/SCMB/DM_REL - Message Class for Releases

The following messages are stored in message class /SCMB/DM_REL: Message Class for Releases.
It is part of development package /SCMB/DM in software component SCM-ICH. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Business Object Layer".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Release &1: Validation profile not found
002Release &1 Item &2: Validation profile not found
003Release &1: Buyer ID &2 is invalid
004Release &1: Seller ID &2 is invalid
005Release &1: Ship-to location &2 is invalid
006Release &1: Product ID &2 is invalid
007Release &1: Reconciliation date/time is missing
008Release &1: Delivery start date/time &2 and end date/time &3 is invalid
009Release &1: Product &2 does not exist in location &3
010Release &1: Unloading point &2 is different from master data
011Release &1: Unloading point is missing
012Release &1: Reference document number or item number is missing
013Release &1: Ship-from location &2 is invalid
014Release &1: Goods recipient &2 is invalid
015Release &1: For kanban release, schedule line type must be forecast type
016Release &1: Missing shipping dates are rescheduled
017Release &1: Missing ship-from location set to &2
018Release &1: Partner assigned to customer location differs from customer
019Release &1: Partner assigned to ship-from location differs from supplier
020Release &1: Partner assigned to goods rec. loc. differs from goods rec.
021Release &1: &2 assigned as the goods recipient
022Release &1: No valid lanes exist for product &2 ship-from/ship-to loc.
023Release &1: Customer is missing
024Release &1: Supplier is missing
025Release &1: Customer Location is missing
026Release &1: Product is missing
027Release &1: Location product is not maintained for customer location
028Release &1: &2 assigned as the supplier
029Release &1: &2 assigned as the customer
030Release &1: &2 assigned as the customer location
031Release &1: &2 assigned as the goods recipient location
032Release &1: Ship-from location is missing
033Release &1: Goods recipient location is missing
041Product &1 is invalid
042Customer location &1 is invalid
043Ship-from locaiton &1 is invalid
044Customer &1 is invalid
045Supplier &1 is invalid
046Goods recipient &1 is invalid
047Goods recipient location &1 is invalid
048Number of releases cannot exceed 1000
050No data found regarding the last delivery
051Release &1/&2: Reference document is invalid
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