/SCMTMS/RFQ_TMPL - Messages for RFQ Master template

The following messages are stored in message class /SCMTMS/RFQ_TMPL: Messages for RFQ Master template.
It is part of development package /SCMTMS/FO_TC_CMN in software component TM-MD-CM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Common objects of TCM".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Template name not specified; delete this template and create a new one
001Freight agreement RFQ master template &1 contains no items
002Line number &1 is invalid; contains non-numeric characters
003Corresponding line number is empty
004Enter a start date for the RFQ validity period
005Enter an end date for the RFQ validity period
006Response deadline is after the RFQ master end date
007Response deadline is in the past
008Enter a deadline for RFQ responses
009Agreement validity is before the RFQ master response deadline
010Valid-from date cannot be greater than valid-to date
011Item validity period must be within the agreement validity period
012Response deadline is before the RFQ master start date
013Enter a valid RFQ type
014Enter valid quantity
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