HRTNM_MSG - Message Class for Training Needs Management

The following messages are stored in message class HRTNM_MSG: Message Class for Training Needs Management.
It is part of development package P99S_TNM in software component PY-FR. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Training needs management".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Total of hours entered witin the grid (&1) must equal total duration (&2)
001Hours done outside working time (&1) must equal number of hours (&2)
002Status is a mandatory field
003Status Date is a mandatory field
004Enter a valid cost category for country grouping &1
005An entry already exists with this cost category &1
006TN duration does not equal total training duration
007Country Grouping is modified; all related fields are refreshed
008TN total duration (&1) differs from duration stored in the catalog (&2)
009&1 (IT&2): mandatory fields missing, insert at least one line in the grid
010Enter an amount
011Start Date after End Date for Business event period
012Enter a Cost Category
013Impossible to retrieve default duration from catalog object
014An entry with the same record exists
015Specify a valid cost item
016Specify a valid cost center
017Specify a valid personnel area
018Specify a valid personnel subarea
019Country Grouping has been modified; Cost item fields are refreshed
020&1 (IT&2): No data changed, no update
021&1 (IT&2): Infotype successfully created
022&1 (IT&2): Infotype successfully modified
023&1 (IT&2): error occurs during infotype creation
024&1 (IT&2): error occurs during infotype modification
025&1 (IT&2): infotype deleted successfully
026&1 (IT&2): error occurs during infotype deletion
027Date of &1 out of the Business Event Date
028Table & locked successfully
029Entries of table &1 successfully added to transport request &2
030Table & unlocked successfully
031Table entries successfully inserted in table &
032At least one entry could not be inserted in table &
033Table entries successfully deleted from table &
034At least one entry was not found in table & and couldn't be deleted
035SAP Training Need Management activated successfully
036SAP Training Need Management deactivated successfully
037SAP Training Need Management partially or not activated (see messages)
038SAP Training Need Management partially or not deactivated (see messages)
039&1 (IT&2): field &3 (&4) is mandatory
040Attendee &2 has been assigned to TN number &1
041Attendee &1 is already realized by training Needs number &2
042Nb of trainee assigned from obj &1 id &2 leads to a capacity overflow
043Assignment to TN &1 for employee number &2 has been deleted
044TN &1 assignment has been transferred to attendee &2
045Business event type &1 linked to current training need does not exist
046Training plan &1 linked to current training need does not exist
047Impossible to link inherited TN &1 to TP &2
048Trainee number of TN &1 is too high; maximum allowed is &2, instead &3
049Attendee assigned to TN &1 is partial for Wage Bill
050Copy operation cannot be performed for TN son object
051Impossible to create TN to TN relationship via drag&drop
052No data available for your entries
053Impossible to change TN validity: one or more errors occured
054Not possible to handle booking via current transaction; use PSV1 instead
055Impossible to change TN validity: error occurs during IT1000 update
056Total number of attendee (&1) attached to TN &2 is too low; mini. is &3
057Total of attendee cannot be lower than nb. of persons assigned (&1 vs &2)
058Training need validity dates successfully changed
059Impossible to change TN validity: please check if your object is saved
060Total of attendee cannot be higher than nb. of pers. to be assigned (&1)
061Error occurs during temse generation
062Error occurs during temse writing
063ALV variant does not exist
064Select one training plan snapshot to be displayed (only one)
065Select two training plan snapshots to be compared (just two)
066Status change required: select only one TP entry (last one)
067For status change operation, only last entry must be selected
068Snapshot creation impossible for current training plan status
069Select training plan snapshot to be deleted (only one)
070Process over: status change impossible
071Impossible to make comparison that involves delta file
072Test file type was chosen: no entry has been published
073File deletion forbidden from TNM transaction for selected entry
074Impossible to set status to "Final": "validate" or "done" files missing
075Display impossible: file attached to current entry cannot be found
076Assignment impossible: employee &1 still attached to another TN (&2)
077Please enter a scale basis
078User authorization missing for required operation
079Only nine costs entries are allowed
080The relationship cost category and cost item & is not maintained in table
081Not possible to use drag and drop for object &1 within a TN hierarchy
082TNM activation impossible: customizing of object(s) &1 missing
083TNM Booking Integration : Customizing Entry is missing in table T77AR.
084Date of &1 is mandatory
085Filter/Missing data (object &1 &2): no men nor women entered
086Filter/Missing data (object &1): no domain entered
087Filter/Missing data (object &1 &2): no training employee group entered
088Pernr is not booked to the Event
089Training type is mandatory
090Training plan Category is mandatory
091Cost Item is mandatory
092Employee &1 not assigned to current TN: not enough quota
093Training needs has not been filled. Booking is canceled for &1
094Total of hours entered &1 must be equal to session duration &2
095Financement multi required
096Missing reason of the absence
097Batch Input session created
098Impossible to add record to batch input: negative amount forbidden
099No TN linked to current person: deduction count impossible
100Employee time grouping is not linked to TNM quota management
101Record successfully added into batch input (ready to be processed)
102Course cannot be locked: process terminated (locked by user &1)
103Employee not added to current batch input: already processed
104Check cost item for country &1, in table T77tnmca,T77tnm_cc or T77tnm_cg
105Training Needs num &1 will be linked to an another course &2
106Employee &1/Obj. &3 ID &4: impossible to decrease &4 for selected filter
107TN assign. error: not possible to update infotype 1687
108Invalid TN assignment function code
109Employee &1/Obj. &3 ID &4: unconsistency between sel. TN and prebooking
110Employee &1/Obj. &3 ID &4: with 'Removal' method, a filter must be select
111Employee &1/Obj. &3 ID &4: no TN and/or no assign. function code filled
112Empl. &1/Obj. &3 ID &4: unconsistent val. dates bet. TN and catalog obj.
113Course duration (&1) different than TN one (&2): redefinition mandatory
114Warning: employee will be booked without having a TN assigned
115Employee assignment &1 cannot be deleted (booking already done on E &2)
116Cost item &1 not defined in t77tnm_ca (molga &2): removed from valuation
117Cost item &1 not assigned in t77tnm_cc (molga &2): removed from valuation
118Cost category &1 not assigned in t77tnm_cg (molga &2)
119Salary cost valuation impossible for object &1 ID &2 (check t77tnm_iv)
120Compensation no entry in t77tnm_IV for PA-PsA &1/ TEG &2/ Tt &3/ PC &4
121Salary cost valuation impossible: missing customizing (check &1)
122Cost item &1 incompatible type, check T77TNM_CA: removed from valuation
123Cost items defined with time unit not valuated: no reg. compliance found
124Objective group/objective data missing
125Salary cost valuation issue: no payroll data found for employee &1
126Error with TN &1: no valuation class defined for molga &2/form &3
127Area/Subarea fields must not remain empty for external person (ID &1)
128Impossible to display TP data: check views V_T77TNM_VA_D/V_T77TNM_VAC_D
129Incorrect value for field &1 regarding data stored in TN &2
130&1 (IT&2) not maintained: no related data retrieved in snapshot
131Employee is not active in the whole training needs request period
132The Status Category of TN &1 does not allow booking
133The country grouping cannot be derived from parameter 'MOL'
134Error occurs during the execution of CLOSE_TEMSE
135&1 (IT&2): there is no record for TN &3
136Attendee &1 will be assigned to TN number &2 after the booking process
137Delete records from IT &1 for attendee &2 on course &3
138Current status date is older than the previous status date
139Course &2: no matching reg. compliance found for attendee &1 on day &3
140Booking not possible on TN Child &1 created by Redefinition of IT1681
141&1 &2 is not valid. Select a valid entry
142&1 not booked to a TN object (Missing relationship 941)
143Select Object Type first
144Error during copying. The action has been interrupted (RC=&1)
145TNM booking will be completed if the booking process succeed
146TN number of days (&1) differs from number of days in the catalog (&2)
147Empty training plan snapshot due to a background job in process
148Assignment to TN &1 for employee &2 will be deleted (related course &3)
149Snapshot description is mandatory for temse type "Productive"
150Selected TN &1 cannot be used at booking stage: no regulatory compliance
151Selected TN &1 cannot be used at booking stage: no link to current D &2
152Selected TN &1 without catalog assignment: redefinition is mandatory
153TN &1 cat. obj. &2 does not match E &3 course type &4: assign. impossible
154Redef. TN &1 cannot be used, duration (&2) different than course one (&3)
155Action not allowed: a record already exist for trainer &1 (&2)
156Person &1 &2 is not a trainer for current course &3
157Trainer &1 &2 &3 not taken into account: category &4
158Day &1: error, total number of hours (&2) entered is higher than 24
159Day &1: nb of standard hrs (&2) can only be entered outside the schedule
160Trainer &1 &2 &3 not taken into acc: multiple "tr. cat." IT0034 records
161Day &1: it is forbiden to enter "special hours" for external trainers
162Trainer &1: nb of standard hrs &2 and nb of special hrs &3
163Trainer &1: standard hourly rate &2 and special hourly rate &3
164Trainer &1: total compensation costs &2 (standard &3/special &4)
165Trainer &1: standard hourly rate &2
166Trainer &1: total compensation costs &2
167Trainer &1: nb of standard hrs &2
168Employee &1 is booked in the waiting list: IT&2 maintenance not allowed
169Cost item &1: init. amount of &2 reduced to &3 (abs. hrs &4)
170Warning: Records from IT &1 exist on course &2 for attendee &3
171&1: validity dates of the E are outside validity dates of the TN
172Overlapping dates bewteen E&1 (&2) and TN&3 (&4)
173Error: valuation path &1 not allowed for object type &2
174Error: duplicate 1001 records found for TN &1 and P &2 (related to E &3)
175&1 &2, duplicate TABNR &3 found
176&1 &2: error during update, TABNR not modified
177&1 &2: update successfull, TABNR modified
178&1 &2: error during check, automatic TABNR update impossible
179Missing mandatory parameter "&1", process aborted
180No records with duplicate TABNR have been found
181Validity dates change not allowed for TN with booking relationships
182Cost &1: charging date (&2) is outside course validity dates (&3)
183Cost &1: no area/subarea found at the charging date &2
184A TP snapshot can only be created through "HRTNM00_REP*" transaction
185Actual valuation done with the option &1
186Status change to &1 impossible, the snapshot must be of type &2 (&3)
187Error during conversion of amount for cost element &1.
188Archiving object HRCFRTNMR is obsolete
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