HRPIQ00ADVISOR - Messages for multiple Advisors

The following messages are stored in message class HRPIQ00ADVISOR: Messages for multiple Advisors.
It is part of development package PMIQ_E in software component IS-HER-CM-AD. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Campus Management, original language EN".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Invalid advisor function &1
001Invalid advising context type &1
002Invalid assignment of advising context type &1 to advisor function &2
003Only one main function or primary advisor is allowed
004Change of advisor assignment for &1 &2 is not allowed
005Student &1 cannot be its own advisor
006Advising context type &1 text not available
007Advisor function text &1 is not available
008Fill the context object for advising context &1
009Advisor &1 &2 already assigned to function &3.
010Maintain context as 'Object Type' or 'Structure and Component Name'
011Maintain Component Name for the given Structure Name
012Businness partner of the student cannot be assigned as its own advisor
013Advisor is not valid in the given time period
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