OIJ_LT - TSW Messages in laytime and demurrage module

The following messages are stored in message class OIJ_LT: TSW Messages in laytime and demurrage module.
It is part of development package OIJ in software component IS-OIL-DS-TSW. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "TSW Traders and Schedulers Workbench".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Layterms not maintained in freight contract &1 , Item &2
001Nomtk=&1,Item=&2 : Load/discharge rate not specified.
002Nomtk=&1,Item=&2 : Could not determine movement scenario.
003Nomtk=&1,Item=&2 : No physical load/discharge at location.
004Nomination:&1,Document:&2,Allowed laytime exceeds potential by &3.
005Actual laytime not calculated.
006Nomtk:&1,Freight contract does not exist for this nomination.
007Nomtk:&2,Pegid:&1, No events have been recorded yet.
008Nomination item(s) incomplete for laytime calculation.
009Nomtk :&1 , No items have been pegged for laytime calculation.
010No event data available - Actual laytime calculation not possible yet.
011&1 , Allowed laytime could not be calculated.
012Nomtk : &1 , Allowed laytime could not be calculated.
013Nomtk:&1,Item:&2, UoM conversion failed
014Nomtk:&1,Item:&2, Location not relevant for loading or discharging
015Nomtk:&1,Item:&2,Freight contract incomplete .
016Contract:&1,Freight contract incomplete for allowed laytime calc.
017Nomtk:&1,Item:&2,Laytime for discharge items not specified in contract.
018Nomtk:&1,Item:&2,Laytime for discharge items not specified in contract.
019Contract:&1, specifies laytime only for complete voyage.
020Allowed laytime for voyage = &1 &2 &3 &4.
021Potential laytime for voyage = &1 &2 &3 &4.
022Potential demurrage on voyage = &1 &2.
023PegID &1 , Potential demurrage = &2 &3.
024Actual laytime for pegid &1 cannot be determined.
025Laytime events have not been maintained in freight contract for pegid &1.
026Total actual laytime = &1 &2 &3 &4.
027Actual laytime calculation failed for pegid = &1.
028Demurrage cannot be computed.Potential laytime = actual laytime = 0.
029Selected nom.line not been pegged for laytime for item frt contract.
030Actual laytime calculation could not be performed.
031No line item has been selected.
032No laytime, demurrage results exist for this nomination.
033Item &1 has not been pegged for "laytime by item" pegtype.
034There are no nomination items pegged for 'laytime by header'
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