TD - SAPscript: Texteditor, Composer, Formulare, Stile und Fonts
The following messages are stored in message class TD: SAPscript: Texteditor, Composer, Formulare, Stile und Fonts.
It is part of development package STXD in software component BC-SRV-SCR. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "SAPscript".
It is part of development package STXD in software component BC-SRV-SCR. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "SAPscript".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | No SAPscript message exists |
001 | Internal SAPscript error: &(&) |
002 | File & cannot be selected |
003 | Program error in routine & |
004 | FCODE=& undefined |
005 | Function is in use |
006 | SAPscript form debugger was activated |
007 | SAPscript form debugger was deactivated |
008 | Graphical Form Painter not supported for this frontend |
010 | Resetting of the SAPscript load for the SAP System & was initiated |
011 | SAPscript load was reset in client & |
012 | SAPscript load was reset in the SAP System & |
013 | Table T000 is empty. The SAPscript load was therefore not reset. |
020 | Incorrect access to an archive |
022 | Internal error in the function modules for archiving |
030 | & |
031 | Report cannot be run on upgrade server. |
032 | Upgrade postprocessing is still running. Please run report later. |
040 | ********** Dummy message: From here messages for RSTXR3TR *********** |
045 | Language & for & & in client & not imported, since orig. lang. is missing |
046 | You are not allowed to transport the original language & using LANG & & |
047 | ERROR: SELECT_TEXT(& & & &) unsuccessful |
048 | Caution: Active code page & <> application server code page & |
049 | WARNING: Language & not exported since translation not applic. for object |
050 | WARNING: Language & not imported since translation is not applic. to obj. |
051 | ERROR: transport request & does not exist |
052 | Object was exported |
053 | Original language was set to & |
054 | Language & deleted as object is not relevant for translation |
055 | WARNING: Language & not imported since original language is missing |
056 | WARNING: Object & & does not exist and will be deleted in target system |
057 | ERROR: Transport object & unknown and therefore ignored |
058 | & fatal error(s) occurred during export |
059 | & warning message(s) appeared during export |
060 | WARNING: Language & is to be translated and was not exported |
061 | Original language & exported |
062 | Definition & exported |
063 | Language & exported |
064 | ERROR: SAPscript driver & missing in table TSP09 |
065 | Original language & imported |
066 | Definition & imported |
067 | Language & imported |
068 | ERROR: Save with SAVE_TEXT(& & & &) failed |
069 | WARNING: Object was not imported as export contained errors |
070 | WARNING: Format identifier & unknown and therefore ignored |
071 | Object successfully imported |
072 | & fatal error(s) occurred during import |
073 | & warning message(s) appeared during import |
074 | ERROR: Object does not exist or contains errors |
075 | ERROR: Invalid start marker: && instead of TCOMM |
076 | ERROR: Dataset does not contain transport & but & |
077 | ERROR: Transport object & invalid |
078 | ERROR: Abnormal termination of transport file |
079 | ERROR: End of transport file expected |
080 | Language vector used: & |
081 | WARNING: The following error occurred when object was activated: |
082 | Language vector does not allow export/import of original language & |
083 | Language vector does not allow export/import of foreign language & |
084 | No inactive object found. No deletion found |
085 | ERROR: Invalid start marker: & instead of & |
086 | Text object & & & & exported |
087 | Text object & & & & imported |
088 | Object imported and activated |
089 | Object imported but not activated |
090 | ERROR: Read with READ_TEXT(& & & &) failed |
091 | Text object & & & & was not exported |
092 | ERROR: Dataset does not contain object & but & |
093 | Transport object & & is being processed |
094 | Object & & & & was not exported |
095 | Object not imported as language & is not installed in target system |
096 | Language & not imported as it is not installed in target system |
097 | Object & & was deleted in target system |
098 | Object & & & does not exist (deleted during import) |
099 | ********** Dummy message: last message for RSTXR3TR ************* |
100 | Type &1 only permitted for main window &2 |
101 | The paragraph & does not exist |
102 | Outline level 1 is expected here |
103 | The next outline level for &1 is &2 |
104 | Font family & is not maintained |
105 | System font &1 &2 &3 &4 does not exist |
106 | The page & does not exist |
107 | The paragraph & does not exist |
108 | Page format &1 &2 is not in the spool administration |
109 | Not necessary to save, form & has not been changed |
110 | Form & saved |
111 | Form & in use |
112 | Character format & does not exist |
113 | The window & does not exist |
114 | Do not translate form &1 language &2 to &3 |
115 | Error locking form & |
116 | Form &1 saved as &2 |
117 | Form &1 language &2 was deleted |
118 | The first character of '&' must be a letter |
119 | Paragraph & already exists |
120 | Character string & already exists |
121 | Window & already exists |
122 | Page & already exists |
123 | Main window & cannot be deleted |
124 | No pages have been defined |
125 | No windows have been defined |
126 | Error calling the text editor |
127 | Window text & saved |
128 | Error saving window text & |
129 | Form &1 has original language &2 |
130 | Barcode & not maintained |
131 | Form &1 language &2 does not exist in client &3 |
132 | Form & activated |
133 | Styles beginning with 'Y' or 'Z' are reserved for customers |
134 | Form &1 language &2 is inconsistent in the text file |
135 | Object cannot be saved as form &1 language &2 |
136 | Form &1 lang. &2 locked: Original lang. &3 being processed |
137 | Original language of form &1 converted from &2 to &3 |
138 | No other versions of form & exist |
139 | Form & was reset |
140 | No SAP original for form &1 language &2 |
141 | The SAP original of form &1 language &2 was opened in the editor |
142 | The SAP original of form &1 is displayed in language &2 |
143 | The SAP original version of form & was generated |
144 | Form &1 cannot be edited in language &2 |
145 | Name of page format & invalid |
146 | Form &1 does not exist in language &2 |
147 | No forms exist in client & |
148 | Number 99 is not allowed for main windows |
149 | Always select the same unit of measurement for horizontal measurements |
150 | Always select the same unit of measurement for vertical measurements |
151 | Too many main windows defined |
152 | The chosen start position is too big |
153 | The chosen horizontal spacing is too big |
154 | The chosen vertical spacing is too big |
155 | Copying with the same name &1 and in the same client &2 is not allowed |
156 | You cannot copy style & in the same client without a target style |
157 | Copying in client '000' outside status 'SAP' is invalid |
158 | Target client & does not exist in table 'T000' |
159 | Source client & does not exist in table 'T000' |
160 | You cannot copy form &1 in same client &2 w/o a target form |
161 | Copying text & without target text in same client |
162 | Name for target style is not allowed with generic style name |
163 | Name for target text is not allowed with generic source text name |
164 | Name for target form is not allowed with generic form name |
165 | There is no form for page format &1 |
166 | There is no active original style &1 in client &2 |
167 | There is no active original form &1 in client &2 |
168 | Form &1, language &2, from client &3 is displayed |
169 | Form &1 language &2 already exists in client &3 |
170 | & form(s) found |
171 | Enter a different language than the original language & of the form |
172 | Enter a different language than the original language & of the style |
173 | The forms selected were printed |
174 | No forms selected |
175 | No forms found |
176 | & does not exist; check your input |
177 | &: Problem calling the transport system and Workbench Organizer |
178 | Processing terminated by the user |
180 | &: Original language set to & |
181 | &: Definition & copied |
182 | &: Language & copied |
183 | Program terminated without action |
184 | &: Text & ID & language & copied |
185 | This combination of width and height cannot be used |
186 | Specify a value |
187 | Specify a unit |
188 | Form & does not yet have a page layout |
189 | Form class must correspond to a program class or remain initial |
190 | To select, place the cursor on a window name |
191 | No text needs to be translated for window & |
192 | Texts for window & have been saved temporarily |
193 | Translation of form &1, language &2 to language &3, was saved |
194 | Texts for window & not yet fully translated |
195 | Descriptions have not been fully translated |
196 | No formal errors found |
197 | Translation of style &1, language &2 to language &3, was saved |
198 | Outline level &1 is already assigned |
199 | &1 is not the highest-level paragraph of an outline hierarchy |
200 | Outline & does not exist |
201 | Outline level 1 is expected here |
202 | The next outline level for &1 is &2 |
203 | Font family & is not maintained |
204 | System font &1 &2 &3 &4 does not exist |
205 | The paragraph & does not exist |
206 | Not necessary to save, style & was not changed |
207 | Style & was saved |
208 | Style & is currently being edited |
209 | Style &1 saved as &2 |
210 | Error locking style & |
213 | The edited style was saved as style & |
214 | Style &1 language &2 was deleted |
215 | The first character of '&' must be a letter |
216 | Paragraph & already exists |
217 | Character string & already exists |
218 | Main window & cannot be deleted |
219 | Style &1 has original language &2 |
220 | Style &1 language &2 does not exist in client &3 |
221 | Style & was activated |
223 | Forms beginning with 'Y' or 'Z' are reserved for customers |
224 | Style &1 language &2 is inconsistent in the text file |
225 | Object cannot be saved as style &1 language &2 |
226 | Style &1 language &2 cannot be maintained: Original language &3 in use |
227 | Original language of style &1 was converted from &2 to &3 |
228 | No versions of style & exist yet |
229 | Style & was reset |
230 | No SAP original exists for style &1 language &2 |
231 | The SAP original of style &1 language &2 was opened in the editor |
232 | The SAP original of style &1 is displayed in language &2 |
233 | The SAP original version of style & was generated |
234 | Style & cannot be edited in language & |
235 | Style &1 does not exist in language &2 |
236 | No styles exist in client & |
237 | Character string & does not exist |
238 | Style &1, language &2, from client &3 is displayed |
239 | Inconsistency in call method local/global for text catalogs |
240 | Conversion of &1 &2 into the measurement unit "&3" not possible |
241 | Conversion of &1 &2 into the measurement unit "&3" not possible |
242 | The position cannot be changed |
243 | The size cannot be changed |
245 | Graphical Form Painter could not be called (&1, &2) |
246 | Communication problem with the frontend (&1) |
247 | Problem calling the right mouse button menu (&1) |
248 | Problem selecting a slider (&1) |
249 | Raster must be at least &1 &2 wide |
250 | Wrong method call: &1 |
251 | SAP characters must consist of digits |
252 | &1 |
253 | Assign the text element a new name |
254 | Empty commands do not make sense |
255 | Character format & does not allow selection |
256 | Specify a permitted key for the link |
257 | Specify a text for the link |
258 | No character formats exist that allow the selections |
259 | Position the cursor on a character format |
260 | It is not possible to display formats for selected areas |
261 | Place the cursor on a field |
262 | Enter a symbol |
263 | Invalid symbol |
264 | Locked text lines (template lines) could not be deleted |
265 | Locked text lines (template lines) could not be copied |
266 | Add/Delete not allowed directly with locked text lines |
267 | Text updated |
268 | Function is not applicable for this text |
270 | & style(s) found |
271 | No styles were found |
280 | Table TT3X40 does not contain any entries for user &1 |
281 | User &1 has no system access authorization using destination &2 |
285 | Graphic &1 could not be saved (2&) |
286 | Graphic &1 could not be deleted |
287 | Graphic &1 could not be found |
288 | Graphic &1 was imported |
289 | Graphic &1 does not contain anything |
290 | Changes not applied |
291 | &1 was not assigned to a transport request |
292 | &1 was added to task &2 |
293 | Save any changes first |
295 | Graphic &1 (&2), object &3, ID &4, does not exist |
296 | Printing of graphic type &1 is not supported |
297 | Print view of graphic type &1 is not supported |
300 | Enter a nonproportional replacement family |
301 | Enter a proportional replacement family |
302 | Font family & is still being used |
303 | Position the cursor on a table field |
304 | No printer fonts are maintained |
305 | AFM file was deleted |
306 | AFM file was saved |
307 | Font family & is not maintained |
308 | According to AFM file, the font family must be proportional |
309 | According to AFM file, the font family must be nonproportional |
310 | AFM file does not contain any fontmetrics data |
311 | Syntax of AFM file is correct |
312 | AFM file & could not be loaded |
313 | Syntax of AFM file is incorrect |
314 | Symbol "&" was not found |
315 | A value must follow symbol "&" |
316 | Unknown PostScript character name & |
317 | AFM file is incomplete, end of file reached |
318 | AFM file for font & is new |
319 | Changes to the AFM file have not yet been saved |
320 | Print control must be empty or begin with "&" |
321 | No system fonts maintained |
322 | Printer font &1 &2 &3 &4 not maintained |
323 | The size of the printer font must be > 0 |
324 | The CPI value of the printer font & must be > 0 |
325 | An AFM file is needed for proportional printer fonts |
326 | System font &1 &2 &3 &4 is not maintained |
327 | No printer fonts maintained for & |
328 | SAP character &1 is defined twice for character set &2 |
329 | SAP characters &1 and &2 are not unique in character set &3 |
330 | Barcode & is still being used |
331 | Multi-byte character set & is not supported by SAPscript |
332 | Font data is currently being processed |
333 | Error locking font data |
334 | Device type &1 has no print control &2 |
335 | Printer font & is not maintained |
336 | Size of printer font & must be > 0 |
337 | The CPI value of the printer font & must be > 0 |
338 | AFM file required for the printer font & |
339 | AFM file for printer font & could not be loaded |
340 | AFM file for printer font & contains error |
341 | Printer font & was generated |
342 | No maintenance authorization - only display possible |
343 | Device type & does not exist |
344 | Character set &1 for device type &2 does not exist |
345 | The proportional flag must not be changed |
346 | Deletion was not carried out |
347 | Device type definition must not be changed |
348 | Entry already exists |
349 | Print control &1 for device type &2 was saved |
350 | Cursor must be positioned on a print control |
351 | Device type &1: &2 printer fonts deleted |
352 | Device type &1: &2 printer bar codes deleted |
353 | Device type &1: Total of &2 fontmetrics uploaded |
354 | SAPscript load deleted in all clients |
355 | An output device of type & does not exist |
356 | &: Leading/internal blanks are not valid |
357 | Are there any forms/styles which use this system font? |
358 | Are there any forms/styles which use this system barcode? |
359 | Is the transport of the new entry with R3TR TABU TFO... necessary? |
360 | Observe name ranges: A..X for SAP, J_NC for partners, Y,Z for customers |
361 | No fontmetrics file for specified printer font |
362 | Data was not saved |
363 | Link to nonexistent font metrics & |
364 | Link chain is endless or too long (& links) |
365 | Font metrics must be applied from a different printer font |
366 | Output cannot be redirected to this printer (see long text) |
367 | Table entry was included in task & |
368 | Table entry was not included in task |
369 | Font height 000 implies a scalable font; set an attribute |
370 | From 3.x printer fonts must have two identical print controls |
371 | Scalable fonts in 4.x must have two different print controls! |
372 | Printer fonts with set font heights (>0) are not scalable! |
373 | Printer driver & does not support scalable fonts! |
374 | The content of print controls for font selection must match |
375 | Printer driver & requires scaling with font height 000 |
376 | AFM files may only contain up to 999 lines |
377 | The object is enherited from basis device type &1 |
378 | Print control &1 is inherited from basis device type &2 |
379 | Printer font does not require font metrics |
380 | Font family and printer font have different PROPORTIONAL flags |
381 | For TrueType fonts, no font metrics can be displayed/changed |
382 | You are not allowed to edit/delete TrueType fonts |
383 | The driver & used by the device type does not support TrueType fonts |
384 | Correction system does not allow changes |
385 | Cascading fonts could not be changed |
386 | Device types for cascading fonts do not support true type fonts |
387 | Cascading fonts function only in unicode system |
388 | Font &1 must no longer be used |
400 | Spool error: & |
401 | Output device & is not defined |
402 | Printed page selection contains error |
403 | Style & is inactive and/or error in printer type & |
404 | Text contains recursive and/or too many INCLUDES |
405 | Output is continuous or contains too many pages (>&) |
406 | Font & for device type & contains errors or does not exist |
407 | Paragraph & is not defined in style & |
408 | Character string & is not defined in style & |
409 | Character string was closed but not opened beforehand |
410 | Character string & was not closed in the paragraph |
411 | Character string "&" is too long |
412 | Too many text symbols nested |
413 | Symbol "&" is expected |
414 | Syntax error in & statement: "&" contains invalid characters |
415 | Parameter is too long: & |
416 | Language & does not exist (invalid name) |
417 | Invalid resolution. |
418 | Parameter "&" is invalid |
419 | Output was canceled by the user |
420 | CLOSE_FORM for layout set & is missing |
421 | Parameter DEVICE=& is invalid |
422 | Form & language & is not active or has errors |
423 | & is invalid, OPEN_FORM is missing |
424 | Parameter TYPE=& is only allowed for window MAIN |
425 | Parameter TYPE=& is invalid |
426 | Window & is not defined for form & |
427 | Element & window & is not defined for form & |
428 | Parameter FUNCTION=& is invalid |
429 | Output device & is not type & |
430 | System character set contains errors or does not exist |
431 | Character "&" is not defined in the current font & |
432 | & pages were output to device & (spool no. &) |
433 | Spool request (number &) sent to output device &2 |
434 | Reference object & ID & language & name & not found |
435 | Device driver & is not defined |
436 | Paragraph & is not defined in form & |
437 | Character string & is not defined in form & |
438 | Page format & is not known to the ABAP device driver |
439 | Include & does not exist |
440 | Page & is not contained in the form |
441 | Barcode & is not known to the ABAP printer driver |
442 | Table LINES in WRITE_FORM_LINES does not have the structure TLINE |
443 | & is invalid, START_FORM is missing |
444 | START_FORM is invalid, END_FORM is missing |
445 | START_FORM without parameters is not allowed here |
446 | SAP character "&" is not defined in the current font & |
447 | Error specifying telex/fax machine |
448 | Telex/fax machine '&' is not defined |
449 | Cursor is not on a breakpoint |
450 | Length error for barcode & |
451 | Text module is printed |
452 | Parameter & is only valid for object DSYS |
453 | Parameter & has the invalid value & |
454 | No authorization exists for the include text & |
455 | Text command & is not defined |
456 | Form & has incorrect page format |
457 | "&" is not a valid text symbol |
458 | Error while sending fax with SO_OBJECT_SEND, return code & |
459 | Fax request & created successfully |
460 | No authorization for output device & |
461 | Error sending mail with SO_OBJECT_SEND, return code & |
462 | MAIl request & created |
463 | Error in MAIL parameter RECIPIENT or SENDER; return code & |
464 | Language environment for language &1 cannot be set |
465 | Device type &1 does not support page format &2 |
470 | Error occured during table processing: & |
480 | &1 &2 (original language &3) does not have an active version |
481 | &1 &2 (original language &3) is currently being edited |
482 | Source language and target language must be different |
483 | Version in language &1 is older than version in the original language &2 |
490 | Function module '&1' does not exist |
499 | Form & contains errors |
500 | No errors found in style & |
501 | No errors found in form & |
502 | Header data &1: Default paragraph &2 not defined |
503 | Header data &1: First page &2 not defined |
504 | Header data &1: Page measurements &2 &3 unknown |
505 | Paragraph &: Line spacing not defined |
506 | Paragraph &1: Outline &2 not defined |
507 | Paragraph &1: Outline &2 has no ascending outline level &3 |
508 | Paragraph &1: Character string &2 not defined |
510 | Page &1: Next page &2 not defined |
511 | Page &: No page window defined |
512 | Page &1 window &2: Window height not defined |
513 | Page &1 window &2: Window width not defined |
514 | Page &1 window &2: Page &3 not defined |
515 | Page &1 window &2: Window &3 not defined |
516 | Page &1 window &2: Width is not identical on all pages |
517 | Page &1 window &2: Height is not identical on all pages |
518 | Page &1 window &2: Position &3 is defined more than once |
519 | Page & has no subsequent page |
520 | Header data &1: Font family &2 is not an SAP font family |
521 | Paragraph &1: Font family &2 is not an SAP font family |
522 | Character string &1: Font family &2 is not an SAP font family |
523 | Header data &1: Font &2 &3 &4 is not an SAP font |
524 | Paragraph &1: Font &2 &3 &4 is not an SAP font |
525 | Character string &1: Font &2 &3 &4 is not an SAP font |
526 | Character string &1: Bar code &2 is not an SAP bar code |
527 | Page &: Paper resource has leading or internal blanks |
530 | No & exists yet |
531 | No & exists yet |
532 | Delete translations from & when activating |
535 | Window &1 &2 was added to the clipboard |
536 | Window &1 &2 inserted |
537 | Window & deleted |
538 | Renaming changes the type of window |
540 | Page &1 copied to &2 |
541 | Page & Deleted |
545 | Graphic & was deleted |
546 | Graphic & was added to the clipboard |
547 | Graphic & inserted |
548 | Graphic & already exists |
550 | Device type & is not defined |
560 | Text element &1 is defined twice in window &2 |
561 | Default paragraph & is not defined in form |
562 | Default paragraph &1 is not defined in window &2 |
563 | A text elements in window & has no name |
570 | Style & not found |
571 | Character set & is not defined |
572 | SAP print control is not defined for character set & |
580 | First choose "Translate in chosen languages" |
581 | No authorization for style &1 &2 |
582 | No authorization to change style &1 &2 |
583 | No authorization to display style &1 &2 |
584 | No authorization for form &1 &2 |
585 | No authorization to change form &1 &2 |
586 | No authorization to display form &1 &2 |
587 | No entry in TSYST for & system |
588 | No character set was maintained in TSYST for & system |
589 | An invalid character set was maintained in TSYST for & system |
590 | Page &1 window &2: Window outside page format |
591 | System character set could not be determined |
592 | System character set & is not maintained |
593 | Form was not saved and/or activated |
594 | Style was not saved and/or activated |
595 | Error when saving as & |
596 | Attribute "Underlined" is not set |
597 | Page &1 window &2&3: Window is too wide for page format &4 |
598 | Page &1 window &2&3: Window is too high for page format &4 |
599 | No authorization for creating text &1 &2 &3 |
600 | Text &1 ID &2 language &3 not found |
601 | Line length & is not allowed |
602 | The text object & does not exist |
603 | Text ID &1 for text object &2 does not exist |
604 | Language & is not allowed |
605 | Name & is invalid |
606 | Save mode &1 for object &2 is not allowed |
607 | I/O error for text &1 &2 &3 &4 |
608 | Text &1 &2 &3 &4 to be referenced was not found |
609 | An error occurred, cause unknown |
610 | Reference chain &1 &2 &3 &4 interrupted |
611 | No authorization for text &1 &2 &3 |
612 | No authorization to edit text &1 &2 &3 |
613 | No authorization to display text &1 &2 &3 |
614 | Error in text retrieval |
615 | No text found |
616 | No text was found which you are authorized to access |
617 | & text(s) found |
618 | The function requested is not available for the text format & |
619 | Format '&' cannot be processed |
620 | Error calling the program for processing format '&' |
621 | Selection limited to & hits |
622 | The graphical object &1 does not exist |
623 | ID &1 for graphical object &2 does not exist |
624 | Text &1, language &2, object &3, ID &4, does not exist |
625 | Caution: Text &1, ID &2 used by multiple applications |
626 | Specify an object |
627 | Enter an ID |
628 | Specify an object and an ID |
629 | Specify a name and a language |
630 | Form documentation does not exist |
631 | Form documentation was revised |
632 | Revision of form documentation is not required |
635 | No file definition of the symbol in the print program selected |
636 | Print program could not be deleted |
637 | Function module unable to find table |
638 | Function module unable to find table fields |
639 | Function module could not find global ABAP variables |
640 | Table DRUCK_NA is already being processed |
641 | Print program does not exist |
642 | The passed structure could not be expanded |
643 | Specify a print program |
644 | System error in the lock management |
645 | Maximum recurrence level reached |
646 | Print program could not be loaded |
647 | There is no print program for this form |
648 | There is no declaration in the print program for this object |
649 | Program description could not be found |
650 | No objects found |
651 | No IDs found for object & |
652 | Object & already exists |
653 | ID & already exists |
654 | Texts still exist for object & |
655 | Texts still exist for object &1 ID &2 |
656 | IDs for object & will also be deleted |
657 | Place the cursor on an object to select it |
658 | Place the cursor on an ID to select it |
659 | Place the cursor on a table name to select it |
660 | Specify an application and line width |
661 | There is no text module &1 for text format &2 |
662 | Observe name ranges: Y,Z for customers, J_NC for partners, A..X for SAP |
663 | Observe name ranges: Y,Z for customers, JNC for partners, A..X for SAP |
664 | Object & cannot be saved |
666 | Graphics still exist for object &1 |
667 | Graphics still exist for object &1 ID &2 |
670 | Object & is being edited |
671 | Text ID &1 for object &2 is being edited |
672 | An error occurred locking object & |
673 | An error occurred locking text ID &1 of object &2 |
674 | Changes were saved |
675 | I/O error in table & |
676 | Object & was deleted |
677 | ID &1 for object &2 was deleted |
678 | Object & cannot be included in transport |
679 | ID &1 for object &2 cannot be included in transport |
680 | Text object & cannot be deleted |
681 | ID &1 for object &2 cannot be deleted |
682 | Symbol table &1 for object &2, ID &3, cannot be saved |
683 | Symbol table &1 for object &2, ID &3, cannot be deleted |
688 | Warning: &1 are cross-client |
689 | Warning: These settings are valid in all clients |
690 | Edit table TTDTG using transaction SM31 |
691 | No authorization for & for format conversions |
692 | No authorization for & for text objects and text IDs |
693 | No authorization for & for standard symbols |
694 | No authorization for & a style sheet prototype |
695 | No authorization to & graphical objects and IDs |
700 | Select a text area first |
701 | Invalid selection |
702 | Invalid cursor position |
703 | The clipboard is empty (fill it first) |
704 | The style & does not exist |
705 | Form & does not exist |
706 | The selected text was added to the clipboard |
707 | Clipboard file contents inserted at cursor position |
708 | The selected text was deleted |
709 | Clipboard file cannot contain more than & lines |
710 | Specify a search term |
711 | Specify a replacement term |
712 | Select one field only for the type of search |
713 | Select at least one search area (text or format) |
714 | Search term & was not found |
715 | Term &1 replaced &2 times by &3 |
716 | Continue search first and then replace |
717 | No space for another character in character buffer |
720 | No more than & lines can be saved |
721 | You must not change a template |
722 | A template is selected by line |
723 | The & character is not allowed in the format area |
724 | Save the text first |
725 | Text &1 in language &2 is new |
726 | Text &1 language &2 is currently being edited |
727 | Error locking text &1 language &2 |
728 | Observe name ranges: Y,Z for customers, J_NC for partners, A..X for SAP |
729 | Text changes were applied |
730 | Text &1 language &2 was saved |
731 | Text &1 language &2 was deleted |
732 | &1 pages were output to printer &2 |
733 | Text has been saved temporarily in the main memory, see long text |
734 | Text was deleted |
735 | Text &1 ID &2 language &3 was included and expanded |
736 | Text &1 ID &2 language &3 was inserted as an INCLUDE |
737 | INCLUDE command cannot be expanded |
738 | Text &1, ID &2, language &3 cannot be expanded |
739 | Standard text &1 text id &2 language &3 already exists |
740 | Choose a processing option |
741 | Choose one processing option only |
742 | Standard text &1 text ID &2 language &3 does not exist |
743 | SAP icon or SAP symbol &1 does not exist |
744 | For multiple selection it is not possible to resolve texts directly |
745 | Specify the selection criterion |
746 | PC editor could not be called (symbol in link) |
747 | PC Editor could not be called (Hex command) |
748 | PC Editor could not be called (Protected text lines) |
749 | PC Editor could not be called (Unknown character format <&1>) |
750 | Paragraph &1 is not contained in style &2 |
751 | Paragraph tag & is unknown |
752 | Unable to call PC editor (unknown paragraph format <&1>) |
753 | Unable to call PC editor; see the long text |
754 | Error in the PC editor. Continue with the line editor |
755 | No link to term '&' |
756 | The operation is not permitted in display mode |
757 | Unknown format in the text to be included |
758 | Select a symbol |
759 | Select a symbol in the line editor |
760 | Maintain an output device in your user master record |
761 | Function module for including program symbols is incorrect |
762 | Operation not allowed in the PC Editor |
763 | Function module name for including Internet links does not exist |
764 | Function module for including include texts is incorrect |
765 | The text is syntactically correct |
766 | Too many character formats are being used simultaneously |
767 | Incorrect limit entries for the text to be edited |
768 | Function module interface not valid for including links |
769 | Repeated call of PC editor (use line editor) |
770 | INCLUDE commands were expanded |
771 | No INCLUDE commands were expanded |
772 | The text contains formatting and cannot be processed. |
780 | Imported text was inserted at the cursor position |
781 | Clipboard & saved |
782 | Clipboard & deleted |
783 | Clipboard & was inserted at the cursor position |
784 | Clipboard & is empty |
785 | The selected text was copied to clipboard & |
786 | Clipboard was inserted at the cursor position |
787 | Clipboard is empty |
788 | Clipboard could not be read |
789 | This part [&1,&2] of symbol &&&3&& is not allowed |
790 | No text symbols exist |
791 | No standard symbols defined for language & |
792 | Symbols were replaced by value |
793 | No symbols were replaced |
794 | Length specification contains invalid characters |
795 | Offset specification contains invalid characters |
796 | Decimal place specification contains invalid characters |
797 | Exponent specification contains invalid characters |
798 | Text field contains invalid characters |
799 | Maximum output length &1 has been exceeded by symbol &&&2&& |
800 | Control character & is not allowed in the control text |
801 | No structure definition in the control text |
802 | No value definitions in the control text |
803 | Control line >&...< contains an invalid symbol |
806 | File & was imported |
807 | Text was exported to file & |
808 | & is not an RTF file |
809 | File extension of style sheet must be '.dfv' or '.dot' |
810 | File extension of file must be '.rtf' |
811 | Error opening file & |
812 | Error reading file & |
813 | Error loading file & |
814 | Error writing to file & |
815 | Error downloading file & |
816 | Error with HTML conversion of text & |
817 | Syntax error in text & . Conversion to HTML was terminated |
818 | Text & converted to HTML |
819 | File & is empty |
820 | Specify a style and/or form |
822 | You can only choose between the character sets 1103 and 1110 |
823 | Character set & does not exist |
824 | Enter a new text name |
825 | Format conversion from &1 to &2 is not maintained |
826 | Format was converted |
827 | This update does not exist |
830 | Enter a name |
831 | Source format and target format must be different |
832 | Conversion between two Word style sheets is not possible |
833 | Element '&' already exists |
834 | No authorization to maintain conversion from &1 to &2 |
835 | No authorization to display conversion from &1 to &2 |
836 | Error locking conversion from &1 to &2 |
837 | Conversion from &1 to &2 is already being processed |
838 | Element '&' could not be deleted |
839 | Error saving element '&' |
840 | Target format '&' not dominant |
841 | The length of the selection must be exactly 3 characters |
842 | The element '&' does not exist in table TTDCW |
843 | Format '&' has already been marked as dominant |
844 | & can have a maximum length of & characters |
845 | Conversion from & to & was saved |
846 | No conversions of this type found |
847 | An active style & does not exist |
848 | Active form & does not exist |
849 | Conversion from & to & was deleted |
850 | Reading/initialization of conversion failed |
851 | Format '&' is dominant |
852 | Prototype '&' does not exist |
853 | No prototypes of document templates exist |
854 | Prototype '&' was created |
855 | Prototype '&' was deleted |
857 | File &1 has an invalid format |
860 | Symbol "&1": Invalid data type "&2" |
870 | Syntax check continuing without symbol check |
871 | BMP file: invalid file format |
872 | Bitmap file: Compression type not supported. |
873 | Format & not supported |
874 | This is not a *.BMP file (they begin with <> "BM") |
875 | Bitmap file: No color table exists (True Color, bit count &) |
876 | BMP files: Errors in RLE-compressed bitmap data |
877 | This is not a bitmap file / not a text with bitmap data |
878 | Bitmap file: Preliminary end of file, file contains errors |
879 | Table with bitmap data not of type X (of type & instead) |
880 | TIFF file: Error in TIF format |
890 | Error opening document: RC = & |
899 | ***************** End SAPscript messages < 900 ************ |
900 | Layout set documentation does not exist |