/BEV4/PLPEND - Messages for the Pendulum List
The following messages are stored in message class /BEV4/PLPEND: Messages for the Pendulum List.
It is part of development package /BEV4/PL in software component SD-BIL-RB-PL. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Pendulum List Indirect Sales".
It is part of development package /BEV4/PL in software component SD-BIL-RB-PL. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Pendulum List Indirect Sales".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | Wholesaler does not exist in this sales area |
001 | No field selected |
002 | Customer number invalid |
003 | Object number invalid |
004 | Error while exporting data |
005 | Data Record Exists Already |
006 | External customer number not entered |
007 | External object number not entered |
008 | No data records exist |
009 | Data maintenance is opened for SOrg &1 |
010 | Customizing error: Sales organization assignment missing |
011 | Customizing error: Setting for assignment of sales organizations missing |
012 | No partner function assignment exists in pendulum list |
013 | No valid customer number/wholesaler number |
014 | No valid sales area exists for wholesaler |
015 | No valid partner function assignment exists |
016 | Customizing error: Function modules not assigned |
017 | Internal error |
018 | Internal customer description not found |
019 | Data was saved |
020 | No line selected |
021 | Customizing error: Sales area checks not maintained |
022 | Customizing error: Number of new entries wrong/not defined |
023 | External customer number already assigned to internal customer: &1 |
024 | External object number already assigned to internal object: &1 |
025 | Internal customer number already assigned to external customer: &1 |
026 | Internal object number already assigned to external object: &1 |
027 | No column selected |
028 | Data records are processed by: &1 |
029 | Please maintain entry for control request or sales organization |
030 | No entry available for the data in table /BEV4/PLDANFABS |
031 | Material & is an invalid material |
032 | Material & is an invalid item proposal |
033 | Material & is not a valid assortment list CH |
034 | Material number is not known in this sales area |
035 | Internal material description not found |
036 | External material number not entered |
037 | External material number already assigned to internal material number: &1 |
038 | Internal material number already assigned to external material number: &1 |
039 | Corresponding customer unit missing |
040 | Corresponding factor customer unit missing |
041 | Corresponding internal unit missing |
042 | Corresponding factor internal unit missing |
043 | Invalid wholesaler |
044 | Error while copying the file |
045 | Enter file name |
046 | Enter path name |
047 | No other data record exists |
048 | Customizing error: Control of maintenance options - ERFANFORD |
049 | Job for batch processing has been planned |
050 | Error occurred when scheduling a job for batch processing |
051 | Job & is executed in the background |
052 | Data record for the entered key &1 &2 already exists with date &3 |
053 | Date 'Valid to' must be later than the date 'From'. |
054 | Request date/reporting period must be later than 'Valid from' date. |
055 | Acc. to period ID the reporting period is not within the reporting period |
056 | Job & is scheduled but could not be executed |
057 | Reporting interval start later than end reporting interval |
058 | Data not yet saved |
059 | Reported sale is outside of the reporting interval |
060 | Sales have already been reported for this item |
061 | No other material exists |
062 | No other period exists |
063 | No other object exists |
064 | No other customer exists |
065 | No entry maintained for sales area assignment |
066 | No other period exists |
067 | No valid data record contained in table /BEV4/PLDPERIOD |
068 | Error occurred when determining period identifier |
069 | Error in period key evaluation |
070 | Request date is outside the 'Valid to' date |
071 | Customer and object number is mandatory for request without wholesaler |
072 | No valid data record contained in table /BEV4/PLDANFORT |
073 | Customizing error: Default update determination missing |
074 | No header data exists in the sales request |
075 | Customizing error: Key default currency missing |
076 | Customizing error: Key default unit missing |
077 | Customizing error: Default key period ID missing |
078 | Enter restrictions if wholesaler is not specified |
079 | Object must be entered |
080 | Customer must be entered |
081 | Data record: System not ready to enter sales (/BEV4/PLDANFCST) |
082 | Material must be entered |
083 | Error when writing external article (/BEV4/PLDUMART) |
084 | Please enter date |
085 | Error in the period determination |
086 | Period and date do not correspond |
087 | Date is outside the reporting interval |
088 | Create a new data record |
089 | Period already entered and updated |
090 | Data record could not be deleted |
091 | Function not possible |
092 | Data record found |
093 | Object or customer number must be known |
094 | Zero report with quantities/sales values impossible |
095 | Reporting interval from/to unequal to date of a reporting period: &1 &2 |
096 | Ext. object description differs from entry 'Object conversion': &1 |
097 | Ext. customer description differs from entry 'Customer conversion': &1 |
098 | Error while writing the external object (/BEV4/PLDUMKDN) |
099 | Error while writing the external customer (/BEV4/PLDUMKDN) |
100 | Ext. material description differs from material conversion entered: &1 |
101 | Customizing error: Key error type missing |
102 | Enter reporting interval |
103 | Data record object, Customer &1 &2 is also reported by wholesaler &3 |
104 | Different output mediums for wholesaler &1 (O. &2) (C. &3) output &4 |
105 | Differing output mediums for wholesaler &1, output &2 |
106 | No other data record exists |
107 | Error while exporting data |
108 | Key field is invalid |
109 | Key field exists already |
110 | Error in search help |
111 | Sales organization is not known |
112 | Distribution channel is not known |
113 | Division is not known |
114 | Customizing error: Key 'Transfer incorrect sales' is missing |
115 | Complete factor must be entered |
116 | Customer/object in sales area invalid |
117 | Key field in sales area invalid |
118 | Customer/object/material in sales area invalid |
119 | No sold-to party exists |
120 | Select at least one entry |
121 | Customizing error: Setting for level of update determination missing |
122 | Customizing error: Attribute check /BEV4/PLDANFZEIT missing |
123 | Acc. to Customizing, default distr.chnnl/division not allowed for SOrg |
124 | No object must not be entered |
125 | No customer must be entered |
126 | Wholesaler must be entered |
127 | No wholesaler must be entered |
128 | Inclusive flag not set for any material |
129 | No active material |
130 | Material in assortment not known in this sales area |
131 | Enter sales organization |
132 | Data record does not yet exist |
133 | Enter currency code |
134 | Missing Customizing settings are automatically created when stored |
135 | Value between 0 and 100 allowed |
136 | &1 &2 |
137 | Unit of measure must be entered |
138 | Function module & not created |
139 | Program & not created |
140 | Form & not created |
141 | UoM for material not allowed |
142 | Sales organization is not the selected sales organization |
143 | Missing or incorrect entry in Customizing |
144 | At least one error in simulation of order creation |
145 | Material may only be entered in unit of measure &1 |
146 | File error: &1 &2 |
147 | Customizing error: check for distribution channel not maintained |
148 | Customizing error:default unit of measure not maintained |
149 | Customizing error: default currency not maintained |
150 | Customizing error: percentage error not maintained |
151 | Customizing error: error ID not maintained |
152 | You must enter a conf. date if you set the ID for creating output media |
153 | No entry maintained for request control or sales organization |
154 | Maintain either request control or sales organization |
155 | You must make an entry for the request date or request number |
156 | Either make an entry for the request date or request run number |
157 | Error in function module &1 &2. &3 |
158 | Customizing error: missing key in error processing for master data import |
159 | Internal error while locking data records |
160 | Error releasing the data records |
161 | You are not allowed to enter quotation marks |
170 | No create authorization for request data for wholesaler &1 in &2/&3/&4 |
171 | No maint.authorization for request data for wholesaler &1 in &2/&3/&4 |
172 | No delete authorization for request data for wholesaler &1 in &2/&3/&4 |
173 | No create authorization for sales report for wholesaler &1 in &2/&3/&4 |
174 | No maint.authorization for sales report for wholesaler &1 in &2/&3/&4 |
175 | No create authorization for update determination table in sales org. &1 |
176 | No authorization for update of wholesaler &1 in &2/&3/&4 |
177 | Please enter material number |
178 | Please enter the key number |
201 | Request run number & does not exist |
202 | Requests for request run & are already cancelled |
203 | Request run & cannot be cancelled since it is not the last run |
204 | Request run & cannot be cancelled since there are confirmations |
205 | No entry in /BEV4/PLDANFBEL for sales area & & & |
206 | No sold-to party for sales area & retailer & object & customer & |
207 | Indirect customer & has not been created in sales area & & & |
208 | No entry in table /BEV4/PLDANFORT for key & |
209 | At least one serious error occurred in simulation run |
210 | Error in order creation for sales area & retailer & object & customer & |
211 | No function module stored for order creation |
212 | Request cannot be cancelled since errors occurred |
213 | Table /BEV4/PLDANFABS cannot be locked for VKORG & |
214 | FM &1: Data output error |
215 | FM &1: No data for output |
216 | FM &1: Printing error |
217 | FM &1: Print program does not exist |
218 | FM &1: Form does not exist |
219 | FM &1: Sender cannot be found |
220 | FM &1: No/incorrect file type defined |
221 | FM &1: Error in file name |
222 | FM &1: Error creating the file |
223 | FM &1: File already exists |
224 | FM &1: Error in Customizing file name |
225 | FM &1: FM for output indicator &2 could not be found |
226 | FM&1: Calling FM for output medium &2 creates an error |
227 | Table /BEV4/PLDANFABS could not be unlocked for VKORG &1 |
228 | Table /BEV4/PLDANFART could not be unlocked for VKORG &1 |
229 | Table /BEV4/PLDANFMEL could not be unlocked for VKORG &1 |
230 | No entry in table /BEV4/PLDROLZU for key field 'AAD' |
231 | No entry in table /BEV4/PLDAUSGABE for &1 |
232 | &1 - no control indicator transferred to function module |
233 | &1 is not a valid key |
234 | RC3 - error in function module &1 call |
235 | RC4 - error in function module &1 call |
236 | No function module in Customizing table &1 |
237 | No entry in table /BEV4/PLDANFART for key &1 &2 &3 |
238 | Table /BEV4/PLDANFNUM could not be unlocked |
239 | No entry maintained for request control or sales organization |
240 | Maintain either request control or sales organization |
241 | No function module stored for order creation |
242 | Table /BEV4/PLDANFART could not locked for VKORG &1 |
243 | Table /BEV4/PLDANFMEL could not be locked for VKORG &1 |
244 | No entry in table /BEV4/PLDANFABS for input data |
245 | Indicator for creating output media: Enter the confirmation date |
246 | Processing complete |
247 | Processing has been executed in simultation mode |
250 | FM &1: error in Customizing for letter/expediter text |
251 | FM &1: error in Customizing for text modules from sales organization |
333 | Requests could not be canceled, as errors occurred |
350 | No data available for selection |
351 | No documents have been created yet |
352 | From-value must exceed to-value |