/PM0/ABU_MESSAGES - Nachrichtenklasse f�r Customizing-Tabellen
The following messages are stored in message class /PM0/ABU_MESSAGES: Nachrichtenklasse f�r Customizing-Tabellen.
It is part of development package /PM0/ABP_CUSTOMIZING in software component FS-PM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "FS-PM Basic Policy Management: Customizing".
It is part of development package /PM0/ABP_CUSTOMIZING in software component FS-PM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "FS-PM Basic Policy Management: Customizing".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | Enter either a determining entity or class |
001 | If a class is entered, no other entries are allowed (except var.) |
002 | If a distance is entered, a determining entity must exist |
003 | You have to enter a field name |
004 | Absolute discrepancy fields (&-&) must be filled for check type 001 |
005 | Relative discrepancy fields (&-&) must be filled for check type 002 |
006 | No discrepancy fields (&-&) must be filled for check type 003 |
007 | Specify check type for &-& |
008 | Unable to save due to missing module call & |
009 | The new interval cannot overlap with existing intervals |
010 | Fill out all required fields |
011 | Interval end date must be later than the interval start date |
012 | New interval must connected to highest existing interval |
013 | Invalid Def. Partner. Fld Contents Will Be Deleted.Press Enter to Proceed |
014 | Flag, "Directly Concluded Business" can only be set once |
015 | Flag, "Directly Concluded Business" must be set once |
016 | Currency field must be filled; the default value "&1" was used |
017 | Initial value '&1' is invalid |
018 | Only internal number range is allowed in this column |
019 | Only external number range is allowed in this column |
020 | Multiple regular one-time premiums defined for product module group &1 |
021 | Multiple regular periodic premiums defined for product module group &1 |
022 | Multiple optional one-time premiums defined for product module group &1 |
023 | Multiple optional subsidy premiums defined for product module group &1 |
024 | Multiple calculation premiums defined for product module group &1 |
030 | No premium information found in Customizing (PM-ID &1, LOB &2) |
031 | You can only enter a single triggering processing activity |
032 | You must enter the processing activity to be repeated |
033 | Reimplementation with and without user interaction is not possible |
034 | Customizing does not allow reimplementation of business transaction &1 |
035 | Selected dimension is not allowed |
036 | Business transaction &1 can only be reimplemented with user interaction |
040 | "Subcoverage" indicator can only be set at coverage level |
041 | Dimension &1 is not allowed for &2 in connection with &3 |
042 | Initial value for &1 &2 &3 &4 is not allowed |
043 | Only a default value for &1 &2 is allowed |
044 | Role description for &1 was not found in table &2 |
045 | Only variants for comparing cash flow documents are permitted |
046 | Enter a random value between 0 and 100 |
047 | Enter a unit of measurement for quantity-based reported values |
048 | Unit of measurement is not allowed for monetary reported value categories |
049 | Enter a reported value category |
050 | Error while creating transport entries for table &1 |
051 | Error while writing transport entries for table &1 |
060 | Product model class &1 does not exist |
070 | Invalid combination: Business transaction &1, data container type &2 |
071 | Customizing does not allow business transaction &1 |
072 | Shifting of effective date is not allowed for LoB &1 |
073 | &1 Inconsistency between general and specific BTrans is shiftable |
074 | &1 Inconsistency between general and specific BTrans is revisable |
075 | BTrans data for LoB &1 exist; Do you want to delete LoB data for &2? |
076 | Line of business &1 is required for business transaction data |
077 | Line of business data record is missing |
078 | Shiftable checkbox for BTrans &1 not possible; it is not set for LoB &2 |
079 | Revisable checkbox for BTrans &1 not possible; it is not set for LoB &2 |
080 | Rank &1: Maximum length of rank is 2 spaces |
081 | No more data can be entered for exclusive application lock |