VO - W&S: Rough workload forecast + picking wave

The following messages are stored in message class VO: W&S: Rough workload forecast + picking wave.
It is part of development package VL in software component LE-SHP-GF. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "WS-SHP: General Processing for Shipping".
Message Nr
Message Text
000001 - 199 for Picking Waves
001Warehouse &: No picking wave profiles exist
002Warehouse &: No texts exist for picking wave profiles
003Warehouse & does not exist
004No deliveries available for making wave picks
005Name of warehouse & not maintained in language &
006Time slot & is not defined in timeslot group &
007Wave line & does not exist
008Unspecified error while reading the timeslot group &
009Date & cannot be converted into weekday
010Group type 'W' not maintained
011Number assignment not possible/causing problems
012Group & cannot be transferred to WM reference. Reason: &
013Error & while writing group header
014Error & while writing a group item
015Error & while writing WM reference / WM reference item
016No picking wave saved
017Relevant deliveries in warehouse &1 already grouped into waves
018Place the cursor on the wave to which you want to reassign
019You are not authorized to work with picking waves
020You are not authorized to save picking waves
021Delivery & deleted
022Problem filling lock container
023Error locking the deliveries for forming picking waves
024One of the deliveries for forming the wave is locked by user &
025Problem & while checking planned WM reference &
026Problem in number assignment
027Select the surplus date earlier than the document date
028Profile of time slot not defined
029Delivery & has status problem: Warehouse Management picking
030Delivery & has status problem: Picking
031Delivery & has status problem: Goods movement
032Unexpected error while writing picking wave
033Picking wave saved as group &
034Picking waves saved as groups &1 - &2
035Do not move deliveries from wave &1 to the same wave
036Select picking waves and/or deliveries
037No data exists for selection criterion
038Delivery &1 is already included in the group for picking
039Deliveries in whse &1 up to or on &2 not available for wave creation
040Specify document date and timeslot group
041Enter the document date
042Transport instruction was added to Customizing request
043Shipment number &1 does not exist
044A delivery in shipment &1 is blocked
045A delivery in shipment &1 does not exist
046Delivery &1 in shipment &2 is not an outbound delivery
047Shipment &1 is not a loaded goods issue shipment
048Shipment &1 is not a preliminary leg shipment or a direct leg shipment
049Shipment number must be entered
050Delivery &1 in shipment &2 is issued from warehouse &3
051Specified intervals have no shipment numbers
052Not possible to move a delivery
053Shipment &1 is not included because delivery &2 does not fit
054Shipment &1 does not contain any outbound deliveries
055There is an open transfer order &2 (warehouse no. &3) for delivery &1
056Shipment &1 does not contain any outbound deliveries for warehouse &2
060Select a picking wave
061Position the cursor on the delivery you want to select
062Delivery &1 does not exist in the database
063No authorization for transaction &1
064Update of list after subsequent processing using refresh function
065Selection variant does not exist
066Delivery &1 was not transferred to wave &2 for capacity reasons
200201 - 299 for Customizing Rough Workload Estimate + Picking Waves
201No longer possible to change unit
202Control data was saved
203No data was changed (not necessary to save)
204Not possible to switch to display mode when creating new object
205Table & is currently being processed by user &
206Warehouse process &: no warehouse activities allocated
207Warehouse &: no workload times maintained for process &
208Exception MATERIAL_NOT_FOUND for material & has occurred
209Call up the function "Control..." first
210Maintain unit of measure load categories
211Unit of measure & is not assigned to a UoM load category
212UoM required to calculate the UoM load category
213Material and plant required to calculate logistics load category
214Item & is a non-stock item
215As yet, no allocation of plant/storage location &/& to a warehouse number
216Matl/plant/storage loc. &/&/&: warehouse segment missing in matl master
217Material/warehouse &/&: no inventory data found
218Material/warehouse/storage type &/&/&: no storage type data found
219Material/Plant &/&: no storage location found
220Enter a table from the customer namespace
221Table & cannot be used as an info structure
222Enter a table
223Press the radio button for customer-defined tables
224It is not possible to update this combination
225Update setting copied for other processes
226Update setting copied for the complete overview
227It is not possible to update this combination
228Update setting copied for returns to supplier
229Update setting copied for picking/GI
230Warehouse &: no comparison time defined yet
231& logs deleted
232No update group found for document header
233Incorrect update group found for document header
234No update group found for document item &
235Incorrect update group found for document item &
236No update group found for document header
237Incorrect update group found for document header
238No update group found for document item &
239Incorrect update group found for document item &
240Item & does not contain a plant yet
241Check contents of the load table (see long text)
242No transport request was selected
243Item & is a text item
244Item & does not create any load in warehouse
245Item & is a text item
246Shipping processing not possible for stock transfers in plant &
247Shipping processing not possible for returns to supplier in plant &
248Shipping processing not possible for store returns in plant &
249No picking area could be determined for material/plant/StLoc &/&/&
250No storage type could be determined for material/warehouse &/&
251Storage bin data is not maintained for warehouse/storage type &1/&2
252Update type & does not exist for info structure & -> see long text
300300 - 399: for Standard Analysis + Archiving
301Program RVGLVARC cannot be called up directly
302You have no authorization for archiving data
700701 - 799 for messages of type X
701Unexpected field content in &: &
702Unexpected return code CONVERSION_EXIT_CUNIT_OUTPUT: &
703Info Structure &: Entry missing in table TMC4
704Unexpected return code CHECK_CHANGES: &
705Unexpected return code CHECK_CHANGES: &
706Unexpected return code DIMENSIONCHECK_MASS: &
707Unexpected return code UNITS_GET_FOR_DIMENSION: &
708Unexpected return code HELP_VALUES_GET_WITH_TABLE: &
709Unexpected response POPUP_TO_CONFIRM_LOSS_OF_DATA: &
710Unexpected response POPUP_TO_CONFIRM_STEP: &
711Error during insert to table &: &
712Error during update to table: &
713Unexpected combination of radio buttons: &
714Client &: Entry missing in TMCL_LV
715Unexpected return code ENQUEUE_E_TMC4: &
716Info structure &: Entries missing in table TMC2Q
717Unexpected return code ENQUEUE_E_TMC2F: &
718Unexpected return code ENQUEUE_E_TMC2S: &
719Entry missing in internal table &: &
720Unexpected return code SD_WHS_POSITION_LOAD_GET: &
721Unexpected return code SD_STORAGE_LOCATION_DETERMINE: &
722Entry for document category/type/plant &/&/& missing in T161V
723Unexpected return code UNIT_CONVERSION_SIMPLE: &
724Unknown transaction code when calling report RVGLVARC: &
725Info Structure &: Entry missing in table TMC4
726Unknown transaction code when calling report RVGLVANA: &
727Unexpected return code APPL_LOG_INIT: &
728Unexpected return code APPL_LOG_WRITE_HEADER: &
729Unexpected return code APPL_LOG_WRITE_SINGLE_MESSAGE: &
730Unexpected return code APPL_LOG_WRITE_DB: &
731No shift maintained in either day 1 or day 2 of shift program
732Unexpected return code L_FETCH_PLANLGTYP_PLANBEREICH: &
733Unexpected return code L_LGORT_LGNUM_CHECK: &
734Unexpected return code DDUT_DOMVALUE_TEXT_GET: &
735Text pool for program & not found
736Text element & from text pool for program & not found
737Customer master &: SD data for &/&/& is missing
738Material &: sales data for &/& is missing
739Unexpected return code MVKE_SINGLE_READ: &
740Entry in VBKD missing for document no. &
741Entry in VBAP missing for document no. &
742Unexpected result during delete on table &
743Unexpected return code TR_ORDER_CHOICE_CORRECTION: &
744Unexpected return code TR_OBJECTS_CHECK: &
745Unexpected return code TR_OBJECTS_INSERT: &
746Unexpected return code TR_TASK_OVERVIEW: &
747Unexpected return code DSYS_SHOW: &
748Unexpected return code GET_PRINT_PARAMETERS: &
749Unexpected return code & during call of WS_PICK_WAV_READ_DB
750Unexpected return code & during call of WS_PICK_WAV_LOAD_READ_DB
751Unexpected return code &1 during call of WS_PICK_WAV_READ_PREPARE
752Unexpected return code &1 as REUSE_ALV_FIELDCATALOG_MERGE was called up
753Unexpected return code &1 after call-up of &2
754Error during deletion in internal table &1 with argument &2
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