HRPAYSK_INS - Trieda spr�v pre Payroll / Poistenie (slovensk� verzia)
The following messages are stored in message class HRPAYSK_INS: Trieda spr�v pre Payroll / Poistenie (slovensk� verzia).
It is part of development package PC31 in software component PY-SK. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Payroll objects HR SK".
It is part of development package PC31 in software component PY-SK. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Payroll objects HR SK".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
005 | Payment day '&1' may be incorrect. Check T549S! |
006 | Pers.n.&1: Incorrectly entered or missing entry in IT0121! |
007 | Pers.n.&1: Ref.num.list is different from the pers.number list &2. |
009 | No IT0001 entry valid at &1. The 31CHG attribute can not be evaluated! |
010 | No valid entry in table WPBP. The 31CHG attribute can not be evaluated! |
011 | Value of the 31CHG attr.'&1' does not have the required DD.MM.YYYY form! |
012 | Value of the 31CHG attribute: '&1'. |
013 | Value of the 31CHG attribute not found! Functionality '&1' inactive. |
014 | The 31CHG attribute for funcionality '&1' has the value of date: '&2'. |
015 | Accordinng to 31CHG the functionality '&1' is active to date &2 |
016 | Accordinng to 31CHG the functionality '&1' is not active to date &2 |
017 | SKIF operation parameter SKIF '&1' is not supported! |
018 | Contract type &1 can not be used before date 01.07.2018! |
020 | KVKZ1='&1' => participation in HI not created! |
021 | KVKZ1='&1' / TYZEC='&2' / Pension: &3 => participation on HI: &4 |
022 | KVKZ1='&1' / TYZEC='&2' => particip.on HI: &3 |
026 | Amount of 13th/14th remun.exempt from the levy (&1) exceeds 500 EUR! |
027 | EE with zero inc.(&1) has zero income, shoud have P0253-SVA04='N' or ''! |
028 | EE inc.(&1) has non-zero inc., should have P0253-SVA04='V' or ''! |
029 | EE with zero inc.(&1) may have P0253-SVA04='V','N',''. Act.has:'&2'! |
030 | Participation in health insurance created! (premiums will be calculated) |
031 | Unable to find a valid entry in the table SV! |
032 | Unknown code '&1' in T7SK47V-PRIJM (regular/irregul.). Correct the entry! |
033 | Participation in health insurance not created! (P0253-SVA04 = 'N') |
034 | health insurance not created! (ZECD1..4/ret.age+retir.pens.) |
035 | health insurance not created! (pension/inv.40%/ret.inv.pens.) |
036 | Wage type /102 was deleted (canceled)! |
037 | Unsupported code '&1' in P0253-KVKZ1. Correct your entry! |
038 | Wage typu /102 left without changes ( insurance is created)! |
039 | Unable to determine health insurance. See log for details |
040 | Code '&1' v P0253-SVA04 (Income type HI) is obsolete. Correct the entry! |
041 | Unable to read valid data from infotype 0016/0253 for period &1! |
042 | Income type 'N' requires entry of HI payment code (P0253-KVKZ1) = '0'! |
043 | Unknown code '&1' in P0253-SVA04 (Income type HI). Correct the entry! |
044 | HI income type 'C' should not be used. Use D or V! (P0253-SVA04) |
045 | &1: Non-zero HI income, non-zero HI insur.days! (HI not paid) |
046 | Employee (&1) has HI income type ' ', 'V' or 'N' in P0253-SVA04! |
047 | 'M' = no LE&&Maternity (benef.)/Care for FM , 'T' = LE&&Matern.bonus/CFFM |
048 | &1: Can not ask for HI cont.allow.for inactive per.num.! (P0253-KVKZ1=4) |
049 | No valid 0253 infotype record found for personnel number: &1! |
050 | No technical ID of person (central person) to personnel number &1 found! |
051 | Multiple employment: &1 / first number of CP: &2 / HI calculation: &3 |
052 | Contr.allowance of HI required, deduct.item of HI cannot be requested! |
053 | Participation in health ins.not created, deduct.item of HI cannot be req. |
054 | hasn't been active for 1 day,deduct.item of HI cannot be request. |
055 | Main pers.number to pers.number &1 could not be deterem.( IT0121)! |
056 | No valid entry found in table T7SK47V for contr.type: &1 (on &2)! |
057 | No valid P0016 infotype record found for pers.number: &1 (on: &2)! |
058 | No valid entry found in table SV on: &1! |
059 | Contract type is not relevant for HI deductible item! |
060 | Worker on an agreem.with pension has active days: &1 and pens.days: &2! |
061 | Consider a manual adjustment of the calculation basis of health insurance |
062 | Participation in health insurance : &1 |
063 | Assessment base continuing into HI calculation: &1 |
064 | Assessment base from wage type cumulation: &1 |
065 | Assessment base after reduction due to pension: &1 |
066 | Main personnel number : &1 |
069 | Assessment base from WT cumulation (add.income): &1 |
070 | IT table must contain exactly one wage type record: &1! |
071 | HI assessment bases after loading from global table: |
072 | HI assessment bases after restriction to maximum limit: |
073 | HI assessment bases after calculation of HI deductible item (HIA): |
074 | Health insurance calculation results: |
075 | K &1: Max.AB = &2 / deduct.item base = &3 / CA limit = &4 |
076 | HI assessment bases after evaluation of HI contr.allowance (LevyEx): |
077 | HI assessment base limit from add.income on &1: = &2 |
078 | HI assessment bases from add.income after loading from global table: |
079 | HI assessment bases from add.income after restriction to max.limit: |
080 | Contract is rel.for evaluation of entitlement to HI DI : &1 |
081 | Personnel number requires evaluation of HI contr.all. : &1 |
082 | Unable to request HI contr.allow.on this contr.type (T7SK47V-ODPZP='')! |
083 | Contract is HI CA relevant, but HI contr.allowance is not required! |
084 | Contract is relevant for deductible item of HI : &1 |
085 | HI deductible item is required on this personnel number: &1 |
086 | Unable to request HI deductible item on this personnel number! |
087 | The manual adjust.of HI DI entered will be ignored (HI DI not required)! |
088 | Entered manual adjustment of HI deductible item, amount: &1, days: &2 |
089 | Manual adjustment od HI DI is entered on several pers.numbers - check! |
090 | Contr.allowance of HI cannot be acknowledged due tu ER's debt towards HI |
091 | Contr.allowance of HI has been applied for 12 consecutive months |
092 | Income to judge the entitl.for contr.allowance of HI is higher than limit |
093 | Contr.allowance of HI cannot be evaluated - wrong data in previous period |
094 | Contr.allowance for HI cannot be acknowl., if entry is not in cur.month |
095 | Change the entry of infotype 0253. KVKZ1 must be different from '4'. |
096 | Employer dept towards HI cannot be evaluated: &1. Unknown code of HI! |
097 | Applied deductible HI item (Pl.: &1 /Sum: &2 /Days: &3) |
098 | Calculation phase &1 did not run due to error! Check the payroll log. |
099 | Results of health insurance calculation from add.income: |
100 | Calculation input parameters (customizing T7SK3*) |
101 | It is necessary to mark the additionally paid income (P0253-SVA04 = 'V')! |
102 | The employee has dividends paid [Yes/No]: &1 |
103 | (PROVIDE_INSURANCE_CALCULATION) Calcul.premiums in progress, phase: &1 |
104 | Social insurance contrib.without div.EE:,xx ER:,xx |
105 | Social insurance contrib.with dividents EE:,xx ER:,xx |
106 | Table content IT_ADD after the main insurance contrib.calculation |
107 | 'A' = active, 'I' = inactive, 'E' - no LE&&Exl., 'N' - no LE&&INTRP |
108 | 'F' = Full month LE&&Inter., 'Y' = partial LE&&Inter, 'C' = ZEC after LE |
109 | 'L' = Levy ex.(full month), 'Z' = Levy ex.(ZECNRO->ZEC), '-' - irrelevant |
110 | Dividends have not been paid - insurance contr.calculation runs only once |
111 | (0) Dividends have been paid - insurance contr.calcul.mode "NO DIVIDENDS" |
112 | (0) Dividends have been paid - insur.contr.calcul.mode "WITH DIVIDENDS" |
113 | IT5Y3A: Bases after fill.from IT minus divid. (/1*->AMT_B1,/*->AMT_B1_2) |
114 | IT5Y3A: B1_2 adjusted - only current (B1_2 =B1 - B1_2) |
115 | IT5Y3A: Only records relevant to calculation of premiums. |
116 | SVSPA_SUM: Initial state after loading from IT5Y3A |
117 | SVSPA_SUM: Bases after adjustment of the limits (EE) |
118 | IT_ADD: Differences between _IN and _OUT documented by T7SK3B-LGART1* |
119 | SVSPA_SUM: Bases after adjustment of the limits (ER) |
120 | IT_ADD: Differences between _IN and _OUT documented by T7SK3B-LGART2 |
121 | * Health insurance (including insurance from dividends) => T7SK3B-LGART2 |
122 | OBSOLETE!: SVSPA_SUM adjusted (reduced) according to LGART2_COR |
123 | OBSOLETE!: IT5Y3A adjusted (reduced) according to LGART2_COR |
124 | IT5Y3A: Status after pro rata allocation according to (D)ISTING |
125 | IT5Y3C: Results of the calculation of insurance premiums and contrib. |
126 | IT5Y3A: Insurance and contrib.after pro rata alloc.from IT5Y3C to IT5Y3A |
127 | Days UP(BP) /T1E(F): &1 / NUM=&2 / RTE=&3. |
128 | There are zero HI ins.days for HI AB recal.of an agr.worker with pension! |
129 | Total of pers.income was retro.changed, necessary to use /944 (AB recal.) |
130 | Base (income from empl.) for assessing entitlement to HI contr.allow.: &1 |
131 | There is no contract with the relevant income for HI contrib.allowance! |
132 | Insurable income after claiming the HI contrib.allowance: &1 |
133 | Income exempt from health insurance (HI contrib.allowance claimed): &1 |
134 | Entered code P0253-KVKZ1 '&1' is obsolete, system uses code '0'! |
135 | Insurable income (health insurance contrib.allowance not claimed.): &1 |
136 | Reduced rate of health insurance (KVKZ1: &1 / INV.D: &2). |
137 | Full rate of health insurance (KVKZ1: &1 / INV.D: &2). |
138 | Ref.personal numbers must have the same code KVKZ1 in infotype 0253! |
139 | Code KVKZ1='4' shall be indicated on the main pers.n.&1 only, not on &2! |
140 | Insurable income without claiming the contrib.allowance of HI: &1 |
141 | Contrib.allowance of health insurance not claimed. |
142 | Contrib.allowance of health insurance not claimed! (conditions not met) |
143 | Contribution allowance of health insurance not required (KVKZ1 <> '4'). |
144 | Contribution allowance of health insurance is required (KVKZ1 = '4'). |
145 | Contribution allowance for health insurance not required |
146 | Contribution allowance for health insurance required |
147 | Health insurance days: &1 |
148 | &1: non-zero HI income, non-zero HI ins.days. Enter P0253-SVA04=V! |
149 | Worker on agr.(&1) must have HI income type 'D' or 'V' in P0253-SVA04! |
150 | After activation of fuctionality 001 (31CHG) required to use new scheme! |
151 | Functionality 001 is active in IN-period, bud inactive in FOR-period! |
152 | It is required to use enforced calculation of insurance and taxes (M990)! |
153 | Agreem.worker has ins.days, HI income type (P0253-SVA04) should be 'AW' |
154 | Health ins.contr. FOR-periods &1 recalculated based on /3C2=0 (IT0015)! |
155 | HI income type P0253-SVA04=V, but income 0!Insured days will not be adj. |
156 | PerNum.&1 has HI code= &2, other ref.num.has HI code: &3! (P0253-KVSFR) |
157 | PerNum.&1 has ID for HI= &2, other ref.num.has ID: &3! (P0253-MITNR) |
158 | PerNum.&1 has no entry in the mand.field ID for HI (P0253-MITNR)! |
159 | AW with pen.for sh.not have P0253-SVA04=V,HI not paid for |
160 | Code '&1' entered for insurance &2 is obsolete, system uses code '&3'! |
161 | Code '&1' entered for insurance &2 not valid! Edit infotype 0253. |
162 | For insur.&2 the code '&1' is entered. Insur.contribution EE: &3 ER: &4. |
163 | No wage types defined for insurance type '&1'! |
164 | Invalid type of insurance: '&1'! |
165 | &1 - cumulative income: &2 premium contribution: EE-&3 ER-&4 |
166 | Social insurance days inclusive pension (&1): &2 |
167 | &1 - cumulative income: &2 premium contribution: ER-&3 |
168 | Contribution allowance is required (SI CA) : &1 &2 |
169 | Social insurance days (number: &2 ): &1 |
170 | Regular/Irregular income for SI: &1 |
171 | Pers.number has contract of type 'AgreemWork' : &1 (TypZEC: &2) |
172 | Maximum assessment base on &1 is: &2. |
173 | Premium rate for employee on &1 is: &2. |
174 | Premium rate for employer on &1 is: &2. |
175 | SI contribution allowance is entered differently on indiv.ref.numbers! |
176 | SI range: &1 |
177 | AB exemption: &1 AfterLeav.: &2 Active days: &3 |
178 | 'X' active, '.' inactive, 'P' pension, 'E' abs.excl., 'N' abs.interrup. |
179 | 'L' abs.excl.&&pension, 'R' abs.interrup.&&pension, '-' not relevant |
180 | Personal numbers and SI parameters after reading from global table: |
181 | SI assessment bases for employee for personal number &1: |
182 | SI assessment bases for employer for personal number &1: |
183 | Max.student income &1 for SI on &2 is: &3. |
184 | Adjust infotype 0016! |
185 | In this month a student aged &1 with income &2 must have made a |
186 | contract of type ZECD4 or ZECD3. |
187 | contract of type ZECD4N or ZECD3N. |
188 | contract of type ZECD3V or ZECD3. |
189 | contract of type ZECD3NV or ZECD3N. |
190 | In this month a student over the age of 26 years must not have |
191 | contract of type ZECD3V, ZECD3VN, ZECD4, ZECD4N. |
192 | Social insurance contribution allowance for pers.number &1 applied |
193 | Income (&1) for assessing SI CA is higher than the limit (&2) |
194 | Social insurance contribution applied for 12 consecutive months |
195 | SI contr.allow.can not be granted because of the employer's debt to SI. |
196 | SI contr.allow.cannot be evaluated - wrong data in previous period |
197 | SI contr.allow.cannot be granted, if entry is not in the current month |
198 | The contract IT0016 must be amended to contract with the ZEC code! |
199 | Social insurance contribution allowance for pers.number &1 not applied! |
200 | SI calculated for personal number &1: |
201 | Yes |
202 | No |
203 | Social insurance total for employee (EE): &1 |
204 | Social insurance total for employer (ER): &1 |
205 | SI contr.allow.apllied for pers.num.&1, but retroactively canceled! |
206 | SI contr.allow.apllied only till &1th day of month (CA entitl.expires) |
207 | Social insurance total for whole person for employee (EE): &1 |
208 | Social insurance total for whole person for employer (ER): &1 |
209 | Personal number &1 has paid dividends in total of: &2 |
210 | Social insurance total for employee (AB without dividends) (EE): &1 |
211 | Social insurance total for employer (AB without dividends) (ER): &1 |
213 | &1: Change of contr.type ( other emp.and vice versa) unauth.! |
214 | &1: Change of type of income ( regular and vice versa) unauth.! |
215 | &1: Insufficient retro calculation depth! |
216 | &1: Calculation must start with the entry month (&2)! |
217 | &1: Calculation must include the last insured period (&2 - &3)! |
218 | &1: SI allocation period start (&2) is bef.the date of 31CHG/002 |
219 | &1: Check the SI allocation amount entered (M680 in IT0014)! |
220 | Detailed assessment bases of SI for employee for personal number &1: |
221 | Detailed assessment bases of SI for employer for personal number &1: |
222 | &1: Monthly SI allocation (in per. &3 - &4) shloud be: &2 |
223 | Function 002 is active in IN-period, but inactive in FOR-period! |
224 | VPP amount change (&1 -> &2). Add P0253-SVA05='X' to IN-period. |
225 | VPP base change not recognized (&1 -> &2). |
226 | Conditions(INper=Yes,FORper=No) met. Evaluation will continue |
227 | Conditions(INper=Yes,FORper=No)not met. End of evaluation SKSPL. |
228 | Additional splitting of SI wage types when recalcul.over edge 31CHG(002) |
229 | Period IN active 31CHG(002): |
230 | Period FOR active 31CHG(002): |
231 | Wage type processing: |
232 | 'U' - contrib.allow., 'C' - CA excl., 'M' - Maternity benefits |
233 | (retroactively canceled) |
234 | SI contrib.allowance first time canceled in the current IN period |
235 | Max.income of the spec.agreement expemp.from SI (&1) to date &2 is: &3 |
236 | SI contrib.allow.retroact.canceled without a reason ! (ZECDNSDP v IT0016) |
237 | Total aver.month.income for SI CA (&1) is lower than limit (&2) |
238 | Total aver.month.income for SI CA (&1) is higher than limit (&2)! |
239 | Contr.type IT0016 has to be changed to contr.with code ZECDNSDP from &! |
240 | Agr.worker with irreg.income (&1), income shall be leav.month! |
241 | Total income since the agreement start shall be &1 |
242 | Income after leaving (&1) shall be proportionally &2 |
243 | Income during absence (&1) will be proportion.budgeted to per.: &2 |
244 | Deactivation of 31CHG(001) is not allowed! |
245 | Deactivation of 31CHG(002) is not allowed! |
246 | Irregular income (&1) is counted in the period: &2 |
247 | No last SI insured period, income (&1) not counted! |
248 | Income after leaving (&1) proportionally allocated into CA period: &2 |
250 | &1: Manually forced retro recalc.&2 due to SI proport.all.! |
251 | &1: Automatically forced recalc.into &2 due to SI proport.all.! |
252 | Initialize |
253 | Processing |
254 | Manual correction T7SKSPOPRV |
255 | Wage types deleted from IT table: |
256 | Wage types entered into IT table: |
257 | Remuneration during the summer holiday season: |
258 | Remuneration during Christmas holidays: |
259 | Entitlement to the contrib.exemption from the 13th/14th remun.: |
260 | 13th/14th remuneration can not be entered before 2018! |
261 | Evaluation of conditions |
262 | 13th remuneration can only be entered in May (June) |
263 | 14th remuneration can only be entered in November (December) |
264 | 13th/14th defined for a labor contract (ZEC type) |
265 | 13th/14th below the average monthly earnings (&1 EUR) |
266 | Contract duration (&2 months) for 13th/14th less &1 than months |
267 | Average monthly earnings for 13th/14th remuneration not found |
268 | There is no 13th remuneration for the contib.exemption of the 14th remun. |
269 | 13th remuneration may only be entered once a year |
270 | 14th remuneration may only be entered once a year |
271 | Remuneration reversed without M990 |
274 | HSKCALC0: Simulation of settlement with prop.calc.of SI may be wrong! |
275 | HSKCALC0:Settlement not allowed for multiple employm.! (Req.via HSKCALCM) |
276 | HSKCALC0: Settlement simulation for multiple employment may be wrong! |
277 | No settlement simulation (HSKCALC0) is possible for multiple jobs! |
278 | Type of contr.(&1) can only be used for a pensioner agreem.worker |
279 | Type of cont.(&1) should be changed to: &2! Edit IT0016. (income: &3) |
280 | Type of cont.(&1) must be changed to: &2! Edit IT0016. (income: &3) |
281 | COSFM start &1 does not match 7/OC start in 0621: &2 |
282 | End of 7/OC in 0621 is &2, COSFM date &1 is expected |
283 | For excl.period of COSFM &1-&2 there is no 7/OC entry in 0621 |
284 | Check 7/OC in 0621. There is an interrup.during this period due to COSFM |
285 | 13th compensation does not achieve the minimum amount (500 EUR) |
286 | Negative SI AB (&1). Consider forced recalcul.of (/992)! |
301 | Child Bonus (children): &1 &2 &3 |
306 | Transfers do not match / 34 *. Contact SAP |
307 | - of which tax calculated at the standard rate: &1 &2 |
308 | - of which tax calculated at an increased rate (&3%): &1 &2 |
309 | &1: Personal numbers (&2) do not have the same retro depth! |
317 | Base /3A6 does not correspond to /C06*. Contact SAP |
318 | &1: Personal numbers (&2) were not counted together in one run! |
319 | Evaluation of 13./14. remuneration irrelevant after 01.01.2021 |
320 | * Tax bonus for children: |
321 | Wage type &1 not found in table T512W |
322 | Change WT &1 to &2 (according P0033-SKST) |
323 | CATERING: WT &1 processing |
324 | -------------------------------- |
325 | No MD for meals was found |
326 | Loaded derived WT &1 with value according to T510J: &2 EUR |
327 | Calculation: |
328 | Rest |
329 | There is no corresponding entry in P0033-SKST for WT &1 |
330 | Check the claim for non-taxable amount in 0252, employee dismissed! |
331 | Check the claim for tax bonus amount in 0252, employee dismissed! |