 or ISO code does not exist!
003Syntax error during generation: &1 (line &2, ABAP term &3)
004No read authorization for PCL2 cluster &1
005No write authorization for PCL2 cluster &1
006Import error: Structures do not match
007Only 36 clusters can be processed simultaneously!
008No entry for cluster &1 in table T52RELID
009No periods to be evaluated for personnel number &1
010Payroll result for cluster &1 has only been partially imported
011Include with the source text for generated FORMS was not found
012Error during export
013Programming error: empty key. See long text 013 in HRPAY99IMPEXP.
017Export of payroll directory (RGDIR) not allowed
018No authorization for payroll cluster
019No authorization for PCLx cluster
020No payroll results found for personnel number &1
021Typing error in import
030When CE is activated, RP-EXP-C2-RU must no longer be used
031Export without filled VERSC-PERSDATA for RX-KEY = &1.
100Inconsistencies in the buffer (TBUFF <--> BUFFERIR)
200Release restrictions due to CLC process - see long text
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