OD - IS-Oil: TSW Traders' and Schedulers' Workbench messages

The following messages are stored in message class OD: IS-Oil: TSW Traders' and Schedulers' Workbench messages.
It is part of development package OIJ in software component IS-OIL-DS-TSW. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "TSW Traders and Schedulers Workbench".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Nomination &1 in year &2 already exists.
001ARRAY op error: DB table=&1, op=&2, rc=&3, lines=&4
002SAVE op error: &1 unknown entries on &2 posting table, key = &3 &4
003MoT &1 is not a TSW valid MoT, check TS or the TS on the reference nom.
004&1 is not a valid partner role for &2 / &3.
005Unrecoverable ENQUEUE error: program=&1, object=&2
006ARRAY op tabkey: &1 &2 &3 &4
007&1 &2 &3 &4
008No TSW shipping types have been found, check tables T173 + TVTR.
009Carrier lead time UoM is restricted to DAY.
010Doc item no. is missing on nom. line &1 with doc no. &2, check details.
011Location partner is missing on nom. line &1. Check details file card.
012Quantity is less than or equal to 0 on nomination line &1
013Scheduled date on nomination line item &1 is initial.
014Maintain oil UoM conversion defalts for mat &1 in plant &2 stor.loc &3
015ASTM conversion for mat.no. &1 for plant &2 stor.loc &3 to UoM &4 failed
016Tolerance is greater than 100%. This is not permitted.
017Tolerance calculation error.
018This line was confirmed previously. The deletion flag has been set.
019The scheduled quantity is equal to zero. It must be greater than zero.
020Document indicator on nom. line item &1 is initial.
021A book nomination should have two lines.
022The two lines in a book nomination must have the same quantities.
023The two lines in a book nomination must have the same scheduled dates.
024The two lines in a book nomination must have the same location partners.
025The two lines in the book nomination must have the same material.
026Text for mode of transport &1 does not exist. Check table TVTRT.
027Quantity conversion of material &1 from UoM &2 to UoM &3 failed (RC=&4).
028Error when updating document flow table.
029No calender entries found for the plant or shipping points.
030Calender entered is not valid for the plant or shipping points.
031History horizon is less than the past data for location and material.
032Enter a valid TSW shipping type.
033Business object &1 is not valid for role type &2
034Role &1 is only relevant to a transport system.
035Role type &1 is only relevant to a location.
036Role type &1 is relevant to both transport system and location.
037OD indicator missing for role type &1.
038Customer &1 does not exist.
039Vendor &1 does not exist.
040Plant &1 is an in-transit plant.
041Partner &1 for &2 &4 with role type &3 will be created while saving &2
042Update OIJRRA with key &1, &2, &3 failed (RC = &4)
043You must enter either a transport system or location.
044Nomination &1 has been deleted. You must recover it before using it.
045Nomination item &1 has been deleted. You can recover it before using it.
046Nomination line item &1 has been deleted.No tickets can be created for it
047Unable to lock tables OIJNOMIWL and OIJWL.
048Unable to lock tables OIJNOMhWL and OIJWL.
049Ticket &1 has already been actualized. You cannot delete it.
050TSW is not active in this client/system loc. Search has been canceled.
051No location was selected. Canceled by user.
052No valid TSW locations were found given the search criteria.
053Error when looking up possible locations.
054TSW location &1 does not exist, or is an invalid entry for this field
055Exactly one valid entry was found.
056Error occured during call of customer function &1
057Error occurred when trying to call customer function for &1
058No TSW nominations matched search criteria. Check entries.
059No nomination line items found for nomination &1
060No unique nomination was found.
061Select a valid nomination line item in the line item table.
062Select the column to sort by nomination items.
063Ticket &1 has not been changed; you do not need to save.
064Error when accessing OIL-TSW function exclusion table.
065Insert table OIJHCT01 key &1 &2 &3 failed (RC = &4).
066Update table OIJHCT01 key &1 &2 &3 failed (RC = &4).
067Delete table OIJHCT01 key &1 &2 &3 failed (RC = &4).
068Flag &1 for table OIJHCT01 is unknown.
069Ticket &1 saved.
070Ticket &1 for nomination &2 has been deleted.
071No valid records found. Check screen entries.
072Ticket &1 will be validated, then the update process will begin.
073Ticket validation error: &1 &2 &3 &4. Check entries.
074Unable to begin ticket actualization process. Ticket &1, RC = &2.
075A unique record for ticket &1 was not found. Enter more criteria.
076Unable to find a nomination line item currently associated with ticket &1
077Nomination &1 item &2 currently locked by a foreign user.
078Nomination number &1 is not within the permitted number range.
079Very few numbers left for nominations.
080Enter a nomination number.
081The nomination number of marine transport system will be set internally.
082Origin is a vendor.
083Batch number &1 is not defined, check table MCHA or MCHB.
084SD document &1 item &2 has batch number &3.
085Documents have been generated for ticket &1. You cannot delete it.
086Object OIJNOMH is locked by another program.
087Object OIJNOMI is locked by another program.
088Object OIJRDNOM is locked by another program.
089Duplicates will be deleted. You may re-enter non-duplicate records.
090Ticket &1 is currently locked by another user
091Ticket &1 could not be unlocked.
092No deleted tickets found.
093Cannot set selected tickets for recovery.
094Cannot set selected tickets for deletion.
095Cannot read list.
096The table is empty; thus, you cannot sort it
097You cannot recover selected tickets.
098Tickets were successfully recovered.
099Ticket &1 has been deleted. Recover it before using it.
100Transaction &1 is missing from table T180.
101&1 has not been defined as a &2 unit of measure.
102Unit of measure &1 has not been maintained in language &2
103&1 has not been defined as a weight unit of measure.
104Unit of measure &1 has not been maintained in language &2.
105Unit of measure &1 does not exist.
106No import parameter by call function 'OIJC_VALIDATE_DOCNR_FOR_MVS'.
107Location type &1 is used in at least one location. Delete not possible
108This ticket cannot be deleted.
109Transport system &1 used in Stock Projection. You cannot delete it.
110Transport system &1 used in planning. You cannot delete it.
111Transport system &1 used in nomination &2. You cannot delete it.
112Transport system &1 used in partner roles. You cannot delete it.
113A deleted ticket with the same name already exists.
114Enter a valid planning calendar.
115Nomination &1 item &2 has already been completed.
116Line &1 cannot be confirmed as '&2' is a planning location.
117Cannot use location &1 as delete indicator has been set for this location
118Start date &1 is greater than end date &2. Make the necessary changes.
119Start time &1 is greater than end time &2. Make the necessary changes.
120Enter the document line item number.
121Enter the item type.
122Enter the scheduled date.
123No entries found. Use F1 to maintain the planning calendar.
124Enter the document no. for line item &1
125Cannot actualize a ticket for a future date or time.
126No pipeline partner code is available.
127The scheduled lines will be confirmed when you save the nomination.
128No entry (posting period) for company code &1 in table MARV found
129Line item &1 on document &2 is already assigned to this nominination.
130Line item &1 on document &2 is already assigned to nomination &3
131This nomination has changed.Please save and then schedule+confirm it.
132Output was canceled.
133TD shipment &1 tied to nomination &2 was not closed successfully
134Purchase order & : Delivery date < ticket end date &
135PO & has an estimated price - cannot be actualized.
136Choose a ticket.
137Origin batch for item & is invalid. Correct the entry.
138Destination batch for item & is invalid. Correct the entry.
139Enter the nomination item number.
140TD in-transit/batch handling type determination missing in Customizing.
141There is an un-actualized ticket for line &1 of this nomination.
142Shipment &1 already closed.
143Shipment &1 does not exist.
144Shipment &1 could not be closed. Error when closing the shipment.
145Val type &1 of SO/SR &2 item &3 and val type of ori batch &4 do not match
146Val type &1 of PO &2 item &3 and val type of des batch &4 do not match.
147Valuation type of SR &1 item &2 and the destination batch do not match.
148Matnr &1 on plant &2 does not have batch &3; see long text.
149Ticket validation error : PO &1 item &2 is blocked for delivery.
150Ticket validation error : PO &1 item &2 does not exist or is deleted.
151Ticket validation error: Maintain unit conversion defaults for &1
152Location Partner missing for line &1. Check details file card.
153Update external details failed: &1.
154Ticket validation error : Sales Order &1 not found.
155Ticket validation error : Sales Order &1 blocked for delivery.
156Ticket validation error : Billing block set for sales order &1.
157Ticket validation error : Item number &1 on sales order &2 missing.
158Ticket validation error : Billing block set for Item &1 of sales order &2
159Invalid date. Check your entries.
160Time diff. between start date and end date in days is &1. Check entry.
161Ticket with name &1 already exists for this nomination.
162Nomination &1 with date &2 already exists for transport system &3
163Complete the entries for the line item.
164File card cannot be viewed. Line item is incomplete.
165Nomination has been changed. Save before you quick confirm nomination.
166Enter a nomination number for this ticket.
167This ticket has been internally generated. You cannot modify it.
168This scenario is not supported for book nominations.
169Ticket &1 is not attached to any nomination. Assign one.
170Unlimited flag cannot be switched off . Actual qty is more than sched qty
171Tolerance will be set to 0, as there is no scheduled quantity.
172No tickets found to process.
173No nominations found to match the ticket.
174Ticket &1 is assigned to nomination &2.
175Choose 'enter' to validate the ticket.
176Origin batch is not entered for line item &1
177Destination batch is not entered for line item &1
178Gross quantity is smaller than the net quantity.
179Enter a location or material.
180Nominations(&1) created on the same day(&2) cannot be recovered together.
181Nomination &1 could not be recovered. Nomination recovery terminated.
182Nomination with technical key &1 could not be unlocked.
183Nomination number &1 created on &2 with tech key &3 could not be locked.
184No deleted nominations were found.
185No data saved. Select nominations to be recovered.
186Some errors have occured during processing. Check the error log.
187Material &1 does not exist for location &2
188Nomination &1 is for transport system &2. Change the transport system.
189The new qty. is within the tolerance limits. Complete line manually.
190Select a unique nomination.
191Unexpected error.
192Ticket has arrived for the nomination &1. Renaming not possible.
193Material &1 is invalid for Plant &2 and storage location &3
194Intransit st.loc. cannot be changed. Ticket has arrived for nomination &1
195Enter location partner or press return and then select batch.
196The deletion indicator will be set for nomination &1
197The delete indicator for the nomination &1 is set.
198Nomination &1 has been sent. This nomination cannot be deleted.
199Document flow is not possible. No tickets have been received.
200Transport system &1 is marked for deletion
201A TS of shp. type &1 cannot be created by copying a TS of shp. type &2
202Unexpected case by role check.
203Enter a transport system number.
204Transport system &1 already exists.
205Transport system &1 does not exist
206Missing shipping type for current session
207No shipment type found in table TOIGS according to shipping type &1
208Missing vehicle mode for current session, check bulk shipment type.
209Nomination &1 does not exist, check the "from date".
210A nom. with TS &1 cannot be created by copying a nom. with TS &2.
211The nomination number will be set internally.
212You must make at least one entry.
213Nomination &1 with date &2 already exists.
214Very few technical keys left for nominations.
215Assigned key &1 is the last technical key available.
216Location with ID &1 does not exist.
217Transport system &1 has not been changed - you do not need to save.
218Insert table OIJTS key &1 failed (RC = &2)
219Update table OIJTS key &1 failed (RC = &2)
220Delete table OIJTS key &1 failed (RC = &2)
221Flag &1 for table OIJTS unknown.
222Insert table OIJTSLOC key &1 &2 failed (RC = &3)
223Update table OIJTSLOC key &1 &2 failed (RC = &3)
224Delete from table OIJTSLOC key &1 &2 failed (RC = &3)
225Transport system &1 has been deleted.
226Transport system &1 has been saved.
227Place cursor on the location table.
228Select a valid line.
229Very few numbers left for transport system.
230Assigned number &1 is the last number available.
231Enter a material number.
232Material number &1 does not exist for transport system &2
233Material &1 already exists.
234Enter at least one ODC indicator.
235Select a line item.
236Enter an item type and the scheduled date.
237Place cursor on the nomination item table.
238Material number &1 does not exist for plant &2
239Material number &1 does not exist in the material master.
240Nomination &1 has not been changed - you do not need to save.
241Nomination &1 has been deleted.
242Nomination &1 has been saved.
243Insert table OIJNOMH key &1 &2 failed. (RC = &3)
244Update table OIJNOMH key &1 &2 failed (RC = &3)
245Flag &1 for table OIJNOMH is unknown.
246Insert table OIJNOMI key &1 &2 failed (RC = &3)
247Update table OIJNOMI key &1 &2 failed (RC = &3)
248Delete from table OIJNOMI key &1 &2 failed (RC = &3)
249Insert table OIJTSMAT key &1 &2 failed (RC = &3)
250Update table OIJTSMAT key &1 &2 failed (RC = &3)
251Delete from table OIJTSMAT key &1 &2 failed (RC = &3)
252Shipper &1 does not exist for transport system &2
253Missing transport system for current session.
254Please complete min. details for TS &1 Mat. &2 (double-click line item)
255No entry found.
256No plant partner object found for TS &1 location &2
257Too many plant partners for TS &1 location &2
258No plant partner found for location &1.
259No plant partner role (supplier/receiver) found for location &1
260Too many plant partner roles found for location &1
261Stock Projection not possible for location &1 - no plant assigned.
262SP not possible for location &1 - multiple plant assignments found.
263There is more than one shipper &1 for transprt system &2
264Carrier &1 does not exist for transport system &2
265There is more than one carrier &1 for TS &2
266Enter a valid document indicator (PSX indicator).
267Document &1 does not exist.
268Planning details already shown.
269No planning details exist yet for location &1 and material &2
270No planning details exist yet for TS &1 and material &2
271No valid location found for TS &1 - check partner role master data.
272No valid location (plant) for material &1 found - check material master.
273No valid TS found for location &1 - check partner role master data.
274&1 affected partner roles for loc &2 by changing the OD flags in this way
275The plant on doc &1 is not a valid plant, check T001W.
276The storage loc. on doc &1 is not a valid storage location, check T001L.
277Validation of purchase document &1 failed, check EKPO.
278Nomination item with type &1 is not throughput stock.
279There is no material number or plant found for location &1
280Event &1 &2 deleted from nomination.
281Choose a valid nomination item
282Insert table OIJNOMC key &1 &2 failed (RC = &3)
283Update table OIJNOMC key &1 &2 failed (RC = &3)
284Delete from table OIJNOMC with key &1 &2 failed (RC = &3)
285Nomination &1 has been saved and sent.
286Nomination &1 has been sent to carrier.
287&1 is not a valid nomination item type.
288Deletion from table OIJNOMH with key &1 &2 failed (RC = &3)
289A rejected line &1 &2 &3 &4 has been deleted.
290Deletion from table OIJNOMM with key &1 &2 &3 failed (RC = &4)
291Insertion into table OIJNOMM with key &1 &2 failed (RC = &3)
292The delete flag for this nomination &1 has been set.
293This nom.line item is not a TSW-supported movement: IT=&2, PSX=&1
294Doc. &1 does not have line with mat &2 plant &3 SLoc &4, check EKPO.
295Purchase document &1 does not exist in category F, check EKKO.
296Sales doc. &1 does not have line with plant &2 SLoc &3
297Sales document &1 does not exist in category C, check VBAK.
298Validation of sales document &1 failed, check VBAP.
299Plant/storage loc. on doc &1 is not a supplier/receiver for TS &2 Loc &3.
300Worklist item &1 deleted.
301No changes made.
302Changes made to data.
303Not possible to delete. Check entries in table OIJWLRCN.
304Worklist saved.
305Item &1 recovered.
306Place the cursor on a valid entry.
307An error occured when updating the worklist in the database.
308Qty &1 &2 is less than actual qty &3 &4, change has not been activated.
309You are not permitted to delete a scheduled line.
310Error when reading OIJNOMI.
311You are not allowed to delete a line with status 'complete'.
312Customer inventory planning routine failed.
313Reading table OIJSCAL (Calendar usage profile) failed for key &1
314Reading table TFACD (Factory calendar) failed for key &1
315Reading table &1 (Coverage profile) failed for key &2
316Error in OIJP_CHECK_HOLIDAY for location: &1, material: &2
317Error in OIJP_FILL_STANDARD_DAY_RATIO for location: &1, material: &2
318Error in OIJP_CALCULATE_INF for location: &1, material: &2
319No history data polled.
320Location &1 type &2 cannot be used as an origin.
321Location &1 Type &2 cannot be used as a destination.
322No planning routine defined for location: &1, material: &2
323Not able to update OIJLOCMAT table with the calculated safety stock value
324User &1 is locking location &2 . Processing cannot continue.
325Nominations recovered and saved.
326&1 is not a valid shipping type for deleted transport system &2
327In-transit plant &1 is already being used, choose another one.
328Transport system &1 is not a valid supplier for location &2
329Data was not changed. You do not need to save.
330Process to get unactualized quantities from past, failed.
331Cannot delete the material assignment, it is used in Stock Projection.
332Cannot delete the material assignment, it is used in planning.
333Cannot delete the material assignment, it is used in nomination.
334Cannot change material assignment, it is used in Stock Projection.
335Cannot change material assignment, it is used in planning.
336Cannot change material assignment, it is used in nomination.
337Cannot delete the location assignment, it is used in partner role.
338Cannot delete the location assignment, it is used in nomination.
339Cannot delete the location assignment, it is used in Stock Projection.
340Ticket end date is earlier than the delivery date on the sales order.
341Ticket end date is earlier than the delivery date on the purchase order.
342Not possible to confirm nomination due to missing doc.no for line item &1
343Read error in TSW routine OIJ_EL_B_CHECK_DOC_DETAILS_I
344Update of TSW document details (items) failed.
345Update of OIJRD with key &1, &2, &3 failed.
346Deletion of TSW document details failed.
347This document is used in the TSW application.
349Total of scheduled qty. &1 &2 exceeds document item qty. &3 &4
350Update OIJRDH with key &1, &2 failed .
351No worklist references found in OIJNOMHWL for the nomination
352Loc. &1 with type &2 was deleted. Recovery not possible. See long text.
353Error when reading table OIJNOMIWL
354No worklist entry attached to this nomination.
355No worklist items found.
356No worklist references found in OIJNOMIWL for selected nomination item.
357No worklist entry attached to this nomination item.
358Inconsistency in function OIJW_ACTIVE_WLRC.
359No active worklist reason codes; check table OIJWLRCC.
360Update of TSW-relevance indicator failed.
361Intransit valuation type for plant=&1, IP=&2, ED=&3 missing in TOIGS3.
364Material &1, location &2 is an invalid Stock Projection combination.
365Origin valuation type is not entered for line item &1
366Destination valuation type is not entered for line item &1
367Wrong valuation type.
368Val type &1 of PO &2, item &3 and the entered val. type &4 do not match.
369Val.type &1 of SO/SR &2,item &3 and entered val.type &4 do not match
370Read table OIJTCAL (Calendar usage profile) failed for key &1
371Read table OIJTGTCOV (Coverage profile) failed for key &1
372Select a nomination item.
373Location &1 is used in nominations. Delete indicator is set.
374Location is used in partner roles. You cannot delete. See long text.
375Location &1 is used in planning locations. Delete indicator is set.
376Location &1 is used in Stock Projection. Delete indicator is set.
377The delete flag for this location &1 has been set.
378MoT &1 is not specified in order &2 item &3
379Error when reading TSW control record (table OIJX).
380Vehicle &1 is not assigned to the nomination.
381No event default group found for the TD shipment type.
382Delete table OIJNE key &1 failed (RC = &2)
383Insert table OIJNE key &1 failed (RC = &2)
384Update table OIJNE key &1 failed (RC = &2)
385Updating the multiple MoT table failed (table OIJ_EL_DOC_M_MOT)
386Scheduled date is not within date period of contract/order item
387No location selected. System displays only TS &1 relevant partner roles.
388TS is blank. System displays only location &1 relevant partner roles.
389Document & does not contain any TSW-relevant items.
390The two scheduled scenarios do not match the book transfer settings.
391Document & item & is not TSW-relevant, therefore it cannot be scheduled.
392Document & item & cannot be scheduled at location &
393Position number in FM OIJ_EL_C_TSW_DATA_MAINTAIN is missing.
394Position number in FM OIJ_EL_C_SET_TSW_DETAILS is missing.
395Choose a valid nomination.
396You must enter a location.
397You must enter a transport system.
398You must enter a material.
399Stock Projection by batch/val. type is not allowed for transport system.
400Stock Projection not possible for the selected location.
401Location &1 is not assigned to specified transport system &2 as &3
402Stock Projection object is not unique.
403No Stock Projection object found.
404Stock Projection header saved.
405Plant/material combination not valid.
406Object not configured to be a Stock Projection object. Check location typ
407Rolling period must be greater than the number of days in the past.
408No changes made.
409Stock Projection saved
410Selected location is not a planning location.
411Choose a valid batch.
412Choose a valid Stock Projection line.
413Error in form 'CALL_WORKLIST'
414Inconsistency in function call 'READ_TABLE_OIJRDRB'
415Inconsistency in function call 'READ_TABLE_OIJRDIB'
416Error when writing to database.
417Error when reading from database.
418No entry found in the Stock Projection header for given selection.
419Inv. at &1 should equal the opening inv. of the Stock Projection header.
420Char field cannot be transformed into a packed number. Check entry.
421Error when reading USR01.
422No Stock Projection entry found in the past, or for today.
423Transport system not found.
424Location not found.
425No entries found in OIJLOCMAT.
426No entries found in OIJTSMAT.
427Stock Projection object locked. You cannot save.
428System failure when locking the Stock Projection object.
429Error when reading the worklist.
430No entry found in table OIJRDWL.
431No entry found in table OIJRDWL.
432Stock Projection download canceled.
433Stock Projection download file &1 created - size &2 bytes.
434Error during Stock Projection download, return code = &1
435Reorder point should be less than maximum inventory, minus the increment.
436Stock Projection header record not found for object &1 and &2.
437WL index generation error occurred for nomnr. :&1 tsyst:&2 RC:&3 Nomtk:&4
438Parameter missing - NOMNR :&1 TS:&2 RC:&3 NOMTK:&4
439Parameter missing - TS: &1 LOCID: &2 RC:&3
440Both location and transport system are specified for RD object, &1 and &2
441Stock Projection object in RD record and RD header record are different.
442Number range problem.Nomtk:&1,Nomit:&2,RC:&3
443Parameter missing.Nomtk:&1, Nomit:&2, RC:&3.
444Parameter missing.Nomtk:&1, Nomnr:&2,TS:&3, RC:&4
445Number range problem. TS/LOC:&1,Mat:&2,Date:&3,RC:&4
446Locking of WL tables failed as there is a foreign lock the tables.
447System failure occurred while locking the WL tables.
448Select at least one processing option.
449Enter at least one of the selection criteria.
450TSW nomination document &1 does not exist.
451Our EDI account number at vendor &1 is missing (maint table OIJEDIVNDR).
452TSW output determination not maintained for partner function &1
453Missing &1 information. Nomination cannot be processed.
454Function module &1 could not generate IDOC &2
455Form &1 is unknown.
456Form &1 could not be printed.
457Contact SAP. Segment &V1& is not known to the program.
458Stock Projection object locked.
459System failure occurred when locking the Stock Projection object.
460Maximum inventory is always greater than safety level.
461Target inventory must be greater than or equal to minimum inventory.
462Reorder point is always greater than the minimum inventory.
463Stock Projection object &1 &2 locked by user &3. You cannot save changes!
464Stock Projection object &1 not found.
465Location &1 not found.
466Stock Projection not possible for the selected location &1
468Transport system &1 not found.
469Material &1 not found.
470Batch &1 not found in plant &2
471Stock Projection object &1 &2 &3 locked by user &4. No saving possible!
472Invalid Stock Projection object combination for new selection!
475Error when reading table OIJX.
476Stock Projection parameters are not maintained in table OIJX.
479Error in FM OIJU_RD_FC_GEN.
480Maintain factory calendar.
481Maintain forecast profile.
483Stock Projection refreshed.
484Rack forecast was generated.
485Stock Projection has not been run for this period.
486No materials found for location &1.
487No materials found for transport system &1.
488First enter a location/transport system and material.
489Choose a nomination.
490Error in OIJP_TGT_FILL_STANDARD_DAY_RAT for location: &1, material: &2
491Error in OIJP_TGT_CALCULATE_INF for location: &1, material: &2
492No batches found for material &1, Plant &2.
493No valuation types found for material &1, plant &2.
494MoT &1 is not specified on the document &2
495Scheduled date is not within date period of contract/order.
496No data in table OIJX found on the database.
497Stock Projection settings not yet done; defaulting provided.
498Error in target calculation.
499Batch/Valuation type cannot be selected for Transport Systems.
500Flexible Grouping is allowed only for Locations!
501Enter a location ID.
502Location &1 does not exist.
503Location &1 already exists as node location
504Location type &1 does not exist.
505Location &1 already exists.
506Connection point &1 does not exist or is assigned to another location.
507Location &1 has not been changed - You do not need to save.
508Insert table OIJLOC key &1 failed (RC = &2)
509Update table OIJLOC key &1 failed (RC = &2)
510Delete table OIJLOC key &1 failed (RC = &2)
511Flag &1 for table OIJLOC is unknown.
512Location &1 has been marked for deletion.
513Location &1 has been saved.
514Location &1 cannot be used as a planning location caused by type &2
515A location type &1 cannot be created by copying a location type &2
516Insert table OIJLOCMAT key &1 &2 failed (RC = &3)
517Update table OIJLOCMAT key &1 &2 failed (RC = &3)
518Delete from table OIJLOCMAT key &1 &2 failed (RC = &3)
519Complete min. details for loc. &1 mat. &2 (double-click line item)
520Maximum batch size not compatible with minimum batch size and increment.
521Increment value must be positive (not zero) - make necessary changes.
522UoM group not found, check table OIB05.
523Delete planning proposals key &1 &2 failed (RC = &3)
524Enter a valid unit of measure.
525Tolerance % range is 0 - 99.
526The absolute "under tolerance" is greater than the scheduled quantity.
527The abs.under tol.qty.is set to 0, as it is greater than the sched. qty.
528The over tol % is greater than 999. The over abs.tol. % will be set to 0.
529The over tolerance % is greater than 999 for this abs.over tolerance qty.
530Physical inventory has been successfully updated.
531Delete table OIJLOCMAT key &1, &2 failed (RC = &3)
532Error in safety stock calculation
533A constraint has become negative due to "Subtract heel"
534For single or no location, agg flag cannot be chosen. Agg Flag cleared!
535Select multiple Stock Projection objects (Locations, TS, Materials) first
536The field to be used for the heel calculation is missing
537Unable to get sublocations of planning location. Please relaunch SPW.
538Insert table OIJPLANLOC key &1 &2 failed (RC = &3)
539Update table OIJPLANLOC key &1 &2 failed (RC = &3)
540TSW control parameters saved.
541Update failed.
542TSW Stock Projection settings saved.
543TSW nomination settings saved.
544No changes made - you do not need to save.
545TSW master data settings saved.
546Delete from table OIJPLANLOC key &1 &2 failed (RC = &3)
547Unable to get Physical inventory from OIJPHYINV
548Error in modifying table OIJPHYINV
549Number of decimals cannot be greater than 3
550No valid locations found for TS &1. Check the TS loc.assignments table.
551Invalid - TS &1 with prior in-transit plant &2 in use - check OIJTSMAT.
552Changing cycle period from &1 to &2 &3 affects TS &4 planning.
553Invalid - TS &1 with prior in-transit plant &2 in use - see OIJLOCMAT.
554Changing cycle period from &1 to &2 &3 affects OIJLOCMAT.
555Unit of measure &1 not valid for material &2 - make new entry.
556Unit of measure &1 not valid for unit of measure group &2
557Table OIJPLANLOC is not filled
558Cycle detected with this assignment.
559Update OIJBRDH with key &1, &2, &3 failed .
560Preferred safety level is always greater than the minimum inventory
561Preferred head room level is always greater than the minimum inventory
562No material UoM combinations found for material &1 - check mat. master.
563No texts found for UoMs - check table T006A.
564No valid combinations found for loc. plant &1 and mat. &2 - check MARC.
565No valid combinations found for TS plant &1 and Mat. &2 - check MARC.
566No UoMs found for dimension &1 - check table T006.
567No materials (--> no UoMs) defined for plant &1 - check table MARC.
568No valid material/UoMs found with dimension &1 - check table MARM.
569The offset needs to be less than the forecast history horizon.
570No export values were passed to the UoM search - check prog. &1 scr. &2
571Material &1 was not recognized by search - check the mat. master(MARA).
572No entry was found in the search for UoM using material &1
573Search function encountered unexpected case value - see function &1
574TS Plant &1 not recognized by search - check table T001W
575Location plant &1 not recognized here - check table T001W for plant setup
576Dimemsion &1 not recognized - check input and/or table T006D.
577Choose a valid forecast profile (table OIJFCPRF).
578Please enter date of physical inventory reading.
579Physical inventory reading date cannot be greater than current date
580Please enter time of physical inventory reading
581Error when generating control.
582Error when creating ALV grid control.
584Please enter source type of physical inventory reading
585Nomination in process
586Error in accumulates negatives function
587Error in unaccumulates negatives function
588Error in RVP calculation module
589No records have been requested from table &1
590You have limited the amount of hits to &1; more hits were found
591Please choose a value from the listbox.
592Error is "Exclude Minimum " functionality
593No time dependent constraints found
594Nomination(s) successfully saved
595Error during check; nomination can not be saved; please check LOG
596Nomination(s) successfully checked - no errors occured
597There are no selected nominations to save
598Date cannot be less than Base date (&1)
599"To Date" cannot be less than "From Date"!
600Please enter From/To date
601Enter a customer ID.
602Enter a vendor ID.
603Enter a plant ID.
604Enter a storage location in plant &1
605Customer ID &1 does not exist.
606Vendor ID &1 does not exist.
607Plant &1 does not exist.
608Storage location &1 does not exist in plant &2
609No active partner role exists for customer &1
610No active partner role exists for vendor &1
611No active partner role exists for plant &1
612No active partner role exists for storage location &1 of plant &2
613Role type &1 does not exist or is not allowed for this partner role.
614Role type &1 does not exist.
615Roles already exist for customer &1. You may make changes only.
616Roles already exist for vendor &1. You may make changes only.
617Roles already exist for plant &1. You may make changes only.
618Roles already exist for plant &1 Stor Loc. &2 You may make changes only.
619Place the cursor on the partner roles table area.
620Partner roles for customer &1 have not been changed - no need to save.
621Partner roles for vendor &1 have not been changed, no need to save.
622Partner roles for plant &1 have not been changed - no need to save.
623Partner roles for plant &1 S/L &2 not changed; no need to save.
624Partner roles has not been changed - you do not need to save.
625Insert table OIJRRA with key &1 failed. (RC = &2).
626Update table OIJRRA with key &1 failed. (RC = &2).
627Delete table OIJRRA with key &1 failed. (RC = &2).
628Partner roles for key &1 have been deleted.
629TSW partner roles with key &1 have been saved.
630No location assignment is allowed for role type &1
631No transport system assignment is allowed for role type &1
632No assn. exists for transport system &1 between permitted locations.
633No assn.exists for transport system &1 between location &2
634Location &1 does not exist or is not allowed for this role assignment.
635There are no (possible) locations to make assignments.
636Location &1 has not been assigned to transport system &2 as an origin
637Location &1 has not been assigned to transport system &2 as a destination
638Enter a role type.
639IS-OIL TSW Phase 1 supports only the rule for carriers (role type TSW001)
640Material assignments exist for plant &1 and loc &2. No changes allowed.
641Place the cursor on the sort field you want in the list.
642Plant &1 is already used as an in-transit plt.for a TSW transport system.
643Plant &1 already has a partner role (behind a TSW location).
644Cannot change. This partner role is used in a nomination.
645Cannot delete. This partner role is used in a nomination.
646No valid locations for this partner role type.
647Location of type D, OD can be used only with role type receiver.
648Transport system mandatory for role type &1
649Location mandatory for role type &1
650Both transport system and location mandatory for role type &1
651Not a valid UoM for mass or volume. Enter a valid UoM.
652There is no TS/location assignment between TS &1 and location &2
653Role type &1 cannot be set for destination-only location.
654Role type &1 cannot be set for origin-only location.
655Location &1 already has another plant, &2, assigned to it.
656Plant &1 has already been assigned to location &2
657Enter the UoM for carrier lead time.
658Enter the UoM for absolute tolerence quantity.
659Partner role &1 is relevant only for transport system.
660Partner role &1 is relevant only for location.
661No transport system assignment for location &1
662Book transport system &1 cannot be assigned to partner role &2
663Assigned location is different from the one already assigned to plant.
664The role &1 for partner is set for deletion.
665Location of type O, OD only can be used with role type supplier.
666Cannot change data. Partner role &1 used in transport system &2
667Only deleted partner roles exist for customer &1
668Only deleted partner roles exist for vendor &1
669Only deleted partner roles exist for plant &1
670Only deleted partner roles exist for plant &1 storage location &2
671Partner role type &1 already exists for vendor &2
672No TSW data for this order item.
673One location ID &1 found for planning location &2
674Material &1 does not exist for location &2
675You are not authorized to run this program.
676The number of parameters in check object & is invalid.
677The specified object & is not maintained in the user master.
678No profile has been entered in user master &
679Authorization for & & & & - check that it is in the user master.
680There are no authorizations for actions in the SAP System
681The user master & is incorrectly set up (SY-SUBRC = & ).
682You have no authorization for & & & &
683Some inputs were found to be missing during authority check for & & &
684Archiving not possible due to missing authorization for &
685Mismatch of field names for check call and authorization.
686Material &1 does not exist for transport system &2
687Batch &1 does not exist for &2, material &3
688Valuation type &1 does not exist for &2, material &3.
689History horizon cannot be greater than the offset period.
690Number of days in past cannot be greater than Stock Projection period.
691No time-dependent planning constraints found for location &1, material &2
692No time-dependent planning constraints found.
693Error in update to DB table OIJ_LMTIMECON.
694Error inserting new records to DB table OIJ_LMTIMECON.
695No data was imported for processing.
696Start date greater than the End date.
697No aggregation allowed for multiple materials. Aggregation Flag cleared!
698Enter a transport system or material.
699No aggregation allowed for multiple batch/val.type. Aggr.Flag cleared!
700Error in LOIJWU07.
701Error in LOIJWU06.
702Error in LOIJWU34.
703Error in LOIJWU22.
704Error in LOIJWU13.
705Error in LOIJWU14.
706Choose one nomination when specifying items.
707Ticket not found.
708Ticket not found. NOMNR : &1 NOMIT : &2
709Time constraints were successfully updated to the database.
710Worklist has been updated.
711Not necessary to update worklist.
712The prod. version for loc &1 mat &2 cannot be activated, line deleted.
713&1 is different from the scheduled material &2 in this nomination.
714Ticket purpose & not allowed with this transaction.
715Reversal ticket version & has already been created but not actualized.
716Net quantity is missing.
717No previously actualized ticket found.
718Purpose &, version & of the ticket has not yet been actualized.
719Ticket &1 validated.
720Ticket &1 actualized with errors. Display the error log.
721Ticket &1 completely actualized.
722Production version &1 for &2 on &3 is in use, the BOM material is &4.
723Ticket has already been reversed and can not be reversed again
724Ticket has already been reversed and can no more be corrected
725Error in deleting existing records from DB table OIJ_LMTIMECON.
726Either start date, start time, constraint name or value is missing.
727Ticket &1 cannot be maintained as it is locked by &2
728Incremental lot size cannot be negative
729Please enter incremental lot quantity
730Number of selected lines exceeds the permitted maximum of &1
731No objects selected.
732You have not made any changes - you do not need to save.
733Location/material data has been saved.
734Update failed.
735One or more of the selected locations are locked by other users.
736You are not authorized to maintain all the selected locations.
737Error is still existing. Save not allowed.
738Entered constraint is not a defined type.
739ZERO conversion factor is not allowed!
740Please untick the manual forecast flag in the attributes tabstrip
741&1 is already a part of another line. Start the period using difft. date.
742Material cannot be changed during Flexible grouping; see long text
743Batch/Val. type cannot be changed during flexible grouping; see long text
744Update of table OIJTHPUTFCEST Failed! (RC = &1)
745Update of table OIJTHPUTFC Failed! (RC = &1)
746Update of table OIJTHPUTFCAVG Failed! (RC = &1)
747Error occured during Stock Projection generation. Return code was &1.
748Stock Projection was re-generated successfully!
749Cursor is on "BALANCE" field which is not a real Nomination;see long text
750No entries found in table OIJNOMM.
751No entries found in table OIJRDNOM.
752Please Select a TSW Rack MoT first!
753Please choose an As-Is Forecast type!
754Please choose a What-if Forecast type!
755Update of table OIJRDHTPSET Failed! (RC = &1)
756An entry already exists for constraint &1 and start timestamp &2 &3.
757Stock Projection type "&1" is Invalid!
759Not a valid filter value.
760External ticket number is missing.
761An external ticket number of '0' is not allowed.
762&1 is not a valid Stock Projection Type. Please check your entry!
763Error in getting time dependent target/ safety stock
764Stages can only be modified for a nomination after a route is assigned
765Production version is active. BOM material &1 different from Sch. Mat. &2
766Select a line item
767Update of reported quantities failed
768Select a valid nomination item
769Please choose a valid line
770Nomination &1 cannot be deleted; see long text
771Transaction &1 is outdated
772Error when calculating time dependent target/safety stock
773Time dependent target/safety stock calculated and updated successfully
774"From Date" is in past. It is not possible to delete this row
775Select either 'Test mode' or 'Generate archive file'.
776No archive file found.
777Mode of transport changed. You may re-enter the default vehicle-id.
778No Stage point assigned for TSW location &1
779No status prerequisites are defined in customizing
780A longtext needs to be entered for status &1
781Nomination &2 does not have status &1.
782Nomination &2 Item &3 does not have status &1.
783Status &1 has been deactivated for Nomination &2.
784Status &1 has been deactivated for Nomination &2 Item &3.
785No nomination type has been specified. Process check is not possible.
786Status prerequisites are not fulfilled
787Status prerequisites are not fulfilled
788You are not authorized to activate or deactivate status &1
789You are not authorized to access the nomination data for &1
790Ticket created. Subsequent document generation ended with errors.
791Error when validating ticket.
792Ticket & succesfully actualized.
793Error when processing ticket &; see error log for details.
794Error when validating ticket. See error log for details.
795Quanitity entered is still within tolerance limits.
796Ticket validated and saved.
797Missing STO configuration in table T161W for plant &.
798Stock transfer order needs to be created.
799Choose a variant for the document overview or use the Quicksearch
800Ticket actualization process completed.
801Nomination &1 not found.
802Nomination &1 Item &2 not found.
803Wrong carrier &1
804Carrier &1 not found.
805Wrong shipper &1
806Shipper &1 not found.
807Wrong tankage &1
808Tankage &1 not found.
809Wrong consignee &1
810Consignee &1 not found.
811Nomination &1 item &2 : status rejected
812Nomination &1 item &2 : status complete
813Nomination &1 item &2: confirmation missing
814Posting of ticket &1 quantity &2 &3 would exceed scheduled quantitiy &4
815Wrong transport system &1
816Transport system &1 not found.
817Wrong location &1
818Location &1 not found.
819Wrong purchase order &1
820Purchase order &1 : &2
821Purchase order &1 : item quantity &2 exceeds tolerance &3
822Wrong sales order &1
823Sales order &1 &2
824Sales order &1 : item quantity &2 exceeds tolerance &3
825Ticket &1 : error while posting shipping notification
826Ticket &1 : error while creating shipment
827Load confirmation &1 posted
828Reservation &1 posted
829Ticket &1 : nomination number missing
830Nomination number &1 not unique
831Nomination &1 item &2 not unique
832Nomination &1 item &2 : copy not unique
833Nomination &1 item &2 : SITYP missing
834Nomination &1 item &2 : wrong SITYP &3
835Material number missing
836Wrong material number &1
837Ticket &1 : quantity missing
838Movement scenario not found for document indicator &1 and item type &2
839Ticket &1 : unit of measure missing
840Ticket &1 : end date is &2.
841TD vehicle number missing in nomination &1
842TD shipment type missing in nomination &1
843TD Transportation planning point missing in nomination &1
844Plant and storage location for movement destination missing
845Unit conversion: required fields not filled
846Unit conversion: default values for material &1 not found
847Unit conversion: calculation error
848Other uncomplete similar ticket &1 found: you must complete this first.
849Plant and storage location for movement origin missing.
850Ticket &1 saved &2
851Ticket &1 : Error occurred in carrier ticket customer function.
852Ticket &1 : Error while posting load confirmation
853Ticket &1 : Error while posting reservation
854Ticket &1 : Error while posting delivery
855Ticket &1 : Error while posting delivery confirmation
856Ticket &1 : Error while updating nomination &2 (Act. Qty.)
857Ticket &1 : Error while changing shipment &2
858Shipping notification &1 posted.
859Shipment &1 posted.
860Delivery &1 posted.
861Delivery confirmation &1 has been posted.
862Nomination &1 updated.
863Shipment &1 changes have been posted.
864Sales order &1 : Shipping point is missing.
865&1 is not a valid supplier/receiver for &2
866&1 is not a valid plant/storage location.
867Shipment type &2 is not assigned to shipping type &1
868Vehicle &1 does not exist, check table OIGV.
869Vehicle &1 with type &2 does not have mode &3
870Ticket &1/&2 has been processed completely, you cannot make changes.
871Purchase order &1 : Del. date < ticket end date &2.
872Sales Order &1 : Delivery date > ticket end date &2
873Ticket &1 : Error while posting goods receipt.
874Ticket &1 : Error while posting billing document.
875No save possible: Duplicate ticket &1 loc. &2 year &3 month &4 found.
876Max.inventory must be greater than or equal to reorder point level.
877Nomination &1 item &2 is currently locked by user &3
878OIJX update failed for PLTYP change in material &1 of TS &2
879OIJX update failed for PLTYP change in material &1 of LOCID &2
880Source combination &1 with &2 already used. Circle detected.
881Entry &3 &4 not found in &2 table &1.
882Source TS is empty. If source button is activated, this is mandatory.
883Field OFFPER is blank. If source button is activated, this is mandatory.
884Location material &1 not found for TS &2. Check Table OIJTSMAT.
885Source loc is empty. If source button is activated, this is mandatory.
886TS material &1 not found for loc &2. Check table OIJLOCMAT.
887Ticket &1 : Error occurred when updating the database table.
888Ticket &1, nomination &2 : Error when closing shipment &3
889Max. batch size must be greater or at least equal to min. batch size.
890Maximum inventory must be greater than minimum inventory.
891Plant material &1 does not allow negative stock values.
892Plant &1 does not allow negative stock values.
893Maximum inventory must be greater than the target inventory.
894Rolling period range: 1 - 999.
895Range for days in past: 1 - 999.
896Plan horizon greater than difference of rolling period and days in past.
897Cycle UoM is limited to 'days'.
898Safety inventory has been copied from the minimum inventory.
899Max. batch size must be greater than or equal to increment batch size.
900No new values calculated /updated
901&1 not assigned to location &2.
902Location &1 Type &2 cannot be used as a dummy consumption location.
903Nomination &1 is locked by a foreign user.No consumption items generated.
904No consumption scenario is assigned to nomination &1 item &2
905No freight contract data is maintained for nomination &1 item &2
906Freight cont. validity range does not cover sched. date of nom.&1 item &2
907Bunker consum. movem. location could not be defaulted for nom. &1 item &2
908Consum. perc. is not maint. at Freight Contract of nomination &1 item &2
909No bunker consumption nomination item generated for line item &1
910Consumption items generated for items selected will also be deleted
911Select items for processed nomination key to generate consumption items
912This transaction is not supported anymore; use O4TCN instead
913Document type & not found
914Transaction Code &1 not Customized for Document Type &2
915Enter a valid in-transit plant or storage location
916Transport system is not relevant for stock projection anymore
917The storage location &1 is already partnered for a TSW location.
918You are not authorized to run this.
919Nomination &1 header cycle id is different from item &2 cycle id
920Enter a value for Reference Indicator.
921The scheduled quantity must be less than or equal to MDQ
922Nomination cannot be changed. Reference nomination exists
923Invalid Action code
924The material &1 entered is marked for deletion.
925Actual Parallel Qty &1 &2 is more than Scheduled Parallel Qty &3 &4
926Left on the vehicle &1 defaulted
927Left on Vehicle Quantity is adjusted
928Nomination could not be closed
929Nomination item &1 already deleted. It cannot be changed or deleted
930Nomination item &1 does not exist
931Nomination item &1 already exists
932Materials with Batch not supported
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