/PRA/ACCOUNTING - Message Class for Accounting

The following messages are stored in message class /PRA/ACCOUNTING: Message Class for Accounting.
It is part of development package /PRA/ACCOUNTING_DOCUMENT in software component IS-OIL-PRA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Accounting document".
Message Nr
Message Text
000***********Messages for Account Entry Control **************
001No records found based on the search criteria
002Record not &
003Effective from Date should be less than Effective to Date
004Duplicate record
005Mandatory fields Company, Account ID, or Account Category not entered
006Enter a valid &
007Multiple selections not allowed.
008Account ID &1 is inactive
009Account ID & is being used and cannot be deleted.
010Venture or DOI not entered
011Date overlap
012Owner No, owner interest type, or owner interest sequence is not entered
013Venture/DOI is mandatory for owner
014Error reading data from the file
015Enter valid property interest type
016Effective from Date and Effective to Date should be blank &1 &2
017Mandatory fields Country/Region or State is not entered
018Effective from Date or Effective to Date is not entered
019Affiliated company code not entered
020& not entered
021Venture/DOI, owner/inttype/seq, from/to date should be blank for contract
022Stat. Account Category invalid with Non-stat. Account Type
023Enter valid Affiliated Company Code
024Country/Region or State is mandatory for Severance Tax Type
025Summary type is not maintained in the domain
026When marketing cost is selected, product must also be selected
027Non-stat. Account Category invalid with Stat. Account Type
028Enter valid &1
029When Severance Tax Type is checked, State should be checked
030Property Interest Type should be blank for the entered Account Category
031Entity Type should be blank for the entered Account Category
032Country/Region and State should be blank for the entered Account Category
033Interest Type should be blank for the entered Account Category
034Contract Type should be blank for the entered Account Category
035Volume Type should be blank for the entered Account Category
036Affiliated Company Code should be blank for the entered Account Category
037Severance Tax Type should be blank for the entered Account Category
038Marketing Cost Type should be blank for the entered Account Category
039Product should be blank for the entered Account Category
040Record can be saved
041Select a record to proceed
042Account Category attributes not maintained in customizing
043Property Interest Type is required for the entered Account Category
044Entity Type is mandatory
045Interest Type is mandatory
046Enter contract type for the account category
047Enter volume type
048Affiliated Company Code is required for the entered Account Category
049"Effective from Date" must be the first day of the month
050Effective date range does not lie in venture/owner date range
051Enter &
052No Changes were made
053Template generated
054Error While generating template
055Select only one record
056Record &
057No valid records to save
058Enter contract or venture/DOI and owner/interest type/sequence
059Attribute flags cannot be set for the account category &1
060No rules defined for company &1 and account type &2
061Account &1 is not valid in Chart Of Accounts
062Cost center not maintained for company &1
063Mandatory parameters - Company/Account Category missing
064Attributes not maintained for account category &1
065Company &1 is not a valid company
066Table &1 &2 &3 not found
067Accounting document not defined for company &1
068Interval not configured for company &1
069Number range not configured for company &1
070System configuration error
071Posting accounting period not defined for company &1
072Cannot use the operation
073Record will override the existing account ID
074Cost center not maintained at Well/Comp &1 or MP &2 or Venture/DOI &3
075Acct not maintained in acct entry for company &1 and acct catg &2
076Enter country/region or state
077Documents have been deleted
078Document was not deleted
079Action canceled; it can be done only for document type 12
080**************** Messages for Manual Accounting Document UI *************
081Document &1 for company &2 and accounting period &3 is locked by &4
082Accounting period is not open
083Select the document for posting or simulation
084Cannot post or simulate the document; document is already posted
085Error while posting
086Document & posted
087No error found; document(s) can be posted
088Select a document
089Modification is not possible; document is posted
090Cannot save document; choose edit mode
091Cannot edit the document; document is already posted
092&1 &2 &3
093Required fields not entered or line does not foot across
094Line item not found
095Document is already posted
096Default account &1 is inactive in chart of account
097Marketing cost cannot be entered without product code being entered first
099*********************Messages for Chart Of Accounts**********************
100Mandatory column(s) &1/&2/&3/&4 missing
101FI G/L account & blocked for creation
102FI G/L account & blocked for posting
103FI G/L account & marked for deletion
104Enter company, account ID, or account type
105Account ID not found in SKB1 table
106Enter account type
107Enter 'X' and ' ' for active indicator
108Save the file in csv format;System supports only csv format during upload
109No file has been selected; load again
110Record will override the existing Account Type and Active Flag
111File should be of .csv extension
112*********Messages for Manual Accounting Document Mass Upload*************
113Enter well/well-completion or measurement point
114Enter AR venture/DOI or AR measurement
115Enter suspense reason code only if pay code = '02'
116Volume type is missing
117Volume UoM required when Quantity is entered
118Enter Gross value
119Enter Gross volume
120Enter Gross Energy
121Enter date in user format & for Sale/Check/Cash Receipt
122Invalid Trading Partner &1
123Accounting period is not open
124Default Account Number being used for document
125Call to Summary Table failed for process &1
126Enter an accounting period
127Enter a valid date for &1
128Account category is "0083" or "0086"; enter measurement point
129Cost center is mandatory for income or expense accounts
130Enter a valid cost center for property or DOI, product, and sales date
131Currency key required for company &1
132Enter a valid company
133&1 &2 &3
134Accounting period is not open &1 &2
135Cannot close the job
136Relevant authorization does not exist; check job status using trans. SM37
137Job &1 submitted
138Cannot open the job
139Uploaded file is empty
140Severence tax type code &1 is not defined for state &2
141Marketing type code not defined for major product code &
142Record parked successfully
143Tax type codes cannot be same; duplicates will be deleted on save
144Record can be parked
145& Document created successfully
146&1 must be last day of the month
147Document &1 created for Company &2, Accounting Period &3
148Tax type code & not entered
149Data &1 cannot be interpreted as a number
150&1: &2 exceeds the allowed number of decimals or field length
151***************Database error messages 151 - 200*************************
152Error in creating data for &1 &2
153Error in updating data for &1 &2
154Invalid operation on &1 &2
155Insert Operation failed for table &1
156Update Operation failed for table &1
157Delete Operation failed for table &1
158Modify Operation failed for table &1
200****************Accounting posting error messages 201-400****************
201Net amount must be total of tax, gross, deducts, reimbursement and mktg
202Company code is missing
203Account &1 of company &2 is inactive
204Account & does not exist/inactive in chart of acct, company &, acct cat &
205Account ID is missing
206Invalid owner &
207Country/Region or state is missing for tax payable account
208Country/Region or state is missing
209Invalid country/region &1 or state &2
210Invalid unit venture &
211Enter the product code
212Invalid product code &
213Invalid volume type &
214Heating value is missing
215Heating val should be zero for non gas prod and NGLS
216AR MP or AR venture/DOI is missing for acct receivable category
217Invalid account receivable measurable point &
218Account receivable venture/DOI is missing
219Invalid account receivable venture &1 or DOI &2
220Pressure base quantity is missing
221Pressure base should be between 14 and 16
222Invalid pressure base value &1
223Pressure base should not be passed
224Gravity should be between 1 and 99.9
225Owner is missing
226Enter purchaser number for accounts payable
227Invalid purchaser &
228Owner interest type or sequence number is missing
229Invalid owner interest type &
230Owner interest type or interest sequence is missing
231Invalid owner &1, interest type &2, or sequence number &3
232Owner interest decimal should be between -1 and +1
233Owner balance decimal should be between -1 and +1
234Cash receipt date should not be greater than today's date
235Pay code is missing
236Invalid pay code &
237Invalid suspense reason code &
238Contract number is missing
239Invalid contract number &
240Venture/DOI is missing
241Invalid venture &1 or DOI &2
242Well number or well completion is missing
243Invalid well &1 or well completion &2
244Invalid measurement point number &
245Sales date is missing
246Invalid related contract number &
247Do not pass other tax types if tax type is UI and has a value
248Invalid volume unit of measure &
249Material missing for product code &
250Invalid material &1 or volume &2
251Tax type code is missing for tax payable account
252Invalid tax type code &1, country/region &2, or state &3
253Invalid affiliated company &
254Remitter number is missing
255Invalid remitter number &
256Invalid JIB owner &
257Invalid originating measurement point &
258Invalid account category &
259Enter account category
260Invalid marketing type code &
261Invalid expense venture name &1 or DOI &2
262Invalid delivery network &
263State and country/region not maintained in Customizing
264Product code not maintained in Customizing
265Volume, category, and type groups are not maintained in Customizing
266Volume type is not maintained in Customizing
267Pressure base is not mapped to location in Customizing
268Interest type is not maintained in Customizing
269Severance tax is not maintained in Customizing
270Expense venture name or DOI is missing
271Account type code is not maintained in the domain
272Suspense reason code is not maintained in Customizing
273Suspense reason code is required, only if paycode is '2'
274Document type is not maintained in Customizing
275Marketing type code is not maintained in Customizing
276Material is not mapped to product code in Customizing
277Unit of measure is not maintained in customizing
278Destination to posting keys is not maintained in Customizing
279Destination for posting rules is not maintained in Customizing
280Invalid deduct type code &1
281Pay code is not maintained in the domain
282JIB Owner is missing
283Entity code is not maintained in the domain
284Account category code is not maintained in the domain
285Chart of account is not maintained for company code &
286Accounting cycle control is not maintained for company code &
287Offset accounts is not maintained for company code &
288Account is not maintained for company & for write-off category
289Account is not maintained for company & for suspense category
290Account is not maintained for company & for suspense statistics category
291Posting rules are not maintained for company &
292Maximum document is not defined for company &1
293Currency is not defined for the company &
294Account type is missing
295Invalid account type &
296Invalid company code &
297Posting rules are not maintained for company & and account type &
298Missing JIB owner
299Cost center is not maintained for company &
300Posting key is not maintained for the destination code &1
301Balance account number is not maintained for company &1
302Invalid &1 &2
303Company code & is not active
304Document & is not balanced
305Accounting period &1 for company &2 is closed
306Accounting cycle is not maintained for company &1 and period &2
307Cannot post document type &1 for company &2 and accounting period &3
308Missing document number
309Document number should not be provided
310Document type is not same across line items
311Document generation failed for company &1 and accounting period &2
312Either MP or venture and DOI should be passed and not both
313Either MP or Well and Well Completion should be passed and not both
314Volume unit of measure is missing
315Customer type rule &1 is not supported
316Production date type &1 is not supported
317Cost Center is missing
318Processing company &1 is invalid
319Pay code should be suspend for account type legal suspense
320JIB owner, equity type, equity group, JVA venture should be blank
321Invalid DOI number
322Invalid cost center &1
323Invalid purchaser number
324Invalid owner sequence number
325Server group not maintained for accounting document
326Error while posting documents; system failure
327**************** Messages for Manual Accounting Document UI *************
328You cannot enter both remitter venture and remitter MP number
329Cost center rule &1 is not supported
330Select at least one document status
331Select document type 12
332Document parked
333Posting rules not maintained in customizing for Dest cd &1 Major PD &2
334Accounting period should be in format 'YYYYMM'
335You cannot enter both WC and MP number
336Document is not deleted
337Document has been copied
338Doc & is locked
339Tax type code not valid for the entered ctry/reg and primary geo location
340Marketing type code not valid for the entered product
341Deletion is permitted only for document type 12
342Deletion is permitted only for unprocessed records
343Changes saved
344Invalid owner interest sequence number &
345Enter the owner interest type
346Enter owner number or owner interest type
347Function cannot be performed on document with rejected lines
348Function cannot be performed on manual accounting document
349Select documents of same company
350Function not allowed; document has no rejected line items
351Function not allowed; choose "Park" to create the document
352You are not authorized to perform &1 &2 &3
353Gravity is not in correct format
354This function is not permitted for intercompany document
355Function cannot be performed on unprocessed document
356JVA Venture and Equity Group is missing for Billing items
357Enter period in user format & for Accounting period
358UoM entered could not be interpreted for Vol/Energy/Heating
359Missing account category code for Intercompany line
360Invalid well &1
361Invalid venture &1
362Invalid DOI &1
363Invalid country/region &1
364Invalid primary geo.location &1
365Invalid country/region code &1
366Invalid well completion &1
367Invalid Severance Tax Type code &1
368Invalid AR Venture &1
369Invalid AR DOI &1
370Invalid AR Measurement Point &1
371Invalid gas plant venture &1
372Invalid gas plant doi &1
373Invalid energy unit of measure &1
374*************Accounting Post messages extended **************************
375Invalid JVA name &1
376Invalid equity type &1
377Invalid equity group &1
378Invalid pba number &1
379You cannot reverse intercompany document
380Gas plant venture/DOI is missing
381Invalid gas plant venture &1 or DOI &2
382Pressure base quantity should be zero for non gas product and NGLS
383Gross energy should be zero for non gas product and NGLS
384Owner energy should be zero for non gas product and NGLS
385Energy UoM should be blank for non gas product and NGLS
386Sales date &1 should not exceed accounting perid &2
387Cost center &1/&2 blocked against direct posting
388Gravity should be between 1 and 99.9
389Owner &1 with entity type &2 cannot post to legal suspense account
390Gravity should be blank for gas product
391Missing Energy Unit of Measure
392No line items for posting/simulation
393Purchaser number is missing
394Atleast one line item of header company should exist for intercompany &
395Invalid tax type code &1 for primary geo location &2
396Invalid marketing type code &1 for major product &2
397New Accounting switch is not active
398Journal Entry posting failed as new Accounting switch is active
399Check date should not be greater than today's date
401No company code selected for closing
402Document can be reversed and posted
403&1 for new document failed
404Failure in updating previous accounting period; check Customizing
405Failure in updating current accounting period; check Customizing
406Failure in updating next accounting period; check Customizing
407Failure in updating future accounting period; check Customizing
408Select at least one record
409Cannot close records with error; check settings in Customizing
410No release authorization - check job status via transaction SM37
411Job & started
412Background job inprogress; try after sometime
413Failure in updating next to next accounting period; check Customizing
414Failure in updating accounting period; check Customizing
415Failure in inserting accounting period; check Customizing
416No records found
417No FI document for posting; amount sums to zero
418Failure in updating next accounting period
419Accounting period & derived from NRTF for company & is not yet available
420Adjustment reason code is not maintained in Customizing
421Invalid Adjustment reason code &
449******************InterCompany Reversal for posted Docs******************
450No posted document exists for the selection criteria
451All fields are mandatory
452Documents posted successfully
453Document &1 posted successfully
454Blocked for posting by custom validation
497************* Messages for Define Accounting Cycle Control***************
498Only one current month is allowed for company &1
500Enter only one company code in foreground mode
501No PRA GL data found for the given selection
502Select atleast one message type from log class
503Select atleast one context message related
504No log found in the database
505Unable to generate display profile for application log
506Enter company code
507Enter accounting period
508Ledger &1 does not exist
509No result exist
510Enter an accounting period in the format MMYYYY
511From date should not be greater than to date
512From time should not be greater than to Time
513Enter Accounting Period
514Either AR MP or AR venture and AR DOI should be passed and not both
515Parallel processing requires specifying server group and counts
516Revenue Accounting Cycle already exists for company code &1
579********************Remote Function Module*******************************
580Mandatory parameter &1 &2 not entered
581Line number &1 in &2 not acceptable, as it is missing in line item
582Accounting document line for BUKRS-&1 ACCT_PERIOD-&2 DOC_NO-&3 LINE_NO-&4
583Document type should start with Z
584System source/Application should start with Z
585System source/Application is not maintained in the domain
586Invalid System source/Application &
600*For Analysis report & Reversomatic report******
601Run id already being used; enter different run id
603You are not authorized for company code & account type &
604Selected line items are not from same company
605No data found based on the search criteria
606Company code is not found in PRA company Customizing
607Select atleast one record
608No result list found
609Result successfully deleted
612*For PRA FI Link report
613Cannot display details of FI doc; comp cde,FI doc,fiscal year are missing
614Cannot display details of CO doc; controlling area and CO doc are missing
615Cannot display details of JVA doc; JVA doc,fiscal yr,comp cde are missing
616Select atleast one document FI, CO or JVA
617Document doesn't exists
618Please enter either PRA Document Number or Reference Key Document
619Fill all the required fields
630**************Queue Process messages********************631-650**********
631Either destination or queue name not maintained for Process &1
632Duplicate queue name &1 for process &2
633Invalid queue name &1 for process &2
634Invalid unit name for process &1
635Invalid destination name &1 for process &2
636No match found
650************ RAD Locking ************************************************
651Cannot post document; company is blocked from posting
652Enqueue failed
653Post process running for company &1
654Enter document type
655Enter user name
656Invalid document type &1
657Invalid user &1
658Enter document type and user
659Enter exception ID
660Job could not be opened for some companies
661You selected companies which are already locked or job is running
662You selected companies which are already unlocked
663Action cancelled
664You selected companies for which no job is running
665No processess running
670*******************Correct Rejects*************************
671Invalid Heat Vol unit of measure &1
672Invalid Exp Venture &1
673Invalid Exp DOI &1
674Invalid transporter number &1
675Transaction is locked by user &1
676Fill in all required entry fields
677You are not authorized to perform &1
700*******************Queue Monitoring**************************************
701Error while reposting; check background RFC configuration
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