MCEX - Extraction Interface LIS/BW

The following messages are stored in message class MCEX: Extraction Interface LIS/BW.
It is part of development package MCEX in software component LO-LIS. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Extraction Interface LIS-BW".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Select a customer development class (e.g. Z001)
002MCS parameter not set. Do not transport append
003Unspecified error during table creation
004Communication structure &1 is used in extraction structure &2
005Field & exists more than once
006No field was selected from communication structure &
007Incorrect DataSource &
008Extractor only defined for the "Full" and "Init" modes
009Setup table & for DataSource & does not exist
010Place the cursor on the V3 update field
011Place the cursor on the "Selection" field
012Place the cursor on the "Maintenance" field
013Place the cursor on the field of a DataSource
014Place the cursor on the "Active" or "Inactive" field
015Communication structure is not maintained
016There is no corresponding header structure
017There are no additional fields to be maintained
018Communication structure does not have an append structure
019Header structure adjusted successfully
020Database problems with table &
021Application & is not yet linked
022Internal error during field assignment (report to SAP)
023Setup tables deleted successfully
024DataSource & contains data still to be transferred
025Error while changing structure & (see long text)
026Include changes in XPRA for &1 &2
027Extract structure &1 generated successfully, see long text
028You have not changed the extraction structure
029Update is activated. Note long text
030Log was successfully deleted
031DataSource & does not exist
032Field &1 cannot be selected because of unit field &2 -> see long text
101Messages not selected for reorganization. No message processing
102No events for processing inspection lots selected
103No extraction structure for event Q0: Messages active
104No extraction structure for event QE: Inspection results active
105No summarization result is selected
106No extraction structure for event I0: Messages active
107No extraction structure for event I0: Messages active
108Setup of inspection results finished (& documents read)
109Setup messages finished (& documents read)
110Setup for event I0: Messages finished
111& &
112Setup of inspection lot / usage decision finished (& lots read)
113There is no extraction structure for event QV: Inspection lot/VE active
114Orders not selected for setup. No order processing
115There is no extraction structure for event I3: Orders active
116Setup for event I3: Orders ended
117There is no extraction structure for event I3: Orders active
118SUBRC = &, Table & (data inconsistency) internal error
119Lead time for message & is negative and will be corrected to 0
120Event '&': Data for inspection lot & has not been extracted
140Struct. from appl. &1 due to open V3 proc. not changed -> Long text
141Struct. appl. &1 cannot be changed due to setup table -> Long text
142No active updates for extractors in appl. &1 -> Long text
143Structure &1 cannot be changed due to data in delta management ->Long txt
144Structure &1 is not intended to be an extraction structure
145Extraction structure &1 was changed -> See long text
146Update activated -> Always observe long text
147Reading of RFC queue &1 with destination &2 already started
148Extraction log of application &1 was deleted
149Entries still exist in system &1 in the table MC12_PUFFER ->
150Check of extract structure &1 successfully completed -> Long text
151Entries for application &1 still exist in the extraction queue ->
152Structure maintenance not provided for extraction structure &1 ->
153Queue processing started (&1, &2, &3, &4)
154Extraction queue processing started &1 with &2 LUWs
155Processing of extraction queue &1 successfully ended
156Queue &1 could not be started due to system problems
157Queue &1 could not be started due to resource problems
158Error in processing queue &1: &2
160Change of update mode not possible due to open V3 update -> Long text
161Change of update mode not possible due to queue entries -> Long text
162Update mode changed directly from delta -> Note long text
163Update mode changed for queued delta -> Note long text
164Update mode changed from unserialized V3 update -> Long text
165Update mode changed from serialized V3 update -> Long text
166Update mode changed from serialized V3 update -> Long text
167Update mode changed directly from delta -> Note long text
168Update mode changed from unserialized V3 update -> Long text
169Update mode changed for queued delta -> Note long text
171Multi-queue settings were changed for application &1
172Cannot make changes to multi-queue parameters for application &1
173Check the installed qRFC version -> Long text
180XPRA to switch update mode must be restarted
181"Serialized V3 update" setting is obsolete ->long text
182Display mode chosen. Changes will not take place
183XPRA for activating extract structure must be restarted
184Error while reading tables TMCEXACT and TMCEXUPD
185Error while reading table TMCEXUPD
190Attachment '&1' for the PI release is syntactically incorrect
191There is already an entry for the data entered
192Specify an include for extract structure &1
193Internal error during hash code check (sy-subrc=&1)
194Structures have changed (sy-subrc=&1)
200No extraction structure active for application '05'
210In the EhP, you can make changes in the switch client only
222Faulty entry in table TMCEXPRA for extraction structure '&1'
250The size of the extraction queue &1 has not been reduced
260DataSource &1: Data access using 'Direct Access' not possible
300Function for application &1 is not possible; queue is locked
301You do not have authorization to change Customizing
302You do not have authorization to reconstruct the extraction queue
303You do not have authorization to display the backup table
304Logistics application &1 not found:
305Error while accessing queue &1 of application &2
306Customizing was changed for application &1
307No data was found for the selection; application: &1
308&1 is not a TABLES parameter of qRFC function module &2
309Select either using collective runs or time stamps
310Choose a start time stamp equal to or less than the end time stamp
333No changes necessary by XPRA, all structures up to date
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