HRPAY99_XPRAS - Nachrichten f�r XPRA-Reports der Personalabrechnung

The following messages are stored in message class HRPAY99_XPRAS: Nachrichten f�r XPRA-Reports der Personalabrechnung.
It is part of development package PCAL in software component PY-XX. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "SAP HR Payroll Application Development".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Conversion of table T52C0 (SAP standard schemas)
001Conversion of table T52C1 (customer-specific schemas), client &
002Number of total records..........&
003Number of converted records.....&
004Records already converted.......&
005Table T52C0 has already been successfully converted
006Table T52C1 has already been successfully converted (client &)
007Error on updating table T52C0
008Error on updating table T52C1
009No table entries to be converted found
010Conversion results in ' ' in key field &1 &2 &3
011Table &1 must be restructured or converted manually
012Table &1 not converted
013&1 must be started manually due to "Zero downtime maintenance"
100--- rpu46a_payroll_infotype ---
101& country keys were found
102Customizing Payroll infotype found in client: &
103Various evaluation WTs in various clients - WT assignment
104Conversion & successful, country key not assigned
105XPRA not executed because of false start release
106Customizing different in the clients-> convert manually
107ROLLBACK ! -> Table NOT modified
108MODIFY error - Inconsistent Customizing in table &
109Conversion of table & successful
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