J1B_NFE - Message class for NF-e
The following messages are stored in message class J1B_NFE: Message class for NF-e.
It is part of development package J1BA in software component FI-LOC-LO-BR. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Localization Brazil".
It is part of development package J1BA in software component FI-LOC-LO-BR. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Localization Brazil".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | *** NF-e Process Error Messages |
001 | Document number &1 is not authorized for cancellation |
002 | Cancel is not allowed for combination of doc. status &1 and SCS &2 |
003 | Combination of document status &1 and SCS &2 is not allowed |
004 | Current status &1 does not allow next status &2 for document &3 |
005 | Document &1 has doc. status &2; new document status &3 is not allowed |
006 | Document &1 is authorized to be cancelled; new SCS &2 is not allowed |
007 | New system communication status &1 is not allowed for previous SCS &2 |
008 | Enter at least one parameter (document number or access key) |
009 | Select only one entry |
010 | No status code was received for document number &1 |
011 | Status code &2 for document number &1 has not been defined |
012 | No entry exists in the Actual Status table for document number &1 |
013 | No entry exists in the Actual Status table for access key &1 |
014 | Printer configuration not found for co. code &1 bus. place &2 and form &3 |
015 | Contingency NF type is not maintained for NF type &1 |
016 | Document &1 has already been canceled; a new request is not allowed |
017 | Document &1 is already in contingency; cannot switch to contingency again |
018 | Message type &1 is not defined |
019 | DB error: insert of record with key &1 into J_1BNFE_ACTIVE failed |
020 | DB error: insert of record (key &1, &2, &3) into J_1BNFE_HISTORY failed |
021 | DB error: update of record with key &1 in J_1BNFE_ACTIVE failed |
022 | DB error: update of NF database for nota fiscal &1 failed |
023 | Request to cancel NF &1 not allowed for doc. status &2 and sys. status &3 |
024 | Error occurred during document processing; check error log |
025 | Text for document status is not available in logon language |
026 | Authorization code for authorized document &1 is missing |
027 | Document processed successfully |
028 | Switching document no. &1 with status &2 to contingency is not allowed |
029 | Document &1 was canceled; switching to contingency mode is not possible |
030 | No selection was made |
031 | Maximum length of document number is nine digits |
032 | Doc. no. can contain only numbers; doc. no. &1 contains other characters |
033 | Error logs were deleted successfully |
034 | No error logs exist for the selected documents |
035 | Document number &1 is already switched to contingency |
036 | Series for electronic fiscal documents must be numeric and not &1 |
037 | No error logs exist for document number &1 |
038 | Authorization code &1 is not numeric |
039 | Document number &1 has not been authorized; printing is not possible |
040 | Doc. &1 switched to contingency; cancel source document and post it again |
041 | No authorization to cancel an authorized fiscal document |
042 | Document must not be changed; switching to display mode |
043 | Contingency settings were changed successfully |
044 | Doc. status &3 is not allowed for document &1 with sys. comm. status &2 |
045 | Automatic cancellation of document &1 not possible; check source document |
046 | Assign only a document or a system communication status to status code |
047 | Assign one of the system statuses to the status code |
048 | Number range is not maintained for NF type &1 |
049 | Document &1 switched to contingency; &2 received from authorities' system |
050 | Incoming document without a print form cannot be set to contingency |
051 | Nota fiscal type could not be determined while contingency applies |
052 | RFC connection to messaging system is not available |
053 | RFC connection to messaging system is set up and working correctly |
054 | Check not possible |
055 | Current status for document &1 not found; cancellation is not possible |
056 | No authorization for selected action |
057 | No authorization for selected action |
058 | Nota fiscal displayed is not an electronic fiscal document |
059 | Switching document to normal processing is not allowed |
060 | DB error: insert of record with key &1, &2 into J_1BNFE_INVALID failed |
061 | DB error: delete of rec. with key &1, &2, &3 from J_1BNFE_HISTORY failed |
062 | Contingency was successfully reset for document number &1 |
063 | Inconsistency of inbound XML: status code not allowed |
064 | Inconsistency of inbound XML: elctronic fiscal document not in database |
065 | Request for authorization to cancel document number &1 is not allowed |
066 | RFC connection &1 failed during sending of request |
067 | Request for cancel/skip for document number &1 rejected |
068 | Document no. &1 manually switched to contingency is not canceled |
069 | Random No. must be numeric and not &1 |
070 | For region &1, no XML version has been maintained |
071 | Access key &1 not unique in Actual Status (J_1BNFE_ACTIVE) table |
072 | Inconsistent status update from messaging system |
073 | Resending request for document no. &1 not allowed when MSS is &2 |
074 | Resending cancel request for document &1 with SCS &2 is an invalid action |
075 | For electronic documents, use the J1B1N, J1B2N and J1B3N transactions |
076 | Assignment is not complete |
077 | Outgoing document &1 has not been authorized; current status is &2 |
078 | Manually inserted check digit (&1) differs from calculated digit (&2) |
079 | NF BAPI: Electronic doc. settings are inconsistent for used NF type &1 |
080 | NF BAPI: Doc. status must be initial for doc. subject to authorization |
081 | Not possible to resend electronic fiscal document &1 with SCS &2 |
082 | Not possible to resend electronic fiscal document &1 with status &2 |
083 | NF Type not allowed; form must be assigned |
084 | Enter an electronic fiscal document |
085 | Document already copied |
086 | Electronic fiscal document not switched to contigency |
087 | Referenced electronic fiscal document must have been created manually |
088 | Update Error J_1BNFENUMGAP & |
089 | Message type &1 recieved from messaging system not allowed |
090 | Not possible to reset document status for this document |
091 | Reset not allowed for canceled electronic fiscal document |
092 | Reset not allowed for electronic fiscal document switched to contigency |
093 | Cannot number doc. and send it to tax authority; doc no. &1 already used |
094 | Contingency for unnumbered electronic fiscal document not allowed |
095 | Sending of unnumbered electronic fiscal document not allowed |
096 | Numbering not possible without an assigned Form |
097 | Electronic fiscal document cancelled; numbering not allowed |
098 | Database-Error: entries deleted in J_1BNFERFCBATCH table |
099 | Numbering in Monitor for RFC execution &1 not allowed |
100 | Reset not allowed when skipping request has been sent to tax authorities |
101 | Not possible to send document; region or business place set to contigency |
102 | Cancellation request to authorities not necessary, cancel via application |
103 | Not possible to send elec. doc.; no authorization from tax auth. needed |
104 | SCAN form is not maintained for NF-type &1 |
105 | Switching elec. document &1 with messaging system error is not allowed |
106 | Wrong doc. series for company code &1 business place &2 and doc. form &3 |
107 | Electronic fiscal document numbering not possible for document number &1 |
108 | Parameter 'RFC Execution' not considered for SCAN form |
109 | Elec. fiscal document for doc. &1 numbered and sent to messaging system |
110 | Authorities' server down; enter reason for contingency |
111 | Messaging system down; enter reason for contingency |
112 | Random number exceeds allowed length of &1 for XML-version &2 |
113 | Documents &1 and &2 cannot be cancelled within one step |
114 | Random no &1 exceeds allowed length of &2 |
115 | Access key is incomplete |
116 | Value of &1 &2 does not match value &3 in the access key |
117 | Access key must be numeric |
118 | Status of authorized electronic document cannot be "Waiting for Response" |
119 | Electronic fiscal document can only be posted if cancellation flag is set |
120 | Issuing Type for SCAN cannot be set in document &1 &2 &3 &4 |
121 | Value &1 for &2 not allowed |
122 | Doc. &1 cannot be canceled; no authorization for cancellation received |
123 | Electronic fiscal document &1 already canceled |
124 | Document &1 cannot be canceled; source document &2 locked by another user |
125 | No entries exist for electronic fiscal document no. &1 in history table |
126 | Not possible to complete action; doc. &1 already changed by another user |
127 | Request to cancel/skip already sent for electronic fiscal document no. &1 |
128 | Electronic fiscal document no. &1 cannot be canceled |
129 | Cannot cancel elec. fiscal documents; document &1 switched to contingency |
130 | Cannot switch to contingency; document &1 canceled prior to authorization |
131 | Not possible to cancel document &1 prior to auth.; other action required |
132 | Document &1 canceled prior to auth.; &2 received from authorities |
133 | Reset not possible; elec. document was canceled prior to authorization |
134 | You cannot switch an electronic document without a form to contingency |
135 | Cancellation prior to authorization reset for document no. &1 |
136 | Not possible to cancel doc. &1 prior to auth. with messaging system error |
137 | CT-e can be created only using CT-e as reference |
138 | Cannot copy reason; reason not allowed for this model |
139 | Cannot use reason '&1' for document with model '&2' |
140 | Cannot send cncl. req.; reason missing for company &1 branch &2 model &3 |
141 | Cannot send auto. cancel. req.; no long text for reason &1 language &2 |
142 | None of the selected documents can be printed or reprinted |
143 | Print program used by & is intended for electronic fiscal documents only |
144 | Processing of event &2 (&3) for doc. &1 with errors; refer to msg. system |
145 | Some of the selected documents cannot be printed or reprinted |
146 | Error while opening the popup. |
147 | Subsequent document exists, contingency not allowed for document &1 |
148 | Text for cancellation reason not available in language &1 |
149 | This action is not supported by Cloud NF-e. |
150 | Incorrect environment type; Homologation not allowed in production client |
151 | Could not cancel outbound delivery &1. Check status of inbound delivery. |
152 | Unable to validate the content in &1 field from the source. &2 |
153 | Source data is invalid. &1 |
154 | &1 field type differs from source (structured) and Response (elementary) |
155 | &1 field type differs from source (elementary) and Response (structured) |
156 | An error occurred while creating the object: &1. |
157 | An error occurred while modifying the object attribute. |
158 | There are no suitable documents for this action. |
170 | Pauta Base value out of range |
171 | Municipal Document flag not available for Model &1 |
172 | Electronic Doc. flag only available for documents authorized by SEFAZ |
173 | Check if the pauta base for this item needs adjustments (tab page Taxes) |
174 | This functionality is not available for NFS-e. |
175 | Select only one type of electronic document. |
176 | Define a printer for the combination of &1 &2 &3. |
177 | You can only print an authorized NFS-e that hasn't been cancelled. |
178 | Only reset contingency status for an NFS-e that hasn't been authorized. |
179 | This functionality is not available for SP replacement process |
180 | The administrative process is only available for S�o Paulo |
181 | The administrative process is only available for service documents |
182 | Choose only one document model to be printed. |
183 | Cannot cancel source document when reference type is &1. |
199 | &1 &2 &3 |
200 | ****** Messages in range 201-250 are used for checking tools ************ |
201 | Another business place uses already this number range for NF-e |
202 | In the selected range no number ranges for NF-e have conflicts |
203 | No authorization for requested action |
204 | No data selected |
207 | There was no amount in the return table |
208 | The amount could not be converted |
209 | Error in Call of &1 &2: &3 |
210 | Number of inconsistent entries removed from batch report: &1 |
211 | Removed NF-e with document number: &1 |
212 | Choose the STX structure for tax group &1. |
213 | Cannot enter field &1; data structure has no tax group |
214 | Cannot enter field &1; field does not exist in structure J_1BNF&2 |
215 | Invalid entry; tax type &1 not assigned to tax group &2 |
216 | Content of field &1 cannot be filled using MS Excel upload |
220 | Select #Electronic Doc.# checkbox for CT-e |
221 | CT-e with doc. type &1 (#&2#) cannot have value annulment as CT-e type |
222 | CT-e with document type &1 (#&2#) cannot have substitution as CT-e type |
223 | Document type &1 ('&2') cannot be assigned together with NF model 57 |
224 | Error in BAdI implementation; table &1 has entries with duplicate keys |
225 | Error in BAdI implementation; table &1 references non-existing item |
226 | Billing document &1 should be canceled manually. |
300 | ***** NFe incoming - Messages 300 - 399 ***** |
301 | Invoice and NF-e cannot be simulated; scenario not supported |
302 | Items in nota fiscal have several company codes; scenario not supported |
303 | Entry missing in obligatory field &1 |
304 | Different currencies in NF (&1) and purchase order (&2) not supported |
305 | NF-e incoming automation not possible |
306 | Entry missing in obligatory table/field &1 |
307 | Business process &1 not found |
308 | Conversion failed for unit of measure &1 in purchase order &2 line &3 |
309 | Posting not possible; NF no. in document (&1) and access key (&2) differ |
310 | Posting not possible; series in NF no. (&1) and access key (&2) differ |
311 | No purchase order found |
312 | Search failed; internal error |
313 | Posting not possible; region in access key (&1) and for vendor (&) differ |
314 | Check digit in access key (&1) differs from calculated value (&2) |
315 | NCM code &1 does not match search criteria |
316 | Purchase order &1 does not exist |
317 | Purchase order item &1 &2 does not exist |
318 | Purchasing document &1 &2 is set for deletion |
319 | Purchasing document &1 &2 is set to delivery completed |
320 | Purchasing schema missing in purchase order &1 |
321 | Entry missing in table T007a for procedure &1 tax code &2 |
322 | Material usage consumption not allowed for &1 &2 &3 |
323 | Evaluation of discount/insurance/other expenses failed for &1 &2 |
324 | No entries in table T683S for usage &1 application &2 procedure &3 &4 |
325 | Entry missing in conditions table T683S for &1 &2 &3 &4 |
326 | Entry missing in table J_1BNFTXCOND for procedure &1 tax type &2 |
327 | Procedure &1 tax type &2 in table J_1BNFTXCOND not consistent |
328 | Delivery &1 with external identification number &2 does not exist |
329 | Several goods receipt postings exist for the same NF item &1 &2 |
330 | Several tax codes or CFOP for one single purchase order item &1 &2 |
331 | Invoice for nota fiscal &1&2 has status 'Entered and Held' |
332 | Parked data in invoice &1 &2 selected for deletion |
333 | Posting for invoice &1 &2 does not exist; deletion not possible |
334 | Multiple assignments to the same purchase order item &1 &2 |
335 | You are not authorized to make changes in company code &1 |
336 | Trace data of &1 documents deleted |
337 | Technical description of table &1 outdated; contact support |
338 | Deletion of inbound delivery &1 not allowed; prevented by BAdI implement. |
339 | Inbound delivery was not found by search implementation |
340 | Error in BAdI implementation; cannot create inbound delivery |
341 | Error in BAdI implementation; items in NF-e &1 from several deliveries |
342 | Error in BAdI implement.; items in NF-e &1 do not match delivery items |
343 | Error in BAdI implementation; no data returned |
344 | Movement type could not be determined using delivery type |
345 | Expected &1 tax rate is &2 but tax rate in XML is &3 |
346 | &1 tax not available in XML for purchase order item &2 &3 xml pos. &4 |
347 | Update request for document &1 &2 failed; contact system administrator |
348 | Validation of & tax for purchase order &2 &3 not possible |
349 | Error in BAdI implementation; inbound delivery &1 not in database |
350 | Inbound delivery &2 incorrect; refer. no. &1 missing/has incorrect format |
351 | Expected &1 tax rate is &2 but tax rate in reference invoice is &3 |
352 | Items in PO &1 assigned to several plants; system assigns RTP to plant &2 |
353 | UoM &1 not in material master of &2; conversion not possible |
354 | Vendor not found; validation of RTP materials is not possible |
355 | Vendor cannot be determined for CNPJ &1 |
356 | Tax type &1 is not allowed |
357 | Simulated tax rate for tax type &1 must be &2; check tax code |
358 | CNPJ for vendor &1 (&2) does not match CNPJ in XML (&3) |
359 | Quantity/UoM of material &1 has changed: &2 &3 |
360 | Vendor type not allowed; vendor &1 (purchase order &2) is one-time vendor |
361 | Validation process &1 has not been defined; contact system admin. |
362 | RFC connection NFE_IN does not work; check the RFC connection |
363 | Vendor material &1 cannot be mapped to one ERP material and one UoM |
364 | Subcontracting Process is supported started from ERP 6.0 EhP4 |
365 | Simulated tax value for tax type &1 must be 0; check tax code |
366 | Only statistical tax for &1 is allowed; check tax code |
367 | Item Number Increment not set for Delivery Type &1 |
368 | Goods receipt quantity (&1) differs from XML quantity (&2) |
369 | Business Process could not be identified |
370 | Use either old or new parameter for items |
371 | Only tax codes with material usage "Production/Sales" are allowed |
372 | Message from BAdI implementation |
373 | Enter for reason &1 a description with at least 15 characters |
374 | At least one descr. exists for a reason (&1) with less than 15 characters |
375 | Invalid combination of parameter values &1 &2 &3 &4 |
376 | Inbound delivery split not supported, check purchase orders |
377 | Recipient CNPJ (&3) differs from Business place CNPJ (&4) in PO &1 &2 |
378 | Several goods receipts exist for purchase order &1 item &2 with MAA |
379 | Several NF-e items exist for purchase order &1 item &2 with MAA |
380 | Inconsistency in freight for PO &1 item &2 (invoice &3, NF &4) BRL |
381 | Several NF-e items exist for the same PO item in subcontracting |
382 | Several NF-e items exist for the same PO item in future delivery invoice |
383 | Use either old or new parameters for items and taxes for invoice creation |
384 | Several NF-e items are assigned to the same PO item |
386 | Process &1 is not defined for invoice verification |
387 | More than one NF-e item exists with the same XML position number |
388 | Table parameter &1 contains a row with an empty XML position number |
389 | NF-e Item &1: product value &2 in NF-e differs from calculated value &3 |
390 | NF-e Item &1: freight value &2 in NF-e differs from calculated value &3 |
391 | NF-e Item &1: insurance value &2 in NF-e differs from calc. value &3 |
392 | NF-e Item &1: value of other expenses &2 in NF differs from calc.value &3 |
393 | NF-e Item &1: discount value &2 in NF-e differs from calculated value &3 |
394 | NF item not found for freight &3 BRL (PO &1 item &2, invoice item &4) |
395 | Valuation type &1 does not exist yet for material &2 (PO item &3 &4) |
396 | Invoice &1 already exists for NF-e &2 |
397 | Error in BAdI implementation; invalid delivery date |
398 | Material origin in XML &1 differs from determined origin &2 |
399 | Material origin in XML &1 differs from origin &2 in reference nota fiscal |
400 | ****** Messages in range 401-450 are used for Stock Transfer |
401 | Outgoing NF-e with access key &1 does not exist |
402 | Material document for NF-e with access key &1 does not exist |
403 | Internal error; reference document not available for stock transfer |
404 | User decision required to determine NF type for plant &1/movement type &2 |
451 | ***Range 451-500 reserved for NF-e Eventing*** |
452 | NF-e &1 not authorized/cancel request sent;correction letter not possible |
453 | Max. number of characters is 1000; system will cut off entered text |
454 | No authorized correction letter available for NF-e &1 |
455 | Correction letter cannot be created or changed |
456 | Correction letter cannot be resent |
457 | Correction letter sent successfully to messaging system |
458 | Event information not properly entered in Customizing |
459 | Database error; system could not update Event table for document &1 |
460 | Correction letter does not exist for NF-e &1 |
461 | Event &1 is not assigned to event group &2 in Customizing |
462 | Event &1 is already assigned to official event code |
463 | Content of correction letter must be at least 15 characters long |
464 | NF-e &1 is older than &2 days; correction letter cannot be created |
465 | Sequence number is greater than 20; correction letter cannot be created |
466 | Event sent successfully to messaging system |
467 | NF-e &1 not authorized, EPEC cancellation not possible |
468 | EPEC rejected, check official status code of the event |
469 | Cancelation Prior to Authorization is not possible when EPEC is rejected |
470 | Switch to Contigency is not possible when EPEC is rejected |
500 | ****** Messages in range 500-549 are used for Subcontracting ****** |
501 | No subcontracting components found for purchase order &1 &2 |
502 | No business place found for CNPJ number &1 |
503 | Subcontracting is not category for item &2 in purchasing document &1 |
504 | UoM &1 for material &2, vendor &3, cannot be converted into an ERP UoM |
505 | Error in BAdI &1 method &2 for vendor &3 and XML value &4 |
506 | Material &1 for vendor &2 cannot be converted into an ERP material |
507 | Movement type could not be determined |
508 | Material &1 is not a component of purchase order &2 &3 |
509 | |
510 | Material &1 is not a component of purchase order &2 &3 |
511 | No goods receipt available for purchase order &1 &2 |
512 | Unique reference document for &1 &2 &3 not found |
513 | Material &1 not found in reference nota fiscal &2 |
514 | Storage location not found in original material document &1 &2 |
515 | Material &1 is not a component of purchase order &2 &3 |
516 | Ordered material missing for component &1 &2 &3 |
518 | Recipient of reference nota fiscal differs from sender of incoming NF |
519 | Reference nota fiscal &1 not issued by recipient of incoming nota fiscal |
520 | Item &1: Material no. for component may not be empty or contain wildcards |
521 | Material no. &1 used by vendor &2 is mapped to ERP materials &3 and &4 |
522 | Material &1 for CNPJ &2 cannot be converted into an ERP material |
523 | Popup can not be used to determine NF Type for Plant &1, Mov.&2 Acc. &3 |
550 | ****** Messages in range 550-599 are used for CT-e ****** |
551 | NF partner function '&1' already mapped to CT-e partner '&2' |
552 | Corresponding mandatory CT-e partner &1 missing |
553 | Invalid mapping; multiple NF partner functions mapped to CT-e partner &1 |
554 | Runtime error in remote system &1 |
555 | Contingency not allowed for nota fiscal type &1 |
556 | System cannot process doc. &1; function not supported for this doc. type |
557 | NF partner functions not mapped to CT-e partners in Customizing |
558 | Tax situation &1 cannot be processed for CT-e |
559 | Contingency not possible |
560 | Partner type 'Business Place' not supported |
561 | Outbound Delivery not found for NF-e &1 |
562 | Shipment document not found for outbound delivery &1 |
563 | Cost document not found for shipment document &1 |
564 | Multiple shipment documents exist; automation not possible |
565 | Multiple cost documents exist; automation not possible |
566 | CNPJ of CT-e service taker &1 does not match with CNPJ of plant &2 |
567 | CNPJ of CT-e issuer &1 does not match with CNPJ of vendor &2 |
568 | Error when reading database; system cannot carry out CNPJ check |
569 | Could not create the contingency QR code for CT-e document &1. |
601 | |
602 | Payment Form & not is valid |
603 | Freight mode & not is valid |
604 | Final Consumer Identification & not is valid |
605 | Customer Presence Indicator & not is valid |
606 | Branches address cannot be loaded to validate Regions in transport tab |
607 | Region &1 not is valid for country/region &2 |
608 | Process origin indicator & not is valid |
610 | No search help found for this system field |
611 | No lines selected. Select one or more lines |
612 | Content of correction letter cannot be empty |
613 | IPI Return was calculated |
614 | Field & does not exist in customizing |
615 | Field & is duplicated in the changed fields |
616 | Customers outside Brazil are not eligible for incoming automation process |
617 | Field & not found in table & |
618 | Value & is invalid for field & in table & |
619 | Synchronization not possible, error while locking document |
620 | Document & not found |
621 | Document not loaded |
622 | Document & not locked |
623 | Failure when trying to unlock the document |
624 | This record is being used for CC-e event |
625 | Generic Exception for Nota Fiscal |
626 | Synchronisation not possible, document is locked by another user |
627 | Attention, the data might be changed. Check your Nota Fiscal again. |
628 | Issuing Type for SVC cannot be set in document &1 &2 &3 &4 |
629 | As of OSS Note 2050786 RFC Exec. in the same LUW has no support |
630 | Error while converting timestamp &1 and timezone &2 |
631 | Price condition not found: &, agreement: &, item: &, date: &. |
632 | No record found in table &1 for the informed key. |
633 | Not possible to send document &1 to the tax authority. |
634 | Request to send document &1 not allowed |
635 | Authorization missing to print or reprint the selected document: &1 |
636 | Reference document &1 does not exist. |
637 | Maintain the NFS-e service link. |
638 | Payment option & is no longer valid; choose a valid option. |
639 | Choose the STX structure for tax subdivision &1. |
640 | Entry not found. |
641 | Entry not deleted. |
642 | Entry not inserted. |
644 | Unable to generate random number. |
645 | Error processing document &1. Check log entries in transaction J1BNFE. |
646 | No changes were made. |
647 | Choose a valid entry, then choose this menu again. |
648 | To cancel documents from different branches, select documents per branch. |
649 | Type of environment is incorrect in document &1. |
650 | Step with Purchase Order &1 Item &2 is already locked by another process |
651 | Enter a description for the payment method 'others'. |
652 | Fill in the indicator field with value '1' to consider PIS ST amount. |
653 | Fill in the indicator field with value '1' to consider COFINS ST amount. |