R9E - Fehlermeldungen Query Designer .NET
The following messages are stored in message class R9E: Fehlermeldungen Query Designer .NET.
It is part of development package RSZ in software component BW-BEX-ET. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "BEx query definition server".
It is part of development package RSZ in software component BW-BEX-ET. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "BEx query definition server".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | &1 &2 &3 &4 |
001 | Local query check: Query '&1' is correct |
002 | Add a key figure to structure element '&2' in structure '&1' |
003 | Restrict characteristic '&1' in the filter; otherwise it will be ignored |
004 | The InfoObject '&2' included in '&1' is not in the InfoProvider |
005 | Change the technical name the system specified for '&1' |
006 | Activity failed; there is no back-end error log |
007 | Unexpected error: &1 - &2 |
008 | Element '&1' is not defined; define element '&1' |
009 | Formula '&1' contains syntax errors; correct formula '&1' |
010 | Element '&1' is not a query |
011 | Source variable is a hierarchy node variable |
012 | Source variable is not input ready |
013 | Source variable does not represent a single value |
014 | '&1'cannot be used (circular reference) |
015 | Condition '&1' is defined on structure elements that are never visible |
016 | Source to replace variable '&1' is not defined |
017 | Variable '&1' does not exist |
018 | Incorrect reference characteristic '&1' in variable '&2' |
019 | Incorrect attribute '&1' in variable '&2' |
020 | Length of text entry field is not between 1 and 32 for variable '&1' |
021 | Name '&1' already exists; select a different name |
022 | Specify a technical name |
023 | &1 '&2' is corrupt |
024 | Default values for '&1' '&2' are not unique |
025 | No display hierarchy (or hierarchy is not unique) for '&1' '&2' |
026 | Default values '&1' '&2' are not permitted for display hierarchy '&3' |
027 | You can only restrict to one key figure in the global filter |
028 | All elements of structure '&1' are always hidden |
029 | Condition '&1' is not assigned any characteristics |
030 | Value '&1' is invalid for property '&2' of element '&3' |
031 | Illegal characters are used in the technical name |
032 | Structure '&1' is initially not displayed in the rows or columns |
033 | &1 '&2' does not permit hierarchy nodes: This is not supported in &3 |
034 | Property &1 of &2 '&3' is not an integer |
035 | &1 is not an integer |
036 | Standard text &1 for &2 '&3' exceeds the permitted length |
037 | Technical name for &1 '&2' was changed |
038 | &1 '&2' defines or represents an invisible structure element |
039 | Source &1 is not a permitted variable for target &2 |
040 | New functions: &1 '&2' cannot be edited in this Query Designer |
041 | &1 '&2' cannot be saved as a reusable structure |
042 | &1 '&2' uses formulas with cells as part of the formula |
043 | Server query check: Query '&1' is correct |
044 | ComponentGet has returned sy-subrc &1 |
045 | Error while serializing object &1 attribute &2 |
046 | Error while creating obejct &1 |
047 | &1 '&2' is not correctly defined |
048 | Authorization &1 not available for &2 '&3' |
049 | &1 '&2' uses the obsolete setting Calculation Before Aggregation |
050 | &1 '&2' is used for two different characteristics |
051 | Length of text entry field not between 1 and &1 for &2 '&3' |
052 | &1 '&2' could not be loaded and was removed from &3 '&4' |
053 | &1 '&2' contains errors and was automatically corrected |
054 | Cannot process &1 '&2' with 3.x Query Designer |
055 | Personalization variable '&1' does not exist for variable '&2' |
056 | Calculation prior to aggreagation not allowed for &1 '&2' |
057 | &1 '&2' corrected automatically. Please save it. |
058 | Default value of &1 '&2' is not numeric |
059 | Duplicate technical name of &1 '&2' and &3 '&4'; this is not allowed |
060 | Current member variable '&1' is not allowed in filter |
061 | Formula operation &1 is not correct (formula &2) |
062 | Characteristic &1 must only exist once in exception aggregation |
063 | &1 '&2' defined with missing value for second structure |
064 | Cannot edit formula '&1' because it uses an unsupported operator |
065 | BEx Query Designer not supported in SAP BW/4HANA; use BW Modeling Tools |
066 | Query version not supported - use BW Modeling Tools Query Designer |
960 | Hierarchical display of columns is ignored with MDX |
961 | Hierarchical display of rows is ignored with MDX |
962 | &1 '&2' in the default values is ignored when accessing using MDX |
963 | Suppressing zeros for query '&1' is ignored when accessing using MDX |
964 | Local calculation for &1 '&2' is ignored when accessing using MDX |
965 | Condition '&1' is ignored when accessing using MDX |
977 | Query cannot be generated. Correct it first in Query Designer |
978 | Unable to load; duplicate technical name '&1' for '&2' and '&3' |
979 | &1 '&2' was added but does not exist in structure |
980 | &1 '&2' changed during the loading process and needs to be saved |
981 | Text for '&1' '&2' is greater than 60 chars; will be truncated on saving |
982 | '&1' '&2' cannot be used in '&3' '&4'; remove |
983 | No hierarchy '&1' exists for '&2' '&3'; select a different hierarchy |
984 | '&1' '&2' cannot be edited in earlier verions of the Query Designer |
985 | Invalid help cell '&1' '&2'; move '&1' '&2' to cells |
986 | '&1' '&2' moved to help cells during loading process |
987 | '&1' '&2' has the same coordinates as '&3'; remove '&2' |
988 | Invalid coordinates for '&1' '&2'; remove '&1' '&2' |
989 | '&1' '&2' has the same coordinates as '&3'; move '&2' |
990 | Invalid coordinates for '&1' '&2'; move '&2' |
991 | Default values for variable '&1' are not within permitted value range |
992 | '&1' is reusable; saving can influence other queries |
993 | Query Designer must be restarted; further work not possible |
994 | Assign a key figure to restricted key figure '&1' |
995 | First save your queries (format SAP BW 3.x) |
996 | Change the generated technical name '&1' before you save |
997 | &1 &2 saved |
998 | BW server has deactivated this version of the Query Designer |
999 | Cannot display documentation or help |