/PM0/ABU_MESSAGES - Nachrichtenklasse f�r Customizing-Tabellen

The following messages are stored in message class /PM0/ABU_MESSAGES: Nachrichtenklasse f�r Customizing-Tabellen.
It is part of development package /PM0/ABP_CUSTOMIZING in software component FS-PM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "FS-PM Basic Policy Management: Customizing".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Enter either a determining entity or class
001If a class is entered, no other entries are allowed (except var.)
002If a distance is entered, a determining entity must exist
003You have to enter a field name
004Absolute discrepancy fields (&-&) must be filled for check type 001
005Relative discrepancy fields (&-&) must be filled for check type 002
006No discrepancy fields (&-&) must be filled for check type 003
007Specify check type for &-&
008Unable to save due to missing module call &
009The new interval cannot overlap with existing intervals
010Fill out all required fields
011Interval end date must be later than the interval start date
012New interval must connected to highest existing interval
013Invalid Def. Partner. Fld Contents Will Be Deleted.Press Enter to Proceed
014Flag, "Directly Concluded Business" can only be set once
015Flag, "Directly Concluded Business" must be set once
016Currency field must be filled; the default value "&1" was used
017Initial value '&1' is invalid
018Only internal number range is allowed in this column
019Only external number range is allowed in this column
020Multiple regular one-time premiums defined for product module group &1
021Multiple regular periodic premiums defined for product module group &1
022Multiple optional one-time premiums defined for product module group &1
023Multiple optional subsidy premiums defined for product module group &1
024Multiple calculation premiums defined for product module group &1
030No premium information found in Customizing (PM-ID &1, LOB &2)
031You can only enter a single triggering processing activity
032You must enter the processing activity to be repeated
033Reimplementation with and without user interaction is not possible
034Customizing does not allow reimplementation of business transaction &1
035Selected dimension is not allowed
036Business transaction &1 can only be reimplemented with user interaction
040"Subcoverage" indicator can only be set at coverage level
041Dimension &1 is not allowed for &2 in connection with &3
042Initial value for &1 &2 &3 &4 is not allowed
043Only a default value for &1 &2 is allowed
044Role description for &1 was not found in table &2
045Only variants for comparing cash flow documents are permitted
046Enter a random value between 0 and 100
047Enter a unit of measurement for quantity-based reported values
048Unit of measurement is not allowed for monetary reported value categories
049Enter a reported value category
050Error while creating transport entries for table &1
051Error while writing transport entries for table &1
060Product model class &1 does not exist
070Invalid combination: Business transaction &1, data container type &2
071Customizing does not allow business transaction &1
072Shifting of effective date is not allowed for LoB &1
073&1 Inconsistency between general and specific BTrans is shiftable
074&1 Inconsistency between general and specific BTrans is revisable
075BTrans data for LoB &1 exist; Do you want to delete LoB data for &2?
076Line of business &1 is required for business transaction data
077Line of business data record is missing
078Shiftable checkbox for BTrans &1 not possible; it is not set for LoB &2
079Revisable checkbox for BTrans &1 not possible; it is not set for LoB &2
080Rank &1: Maximum length of rank is 2 spaces
081No more data can be entered for exclusive application lock
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