HRPAYSK_INS - Trieda spr�v pre Payroll / Poistenie (slovensk� verzia)

The following messages are stored in message class HRPAYSK_INS: Trieda spr�v pre Payroll / Poistenie (slovensk� verzia).
It is part of development package PC31 in software component PY-SK. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Payroll objects HR SK".
Message Nr
Message Text
005Payment day '&1' may be incorrect. Check T549S!
006Pers.n.&1: Incorrectly entered or missing entry in IT0121!
007Pers.n.&1: Ref.num.list is different from the pers.number list &2.
009No IT0001 entry valid at &1. The 31CHG attribute can not be evaluated!
010No valid entry in table WPBP. The 31CHG attribute can not be evaluated!
011Value of the 31CHG attr.'&1' does not have the required DD.MM.YYYY form!
012Value of the 31CHG attribute: '&1'.
013Value of the 31CHG attribute not found! Functionality '&1' inactive.
014The 31CHG attribute for funcionality '&1' has the value of date: '&2'.
015Accordinng to 31CHG the functionality '&1' is active to date &2
016Accordinng to 31CHG the functionality '&1' is not active to date &2
017SKIF operation parameter SKIF '&1' is not supported!
018Contract type &1 can not be used before date 01.07.2018!
020KVKZ1='&1' => participation in HI not created!
021KVKZ1='&1' / TYZEC='&2' / Pension: &3 => participation on HI: &4
022KVKZ1='&1' / TYZEC='&2' => particip.on HI: &3
026Amount of 13th/14th remun.exempt from the levy (&1) exceeds 500 EUR!
027EE with zero inc.(&1) has zero income, shoud have P0253-SVA04='N' or ''!
028EE inc.(&1) has non-zero inc., should have P0253-SVA04='V' or ''!
029EE with zero inc.(&1) may have P0253-SVA04='V','N',''. Act.has:'&2'!
030Participation in health insurance created! (premiums will be calculated)
031Unable to find a valid entry in the table SV!
032Unknown code '&1' in T7SK47V-PRIJM (regular/irregul.). Correct the entry!
033Participation in health insurance not created! (P0253-SVA04 = 'N') health insurance not created! (ZECD1..4/ret.age+retir.pens.) health insurance not created! (pension/inv.40%/ret.inv.pens.)
036Wage type /102 was deleted (canceled)!
037Unsupported code '&1' in P0253-KVKZ1. Correct your entry!
038Wage typu /102 left without changes ( insurance is created)!
039Unable to determine health insurance. See log for details
040Code '&1' v P0253-SVA04 (Income type HI) is obsolete. Correct the entry!
041Unable to read valid data from infotype 0016/0253 for period &1!
042Income type 'N' requires entry of HI payment code (P0253-KVKZ1) = '0'!
043Unknown code '&1' in P0253-SVA04 (Income type HI). Correct the entry!
044HI income type 'C' should not be used. Use D or V! (P0253-SVA04)
045&1: Non-zero HI income, non-zero HI insur.days! (HI not paid)
046Employee (&1) has HI income type ' ', 'V' or 'N' in P0253-SVA04!
047'M' = no LE&&Maternity (benef.)/Care for FM , 'T' = LE&&Matern.bonus/CFFM
048&1: Can not ask for HI cont.allow.for inactive per.num.! (P0253-KVKZ1=4)
049No valid 0253 infotype record found for personnel number: &1!
050No technical ID of person (central person) to personnel number &1 found!
051Multiple employment: &1 / first number of CP: &2 / HI calculation: &3
052Contr.allowance of HI required, deduct.item of HI cannot be requested!
053Participation in health ins.not created, deduct.item of HI cannot be req. hasn't been active for 1 day,deduct.item of HI cannot be request.
055Main pers.number to pers.number &1 could not be deterem.( IT0121)!
056No valid entry found in table T7SK47V for contr.type: &1 (on &2)!
057No valid P0016 infotype record found for pers.number: &1 (on: &2)!
058No valid entry found in table SV on: &1!
059Contract type is not relevant for HI deductible item!
060Worker on an agreem.with pension has active days: &1 and pens.days: &2!
061Consider a manual adjustment of the calculation basis of health insurance
062Participation in health insurance : &1
063Assessment base continuing into HI calculation: &1
064Assessment base from wage type cumulation: &1
065Assessment base after reduction due to pension: &1
066Main personnel number : &1
069Assessment base from WT cumulation (add.income): &1
070IT table must contain exactly one wage type record: &1!
071HI assessment bases after loading from global table:
072HI assessment bases after restriction to maximum limit:
073HI assessment bases after calculation of HI deductible item (HIA):
074Health insurance calculation results:
075K &1: Max.AB = &2 / deduct.item base = &3 / CA limit = &4
076HI assessment bases after evaluation of HI contr.allowance (LevyEx):
077HI assessment base limit from add.income on &1: = &2
078HI assessment bases from add.income after loading from global table:
079HI assessment bases from add.income after restriction to max.limit:
080Contract is rel.for evaluation of entitlement to HI DI : &1
081Personnel number requires evaluation of HI contr.all. : &1
082Unable to request HI contr.allow.on this contr.type (T7SK47V-ODPZP='')!
083Contract is HI CA relevant, but HI contr.allowance is not required!
084Contract is relevant for deductible item of HI : &1
085HI deductible item is required on this personnel number: &1
086Unable to request HI deductible item on this personnel number!
087The manual adjust.of HI DI entered will be ignored (HI DI not required)!
088Entered manual adjustment of HI deductible item, amount: &1, days: &2
089Manual adjustment od HI DI is entered on several pers.numbers - check!
090Contr.allowance of HI cannot be acknowledged due tu ER's debt towards HI
091Contr.allowance of HI has been applied for 12 consecutive months
092Income to judge the entitl.for contr.allowance of HI is higher than limit
093Contr.allowance of HI cannot be evaluated - wrong data in previous period
094Contr.allowance for HI cannot be acknowl., if entry is not in cur.month
095Change the entry of infotype 0253. KVKZ1 must be different from '4'.
096Employer dept towards HI cannot be evaluated: &1. Unknown code of HI!
097Applied deductible HI item (Pl.: &1 /Sum: &2 /Days: &3)
098Calculation phase &1 did not run due to error! Check the payroll log.
099Results of health insurance calculation from add.income:
100Calculation input parameters (customizing T7SK3*)
101It is necessary to mark the additionally paid income (P0253-SVA04 = 'V')!
102The employee has dividends paid [Yes/No]: &1
103(PROVIDE_INSURANCE_CALCULATION) Calcul.premiums in progress, phase: &1
104Social insurance contrib.without div.EE:,xx ER:,xx
105Social insurance contrib.with dividents EE:,xx ER:,xx
106Table content IT_ADD after the main insurance contrib.calculation
107'A' = active, 'I' = inactive, 'E' - no LE&&Exl., 'N' - no LE&&INTRP
108'F' = Full month LE&&Inter., 'Y' = partial LE&&Inter, 'C' = ZEC after LE
109'L' = Levy ex.(full month), 'Z' = Levy ex.(ZECNRO->ZEC), '-' - irrelevant
110Dividends have not been paid - insurance contr.calculation runs only once
111(0) Dividends have been paid - insurance contr.calcul.mode "NO DIVIDENDS"
112(0) Dividends have been paid - insur.contr.calcul.mode "WITH DIVIDENDS"
113IT5Y3A: Bases after fill.from IT minus divid. (/1*->AMT_B1,/*->AMT_B1_2)
114IT5Y3A: B1_2 adjusted - only current (B1_2 =B1 - B1_2)
115IT5Y3A: Only records relevant to calculation of premiums.
116SVSPA_SUM: Initial state after loading from IT5Y3A
117SVSPA_SUM: Bases after adjustment of the limits (EE)
118IT_ADD: Differences between _IN and _OUT documented by T7SK3B-LGART1*
119SVSPA_SUM: Bases after adjustment of the limits (ER)
120IT_ADD: Differences between _IN and _OUT documented by T7SK3B-LGART2
121* Health insurance (including insurance from dividends) => T7SK3B-LGART2
122OBSOLETE!: SVSPA_SUM adjusted (reduced) according to LGART2_COR
123OBSOLETE!: IT5Y3A adjusted (reduced) according to LGART2_COR
124IT5Y3A: Status after pro rata allocation according to (D)ISTING
125IT5Y3C: Results of the calculation of insurance premiums and contrib.
126IT5Y3A: Insurance and contrib.after pro rata alloc.from IT5Y3C to IT5Y3A
127Days UP(BP) /T1E(F): &1 / NUM=&2 / RTE=&3.
128There are zero HI ins.days for HI AB recal.of an agr.worker with pension!
129Total of pers.income was retro.changed, necessary to use /944 (AB recal.)
130Base (income from empl.) for assessing entitlement to HI contr.allow.: &1
131There is no contract with the relevant income for HI contrib.allowance!
132Insurable income after claiming the HI contrib.allowance: &1
133Income exempt from health insurance (HI contrib.allowance claimed): &1
134Entered code P0253-KVKZ1 '&1' is obsolete, system uses code '0'!
135Insurable income (health insurance contrib.allowance not claimed.): &1
136Reduced rate of health insurance (KVKZ1: &1 / INV.D: &2).
137Full rate of health insurance (KVKZ1: &1 / INV.D: &2).
138Ref.personal numbers must have the same code KVKZ1 in infotype 0253!
139Code KVKZ1='4' shall be indicated on the main pers.n.&1 only, not on &2!
140Insurable income without claiming the contrib.allowance of HI: &1
141Contrib.allowance of health insurance not claimed.
142Contrib.allowance of health insurance not claimed! (conditions not met)
143Contribution allowance of health insurance not required (KVKZ1 <> '4').
144Contribution allowance of health insurance is required (KVKZ1 = '4').
145Contribution allowance for health insurance not required
146Contribution allowance for health insurance required
147Health insurance days: &1
148&1: non-zero HI income, non-zero HI ins.days. Enter P0253-SVA04=V!
149Worker on agr.(&1) must have HI income type 'D' or 'V' in P0253-SVA04!
150After activation of fuctionality 001 (31CHG) required to use new scheme!
151Functionality 001 is active in IN-period, bud inactive in FOR-period!
152It is required to use enforced calculation of insurance and taxes (M990)!
153Agreem.worker has ins.days, HI income type (P0253-SVA04) should be 'AW'
154Health ins.contr. FOR-periods &1 recalculated based on /3C2=0 (IT0015)!
155HI income type P0253-SVA04=V, but income 0!Insured days will not be adj.
156PerNum.&1 has HI code= &2, other ref.num.has HI code: &3! (P0253-KVSFR)
157PerNum.&1 has ID for HI= &2, other ref.num.has ID: &3! (P0253-MITNR)
158PerNum.&1 has no entry in the mand.field ID for HI (P0253-MITNR)!
159AW with pen.for sh.not have P0253-SVA04=V,HI not paid for
160Code '&1' entered for insurance &2 is obsolete, system uses code '&3'!
161Code '&1' entered for insurance &2 not valid! Edit infotype 0253.
162For insur.&2 the code '&1' is entered. Insur.contribution EE: &3 ER: &4.
163No wage types defined for insurance type '&1'!
164Invalid type of insurance: '&1'!
165&1 - cumulative income: &2 premium contribution: EE-&3 ER-&4
166Social insurance days inclusive pension (&1): &2
167&1 - cumulative income: &2 premium contribution: ER-&3
168Contribution allowance is required (SI CA) : &1 &2
169Social insurance days (number: &2 ): &1
170Regular/Irregular income for SI: &1
171Pers.number has contract of type 'AgreemWork' : &1 (TypZEC: &2)
172Maximum assessment base on &1 is: &2.
173Premium rate for employee on &1 is: &2.
174Premium rate for employer on &1 is: &2.
175SI contribution allowance is entered differently on indiv.ref.numbers!
176SI range: &1
177AB exemption: &1 AfterLeav.: &2 Active days: &3
178'X' active, '.' inactive, 'P' pension, 'E' abs.excl., 'N' abs.interrup.
179'L' abs.excl.&&pension, 'R' abs.interrup.&&pension, '-' not relevant
180Personal numbers and SI parameters after reading from global table:
181SI assessment bases for employee for personal number &1:
182SI assessment bases for employer for personal number &1:
183Max.student income &1 for SI on &2 is: &3.
184Adjust infotype 0016!
185In this month a student aged &1 with income &2 must have made a
186contract of type ZECD4 or ZECD3.
187contract of type ZECD4N or ZECD3N.
188contract of type ZECD3V or ZECD3.
189contract of type ZECD3NV or ZECD3N.
190In this month a student over the age of 26 years must not have
191contract of type ZECD3V, ZECD3VN, ZECD4, ZECD4N.
192Social insurance contribution allowance for pers.number &1 applied
193Income (&1) for assessing SI CA is higher than the limit (&2)
194Social insurance contribution applied for 12 consecutive months
195SI contr.allow.can not be granted because of the employer's debt to SI.
196SI contr.allow.cannot be evaluated - wrong data in previous period
197SI contr.allow.cannot be granted, if entry is not in the current month
198The contract IT0016 must be amended to contract with the ZEC code!
199Social insurance contribution allowance for pers.number &1 not applied!
200SI calculated for personal number &1:
203Social insurance total for employee (EE): &1
204Social insurance total for employer (ER): &1
205SI contr.allow.apllied for pers.num.&1, but retroactively canceled!
206SI contr.allow.apllied only till &1th day of month (CA entitl.expires)
207Social insurance total for whole person for employee (EE): &1
208Social insurance total for whole person for employer (ER): &1
209Personal number &1 has paid dividends in total of: &2
210Social insurance total for employee (AB without dividends) (EE): &1
211Social insurance total for employer (AB without dividends) (ER): &1
213&1: Change of contr.type ( other emp.and vice versa) unauth.!
214&1: Change of type of income ( regular and vice versa) unauth.!
215&1: Insufficient retro calculation depth!
216&1: Calculation must start with the entry month (&2)!
217&1: Calculation must include the last insured period (&2 - &3)!
218&1: SI allocation period start (&2) is bef.the date of 31CHG/002
219&1: Check the SI allocation amount entered (M680 in IT0014)!
220Detailed assessment bases of SI for employee for personal number &1:
221Detailed assessment bases of SI for employer for personal number &1:
222&1: Monthly SI allocation (in per. &3 - &4) shloud be: &2
223Function 002 is active in IN-period, but inactive in FOR-period!
224VPP amount change (&1 -> &2). Add P0253-SVA05='X' to IN-period.
225VPP base change not recognized (&1 -> &2).
226Conditions(INper=Yes,FORper=No) met. Evaluation will continue
227Conditions(INper=Yes,FORper=No)not met. End of evaluation SKSPL.
228Additional splitting of SI wage types when recalcul.over edge 31CHG(002)
229Period IN active 31CHG(002):
230Period FOR active 31CHG(002):
231Wage type processing:
232'U' - contrib.allow., 'C' - CA excl., 'M' - Maternity benefits
233(retroactively canceled)
234SI contrib.allowance first time canceled in the current IN period
235Max.income of the spec.agreement expemp.from SI (&1) to date &2 is: &3
236SI contrib.allow.retroact.canceled without a reason ! (ZECDNSDP v IT0016)
237Total aver.month.income for SI CA (&1) is lower than limit (&2)
238Total aver.month.income for SI CA (&1) is higher than limit (&2)!
239Contr.type IT0016 has to be changed to contr.with code ZECDNSDP from &!
240Agr.worker with irreg.income (&1), income shall be leav.month!
241Total income since the agreement start shall be &1
242Income after leaving (&1) shall be proportionally &2
243Income during absence (&1) will be proportion.budgeted to per.: &2
244Deactivation of 31CHG(001) is not allowed!
245Deactivation of 31CHG(002) is not allowed!
246Irregular income (&1) is counted in the period: &2
247No last SI insured period, income (&1) not counted!
248Income after leaving (&1) proportionally allocated into CA period: &2
250&1: Manually forced retro recalc.&2 due to SI proport.all.!
251&1: Automatically forced recalc.into &2 due to SI proport.all.!
254Manual correction T7SKSPOPRV
255Wage types deleted from IT table:
256Wage types entered into IT table:
257Remuneration during the summer holiday season:
258Remuneration during Christmas holidays:
259Entitlement to the contrib.exemption from the 13th/14th remun.:
26013th/14th remuneration can not be entered before 2018!
261Evaluation of conditions
26213th remuneration can only be entered in May (June)
26314th remuneration can only be entered in November (December)
26413th/14th defined for a labor contract (ZEC type)
26513th/14th below the average monthly earnings (&1 EUR)
266Contract duration (&2 months) for 13th/14th less &1 than months
267Average monthly earnings for 13th/14th remuneration not found
268There is no 13th remuneration for the contib.exemption of the 14th remun.
26913th remuneration may only be entered once a year
27014th remuneration may only be entered once a year
271Remuneration reversed without M990
274HSKCALC0: Simulation of settlement with prop.calc.of SI may be wrong!
275HSKCALC0:Settlement not allowed for multiple employm.! (Req.via HSKCALCM)
276HSKCALC0: Settlement simulation for multiple employment may be wrong!
277No settlement simulation (HSKCALC0) is possible for multiple jobs!
278Type of contr.(&1) can only be used for a pensioner agreem.worker
279Type of cont.(&1) should be changed to: &2! Edit IT0016. (income: &3)
280Type of cont.(&1) must be changed to: &2! Edit IT0016. (income: &3)
281COSFM start &1 does not match 7/OC start in 0621: &2
282End of 7/OC in 0621 is &2, COSFM date &1 is expected
283For excl.period of COSFM &1-&2 there is no 7/OC entry in 0621
284Check 7/OC in 0621. There is an interrup.during this period due to COSFM
28513th compensation does not achieve the minimum amount (500 EUR)
286Negative SI AB (&1). Consider forced recalcul.of (/992)!
301Child Bonus (children): &1 &2 &3
306Transfers do not match / 34 *. Contact SAP
307 - of which tax calculated at the standard rate: &1 &2
308 - of which tax calculated at an increased rate (&3%): &1 &2
309&1: Personal numbers (&2) do not have the same retro depth!
317Base /3A6 does not correspond to /C06*. Contact SAP
318&1: Personal numbers (&2) were not counted together in one run!
319Evaluation of 13./14. remuneration irrelevant after 01.01.2021
320* Tax bonus for children:
321Wage type &1 not found in table T512W
322Change WT &1 to &2 (according P0033-SKST)
323CATERING: WT &1 processing
325No MD for meals was found
326Loaded derived WT &1 with value according to T510J: &2 EUR
329There is no corresponding entry in P0033-SKST for WT &1
330Check the claim for non-taxable amount in 0252, employee dismissed!
331Check the claim for tax bonus amount in 0252, employee dismissed!
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