/FLDQ/AD_TECH_ERRORS - Message Class for Technical Errors

The following messages are stored in message class /FLDQ/AD_TECH_ERRORS: Message Class for Technical Errors.
It is part of development package /FLDQ/GDQC_LINK in software component EIM-DQM-SAP. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Development class for SAP BusinessObjects : DQM for SAP".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Exception COMMUNICATION_FAILURE raised during DQ call &1
002Exception SYSTEM_FAILURE raised during DQ call &1
003Exception OTHERS raised during DQ call &1
004Authorization failure.
005Internal failure.
006The package does not exist during the call ADDR_READ_FROM_QU_INDX.
007Parameter error
008Fatal Internal error
009The report was not processed. Review error table /FLDQ/AD_ERRLOG.
010RFC Destination not configured.
011Error in definition of RFC Destination.
012Package size for potential duplicates not defined.
013Package size for potential duplicates must be a positive integer.
014Maximum number of identified duplicates not defined.
015Maximum number of identified duplicates must be a positive integer.
016Maximum time for making repetitive calls to RFC Server[...]not defined.
017Max time for making repetitive calls to RFC Server[...]must be a pos. int
018Display 'Address Review' screen must be X or space.
019Max number of records per package for Quarterly Adjustment not defined.
020Max number of records per package for Quarterly Adj. must be a pos. int.
021Function method name for error handling is undefined.
022Max number of pending records updated during the first update not defined
023Max number of pending records updated[...]must be a positive integer.
024Max number of records to be inserted in matchcode table[...]not defined.
025Max number[...]to be inserted[...]setup program must be a pos. int.
026Incomplete results due to timeout. Refine your search criteria.
027Incomplete results due to too many matches. Refine your search criteria.
028Incomplete results due to timeout. Refine your address data.
029Incomplete results due to too many matches. Refine your address data.
030Too many pending updates. Run the report /FLDQ/AD_REPT_UPDATE_PEND_RECS.
031Failed to obtain lock for updating the check status table
032Failed to update the check status table
033Failed to insert a record into check status table
034DQ Engine Class not configured.
037The Kernel or ABAP prerequisite are not fulfilled (see note 1882417)
038The RFC call was performed via direct external RFC. This is not allowed.
039Communication failure receiving results from /FLDQ/AD_POST_RSADRQU2_WP.
040System failure receiving results from function /FLDQ/AD_POST_RSADRQU2_WP.
041Other failure receiving results from function /FLDQ/AD_POST_RSADRQU2_WP.
064Tax Jurisdiction generated an error.
100No task configuration mapped to the DQ process in /FLDQ/HNATASKMAP
101An error was returned from START TASK.
102An error occured during CALL_DQ_ADR_VALIDATE in the HANA_TASK class.
103An error occurred staging data for HANA batch match.
104An error occurred during the execution of the batch match process.
105An error occurred retrieving the result data from the batch match process
106An error occurred selecting records for the creation of cleansing cases.
107An error occured from LOAD TASK.
108Data returned from cleanse was larger than the fields supplied on output.
109An error occurred retrieving the result data from the RSADRQU2 process
110An error occurred truncating temp tables for RSADRQU2
111An error occurred inserting data into temp tables for RSADRQU2
112A truncation error occured. Check field mappings in /fldq/ad_re_map
113Error setting task is_realtime property.
114Error remapping. Verify field mappings are valid in /FLDQ/AD_RE_MAP.
115An error occurred during the execution of the create match codes process.
120An error occured while removing input filters for service
121An error occured while adding input filters for service
122An error occured while removing output records from previous run
124An error occured retrieving the schema name
125An error occured retrieving the low and high rowid values
126An error occured retrieving the packet of data using rowid
127An error occured creating DQ engine object
151Status code is already defined
152The status code entry wasn't deleted.
153An invalid action was supplied.
154Invalid last line processing status code
155Invalid address line processing status code
156Invalid secondary line processing status code
157Unable to modify the SIMDQ_ADDR_STG table contents
300INPUT parameter list for GET_PUBLISHED_GENERIC_SERVICES not specified
301Unable to access JCO function table for GET_PUBLISHED_GENERIC_SERVICES
310INPUT parameter list for RESTART_GENERIC_MATCH_CODE not specified
311Unable to access JCO function table for RESTART_GENERIC_MATCH_CODE
314Unable to stop the generic match code Data Services service
315Unable to start the generic match code Data Services service
320INPUT parameter list for RESTART_GENERIC_MATCH not specified
321Unable to access JCO function table for RESTART_GENERIC_MATCH
322EX_MD_DUP_RST SAP table for RESTART_GENERIC_MATCH not specified
323Unable to stop the generic match Data Services service
324Unable to start the generic match Data Services service
330INPUT parameter list for PROCESS_GENERIC_SERVICE is not specified.
331Unable to access the JCO function table for PROCESS_GENERIC_SERVICE.
332MD_GEN_SRVC table for PROCESS_GENERIC_SERVICE is not specified.
333Data Services process failed for the PROCESS_GENERIC_SERVICE function.
340GET_NUMBER_SPECIFIED_FIELDS import parameter number of fields inactive
341GET_NUMBER_SPECIFIED_FIELDS failed to find an import parameter
342GET_NUMBER_SPECIFIED_FIELDS export parameter list is undefined
343GET_NUMBER_SPECIFIED_FIELDS export parameter service name is inactive
344GET_NUMBER_SPECIFIED_FIELDS export parameter prefix is inactive
345GET_NUMBER_SPECIFIED_FIELDS export parameter source is inactive
346GET_NUMBER_SPECIFIED_FIELDS failed to find an export parameter
347GET_NUMBER_SPECIFIED_FIELDS received a request with a blank string
348GET_NUMBER_SPECIFIED_FIELDS was unable to access the service name schema.
400Unable to retrieve suggestion list label.
501Abnormal operation occurred during data processing.
502Generic Duplicate Check & Error-Tolerant Search Error.
503Postal Validation - Incompatible Record Length
504DES - Incompatible Driver record length
505DES - Incompatible Candidate record length
506DES - Incompatible Match code record length
509No address was specified in IE_CH_ADDR during a call to ADR_VALIDATE.
510IE_CH_ADDR was not present in call to ADR_VALIDATE or ADR_VALIDATE_QTR.
513IM_SUGGLIST not in call to ADR_VALIDATE and suggestion lists were enabled
514Invalid IM_SUGGLIST table record length.
515The EX_DRIVER table was not present in the call to GET_MATCH_CODES.
516Invalid EX_DRIVER table record length.
517EX_DRIVER table did not contain any records in call to GET_MATCH_CODES.
518IM_MATCH_CODES was not present in the call to GET_MATCH_CODES.
519Invalid IM_MATCH_CODES table record length.
520IM_FIELD_LIST table was not present in call to GET_INDEXED_FIELD_LIST.
521Invalid IM_FIELD_LIST table record length.
522EX_CANDIDATES table was not specified in call to GET_POTENTIAL_MATCHES.
523Invalid EX_CANDIDATES table record length.
524IM_MATCHES table was not specified in call to GET_POTENTIAL_MATCHES.
525Invalid IM_MATCHES table record length.
526Invalid value for the EX_SEARCH_MODE parameter.
527Invalid value for the EX_CURRENT_ADDR_TYPE parameter.
528Data Services process timed out.
529Error occurred during Data Services processing.
550An error occurred getting the display function modules for the GUI type.
552Invalid parameter values found during GET_MATCH_CODES call.
553Application structure object was undefined.
554Unable to access the application structure object.
555Unable to access the application structure object field.
556Get String method conversion exception in JCO Table.
557Get String method name does not exist exception in JCO Table.
558Driver record does not exist exception on JCO Table.
559Match record exists exception in JCO Table.
560Invalid socket table record index exception.
561Insufficient or excess records returned from Data Services.
562Undefined Data Services response table.
563Dataflow error message returned from Data Services.
564Dataflow status message returned from Data Services.
565Unable to access the application input parameter list.
566Unable to access the application output parameter list.
567An unexpected error occurred during call to extended data model in MDG.
568An unexpected error occurred during call to SPBT_INITIALIZE function.
569No work processes available to run Initialization of Match Codes in MDG.
570Error occurred while getting the extended data model instance in MDG.
571No extended data model data returned while initializing MDG Match Code.
572No RFC Servers are available.
573Error retrieving the OTC entry for data model &.
574Error creating match code table for data model.
575Duplicate Check has not been configured for data model &.
576Unable to retrieve duplicate check mode for data model &.
577Error during CALL_GET_MATCH_CODES for data model &.
578Error during CALL_DUPLICATE_CHECK for data model &.
583Duplicate exists in match code table; entry may not be updated
600Error occurred during ADR_VALIDATE or ADR_VALIDATE_QTR call.
602Error retrieving output data for Suggestion List processing.
625An exception occurred during the execution of the PV stored procedure.
626An error occurred retrieving the PV stored procedure results.
627An error occurred retrieving the suggestion list from the PV stored proc.
628An error occurred retrieving the address data from the PV stored proc.
629An exception occurred writing the PV request data prior to stored proc.
630An error occurred retrieving the PV stored procedure name.
631An error occurred getting the HANA Data Quality connection.
632An error occurred deleting from HANA Data Quality address data table.
633An error occurred retrieving the batch match stored procedure name.
634An error occurred during the execution of the batch match stored proc.
635An error occurred writing data prior to the pre batch match stored proc.
636An error occurred retrieving the pre batch match stored procedure name.
637An error occurred during the execution of the pre batch match stored proc
638An error occurred updating Hana configuration parameters.
639An error occurred retrieving the data from the batch match stored proc.
640An error occured reading the configuration from the HANA repository.
641An error occurred retrieving the map regions stored procedure name.
642An exception occurred during the execution of the map regions stored proc
643An error occurred retrieving the map regions stored procedure results.
644An error occurred retrieving the results from the map regions stored proc
645An error occurred opening the file.
646The file for the specified country/region has unexpected data or no data.
647An error occurred while clearing out the QU index
648Error on modify for /fldq/hna_mtc_sh
649Delete failed for /fldq/hna_mtc_sh table
650An error occurred retrieving active or dependent index pool information
651No records found to build the Index
701Invalid address type was passed to the GET_INDEXED_FIELD_LIST function.
702Invalid parameter values found during a GET_INDEXED_FIELD_LIST request.
703Unable to access stored person fields for GET_INDEXED_FIELD_LIST.
704Unable to access stored organization fields for GET_INDEXED_FIELD_LIST.
705Unable to access the list of fields to create the indexed field list.
749An error occurred processing the GET_INDEXED_FIELD_LIST request.
775An error occured in the OData service.
802Invalid parameter values found while processing
803Missing potential match cfg setting for the specified table and field.
804Invalid response from Data Services.
805Unable to access candidate record information.
806Unable to communicate with Data Services.
807Unable to access driver record information.
808Received an error response from Data Services.
809The BATCH_MATCH dataflow failed to initialize.
820Unable to retrieve records from /fldq/ad_pupdate table.
821Unable to delete records from /fldq/ad_pupdate table.
822Unable to commit deleted records from /fldq/ad_pupdate table.
823Unable to lock /fldq/ad_pupdate table to replace contents.
824Unable to add lock error records back to /fldq/ad_pupdate table.
825Unable to commit lock error records back to /fldq/ad_pupdate table.
826Unable to insert lock error records into /fldq/ad_errlock table.
827Unable to commit lock error records into /fldq/ad_errlock table.
828Unable to insert records back to /fldq/ad_pupdate table after call to GET
852Invalid parameter for processing a GET_POTENTIAL_BATCH_MATCHES request.
853Cannot locate configuration file's potential batch match setting.
854Invalid response from Data Services
855Unable to access candidate record information
856Unable to communicate with the Data Services server
858Received an error response from Data Services.
898An error occurred processing the GET_POTENTIAL_BATCH_MATCHES request.
899An error occurred processing the GET_POTENTIAL_MATCHES request.
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