OIJ_LT - TSW Messages in laytime and demurrage module
The following messages are stored in message class OIJ_LT: TSW Messages in laytime and demurrage module.
It is part of development package OIJ in software component IS-OIL-DS-TSW. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "TSW Traders and Schedulers Workbench".
It is part of development package OIJ in software component IS-OIL-DS-TSW. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "TSW Traders and Schedulers Workbench".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | Layterms not maintained in freight contract &1 , Item &2 |
001 | Nomtk=&1,Item=&2 : Load/discharge rate not specified. |
002 | Nomtk=&1,Item=&2 : Could not determine movement scenario. |
003 | Nomtk=&1,Item=&2 : No physical load/discharge at location. |
004 | Nomination:&1,Document:&2,Allowed laytime exceeds potential by &3. |
005 | Actual laytime not calculated. |
006 | Nomtk:&1,Freight contract does not exist for this nomination. |
007 | Nomtk:&2,Pegid:&1, No events have been recorded yet. |
008 | Nomination item(s) incomplete for laytime calculation. |
009 | Nomtk :&1 , No items have been pegged for laytime calculation. |
010 | No event data available - Actual laytime calculation not possible yet. |
011 | &1 , Allowed laytime could not be calculated. |
012 | Nomtk : &1 , Allowed laytime could not be calculated. |
013 | Nomtk:&1,Item:&2, UoM conversion failed |
014 | Nomtk:&1,Item:&2, Location not relevant for loading or discharging |
015 | Nomtk:&1,Item:&2,Freight contract incomplete . |
016 | Contract:&1,Freight contract incomplete for allowed laytime calc. |
017 | Nomtk:&1,Item:&2,Laytime for discharge items not specified in contract. |
018 | Nomtk:&1,Item:&2,Laytime for discharge items not specified in contract. |
019 | Contract:&1, specifies laytime only for complete voyage. |
020 | Allowed laytime for voyage = &1 &2 &3 &4. |
021 | Potential laytime for voyage = &1 &2 &3 &4. |
022 | Potential demurrage on voyage = &1 &2. |
023 | PegID &1 , Potential demurrage = &2 &3. |
024 | Actual laytime for pegid &1 cannot be determined. |
025 | Laytime events have not been maintained in freight contract for pegid &1. |
026 | Total actual laytime = &1 &2 &3 &4. |
027 | Actual laytime calculation failed for pegid = &1. |
028 | Demurrage cannot be computed.Potential laytime = actual laytime = 0. |
029 | Selected nom.line not been pegged for laytime for item frt contract. |
030 | Actual laytime calculation could not be performed. |
031 | No line item has been selected. |
032 | No laytime, demurrage results exist for this nomination. |
033 | Item &1 has not been pegged for "laytime by item" pegtype. |
034 | There are no nomination items pegged for 'laytime by header' |