VQ - Vertrieb: Archivierung und Kontingentierung

The following messages are stored in message class VQ: Vertrieb: Archivierung und Kontingentierung.
It is part of development package VZ in software component SD-BF. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Application development R/3 RV central functions".
Message Nr
Message Text
100Enter an archive. Archive list can be created with ?
101No archives exist in the archiving administration
201Product allocation & is invalid
202No characteristics available for item &1/&2
203Please enter the date, product allocation procedure and object
204The date is not the end of a period (periods cannot be determined)
205Specified period & in info structure & is not known
206Undefined error during blocking of product allocation
207Please check the available product allocation quantities
208Error during communication with 'enqueue server'
209Product allocation object & is locked by user &
210Date set to & (last day in period &)
211Product allocation check found changes to the confirmation
212No entries for business year variant & in T009
213Date set to &
214No statistical structure could be determined for procedure &
215The business year variant is missing in stat. structure &
216Info structure & does not fit procedure &
217Default format missing for remaining product allocation
218Table/structure & is not an information structure
219Entries missing in the Data Dictionary for info structure &
220The object must be the first lead column in info structure &
221Fields missing for info structure
222The info structure is not active
223Error while reading the structure of the info structure
224The key cannot be filled completely from SD (long text)
225There are still & lead columns from the customer name area!
226Structure & for procedure & has no valid period type
227Key fiedl & for info structure & has no value
228& data columns missing for the product allocation info structure
229No feature combination exists for the selection specified
230Please enter the date and product allocation procedure
231No objects may be specified if product allocation is inactive
232Period type & is not supported
233Periodicity of TMC4 (&,&) and T445A (&,&) are different!
234Info structure & already in use for procedure &!
235More than one masking indicator (&2,&3) defined for &1!
236The step counter is empty for the discrete check against prod. allocation
237One step is needed for cumulative check against product allocations!
238Several check steps still exist!
239Check the step counter in hierarchy controlling!
240The info structure is already used for another method
241Internal error during product allocation
242Format & is not allowed!
243Please select characteristic from which enhancement is to be carried out
244Please select the characteristic from which deletion is to be carried out
245Error when configuring update for product allocation
246Product allocation determination & is not defined
247Item &/& not found
248Error during scheduling in product allocation!
249The period settings for info structure &1 agree
250The period settings for the info structure do not agree
260Remote Function Call (RFC) could not be carried out!
280No consumption intervals have been maintained.
281Consumption intervals are not used!
282More than &2 product allocation stpes have been defined for procedure &1.
283Info structure &1 can be used for product allocation.
284Planning should be consistent for info structure &1.
285Planning version &2 has not been defined for info structure &1!
286Planning version &2 is defined for info structure &1.
287Periodicity &2(&3) is set for info structure &1.
288Info structure &1 is not in any update!
289Several update data (&1) defined for info structure &2!
290Updating is not defined for &1 at schedule line level!
291The update date is not permitted for &1 (permitted; &2, &3, &4)!
292Confirmed quantity (&2-&3) of the schedule line not updated
293Info structure only updated asynchronously
294The info structure is updated synchronously.
295Updating info structure is not switched on!
296No formulae are set for the order incoming quantity!
297Formula &2 is used for the order incoming quantity
298Not every characteristic has a formula
299There are no tax entries for product allocation procedure &1, &2!
300No active times have been defined for procedure &1, step &2.
301End of allocation validity should always be end of a period (&1, &2).
302The product allocation objects are entered in the planning hierarchy.
303Object &1 not contained in the planning hierarchy!
304No allocation quantities defined for product allocation object &1!
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