HRPIQGRADING - Grading Messages

The following messages are stored in message class HRPIQGRADING: Grading Messages.
It is part of development package PMIQ_E in software component IS-HER-CM-AD. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Campus Management, original language EN".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Technical error while updating table &1, return code &2
001Enter a valid appraisal type
002Enter a valid appraisal element
003Initial value is not allowed
004Cannot determine grade for grading scale &1 and standard value &2
005Grading scale &1 does not exist
006Error in grading scales; check Customizing settings
007Appraisal &1 does not exist
008Dependent appraisal &1 does not exist
009Appraisee &1 &2 does not exist
010Appraised object &1 &2 does not exist
011Appraiser &1 &2 does not exist
012Appraisal &1 does not exist
013Graded credits must not exceed attempted credits
014Technical error; appraisal was not created
015Data was saved
016Grade symbol &1 is not allowed in grading scale &2
017Technical error; appraised object is not unique
018Error; cannot determine academic calendar data
019Earned credits must not exceed attempted credits
020Appraisee does not exist
021You may not make an entry in this field of appraisal category &1
023Cannot find module
024Enter a grade symbol
025Appraisal category has initial value; cannot create appraisal
026Different appraisal keys for one appraisal
027Error while saving in function module HRIQ_APPRAISAL_CREATEFROMDATA
028Object type &1 is not allowed for module
029You are not authorized to perform this activity
031Appraisal scheme or standard appraisal scheme does not exist
032No entry allowed for alternative assessment method &1
033Enter a booking status
034Booking status &1 with canc. reason &2 is not relevant for appraisal
035Appraisal type &1 for student &2 was not saved; incorrect link
036Appraisal status &1 is not defined
037Earned or graded credits were automatically adjusted
038No read authorization for appraisal
039Booking status cannot be set to complete without appraisal completed
040RFC error:Note 1882417 must be implemented including kernel requirements
050Appraisal template &1 does not exist
051No structure is available for appraisal template &1
100Appraisal template &1 is already inserted
101Appraisal category &1 is already used in appraisal template &2
102Dependent entries will be deleted
103First choose a node or subnode
104Technical error while updating table &1
105Internal error; activity &1 is not defined
106Internal error while determining activity document
107No appraisal found for GUID &1
108No records in buffer for GUID &1; deletion is not possible
109Technical error; FM &1 was called with incorrect update type (&2)
120Function &1 is not allowed for activity &2 and object type &3
121Error while accessing database; see long text
122No description found for function &1
123Functions are incorrectly numbered
124No functions are available
125Template &1 cannot be saved without a structure
126Data is already saved; no change found
127Enter a module
128Enter an academic year
130Select the students for whom you want to run calculation
131Values were recalculated for the higher hierarchy levels
132Calculation was executed
133No calculation was executed
134Key figure &1 does not exist
135Key figure is not a grade; enter a different key figure
137Cannot create repetition attempt; no appraisal exists
138Repetition attempt was created
139Error while creating repetition attempt
140Appraisal data is already archived; changes are not possible
141Appraisal does not exist; cannot display change document
142First select one or more appraisals
143First select one or more students
144Repetition attempt already exists for student &1; cannot create again
150Appraisal &1 does not exist
151No modules found
200Appraiser could not be determined for user &1
201No academic session could not be determined
202No academic offerings found for appraiser &1
203Error while performing appraisal input check
250No appraisee found for the academic offering
251No appraisal type assigned to the academic offering
252User &1 is not assigned as appraiser
300Not all appraisals of other modules are complete
301Grade has been calculated for other modules included in appraisal
302Qualification cannot be deleted for the Graduated student
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