OQ_E - IS-Oil SSR : Message pool Payment Card Processing

The following messages are stored in message class OQ_E: IS-Oil SSR : Message pool Payment Card Processing.
It is part of development package OIR_E in software component IS-OIL-DS-SSR. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "SSR Card processing (IS-Oil Sevice Station Retailing)".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Transaction & does not exist in table T180
001& does not exist, please enter a valid exit number
002Application type of current trans. & does not match selected exit &
003&1 &2 cannot be deleted because of dependent entries in table OIREPBL
004&1 &2 cannot be deleted because the DTF table contains entries/archives.
005Number range interval & is already used for PC type & in company code &
006Number range interval & needs to be defined first. Please define it
007Please do not insert overlapping intervals
008& is not a numeric value. Please enter a numeric value
009There is an overlapping interval with PC type & from & to &
010ALV Display Variant & does not exist
011No initial or zero values are allowed for a card number range
012The low value & is greater than the high value &.Please check the entry
013Please set exactly one indicator for the SSR payment card category
014Card category & cannot be deleted, because of depend. entr. in OIREPCTYP
015PC Type & cannot be deleted, because of dependent entries in OIRECCTYP
016The card category: & entered, is overwritten with & from Table TVCIN
017Maintain both the LOW and the HIGH value, or change the selection option
018Please enter the value only in the LOW value field
019The DTF tables need to be generated manually. -> See text
020Transaction is valid.
021Please enter values in only one of the 'criteria' fields
022No CH object determined for the CH determination combination &
023The customer is not created in the specified sales area. -> See text
024The charts of account is not defined for the entered company code.
025Payment card type & does not exist for the company code &. -> See L-text.
026A successful validation status is a requirement for performing splitting.
027More than one payer is linked to the customer.-> See long text
028Payment card transaction & was succesfully stored in the database
029No number interval is assigned to the card type &. -> See the long text
030No DTF tables are generated for the payment card type & yet. -> See text.
031Payment card transaction(s) could not be locked
032& transaction & was successfully &.
033The expiry date of the card needs to be in the future
034Cannot switch to CHANGE mode because of entries in the DTLT table
035At least one field needs to be filled. -> See the long text
036Payment card type and number do not match. -> See the long text
037No payment card type is defined with the payment card category: 'EC'
038Please enter either the payment card or the bank number
039The number entered does not match the payment card type. -> See long txt.
040The payment card type is not created with the 'EC' category
041You are not authorized to do this -> Please see the long text
042The PC type changed from & to &. -> see long text.
043Initial validation status.
044No completion strategy for the complaint processing is defined.
045The complaint result & has not been properly maintained.
046Transaction is valid.
047That combination of parameters cannot be used. Please check your entries
048Fill either only one document number field, or none
049Document number and/or date range entered does not match processing type
050& & & &
051No records were selected for processing
052This transaction is already deleted, so it cannot be reversed
053The pymt.card trans.is not a complaint. Set the complaint indicator first
054Please carry out the validation step first.
055Please carry out clearing house determination first.
056Please carry out splitting first.
057You can't reverse this transaction because of the category: EC. -> Text.
058Billing type & is not fully maintained. Please check Customizing.
059Select one item line.
060No pricing procedure could be determined. -> Please check Customizing.
061Data source indicator is missing.
062No expiry date was entered. -> Please enter an expiry date.
063Expiry date is in the past. -> Change your entry.
064For item & the & is not filled.
065The entered payment card number is wrong.
066You are going to change an already investigated complaint transaction!
067No payment card category could be determined! -> see Text
068The payment card type & is not created in the company code &.
069No payment card number entered.
070Generation terminated: ABAP &1 not in DB
071Generation terminated: &1 not contained in TRDIR
072&1 generated/changed
073Archiving object &1 was created
074Program error: Function code &1 is not allowed
075TADIR entry for object &1/&2 was not created/updated
076Syntax error in program &1, include &2, line &3
077Program & could not be generated
078Selection screen for program & could not be generated
079DTF table & activated with warnings-check tables DDPRH/DDPRS for details.
080Entry & is missing in SAR2
081The combination of selection parameters is inconsistent
082Can't switch from display to change mode. -> See text.
083No payment card type could be determined. The transaction exists.
084No payment card category has been determined.
085Error when generating archiving object for company code &1, card type &2
086The order type & is not created yet in customising.
087More then one company code was determined. Please change your selection.
088Please specify the company code for the selection.
089No service station partner could be determined for location &.
090Material is not allowed to purchased with this PC type.
091An material restriction occured during the payment card processing.
092Enter the account and the bank number for this ec transaction.
093Validation executed successfully.
094Splitting was executed successfully.
095PC type determination was executed successfully.
096Clearing house determination was executed successfully.
097No payment card transactions have been selected for processing.
098Validation was executed, but an error occured.
099The specified service station(s) doesn't (don't) exist.
100No validation group is defined for location & in the location master
101No validation user exits are defined for validation group &
102Transaction record already exists in system
103The receipt number is empty
104The card number does not consist of integers
105The card number is not continuous
106Location & does not exist in the location master
107Material & may not be purchased with card type &
108Card type & is not accepted at business location &
109Authorization number does not consist of integers
110The sales dates are in the future
111Please check number range interval (approaching interval end)
112Please check number range interval (end of interval reached)
113Error during document number assignment
114Please enter a valid company code
115Please enter a valid payment card type
116Please enter a valid clearing house object
117Please enter a valid settlement number
118Please enter a valid currency
119Please enter a valid FI document type
120Please enter a number consisting of integers as max hits
121The specified card type is not a fleet card. Enter a fleet card type
122The specified card type is not a credit card. Enter a credit card type
123The specified clearing house does not match the specified card type.
124Error when performing material validation for card type &1
125The system was not able to determine a new number for PC type & CCode &.
126The sales date is in the future.
127No business type is linked to the process ID &1.
128No processing profile was found for the business type & at location &.
129No processing profile was found.
130No business locations exist within the specified criteria
131A successful validation status is required. -> see Text.
132Can't delete the item because of subsequent documents or DBT entry.
133Payment card type has not been defined.
134Invalid time specified in DTF upload entry for terminal & location &
135Invalid date specified in DTF upload entry for terminal & location &
136Transaction value is greater than the CH house check amount. -> see Text
137Splitting is not relevant for this payment card type.
138Can't delete the payment card transaction because of subsequent documents
139PC transaction was successfully deleted.
140No CustDocProcKey was found for customer & in & / & / &. -> Text
141No pricing procedure was found. -> see Text
142The entered sales unit & is not allowed with the material &.
143Neither a company code nor a business location was entered. -> Text
144Please enter a valid complaint result
145Customizing for payment card type & could not be found. -> s. Text
146Payment card category could not be determined for &.
147No settlement item data was selected
148No complaint actions assigned to complaint result &
149No complaint action information could be retrieved
150Access method could not be determined
151No clearing house objects selected. Please enter different sel. criteria
152Clearing house object & does not exist
153Card type & does not exist
154Card category & does not exist
155Clearing procedure & does not exist
156Settlement FI document could not be posted
157System error updating DTF or creating financial doc., changes cancelled
158Company code & card type & customizing data does not exist (OIRECCTYP)
159No unprocessed records found in DTF
160Data transmission to clearing house object & created
161& Unable to create transmission to clearing house &, please try later.
162DTF update failed
163Cancellation of FI Doc failed,please cancel FI doc & & & manually
164Settlement documents for settlement & saved successfully
165DTF transactions updated with settlement document number &
166Error while saving settlement document
167& Settlement document created
168Settlement FI document & & created
169Object & is already locked
170Object & could not be locked
171No default, or invalid, processing type defined
172No documents were selected, please change your selection criteria
173Fee billing document & created
174No unprocessed records found in DBT
175DBT could not be updated.
176DTLT could not be updated
177DBT successfully updated
178DTLT entry successfully created with settlement document number &.
179& No billing document could be created for clearing house object &.
180No accounting document information could be retreived
181No items could be retreived for the accounting document
182No clearing house information could be retrieved
183No information for company code & could be retrieved
184Error occured during creation of billing documents
185Billing document & created
186The following errors occured during the creation of the document
187Fee billing document reversal failed with the above reason
188CO Distribution reversal failed with the above reason
189Billing document & successfully reversed by &.
190CO distribution & successfully reversed.
191FI document & successfully reversed by FI document &.
192DTF transactions updated
193DTLT entry with settlement number & deleted
194No trans. have been transm. daily and are ready for period end settl.
195The update of the DTF transactions successfully cancelled
196The creation of the settlement document successfully cancelled
197CO distribution couldn't be carried out.
198& Errors occured in one of the prev. processing steps of CH processing.
199CO distribution couldn't be reversed.
200CO distribution for clearing house & created on &.
201The splitting indicator is not defined for card type &
202No splitting criteria have been defined for splitting indicator &
203The transaction already exists
204The receipt number is empty
205Card number does not consist of integers
206Card number is not continous
207Location & does not exist in the location master
208Material &1 may not be purchased with card type &2
209Card type & is not accepted at business location &
210Authorization number does not consist of integers
211Sales date is in the future
212Payment card transaction with invalid material items for &1
213The entered service type doesn't match with the maintained ones. -> Text
214No service type is needed. -> see Text.
215& Billing document & couldn't be reversed.
216IDoc & for data transmission to the clearing house & was created.
217No PC transaction for data transmission passed.
218The wrong update flag was passed into function OIRE_CH_PROCESSING.
219The wrong processing type was passed to clearing house processing.
220No source data to process was passed in.
221No Billing Document exists.
222Billing documents at Item level.
223Financial Accounting documents exist at Item Level.
224No Financial Accounting Document exists.
225FI document & couldn't be reversed.
226Unable to determine sender cost element for CO fee distribution
227Error in complaint processing control - contact system administrator
228No controlling area specified in clearing house object &
229No document display active
230Process & not handled in complaint processing
231Reverse the collective document first, before reversing a settlement.
232No collective document passed in for processing!
233Unable to determine clearing house disagio calc. procedure for & & & &
234Collective documents could not be found.
235An invalid processing type was passed into the function.
236A card type was passed in with the wrong category.
237No process ID was passed into the CH settlement function.
238Another error occurred during settlement.
239Header document belonging to collective group not found.
240Process ID to fill the DBT table is not defined.
241No completion strategy is defined to fill in the DBT entry.
242DTF items for card &ssr_ccins & sales date &vkdat are not transmitted.
243The transaction code & can't be used directly.
244PC numbers (&1) with characters are not handled yet. -> see Text.
245No document type is maintained for clearing house &. Check customizing.
246Invalid document type read from settlement records
247No process ID could be determined.
248Select the document type to be reversed
249Invalid processing type selected according to customizing for card &.
250More than one document was selected for processing.
251Wrong document type was selected for processing.
252No line item was selected for processing. Please highlight a line item.
253The indicator for SD billing doc creation has been automatically selected
254No settlement document types have been selected in customizing.
255Because of the above errors, no documents were created for card type &.
256Error occurred during creation of CO distribution for card type &.
257Error occurred during the creation of the FI document for card type &.
258Error occurred during the creation of the IDOC for card type &.
259Error occurred during reversal of the CO distribution for card type &.
260Error occurred during the reversal of the FI document for card type &.
261DTF insert failed.
262Wrong lock handler was passed (C - Check, S - Set, R - Release).
263Wrong access method passed.
264Wrong lock indicator passed. Only SPACE or 'X' are allowed.
265Business location & does not exist.
266An error occured during the incompletion check.
267At least one validation error for payment card transactions occurred
268At least one system check for payment card transactions failed
269Clearing house determination failed for at least one card transaction
270Generate DTF table for PC type & on company code & first.
271Choose a new name for the archiving object.
272Maintain the PC type on company code level first!
273FI G/L account number(s) missing from customizing for clearing house &.
274No checkbox is ticked, therefore the default (correct tranx) is set.
275This combination of PC type and PC category will have no common result.
276No fees were determined for one or more line items in billing document &.
277CH discount customizing missing for cl. house & co code & card type &.
278No valid sales date, time (&/&) passed to determine the location partner.
279No active partner found at location: & for the & (date) at & (time).
280PC transaction was successfully reversed.
281PC transaction couldn't be reversed.
282PC transaction can't be reversed, because it's already reversed.
283No clearing house was determined! -> Check your customizing.
284Return code & not handled in BADI implementation &.
285Debit/Credit indicator is missing for PC transaction &, with uplnr &.
286Wrong 'dummy' indicator passed in.
287Don't enter a negative value for the maximum hit counter!
288No partner (SSP or CH) was determined for the fee or disagio calculation.
289No active partner was passed in table T_OIRA2_BBP1.
290DTF header table & couldn't be updated.
291DTF item table & couldn't be updated.
292Nor the business location or the company code was passed.
293No pricing procedure data was found in T683S.
294No condition type data was found in T685A.
295No document procedure key (KALVG) could be determined.
296Neither the business location nor the clearing house was passed.
297No data to determine the document pricing procedure key is available.
298Customizing could not be determined for card & on line & in table &.
299Clearing house processing not valid for & on & due to holiday
300Validity period of criteria & is not valid for upload date of transac. &
301Card type &1 is not accepted at location &2 for sales date &3
302The wrong document type (I_DOCTYPE) was passed in.
303Location number is blank (initial) for transaction with upload number &
304Calendar check: CH processing not done for date & C.house & card type &.
305DTF table & could not be activated- check tables DDPRH/DDPRS for details.
306No user authorization to view IDOC details- contact system administrator.
307Neither the PC number nor the PC type was passed.
308The business location couldn't be determined out of the merchant ID.
309Neither the ISO currency code nor the SAP currency code was passed.
310An error occured during the currency conversion.
311The passed location ID &1 is not a valid business location.
312No clearing house was passed in.
313The PC type was passed, but no PC number.
314The determined PC type is different from the passed PC type.
315The system was not able to determ. a new number for the reconcil.upload.
316Reconciliation data couldn't be inserted.
317No administration reconciliation data was passed.
318No payment card customizing could be found for card type(s) entered.
319Payment card type & is not valid for reconciliation processing.
320No reconciliation customizing was found-check V_OIRECH and OIRE_RECON_CUS
321A different settlement source indicator from 1 or 2 was determined.
322The passed reconciliation indicator is not correct (only A, R or U).
323The PC type you passed is not created yet for CC type &1 Loc &2.
324PC is not created on company code level yet.
325No PC type was passed in.
326No key values for the reconciliation update were passed in.
327No reconciliation data found for update.
328Neither the reconciliation nor the settlement number was passed.
329Only 'D', 'A' or 'space' is allowed. Instead & was passed.
330Tick either the 'recalculation of header sum' or the 'deletion' box.
331No matchkeys are defined in customizing. Matchkeys must be defined.
332No matchkey fields are defined in customizing - check the matchkeys.
333Clearing house determination is not relevant for CASH transactions.
334Select ONE unreconciled line item for further reconciliation processing.
335Matchkey & has been altered.
336Neither the ISO code (UoM) nor the SAP unit of measure has been passed.
337Inconsistent reconciliation data and customizing for clearing house &.
338Fees for payment card statistics were successfully updated.
339Error in updating fees for payment card statistics. Contact system admin.
340No data was selected for updating.
341Line & is out of tolerance. Reconciliation cannot be saved.
342No tolerance checks have been defined for currency &.
343EAN/Material No Missing for Hearder &1 Item &2 Loc &3 Receipt &4
344No reconciliation could be proposed for cl. house &1 card &2 location &3
345No reconciliation data found.
346Error in matchkey customizing for clearing house & card type &.
347Update for table &1 failed.
348No starting values have been found in table OIRECHPR.
349Reconciliations could not be reversed. Contact system administrator.
350Fees had to be re-calculated. Performance issues ? -> see long text.
351Settlement/Transmission No. & successfully changed for & &.
352Process &1 was unsuccessful for process object &2.
353Select at least one line from each display table for reconciliation.
354Reconciliation & successfully saved-select another line item to reconcile
355Reconciliation & could not be saved. Contact your system administrator.
356For clearing house &1 card type &2 no complaint marking is allowed.
357'Sales date to' is lower than 'Sales date from' - correct your entry.
358On Location Data, double-click a line for details of settled transactions
359Error in calculating totals on screen header.
360Item cannot be marked as a complaint because it matches to the recon data
361Clearing house data cannot be selected for complaints.
362& complaint item(s) saved-select another line item to reconcile
363No conditions have been set up in PC/comp. code customizing.
364*** Messages for the DTF generation program ***
365DTF generation was started by user &1 on &2/&3.
366User &1 is not authorized to execute the generation program.
367The put of object: '&1' (PGMID: &2) into the Ddic ended with RC: &3.
368The activation of object: '&1' (PGMID: &2) in the Ddic ended with RC: &3.
369The DTF generation was aborted by user: &1 on &2/&3.
370The DTF generation ended. See the log for details.
371No Payment card types defined, please check customizing.
372No card type descriptions defined for language &1 in customizing.
373No Payment card categories defined, please check customizing.
374No card category descriptions defined for language &1 in customizing.
375No Card type/company code information defined in customizing.
376No Card number ranges defined in customizing.
377If you enter an FI document number, then enter also the year.
378The DTF generation ended at &1 on &2.
379For &1 and &2 the following objects have been generated:
380DTF header table: &1
381DTF item table: &1
382DTF indeces: &1
383DTF header lock object: &1
384DTF item lock object: &1
385DTF update view for settlement data: &1
386DTF update view for the DBT link number and year: &1
387Cust. for archiving is not set up for comp. &1 and card type &2.
388The DTF generation was aborted.
389Error occurred while filling customer defined fields
390Error occurred in DTF selection modification
391Reconciliation data could not be locked
392Error when trying to insert entries for table &1 into archiving object.
393An error occurred during the reconciliation proposal for object &.
394Reconciliation for clearing house &1 card type &2 failed on &3.
395No unreconciled DTF transactions found for cl. house &1 card &2 (loc. &3)
396Error occurred when attempting to save reconciliation number &.
397You cannot delete the entire matchkey. Re-select fields to be excluded.
398Please fill in the bank sort number and the account number!
399Please enter only the bank sort number OR the payment card number!
400Customizing for process & is not complete or inconsistent
401The control tables for the application log are not initialized
402System error, please contact your system administrator
403Payment card transactions not received for location &1
404Process not found in any PCG when determining locations for process &
405Selection routine not found when determining locations for process &
406Process not found when determining locations for process &
407Process & not assigned to location status in customizing
408No locations found for process &
409Business type not found for process &
410Location could not be processed, as process is not assigned to status
411Not yet implemented
412Status update is not possible
413Application log has not been created
414BAPI structure & is empty
415Location &1 not valid for processing for process &2.
416Technical settings for parallel processing not created for process &
417Tech. settings for parallel processing not fully maintained for process &
418Lock on process status table already exists for location &
419No field length specified for table &
420Location &1 is not assigned to a company code
421Clearing house object is initial (blank)
422Execution routine not found
423Check routine not found
424Update routine not found
425Prerequisite routine not found
426There is no worklist
427No location status was found
428Resource failure
429The location is not valid
430No fee billing document created
431No accounting document created for fee posting
432No line items for fee accounting document
433Clearing House &1 is not defined in Customizing.
434No company code data could be determined
435With the above reason the CO distribution could not be carried out.
436No FI document information could be retreived for billing document &
437CO distribution & successfully processed.
438FI document created successfully for billing document &
439More than one fee document was created which is not permitted.
440No location values could be determined.
441No processing profile could be determined.
442No card type can be determined to card number &1
443Error on update of Document Base Table
444DBT or DTF records could not be created for complaint processing
445Complaint processing &1 &2
446Application data for Clearing House &1 is not defined.
447Material & does not exist
448No partner functions could be determined for clearing house object &
449Sum of gross values of the items does not match the value of the header
450Sales doc. type could not be determined for billing doc. & card type &.
451Invoice document method & cannot be used for fleet card distribution &.
452The sales document type could not be determined from customizing
453Field & is missing from document aggregation in customizing.
454No process objects are valid for processing. No reconciliations executed.
455No reconciliation data could be found for object &.
456& was rejected for process & on process date & (already processed).
457Error determining current process object in process &.
458Process object &1 failed the processing checks for process &2 on date &3.
459No reconciliation customizing found for clearing house &1 (card type &2).
460Time changed from 24:00:00 to 00:00:00 next day
461No time zone was passed.
462Time zone &1 doesn't exist.
463Date &1 or time &2 is inconsistent. -> Daylight saving?
464Time 24:00:00 was reset to 00:00:00, because of initial date.
465This Card Transaction has been changed,Please start the list report again
466Restrict the date further
467No suitable entry found
468No card type with this security level found
469Restrict card type
470Special characters are not allowed.Please enter the complete card number.
501Sales organization &1 is not linked to company code &2
502Company code &1 is not linked to controling area &2
503The sales date/time is in the future.
510View & has not been created. Update failed.
512Expiry date month is invalid
513No sales unit entered or determined for material &1.
514PC Header table(s) STFLG sucessfully updated
515PC Header table(s) STFLG update failed.Please restart
516Info structure S414 successfully generated
517DTF record is missing Link number
518Complaint processing, Reversal is disabled while accessing archived data
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