OIJ - TSW Traders and Schedulers Workbench

The development package OIJ contains objects for "TSW Traders and Schedulers Workbench".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package IS-OIL-DS. It belongs to software component IS-OIL-DS-TSW.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package OIJ

B445OIL-TSW: Carrier
B450OIL-TSW: Carrier/Shipping Type
B451Business Partner
OIB_SCHEMA_LOCSchema Allocation table
OIJARCOIL-TSW : Archiving related customizing
OIJBERBerth Table
OIJBERLOCIndex table for berths at TSW locations
OIJBERMATAssignment of material to berths
OIJBERSOCAssignment of berths to tanks
OIJBRDOIL-TSW: Rundown table for Batch
OIJBRDACTUALSIS-OIL TSW: Table to store the actuals
OIJBRDDOCRundown item / document X-ref table for Batch - WILL EXPIR
OIJBRDHRD header f.batch:Don't use(obsolete) & don't delete(XPRA)
OIJBRDNOMStock Projection item / nomination X-ref table
OIJBTC_RANGEOil-TSW: Release profile - Batches range table
OIJCLIPBOARDClipboard Table for Railcar
OIJCOVOIL-TSW: Safety stock coverage period profile
OIJCOVTOIL-TSW: Safety stock coverage period profile text
OIJCUFCTYPEOIL-TSW: Customisable Rack issue/throughput forecast type
OIJCUFCTYPETOIL-TSW: Customisable rack/throughput forecast types text
OIJDOC_RANGEOil-TSW: Release profile - Reference documents range table
OIJECTD-Transport Unit Master Data Events
OIJEDIITYPAssign nomination item type to IDoc item
OIJEDIVNDRAssign EDI account numbers to vendors
OIJERRLOGTSW: Error log of create/change documents
OIJEVTD-Vehicle ~ Berth Master Data Events
OIJFCPRFOIL-TSW: Rack issue forecast profile
OIJFCPRFTOIL-TSW: Rack issue forecast profile texts
OIJHCT01OIL-TSW: Ticket Holding Table (Draft version 1) - OBSOLETE
OIJHISTINDOIL-TSW: Rack issue / Throughput history horizon indicator
OIJHTNROIL-TSW: Ticket Number Rules
OIJHTNRTOIL-TSW: Ticket Number Rules Texts
OIJHUOMOIL-TSW: Ticket additional units of measure
OIJIMEXOIL-TSW: Flag for importer/exporter or others
OIJIMEXTOIL-TSW: Flag for importer/exporter or others texts
OIJLOCLocation table
OIJLOCMATOIL-TSW: Location Rundown/Planning material table
OIJLOCTLocation type
OIJLOCTSOIL-TSW: Location type texts
OIJLOC_RANGEOil-TSW: Release profile - Locations range table
OIJMAT_RANGEOil-TSW: Release profile - Materials range table
OIJNENomination Events
OIJNOMCOIL-TSW: Nomination copy table
OIJNOMCOMMNomination Partner Communication
OIJNOMHNomination Header
OIJNOMHATLOADNomination Hatch load sequence plan
OIJNOMHATPLANNomination: hatch plan
OIJNOMHVERSNomination Header Version Table
OIJNOMHWLOIL-TSW: Nomination header worklist entries
OIJNOMINomination Item
OIJNOMIVERSNomination Item Version Table
OIJNOMIWLOIL-TSW: Nomination item worklist entries
OIJNOMI_LDS Load / Discharge scheduling for nominations
OIJNOMMNomination Material Balance
OIJNOMRNomination Reference Documents
OIJNOMSTNomination status (Header and Item)
OIJNOM_FIELDSTNomination field status locking
OIJNOM_FIELDSTSTNomination field status locking
OIJPEGTSW: Pegging of scheduled movements
OIJPHYINVPhysical inventory
OIJPLANLOCOIL TSW: Multiple planning Locations
OIJPLANWLOIJ-TSW: Worklist entries for planning
OIJPLCALOIL-TSW: Planning Calendar Definitions
OIJPLCALTOIL_TSW: Planning Calendar Texts
OIJPLSEQOIL-TSW: Planning Functionality : Supply Chain Definitions
OIJRDOIL-TSW: Rundown table
OIJRDACTUALSIS-OIL TSW: Table to store the actuals
OIJRDDOCRundown item / document X-ref table/ WILL EXPIRE IN FUTURE
OIJRDFILECARDStock Projection Worksheet filecards customizing
OIJRDFILECARDTStock Projection Worksheet filecards customizing text
OIJRDHRundown header: Don't use (obsolete) & don't delete (XPRA)
OIJRDHTPSETOIL-TSW: Rundown Rack issue / throughput settings
OIJRDNOMStock Projection item / nomination X-ref table
OIJRDPLANOIL-TSW: Rundown planning proposal drill-down
OIJRDTYPOIL-TSW : Partner Roles differentiation Types
OIJRDWLWorklist items per Stock Projection object item
OIJRELCRITERIATo define criteria for relevancy types
OIJRELTYPETable to define relevancy type
OIJRELTYPE_TText Table for relevancy descrition
OIJREPSTATOIL-TSW: Reported quantity status
OIJREPSTATTOIL-TSW: Reported quantity status texts
OIJRRAOIL-TSW: Partner roles
OIJRRPARTOIL-TSW : Partner Roles -> Role Partner Types
OIJRRTOIL-TSW: Partner role types
OIJRRTTOIL-TSW: Partner role type texts
OIJS435TSWEnhanced S435 LIS Table to hold TSW MoT
OIJSCALOIL-TSW: Safety stock calendar usage profile
OIJSCALTOIL-TSW: Safety stock calendar usage profile text
OIJSCHEMACustomizing Table For Schema
OIJSCHEMA_RELLink between relevancy type and schema
OIJSCHEMA_TText table to define the schema
OIJSDLOCOIL-TSW: Multiple sources/destinations of location
OIJSFTYPOIL-TSW: Safety stock calculation type
OIJSHIPVALDOIL TSW: Shipper valid for other partner roles
OIJSIMSCHEDWLOIL-TSW: Simulation scheduling ID worklist entries
OIJSRCTYPEOIL-TSW: Physical inventory update type
OIJSRCTYPETOIL TSW: Physical inventory update type texts
OIJSTATTOIL-TSW : Status Table Texts
OIJSTATTABOIL-TSW: Permissible reference tables for stati
OIJSUBITEMEVENTSNomination Sub Item Events
OIJSUBSTTOIL-TSW : Substatus Table Texts
OIJTCAL OIL-TSW: Target stock calendar usage profile
OIJTCALTOIL-TSW: Target stock calendar usage profile text
OIJTCWLOIL-TSW: TC item worklist entries
OIJTETSW Ticket Events
OIJTGTCOVOIL-TSW: Target stock coverage period profile
OIJTGTCOVTOIL-TSW: Target stock coverage period profile text
OIJTGTYPOIL-TSW: Target stock calculation type
OIJTGTYPTXOIL-TSW: Target stock calculation type texts
OIJTHPUTFCRack issue / Throughput forecast
OIJTHPUTFCAVGOIL-TSW: Rack issue / Throughput forecast daily average
OIJTHPUTFCESTOIL-TSW: Rack issue / Throughput estimate pop-up
OIJTSLOCOIL-TSW: transport system/location assignment table
OIJTSMATOIL-TSW: TS Rundown/Planning material table
OIJTSMATSEQDisallowed Material sequence within Transport system
OIJTSWMOTIS-OIL TSW: Mode of transport for rack issues
OIJTSWMVTYIS-OIL TSW: Movement type for rack issues
OIJTSY_RANGEOil-TSW: Release profile - Transport systems range table
OIJWLRCWorklist reason codes / NOT USED ANYMORE
OIJWLRCCReason codes customizing / NOT USED ANYMORE
OIJWLRCFTSW Worklist Reason Code to invidual check function
OIJWLRCNOIL-TSW: Worklist Reason codes
OIJWLRCSTSW Worklist Reason Code source Table
OIJWLRCSTWorklist reason code source texts
OIJWLRCTOIL-TSW: Reason code text
OIJXTSW control record
OIJ_3WP_SS3WP Selection Screen BADI filter table
OIJ_3WP_SST3WP Selection Screen BADI filter text table
OIJ_APOFCST_M_RAPO DP Forecast maintenance BADI routine
OIJ_APOFCST_M_RTAPO DP Forecast maintenance BADI routine
OIJ_BPB_OPT_ROil TSW: table of optimization method for BPB
OIJ_BPB_OPT_RTOil TSW: text table for OIJ_BPB_OPT_RT
OIJ_CONS_TYPETime-Dependent Constraint Types
OIJ_CONS_TYPETTSW Texts for Time-Dependent Constraint Types
OIJ_DAAGOIL-TSW : Aging related customizing
OIJ_EL_PROD_DATAProduction data for locations
OIJ_EL_TKT_I_O1Appendix: TSW Ticket item - Conversion Parameters
OIJ_EL_TKT_I_O2Appendix: TSW Ticket item - Additional Quantities
OIJ_LB_OPENINVOpening inventory table for Location Balancing.
OIJ_LMTIMECONOILTSW: Time dependent constraints by location & material
OIJ_NOMEV_CHK_AAssignment of nomination item check routines to val.grp.
OIJ_NOMEV_CHK_RNomination item check routines
OIJ_NOMEV_CHK_RTNomination item check routines
OIJ_NOMEV_PREREQEvent prerequisite check routines
OIJ_NOMEV_PRERETEvent prerequisite check routines
OIJ_NOMEV_SUBSEQSubsequent Event Routines
OIJ_NOMEV_SUBSETSubsequent Event Routines
OIJ_NOMHD_CHK_AAssignment of nomination header check routines to val.grp.
OIJ_NOMHD_CHK_RNomination header check routines
OIJ_NOMHD_CHK_RTNomination header check routines
OIJ_NOMIT_CHK_AAssignment of nomination item check routines to val.grp.
OIJ_NOMIT_CHK_RNomination item check routines
OIJ_NOMIT_CHK_RTNomination item check routines
OIJ_NOMLDS_CHK_AAssignment of nomination lds check routines to val. groups
OIJ_NOMLDS_CHK_RNomination Load/Discharge Scheduling check routine
OIJ_NOMLDS_CH_RTNomination Load/Discharge Scheduling check routine texts
OIJ_NOMLTLaytime and demurrage for groups in nominations
OIJ_NOMMT_CHK_AAssignment of routines with multiple nominations to val.grp.
OIJ_NOMMT_CHK_RCheck routines with multiple nominations
OIJ_NOMMT_CHK_RTCheck routines with multiple nominations
OIJ_NOMST_PREREQStatus prerequisite check routines
OIJ_NOMST_PRERETStatus prerequisite check routines
OIJ_NOMST_SUBSEQSubsequent Status Routines
OIJ_NOMST_SUBSETSubsequent Status Routines
OIJ_NOM_CHK_AAssignment of complete nomination check rout. to val.grp.
OIJ_NOM_CHK_GNomination validation groups
OIJ_NOM_CHK_GTNomination validation groups
OIJ_NOM_CHK_RComplete Nomination check routines
OIJ_NOM_CHK_RTComplete Nomination check routines
OIJ_NOM_UPD_S_RNomination update sched.line BADI
OIJ_NOM_UPD_S_RTNomination update sched.line BADI
OIJ_PEGobsolete table (will be cleaned up)
OIJ_PLAN_PRF3WP Planning Profile
OIJ_PLBUCKPRHDOil-TSW: Planning Buckets Profile
OIJ_PLBUCKPROFOil-TSW: Planning Buckets Profile
OIJ_PLBUCKPROFTOil-TSW: Planning Buckets Profile Text
OIJ_PRORATE_CHKProration check routines
OIJ_PRORATE_CHKTProration check routines
OIJ_RDHEADStock Projection header
OIJ_REBRAND_CHKTSW/IPW Material Rebrand Mapping
OIJ_RELPROFOil-TSW: Release profiles for Schedules
OIJ_RELPROFTOil-TSW: Planning Buckets Profile Text
OIJ_REPORT_QUANTSW: Reported Nomination quantities into/out of inventory
OIJ_SCHEDPlanned Schedule Lines
OIJ_SCHEDRPlanned Schedule Lines Reference Documents
OIJ_SIM_SCHEDobsolete table (will be cleaned up)
OIJ_SIM_SCHED_CBWhat-if clipboard user access table
OIJ_SPRELStock projection relevance
OIJ_SPTYPESStock Projection Types
OIJ_SPTYPESTStock Projection Type Texts
OIJ_SP_FLTVALStock projection filter values for BADI
OIJ_SP_FLTVALTStock projection filter values for BADI - text table
OIJ_SS_RTStores the Shipshore calculation routine types
OIJ_SS_RTTDescription of the Shipshore Filter values
OIJ_STAGESTSW (&TD) Shipment Stages
OIJ_TGTSFTTIMETime dependent target and safety levels
OIJ_TKTEV_CHK_AAssignment of ticket event check routines to val.grp.
OIJ_TKTEV_CHK_RTicket Event check routines
OIJ_TKTEV_CHK_RTTicket event check routines
OIJ_TKTHD_CHK_AAssignment of Ticket header check routines to val.grp.
OIJ_TKTHD_CHK_RTicket header check routines
OIJ_TKTHD_CHK_RTTicket header check routines
OIJ_TKTIT_CHK_AAssignment of Ticket item check routines to val.grp.
OIJ_TKTIT_CHK_RTicket item check routines
OIJ_TKTIT_CHK_RTTicket item check routines
OIJ_TKT_CHK_AAssignment of complete ticket check rout. to val.grp.
OIJ_TKT_CHK_GTicketing validation groups
OIJ_TKT_CHK_GTTicketing validation groups
OIJ_TKT_CHK_RComplete Ticket check routines
OIJ_TKT_CHK_RTComplete Ticket check routines
OIJ_TKT_TMST_PRTicket Timestamp Transfer Control Table
OIJ_VEH_PERFMarine Scheduling - Table to Store vehicle Performanace
ROIJRDACTIS-OIL TSW: Table to store the actuals X-ref table
S430SIS: (OIL-TSW) Sales document statistics by TSW object
S431PURCHIS: (OIL-TSW) Purchasing document stats by TSW object
S435Statistics: Material Movements for Batches / NOT USED ANYM
TICKET_DAAG_CUSTData Aging: Customization for TSW Ticketing
TOIJNOMSI_APPTSW: Nomination sub-items applicaton types
TOIJNOMSI_APPTTSW: Nomination sub-items applicaton types
TOIJNOMSI_STTSW: Nomination sub-items status codes
TOIJNOMSI_STTTSW: Nomination sub-items status codes text table
TOIJNOMSI_TYPTSW: Combination of Nomination type and Sub-item Application
TOIJNOMTYPNomination Type
TOIJNOMTYPTNomination type
TOIJNOM_EV01Nomination event codes
TOIJNOM_EV01TNomination Event type texts
TOIJNOM_EV02Nomination event profiles
TOIJNOM_EV02TNomination event profile texts
TOIJNOM_EV03Nomination event / profile assignment
TOIJNOM_EV04Nomination Event/ Event prereq's
TOIJNOM_EV05Nomination Events./subsequence Event and statuses
TOIJNOM_ST01Nomination status codes
TOIJNOM_ST01TNomination status code texts
TOIJNOM_ST02Nomination Business Processes
TOIJNOM_ST02TNomination Business Processes
TOIJNOM_ST03Nomination status profiles
TOIJNOM_ST03TNomination status profiles
TOIJNOM_ST04Nomination status / profile assignment
TOIJNOM_ST05Business process / profile assignment
TOIJNOM_ST15Nomination Business Proc./status prereq's
TOIJNOM_ST25Nomination Business Proc./subsequence statuses
TOIJUSAGEUsage of Location Sources/Destinations
TOIJUSAGETOIL-TSW: Usage of Location Sources/Destinations text table
TOIJ_BPD_FIELDSCustomizing Table Business Process Dialog
TOIJ_BPD_PMAPNomination Partner Communication Partner Mapping
TOIJ_DET_DATERules for pricing date determination
TOIJ_DET_DATETText table Rules for pricing date determination
TOIJ_IFAPO_PEGAPO SNP TSW Order transfer - Define auto pegging
TOIJ_LAYOUTSETScreen layout set
TOIJ_LAYOUTSETTScreen layout set
TOIJ_LAYT_CALCLaytime calculation method filter
TOIJ_LAYT_CALCTText table for laytime calculation method filter
TOIJ_LAYT_RELVAssign laytime filter to relevance type
TOIJ_LB_RTLoc Bal BADI routnies
TOIJ_LB_RTTLoc Bal BADI routnies Text
TOIJ_LB_SETTSW Transport system To Transport System transfer Settings
TOIJ_MD_SCREENSCustomer screens in master data
TOIJ_NOMV_CAPTCCustomized screen sequence for tabstrip captions
TOIJ_NOMV_CAPTCTCustomized screen sequence for tabstrip captions
TOIJ_NOMV_CAPTSAvailable screens for tabstrip captions
TOIJ_NOMV_CAPTSTAvailable screens for tabstrip captions
TOIJ_NOM_FIELDStores fields for different nomination views
TOIJ_NOM_FILTNomination data filters
TOIJ_NOM_FILTTNomination data filters
TOIJ_NOM_QSFNomination Quick Search Fields
TOIJ_NOM_QSFTNomination Quick Search Fields
TOIJ_NOM_VIEWStores different nomination views
TOIJ_NOM_VIEWTStores description to nomination views (text table)
TOIJ_PEGTYPETSW: Pegging type definition
TOIJ_PEGTYPETTSW: Pegging type definition - texts
TOIJ_PEG_CHK_RNomination item check routines
TOIJ_PEG_CHK_RTPegging check routines
TOIJ_REFDOC_BADIOIL-TSW: Update of scheduled documents - BADI selection
TOIJ_REF_DOC_UPDOIL-TSW: Update of scheduled documents - Technical settings
TOIJ_SCHED_BD_RNomination item check routines
TOIJ_SCHED_BD_RTComplete Nomination check routines
TOIJ_SHCAOIL-TSW: Shipment change authorization
TOIJ_SIM_USAGESimulated schedules usage by applications
TOIJ_SS_QTY_TLRSMeasurement Comparison quantity tolerances
TOIJ_SS_SETTINGSShip shore settings
TOIJ_STOP_MTR_RTstores stop meter calculation routines
TOIJ_STOP_MT_RTTdescription of stop meter calculation routine values
TOIJ_ST_GAUGE_RTstores stop gauge calculation routines
TOIJ_ST_GAUG_RTTdescription of stop meter calculation routine values
TOIJ_TKT_QMMOIL-TSW: Ticket quantity measuring method
TOIJ_TKT_QMMTOIL-TSW: Description of Ticket quantity measuring method
TOIJ_TKT_TYPETOIL-TSW: Description of Ticket Type
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