OQ_E - IS-Oil SSR : Message pool Payment Card Processing
The following messages are stored in message class OQ_E: IS-Oil SSR : Message pool Payment Card Processing.
It is part of development package OIR_E in software component IS-OIL-DS-SSR. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "SSR Card processing (IS-Oil Sevice Station Retailing)".
It is part of development package OIR_E in software component IS-OIL-DS-SSR. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "SSR Card processing (IS-Oil Sevice Station Retailing)".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | Transaction & does not exist in table T180 |
001 | & does not exist, please enter a valid exit number |
002 | Application type of current trans. & does not match selected exit & |
003 | &1 &2 cannot be deleted because of dependent entries in table OIREPBL |
004 | &1 &2 cannot be deleted because the DTF table contains entries/archives. |
005 | Number range interval & is already used for PC type & in company code & |
006 | Number range interval & needs to be defined first. Please define it |
007 | Please do not insert overlapping intervals |
008 | & is not a numeric value. Please enter a numeric value |
009 | There is an overlapping interval with PC type & from & to & |
010 | ALV Display Variant & does not exist |
011 | No initial or zero values are allowed for a card number range |
012 | The low value & is greater than the high value &.Please check the entry |
013 | Please set exactly one indicator for the SSR payment card category |
014 | Card category & cannot be deleted, because of depend. entr. in OIREPCTYP |
015 | PC Type & cannot be deleted, because of dependent entries in OIRECCTYP |
016 | The card category: & entered, is overwritten with & from Table TVCIN |
017 | Maintain both the LOW and the HIGH value, or change the selection option |
018 | Please enter the value only in the LOW value field |
019 | The DTF tables need to be generated manually. -> See text |
020 | Transaction is valid. |
021 | Please enter values in only one of the 'criteria' fields |
022 | No CH object determined for the CH determination combination & |
023 | The customer is not created in the specified sales area. -> See text |
024 | The charts of account is not defined for the entered company code. |
025 | Payment card type & does not exist for the company code &. -> See L-text. |
026 | A successful validation status is a requirement for performing splitting. |
027 | More than one payer is linked to the customer.-> See long text |
028 | Payment card transaction & was succesfully stored in the database |
029 | No number interval is assigned to the card type &. -> See the long text |
030 | No DTF tables are generated for the payment card type & yet. -> See text. |
031 | Payment card transaction(s) could not be locked |
032 | & transaction & was successfully &. |
033 | The expiry date of the card needs to be in the future |
034 | Cannot switch to CHANGE mode because of entries in the DTLT table |
035 | At least one field needs to be filled. -> See the long text |
036 | Payment card type and number do not match. -> See the long text |
037 | No payment card type is defined with the payment card category: 'EC' |
038 | Please enter either the payment card or the bank number |
039 | The number entered does not match the payment card type. -> See long txt. |
040 | The payment card type is not created with the 'EC' category |
041 | You are not authorized to do this -> Please see the long text |
042 | The PC type changed from & to &. -> see long text. |
043 | Initial validation status. |
044 | No completion strategy for the complaint processing is defined. |
045 | The complaint result & has not been properly maintained. |
046 | Transaction is valid. |
047 | That combination of parameters cannot be used. Please check your entries |
048 | Fill either only one document number field, or none |
049 | Document number and/or date range entered does not match processing type |
050 | & & & & |
051 | No records were selected for processing |
052 | This transaction is already deleted, so it cannot be reversed |
053 | The pymt.card trans.is not a complaint. Set the complaint indicator first |
054 | Please carry out the validation step first. |
055 | Please carry out clearing house determination first. |
056 | Please carry out splitting first. |
057 | You can't reverse this transaction because of the category: EC. -> Text. |
058 | Billing type & is not fully maintained. Please check Customizing. |
059 | Select one item line. |
060 | No pricing procedure could be determined. -> Please check Customizing. |
061 | Data source indicator is missing. |
062 | No expiry date was entered. -> Please enter an expiry date. |
063 | Expiry date is in the past. -> Change your entry. |
064 | For item & the & is not filled. |
065 | The entered payment card number is wrong. |
066 | You are going to change an already investigated complaint transaction! |
067 | No payment card category could be determined! -> see Text |
068 | The payment card type & is not created in the company code &. |
069 | No payment card number entered. |
070 | Generation terminated: ABAP &1 not in DB |
071 | Generation terminated: &1 not contained in TRDIR |
072 | &1 generated/changed |
073 | Archiving object &1 was created |
074 | Program error: Function code &1 is not allowed |
075 | TADIR entry for object &1/&2 was not created/updated |
076 | Syntax error in program &1, include &2, line &3 |
077 | Program & could not be generated |
078 | Selection screen for program & could not be generated |
079 | DTF table & activated with warnings-check tables DDPRH/DDPRS for details. |
080 | Entry & is missing in SAR2 |
081 | The combination of selection parameters is inconsistent |
082 | Can't switch from display to change mode. -> See text. |
083 | No payment card type could be determined. The transaction exists. |
084 | No payment card category has been determined. |
085 | Error when generating archiving object for company code &1, card type &2 |
086 | The order type & is not created yet in customising. |
087 | More then one company code was determined. Please change your selection. |
088 | Please specify the company code for the selection. |
089 | No service station partner could be determined for location &. |
090 | Material is not allowed to purchased with this PC type. |
091 | An material restriction occured during the payment card processing. |
092 | Enter the account and the bank number for this ec transaction. |
093 | Validation executed successfully. |
094 | Splitting was executed successfully. |
095 | PC type determination was executed successfully. |
096 | Clearing house determination was executed successfully. |
097 | No payment card transactions have been selected for processing. |
098 | Validation was executed, but an error occured. |
099 | The specified service station(s) doesn't (don't) exist. |
100 | No validation group is defined for location & in the location master |
101 | No validation user exits are defined for validation group & |
102 | Transaction record already exists in system |
103 | The receipt number is empty |
104 | The card number does not consist of integers |
105 | The card number is not continuous |
106 | Location & does not exist in the location master |
107 | Material & may not be purchased with card type & |
108 | Card type & is not accepted at business location & |
109 | Authorization number does not consist of integers |
110 | The sales dates are in the future |
111 | Please check number range interval (approaching interval end) |
112 | Please check number range interval (end of interval reached) |
113 | Error during document number assignment |
114 | Please enter a valid company code |
115 | Please enter a valid payment card type |
116 | Please enter a valid clearing house object |
117 | Please enter a valid settlement number |
118 | Please enter a valid currency |
119 | Please enter a valid FI document type |
120 | Please enter a number consisting of integers as max hits |
121 | The specified card type is not a fleet card. Enter a fleet card type |
122 | The specified card type is not a credit card. Enter a credit card type |
123 | The specified clearing house does not match the specified card type. |
124 | Error when performing material validation for card type &1 |
125 | The system was not able to determine a new number for PC type & CCode &. |
126 | The sales date is in the future. |
127 | No business type is linked to the process ID &1. |
128 | No processing profile was found for the business type & at location &. |
129 | No processing profile was found. |
130 | No business locations exist within the specified criteria |
131 | A successful validation status is required. -> see Text. |
132 | Can't delete the item because of subsequent documents or DBT entry. |
133 | Payment card type has not been defined. |
134 | Invalid time specified in DTF upload entry for terminal & location & |
135 | Invalid date specified in DTF upload entry for terminal & location & |
136 | Transaction value is greater than the CH house check amount. -> see Text |
137 | Splitting is not relevant for this payment card type. |
138 | Can't delete the payment card transaction because of subsequent documents |
139 | PC transaction was successfully deleted. |
140 | No CustDocProcKey was found for customer & in & / & / &. -> Text |
141 | No pricing procedure was found. -> see Text |
142 | The entered sales unit & is not allowed with the material &. |
143 | Neither a company code nor a business location was entered. -> Text |
144 | Please enter a valid complaint result |
145 | Customizing for payment card type & could not be found. -> s. Text |
146 | Payment card category could not be determined for &. |
147 | No settlement item data was selected |
148 | No complaint actions assigned to complaint result & |
149 | No complaint action information could be retrieved |
150 | Access method could not be determined |
151 | No clearing house objects selected. Please enter different sel. criteria |
152 | Clearing house object & does not exist |
153 | Card type & does not exist |
154 | Card category & does not exist |
155 | Clearing procedure & does not exist |
156 | Settlement FI document could not be posted |
157 | System error updating DTF or creating financial doc., changes cancelled |
158 | Company code & card type & customizing data does not exist (OIRECCTYP) |
159 | No unprocessed records found in DTF |
160 | Data transmission to clearing house object & created |
161 | & Unable to create transmission to clearing house &, please try later. |
162 | DTF update failed |
163 | Cancellation of FI Doc failed,please cancel FI doc & & & manually |
164 | Settlement documents for settlement & saved successfully |
165 | DTF transactions updated with settlement document number & |
166 | Error while saving settlement document |
167 | & Settlement document created |
168 | Settlement FI document & & created |
169 | Object & is already locked |
170 | Object & could not be locked |
171 | No default, or invalid, processing type defined |
172 | No documents were selected, please change your selection criteria |
173 | Fee billing document & created |
174 | No unprocessed records found in DBT |
175 | DBT could not be updated. |
176 | DTLT could not be updated |
177 | DBT successfully updated |
178 | DTLT entry successfully created with settlement document number &. |
179 | & No billing document could be created for clearing house object &. |
180 | No accounting document information could be retreived |
181 | No items could be retreived for the accounting document |
182 | No clearing house information could be retrieved |
183 | No information for company code & could be retrieved |
184 | Error occured during creation of billing documents |
185 | Billing document & created |
186 | The following errors occured during the creation of the document |
187 | Fee billing document reversal failed with the above reason |
188 | CO Distribution reversal failed with the above reason |
189 | Billing document & successfully reversed by &. |
190 | CO distribution & successfully reversed. |
191 | FI document & successfully reversed by FI document &. |
192 | DTF transactions updated |
193 | DTLT entry with settlement number & deleted |
194 | No trans. have been transm. daily and are ready for period end settl. |
195 | The update of the DTF transactions successfully cancelled |
196 | The creation of the settlement document successfully cancelled |
197 | CO distribution couldn't be carried out. |
198 | & Errors occured in one of the prev. processing steps of CH processing. |
199 | CO distribution couldn't be reversed. |
200 | CO distribution for clearing house & created on &. |
201 | The splitting indicator is not defined for card type & |
202 | No splitting criteria have been defined for splitting indicator & |
203 | The transaction already exists |
204 | The receipt number is empty |
205 | Card number does not consist of integers |
206 | Card number is not continous |
207 | Location & does not exist in the location master |
208 | Material &1 may not be purchased with card type &2 |
209 | Card type & is not accepted at business location & |
210 | Authorization number does not consist of integers |
211 | Sales date is in the future |
212 | Payment card transaction with invalid material items for &1 |
213 | The entered service type doesn't match with the maintained ones. -> Text |
214 | No service type is needed. -> see Text. |
215 | & Billing document & couldn't be reversed. |
216 | IDoc & for data transmission to the clearing house & was created. |
217 | No PC transaction for data transmission passed. |
218 | The wrong update flag was passed into function OIRE_CH_PROCESSING. |
219 | The wrong processing type was passed to clearing house processing. |
220 | No source data to process was passed in. |
221 | No Billing Document exists. |
222 | Billing documents at Item level. |
223 | Financial Accounting documents exist at Item Level. |
224 | No Financial Accounting Document exists. |
225 | FI document & couldn't be reversed. |
226 | Unable to determine sender cost element for CO fee distribution |
227 | Error in complaint processing control - contact system administrator |
228 | No controlling area specified in clearing house object & |
229 | No document display active |
230 | Process & not handled in complaint processing |
231 | Reverse the collective document first, before reversing a settlement. |
232 | No collective document passed in for processing! |
233 | Unable to determine clearing house disagio calc. procedure for & & & & |
234 | Collective documents could not be found. |
235 | An invalid processing type was passed into the function. |
236 | A card type was passed in with the wrong category. |
237 | No process ID was passed into the CH settlement function. |
238 | Another error occurred during settlement. |
239 | Header document belonging to collective group not found. |
240 | Process ID to fill the DBT table is not defined. |
241 | No completion strategy is defined to fill in the DBT entry. |
242 | DTF items for card &ssr_ccins & sales date &vkdat are not transmitted. |
243 | The transaction code & can't be used directly. |
244 | PC numbers (&1) with characters are not handled yet. -> see Text. |
245 | No document type is maintained for clearing house &. Check customizing. |
246 | Invalid document type read from settlement records |
247 | No process ID could be determined. |
248 | Select the document type to be reversed |
249 | Invalid processing type selected according to customizing for card &. |
250 | More than one document was selected for processing. |
251 | Wrong document type was selected for processing. |
252 | No line item was selected for processing. Please highlight a line item. |
253 | The indicator for SD billing doc creation has been automatically selected |
254 | No settlement document types have been selected in customizing. |
255 | Because of the above errors, no documents were created for card type &. |
256 | Error occurred during creation of CO distribution for card type &. |
257 | Error occurred during the creation of the FI document for card type &. |
258 | Error occurred during the creation of the IDOC for card type &. |
259 | Error occurred during reversal of the CO distribution for card type &. |
260 | Error occurred during the reversal of the FI document for card type &. |
261 | DTF insert failed. |
262 | Wrong lock handler was passed (C - Check, S - Set, R - Release). |
263 | Wrong access method passed. |
264 | Wrong lock indicator passed. Only SPACE or 'X' are allowed. |
265 | Business location & does not exist. |
266 | An error occured during the incompletion check. |
267 | At least one validation error for payment card transactions occurred |
268 | At least one system check for payment card transactions failed |
269 | Clearing house determination failed for at least one card transaction |
270 | Generate DTF table for PC type & on company code & first. |
271 | Choose a new name for the archiving object. |
272 | Maintain the PC type on company code level first! |
273 | FI G/L account number(s) missing from customizing for clearing house &. |
274 | No checkbox is ticked, therefore the default (correct tranx) is set. |
275 | This combination of PC type and PC category will have no common result. |
276 | No fees were determined for one or more line items in billing document &. |
277 | CH discount customizing missing for cl. house & co code & card type &. |
278 | No valid sales date, time (&/&) passed to determine the location partner. |
279 | No active partner found at location: & for the & (date) at & (time). |
280 | PC transaction was successfully reversed. |
281 | PC transaction couldn't be reversed. |
282 | PC transaction can't be reversed, because it's already reversed. |
283 | No clearing house was determined! -> Check your customizing. |
284 | Return code & not handled in BADI implementation &. |
285 | Debit/Credit indicator is missing for PC transaction &, with uplnr &. |
286 | Wrong 'dummy' indicator passed in. |
287 | Don't enter a negative value for the maximum hit counter! |
288 | No partner (SSP or CH) was determined for the fee or disagio calculation. |
289 | No active partner was passed in table T_OIRA2_BBP1. |
290 | DTF header table & couldn't be updated. |
291 | DTF item table & couldn't be updated. |
292 | Nor the business location or the company code was passed. |
293 | No pricing procedure data was found in T683S. |
294 | No condition type data was found in T685A. |
295 | No document procedure key (KALVG) could be determined. |
296 | Neither the business location nor the clearing house was passed. |
297 | No data to determine the document pricing procedure key is available. |
298 | Customizing could not be determined for card & on line & in table &. |
299 | Clearing house processing not valid for & on & due to holiday |
300 | Validity period of criteria & is not valid for upload date of transac. & |
301 | Card type &1 is not accepted at location &2 for sales date &3 |
302 | The wrong document type (I_DOCTYPE) was passed in. |
303 | Location number is blank (initial) for transaction with upload number & |
304 | Calendar check: CH processing not done for date & C.house & card type &. |
305 | DTF table & could not be activated- check tables DDPRH/DDPRS for details. |
306 | No user authorization to view IDOC details- contact system administrator. |
307 | Neither the PC number nor the PC type was passed. |
308 | The business location couldn't be determined out of the merchant ID. |
309 | Neither the ISO currency code nor the SAP currency code was passed. |
310 | An error occured during the currency conversion. |
311 | The passed location ID &1 is not a valid business location. |
312 | No clearing house was passed in. |
313 | The PC type was passed, but no PC number. |
314 | The determined PC type is different from the passed PC type. |
315 | The system was not able to determ. a new number for the reconcil.upload. |
316 | Reconciliation data couldn't be inserted. |
317 | No administration reconciliation data was passed. |
318 | No payment card customizing could be found for card type(s) entered. |
319 | Payment card type & is not valid for reconciliation processing. |
320 | No reconciliation customizing was found-check V_OIRECH and OIRE_RECON_CUS |
321 | A different settlement source indicator from 1 or 2 was determined. |
322 | The passed reconciliation indicator is not correct (only A, R or U). |
323 | The PC type you passed is not created yet for CC type &1 Loc &2. |
324 | PC is not created on company code level yet. |
325 | No PC type was passed in. |
326 | No key values for the reconciliation update were passed in. |
327 | No reconciliation data found for update. |
328 | Neither the reconciliation nor the settlement number was passed. |
329 | Only 'D', 'A' or 'space' is allowed. Instead & was passed. |
330 | Tick either the 'recalculation of header sum' or the 'deletion' box. |
331 | No matchkeys are defined in customizing. Matchkeys must be defined. |
332 | No matchkey fields are defined in customizing - check the matchkeys. |
333 | Clearing house determination is not relevant for CASH transactions. |
334 | Select ONE unreconciled line item for further reconciliation processing. |
335 | Matchkey & has been altered. |
336 | Neither the ISO code (UoM) nor the SAP unit of measure has been passed. |
337 | Inconsistent reconciliation data and customizing for clearing house &. |
338 | Fees for payment card statistics were successfully updated. |
339 | Error in updating fees for payment card statistics. Contact system admin. |
340 | No data was selected for updating. |
341 | Line & is out of tolerance. Reconciliation cannot be saved. |
342 | No tolerance checks have been defined for currency &. |
343 | EAN/Material No Missing for Hearder &1 Item &2 Loc &3 Receipt &4 |
344 | No reconciliation could be proposed for cl. house &1 card &2 location &3 |
345 | No reconciliation data found. |
346 | Error in matchkey customizing for clearing house & card type &. |
347 | Update for table &1 failed. |
348 | No starting values have been found in table OIRECHPR. |
349 | Reconciliations could not be reversed. Contact system administrator. |
350 | Fees had to be re-calculated. Performance issues ? -> see long text. |
351 | Settlement/Transmission No. & successfully changed for & &. |
352 | Process &1 was unsuccessful for process object &2. |
353 | Select at least one line from each display table for reconciliation. |
354 | Reconciliation & successfully saved-select another line item to reconcile |
355 | Reconciliation & could not be saved. Contact your system administrator. |
356 | For clearing house &1 card type &2 no complaint marking is allowed. |
357 | 'Sales date to' is lower than 'Sales date from' - correct your entry. |
358 | On Location Data, double-click a line for details of settled transactions |
359 | Error in calculating totals on screen header. |
360 | Item cannot be marked as a complaint because it matches to the recon data |
361 | Clearing house data cannot be selected for complaints. |
362 | & complaint item(s) saved-select another line item to reconcile |
363 | No conditions have been set up in PC/comp. code customizing. |
364 | *** Messages for the DTF generation program *** |
365 | DTF generation was started by user &1 on &2/&3. |
366 | User &1 is not authorized to execute the generation program. |
367 | The put of object: '&1' (PGMID: &2) into the Ddic ended with RC: &3. |
368 | The activation of object: '&1' (PGMID: &2) in the Ddic ended with RC: &3. |
369 | The DTF generation was aborted by user: &1 on &2/&3. |
370 | The DTF generation ended. See the log for details. |
371 | No Payment card types defined, please check customizing. |
372 | No card type descriptions defined for language &1 in customizing. |
373 | No Payment card categories defined, please check customizing. |
374 | No card category descriptions defined for language &1 in customizing. |
375 | No Card type/company code information defined in customizing. |
376 | No Card number ranges defined in customizing. |
377 | If you enter an FI document number, then enter also the year. |
378 | The DTF generation ended at &1 on &2. |
379 | For &1 and &2 the following objects have been generated: |
380 | DTF header table: &1 |
381 | DTF item table: &1 |
382 | DTF indeces: &1 |
383 | DTF header lock object: &1 |
384 | DTF item lock object: &1 |
385 | DTF update view for settlement data: &1 |
386 | DTF update view for the DBT link number and year: &1 |
387 | Cust. for archiving is not set up for comp. &1 and card type &2. |
388 | The DTF generation was aborted. |
389 | Error occurred while filling customer defined fields |
390 | Error occurred in DTF selection modification |
391 | Reconciliation data could not be locked |
392 | Error when trying to insert entries for table &1 into archiving object. |
393 | An error occurred during the reconciliation proposal for object &. |
394 | Reconciliation for clearing house &1 card type &2 failed on &3. |
395 | No unreconciled DTF transactions found for cl. house &1 card &2 (loc. &3) |
396 | Error occurred when attempting to save reconciliation number &. |
397 | You cannot delete the entire matchkey. Re-select fields to be excluded. |
398 | Please fill in the bank sort number and the account number! |
399 | Please enter only the bank sort number OR the payment card number! |
400 | Customizing for process & is not complete or inconsistent |
401 | The control tables for the application log are not initialized |
402 | System error, please contact your system administrator |
403 | Payment card transactions not received for location &1 |
404 | Process not found in any PCG when determining locations for process & |
405 | Selection routine not found when determining locations for process & |
406 | Process not found when determining locations for process & |
407 | Process & not assigned to location status in customizing |
408 | No locations found for process & |
409 | Business type not found for process & |
410 | Location could not be processed, as process is not assigned to status |
411 | Not yet implemented |
412 | Status update is not possible |
413 | Application log has not been created |
414 | BAPI structure & is empty |
415 | Location &1 not valid for processing for process &2. |
416 | Technical settings for parallel processing not created for process & |
417 | Tech. settings for parallel processing not fully maintained for process & |
418 | Lock on process status table already exists for location & |
419 | No field length specified for table & |
420 | Location &1 is not assigned to a company code |
421 | Clearing house object is initial (blank) |
422 | Execution routine not found |
423 | Check routine not found |
424 | Update routine not found |
425 | Prerequisite routine not found |
426 | There is no worklist |
427 | No location status was found |
428 | Resource failure |
429 | The location is not valid |
430 | No fee billing document created |
431 | No accounting document created for fee posting |
432 | No line items for fee accounting document |
433 | Clearing House &1 is not defined in Customizing. |
434 | No company code data could be determined |
435 | With the above reason the CO distribution could not be carried out. |
436 | No FI document information could be retreived for billing document & |
437 | CO distribution & successfully processed. |
438 | FI document created successfully for billing document & |
439 | More than one fee document was created which is not permitted. |
440 | No location values could be determined. |
441 | No processing profile could be determined. |
442 | No card type can be determined to card number &1 |
443 | Error on update of Document Base Table |
444 | DBT or DTF records could not be created for complaint processing |
445 | Complaint processing &1 &2 |
446 | Application data for Clearing House &1 is not defined. |
447 | Material & does not exist |
448 | No partner functions could be determined for clearing house object & |
449 | Sum of gross values of the items does not match the value of the header |
450 | Sales doc. type could not be determined for billing doc. & card type &. |
451 | Invoice document method & cannot be used for fleet card distribution &. |
452 | The sales document type could not be determined from customizing |
453 | Field & is missing from document aggregation in customizing. |
454 | No process objects are valid for processing. No reconciliations executed. |
455 | No reconciliation data could be found for object &. |
456 | & was rejected for process & on process date & (already processed). |
457 | Error determining current process object in process &. |
458 | Process object &1 failed the processing checks for process &2 on date &3. |
459 | No reconciliation customizing found for clearing house &1 (card type &2). |
460 | Time changed from 24:00:00 to 00:00:00 next day |
461 | No time zone was passed. |
462 | Time zone &1 doesn't exist. |
463 | Date &1 or time &2 is inconsistent. -> Daylight saving? |
464 | Time 24:00:00 was reset to 00:00:00, because of initial date. |
465 | This Card Transaction has been changed,Please start the list report again |
466 | Restrict the date further |
467 | No suitable entry found |
468 | No card type with this security level found |
469 | Restrict card type |
470 | Special characters are not allowed.Please enter the complete card number. |
501 | Sales organization &1 is not linked to company code &2 |
502 | Company code &1 is not linked to controling area &2 |
503 | The sales date/time is in the future. |
510 | View & has not been created. Update failed. |
512 | Expiry date month is invalid |
513 | No sales unit entered or determined for material &1. |
514 | PC Header table(s) STFLG sucessfully updated |
515 | PC Header table(s) STFLG update failed.Please restart |
516 | Info structure S414 successfully generated |
517 | DTF record is missing Link number |
518 | Complaint processing, Reversal is disabled while accessing archived data |