TPM_TRG - Treasury Position Management: Cross-Package Messages
The following messages are stored in message class TPM_TRG: Treasury Position Management: Cross-Package Messages.
It is part of development package FTR_GENERAL in software component FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "CFM TM: Application Basis / Global Objects".
It is part of development package FTR_GENERAL in software component FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "CFM TM: Application Basis / Global Objects".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | *** Customizing |
001 | Position management category & is not maintained in the system |
002 | No Accounting code was defined for company code &1 |
003 | No company code was defined for Accounting code &1 |
004 | There are no relevant valuation areas in Accounting code &1 |
005 | Position management procedure &1 is not defined |
006 | No valn classes were defined in valn area &2 for general valn class &1 |
007 | No general valuation class was defined for valuation class &1 |
008 | Position management procedure &1 has no settings for Purchase GAAP |
009 | The previous valuation class &1 is not assigned to any general valn class |
010 | General valn class &1 is not assigned to any valn clas in valn area &2 |
011 | The update types for product category &1 are not assigned |
012 | Non-defined update type assigned for position initialization |
013 | Incorrect update type assigned for initialization |
014 | Incorrect update type assigned for initialization |
015 | Incorrect update type assigned for initialization |
016 | Update types are not assigned for position management procedure &1 |
017 | Non-defined update type assigned for derived business transaction |
018 | Incorrect update type assigned for derived business transaction |
019 | Incorrect update type assigned for derived business transaction |
020 | Update types are not assigned for position management procedure &1 |
021 | Non-defined update type assigned for valuations |
022 | Incorrect update type assigned for valuations |
023 | Incorrect update type assigned for valuations |
024 | Missing update type for derived business transactions |
025 | Inconsistent data |
026 | Single-level rate valuation procedure &2 does not exist (see long text) |
027 | Amortization procedure &2 does not exist (see long text) |
028 | Position management procedure &1 is inconsistent (see long text) |
029 | Securities valuation procedure &2 does not exist (see long text) |
030 | Foreign currency valuation procedure &2 does not exist (see long text) |
031 | Rate valn procedure for FX-forwards &2 does not exist (see long text) |
032 | No valuation currency exists for accountancy code &1 and valn area &2 |
033 | No rate type exists for Accounting code &1 and valuation area &2 |
034 | No present value type exists in one-step rate valuation procedure &1 |
035 | No present value type exists in security valuation procedure &1 |
036 | Internal error in class CL_KEY_ASSIGNMENT_TRG |
037 | Initial position management procedure |
038 | No conversion steps exist |
039 | Conversion step &1 has run successfully |
040 | Reversal of step &1 of the conversion has run successfully |
041 | Test run for conversion step &1 has been successful |
042 | Test run for reversal of step &1 of the conversion has been successful |
043 | Internal error during the conversion |
044 | Conversion step &2 must be carried out before conversion step &1 |
045 | Conversion step &2 must be reversed before conversion step &1 is reversed |
046 | No gen. valn class determined for co. code &1, ID no. &2, sec. acct &3 |
047 | Enter a company code |
048 | No initialization steps exist |
049 | Internal error while initializing parallel valuation areas |
050 | Enter a key date |
051 | Initialization step &2 must be executed before initialization step &1 |
052 | You must reverse initializ. step &2 before reversing initializ. step &1 |
053 | Initialization step &1 executed successfully |
054 | Initialization step &1 was reversed successfully |
055 | Test run for initialization step &1 executed successfully |
056 | Test run for reversal of initialization step &1 executed successfully |
057 | Warning! Valuation area &1 initialized with key date &2 |
058 | Positions in company code &1 are blocked by user &2 |
059 | Key date: &3 is earlier than the key date of step &1: &2 |
060 | Key date: &3 is not the same as the key date of step &1: &2 |
061 | Unable to find general val. class for CoCd &1, ID no. &2, Fut. Acct &3 |
062 | Customizing settings have already been made for parallel position mgmt |
063 | The parallel valuation areas have already been initialized |
064 | Only single values are allowed when selecting the accounting code |
065 | Only single values are allowed when selecting the product group |
066 | Accounting code &1 does not have any parallel valuation areas |
067 | Listed options/futures cannot be initialized |
068 | Accounting code &1, product group &2 has already been initialized |
069 | Acc.code &1, prod. group &2, val.area &3 is already partially initialized |
070 | Business transactions already exist in CoCd &1, product group &2 |
071 | Acct. code &1, product group &2, val. area &3 is not fully initialized |
072 | Accounting code &1, prod. group &2: No fast entry for initialization |
073 | 'Fast entry' for initialization was successful |
074 | 'Fast entry' reversal of initialization was successful |
075 | No product group selected |
076 | No accounting code selected |
077 | &1 records were deleted |
078 | Company code &1 is assigned to more than one accounting code |
079 | Initialization: Prod. grp &1, accounting code &2 blocked by user &3 |
080 | A valuation area is assigned to accounting code &1 |
081 | Not possible to delete selected row (due to valuation area assignment) |
082 | Not possible to delete selected rows (due to valuation area assignment) |
083 | General valuation class &1 was not defined |
084 | Enter an ID number |
085 | Enter a securities account |
086 | Securities account group missing in master data of securities acct &4 |
087 | Enter a portfolio |
088 | Enter a loan contract |
089 | Enter a futures account |
090 | Prod. type &1 and corresponding prod. category &2 are excluded |
091 | Prod. cat. &1 and corresponding prod. group &2 are excluded |
092 | Product group not specified for accounting code &1 in val. area &2 |
093 | A TRL business transaction already exists for product group &1 |
094 | A TRL business transaction already exists for product category &1 |
095 | A TRL business transaction already exists for product type &1 |
096 | Exclusion of product type &1 cannot be reversed |
097 | Exclusion of product cat. &1 cannot be reversed (due to prod. type &4) |
098 | Exclusion of product group &1 cannot be reversed (due to prod. type &4) |
099 | Enter a general valuation class |
100 | *** UPDATE *** |
101 | Update error: Class &1 activity &2 return code &3 |
102 | Update error in function module: TPM_TRL_DATA_DELETE |
103 | OS update error during DELETE of table &1; call position: &2, &3, &4 |
104 | OS update error during INSERT of table &1; call position: &2, &3, &4 |
105 | OS update error during UPDATE of table &1; call position: &2, &3, &4 |
106 | OS update error during SELECT of table &1; call position: &2, &3, &4 |
107 | Object service error; call position: &2, &3, &4 |
108 | Update terminated |
109 | &1 business transactions were fixed successfully |
110 | &1 &2 records were changed |
111 | &1 records were added |
112 | Pos.mgmt procedure &1: Price/rate valuation procedure &2 is not defined |
113 | &1 records were deleted, &2 records were transferred and &3 inserted |
114 | Internal error: Row type of table type &1 is not a DDIC table |
115 | Internal error: Internal table for &1 could not be generated dynamically |
116 | Internal error: Method SET_TAB_DB was not called (Table &1) |
117 | Internal error: INSERT failed in internal table &1 |
118 | Internal error: UPDATE failed in internal table &1 |
119 | Internal error: DELETE failed in internal table &1 |
120 | Internal error: Persistence service already initialized |
121 | Internal error: OO-transaction is missing |
122 | Internal error in FB TPM_TRG_OTC_SELECTION; enter a date |
123 | Internal error in FB TPM_TRG_OTC_SELECTION; selection is not unique |
124 | Cost center &1 does not exist in table CSKS |
125 | Cost center &1 is not valid |
126 | Assignment of company code &1 is not unique |
127 | Valuation class &1 is not assigned to a gen. val. class in val. area &2 |
128 | Valuation area is initial |
129 | Special valuation class is initial |
130 | ID number is initial |
131 | Company code is initial |
132 | Securities account is initial |
133 | Differentiation criteria are initial |
134 | Futures account is initial |
135 | Differentiation criterion &1 not found |
136 | No identifier found |
137 | Multiple identifiers found |
138 | &1&2&3&4 |
139 | Internal error: Exception object not set |
140 | Component &1 not initialized |
141 | Internal error: Accounting code is initial |
142 | Internal error: Company code is initial |
143 | General valuation class is initial |
144 | No General Valuation Class for Current Portion of Long Term defined |
145 | Definition of General Valuation Classes for Current Portion incorrect |
146 | General Valuation Class of source does not match CPLTD target val class |
147 | Enter a Position currency |
148 | Enter an External Account |
149 | Loss allowance valuation procedure &2 does not exist; see long text |
150 | Data already exists for &1, val. area &2 and product group &3 |
151 | Loans already exist in CML for company code &1 |
152 | Write-off valuation procedurue &2 does not exist; see long text |
153 | Evaluation type is initial |
155 | Valuation area &2 cannot be the paying valuation area in acctg code &1 |
164 | "Accounting Principle" field must not be empty |
165 | Accounting principle must be unique for each valuation area |
196 | Exercise date &1 for OTC option is later than position date &2 |
197 | Valuation amount base from PMP &1 is allowed just for Lot differentiation |
198 | Pos. management category from PMP &1 is not compatable with prod. type &2 |
199 | *** 200 - 300 reserved for Customizing check messages *** |
200 | &1 &2 &3 &4 |
201 | No accounting code is assigned to valuation area &1 |
202 | No valuation area assigned to TR Accounting code &1 |
203 | No FI update is active for TR Accounting code &1 and valuation area &2 |
204 | Entry for the name of the special ledger is missing |
205 | Assignment of TR accounting code &1 to a company code is missing |
206 | No account determination is defined for valuation area &1 |
207 | The differentiation for securities is not defined correctly |
208 | The differentiation for loans is not defined correctly |
209 | Tax calculation: Customizing error in update type &4 |
210 | Valuation area &2 is not defined, but is assigned to accounting code &1 |
211 | Accounting code &1 is not defined, but valuation areas are assigned to it |
212 | No impairment procedure defined for position management procedure & |
213 | Impairment procedure &1 is not defined in Customizing |
214 | No operative/paying valuation area is assigned to accounting code &1 |
215 | Valuation area &2 is not assigned to accounting code &1 |
216 | Function is only available for securities |
217 | Due to currency type &1, valuation currency must be &2 |
218 | Enter a permitted currency category |
219 | Currency category &1 is not supported |
220 | Ledger &1 manages local currency |
221 | Acc.code &1, prod. group &2, val.area &3 is already partially initialized |
222 | Currency category is required |
255 | Hedging relationship &1 in acctng code &2 and valn area &3 is affected |
256 | Hedging relationship &1 in acctng code &2 and valn area &3 is affected |
300 | ************ cl_tax_flow_calculator_trg **************** |
301 | Country/Region for issuer (&1) of securities &2 cannot be determined |
302 | Unable to determine country/region for issuer of security &1 |
303 | Bank country/region for depository bank (&1, &2) cannot be determined |
340 | *** 340 - 349 Reserved for BAdI Implementation *** |
341 | Error in BAdI implementation for tax calculation |
342 | Error in update type from BAdI implementation |
343 | Inconsistent amounts from BAdI implementation for tax calculation |
344 | Inconsistent amounts from BAdI implementation for tax calculation |
345 | Inconsistent amounts from BAdI implementation for tax calculation |
346 | Negative amount from BAdI implementation for ID number &1 |
350 | *** 350 - 399 Reserved for Migration *** |
351 | No conversion type found |
352 | Reversing the conversion step does not reset data |
353 | Number assignment specif. missing for position mgmt proc. to be migrated |
354 | Valuation principle &1 is not defined in Customizing |
355 | Number assignmt specifications missing for val.procedure to be defined |
356 | Operative valuation procedure &1 could not be converted |
357 | Position differentiation not defined for acct code &1, val.area 001 |
358 | Securities account group missing in master data of sec.acct &1, CoCd &2 |
359 | No Customizing request was found |
360 | Position differentiation for is missing for company code &1 |
361 | Error while creating position indicator for single positions |
362 | Position management procedures already exist in this number range |
363 | One-step valuation procedures already exist in this number range |
364 | Securities valuation procedures already exist in this number range |
365 | Foreign exchange valuation procedures already exist in this number range |
366 | Amortization procedures already exist in this number range |
367 | No quantity ledger pos. exists for co. code &1, sec. ID &2,sec. acct &3 |
368 | Update with RFC module: &1 failed |
369 | Price/Rate Type &1 Defined for All One-Step or Sec. Valuation Procedures |
370 | There are no valuation procedures for OTCs to be converted. |
371 | SecAccts of SecAcctGrp &2 in CoCd &1 have different PIs, �14 Banking Act |
372 | Valuation class &1 not defined |
373 | Valuation principle &1 not defined |
374 | Valuation method &2 does not make sense in valuation principle &1 |
375 | Valuation area: 001 is not maintained in accounting code: &1 |
376 | Nummer interval for &1 is not sufficient |
377 | No standard position management procedure was found for product type &1 |
378 | Input parameter invalid: co. code &1, prod. type &2, transaction type &3 |
379 | Conversion step: &1 locked by user: &2 |
380 | No general valuation class was found for transaction &2 (&1) |
381 | Customizing conversion step in the production system |
382 | Invalid foreign crcy rate determtn in CoCd &1, prod.type &2, transtype &3 |
383 | ID number &1 from table TRGT_MIGR_PMP is missing |
384 | No general valuation class has been specified for position &1 &2 &3 |
385 | There are no rules available for processing the migration steps |
386 | Conversion step &1 is not valid |
400 | *** 400 - 449 Reserved for Position Indicator *** |
401 | All position indicators were already created |
402 | Function canceled |
403 | System did not find any position indicators |
404 | Custody type &1 is not defined in Customizing |
405 | Position grouping &1 is not defined in Customizing |
406 | Holding indicator &1 is not defined in Customizing |
407 | Only settings 0 or 1 are allowed for intercorporate privilege |
408 | Only settings 0 or 1 are allowed for holding indicator |
409 | State central bank investment group: &1 was not defined in Customizing |
410 | Position management procedure &1 is not defined in Customizing |
411 | Account assignment reference &1 is not defined in Customizing |
412 | Balance sheet indicator &1 is not defined in Customizing |
413 | Stock exchange &1 is not defined in Customizing |
414 | Price/rate type &1 was not defined in Customizing |
415 | Holding share represents an investment |
416 | Position indicators were created |
417 | Position indicators were changed |
418 | Position indicators were deleted |
419 | There are transactions for at least one position indicator |
420 | Enter the indicator for a long or short position |
421 | Only (S)hort or (L)ong allowed as values for long/short indicator |
422 | Enter a stock exchange |
423 | Enter a price/rate type |
424 | The selected report is obsolete |
425 | The selected report is obsolete. Use report &1 |
426 | The import parameter is set incorrectly |
427 | Select a line first |
428 | Enter a transaction |
429 | No BAV data available for company code:&1, ID nummer:&2, security acct:&3 |
430 | Data has not been saved |
431 | Transaction &1 is obsolete. Use transaction &2 |
432 | The selected function is obsolete |
433 | ID number &1 is not a listed option/future |
434 | Enter the following differentiation criteria: &1 |
435 | No errors occurred |
436 | An error occurred when blocking position indicators |
437 | Securities account position indicator does not exist |
438 | Futures account position indicator does not exist |
439 | Subledger position indicator does not exist |
440 | Enter a fund |
441 | Enter a grant |
442 | No authorization for accounting code &1, val. area &2, prod. type &3 |
443 | Account assignment reference could not be determined |
444 | Value of this account assignment reference cannot be changed |
445 | Object referencing could not be determined |
446 | Position management procedure cannot be displayed |
447 | You have no authorization for fund &1 |
448 | You have no authorization for fund &1 and grant &2 |
450 | Check the Customizing settings for valuation area 001 |
451 | No inconsistencies were determined between SLD and TRL |
452 | Product type &2 in co. code &1 is excluded from the operative val. area |
453 | Product type &2 is not excluded from operative val. area in co. code &1 |
454 | Test run was successful |
455 | Update was successful |
456 | Transaction number is missing for "limit by transaction number" |
457 | Flows for position: &1, &2 and &3 are inconsistent |
458 | Loan is excluded in valuation area 001 |
459 | Default valuation class not maintained for company code & |
460 | Error in the exception table for lot accounting: TPMT_MIG_LOT_MIXD |
461 | &1 on &2 is before the initialization key date of valuation area &3 |
462 | Update already done |
463 | &1 on &2 is before the initialization key date of valuation area &3 |
464 | Acct. code &1, product group &2, val. area &3 is not initialized |
465 | You must reverse initializ. for prod. grp &1, acct. code &2, val. area &3 |
466 | Position Indicator for Hedged Item was not created |
467 | Enter a WBS element |
468 | Enter a cost center |
469 | Enter a profit center |
470 | Enter a functional area |
500 | &1 messages of &2 &3 of message class &4 were hidden |
501 | No valid rating was found for ID number &1 for &2 |
502 | Treasury: Table &1 was generated |
503 | Treasury: Table &1 would have been generated (test run) |
504 | Treasury: Subroutine pool &1 was generated |
505 | Treasury: Subroutine pool &1 would have been generated (test run) |
506 | Treasury: Subroutine pool &1 must be regenerated manually |
507 | Treasury: Customizing must be retransported manually (table &1) |
508 | Treasury: Error while reading metadata per RFC (table &1) |
550 | *** Public Sector Integration *** |
551 | Fund &1 is not valid on &2 |
552 | Grant &1 is not valid on &2 |
553 | Grant &1 is not permitted for company code &2 |
554 | Company code &1 is assigned to accounting code &2 |
555 | Positions exist for fund &1 |
556 | Positions exist for grant &1 |
557 | Positions for fund &1 with flows posted between &2 and &3 |
558 | Positions for grant &1 with flows posted between &2 and &3 |
559 | In company code &2 there are pools for fund &1 |
560 | Fund &1 is set up as investment pool participant(s) |
561 | In company code &2 there are pools for grant &1 |
562 | Grant &1 is set up as investment pool participant(s) |
563 | Public Sector integration has not been activated |
600 | *** Customizing **** |
601 | Suitable general valuation class is not available |
602 | Function not allowed |
603 | Cannot determine paying valuation area |
604 | Valuation area &1 does not exist |
605 | Transport the definition of the following valuation areas: &1 |
606 | &1 is paying valuation area |
607 | No entry found for key &1 &2 &3 |
608 | &1 does not have a superordinate classification type |
609 | &1 "&2" does not exist |
610 | Entry for &1 "&2" and &3 "&4" missing |
611 | *** Message template with reference to IMG activity *** |
612 | Superordinate classification type &1 must not have a superordinate type |
613 | Exclusion cannot be set due to executed initialization steps |
651 | Pos. &1 &2 with transfer prior to key date: approximated |
702 | Parallel processing not possible: server group does not exist |
703 | Parallel processing not possible: internal system error |
704 | Parallel processing not possible: Server overload |
800 | ************* Reserved for Archiving of Position Management |
801 | End date of retention period is in the future |
802 | Position does not exist |
803 | |
819 | There exist no archived objects corresponding to the select-options |
891 | Parameter &1 not defined for method/routine/module &2 |
892 | No entry found in table &1 |
893 | No entry found for &1 '&2' |
894 | Value "&2" of &1 is invalid |
895 | &1 is mandatory |
896 | No log is available |
897 | Internal error in modularization unit &1 &2 &3 |
898 | Internal error in method/routine/module: &1 |
899 | Customizing generation is not permitted in the production client |
999 | Internal error: &1, &2, &3, &4 |