DD03L - Table Fields
Table Fields information is stored in SAP table DD03L.
It is part of development package SDKR in software component BC-DWB-DIC-AC. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "DD: DDIC Metadata Table/Structures with Header File".
It is part of development package SDKR in software component BC-DWB-DIC-AC. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "DD: DDIC Metadata Table/Structures with Header File".
Fields for table DD03L
Field Name | Description | Is Key | Data Element | Data Type | Length | Check Table |
TABNAME | Table Name | X | TABNAME | CHAR | 60 | DD02L |
FIELDNAME | Field Name | X | FIELDNAME | CHAR | 60 | |
AS4LOCAL | Activation State of Repository Object | X | AS4LOCAL | CHAR | 2 | |
AS4VERS | Version of the entry (not used) | X | AS4VERS | NUMC | 8 | |
POSITION | Position of the field in the table | X | TABFDPOS | NUMC | 8 | |
KEYFLAG | Identifies a key field of a table | KEYFLAG | CHAR | 2 | ||
MANDATORY | Flag: Field is required (not blank) | MANDATORY | CHAR | 2 | ||
ROLLNAME | Data element (semantic domain) | ROLLNAME | CHAR | 60 | DD04L | |
CHECKTABLE | Check table name of the foreign key | CHECKTABLE | CHAR | 60 | ||
ADMINFIELD | Nesting depth for includes | ADMINFIELD | CHAR | 2 | ||
INTTYPE | ABAP data type (C,D,N,...) | INTTYPE | CHAR | 2 | ||
INTLEN | Internal Length in Bytes | INTLEN | NUMC | 12 | ||
REFTABLE | Reference Table for Field | REFTABLE | CHAR | 60 | ||
PRECFIELD | Name of included table | PRECFIELD | CHAR | 60 | ||
REFFIELD | Reference Field for Currency and Quantity Fields | REFFIELD | CHAR | 60 | ||
CONROUT | Check or generating module for fields | CONROUT | CHAR | 20 | ||
NOTNULL | Indicator for initial values in database fields | NOTNULL | CHAR | 2 | ||
DATATYPE | Data Type in ABAP Dictionary | DATATYPE_D | CHAR | 8 | ||
LENG | Length (No. of Characters) | DDLENG | NUMC | 12 | ||
DECIMALS | Number of Decimal Places | DECIMALS | NUMC | 12 | ||
DOMNAME | Domain name | DOMNAME | CHAR | 60 | DD01L | |
SHLPORIGIN | Origin of an Input Help | SHLPORIGIN | CHAR | 2 | ||
TABLETYPE | DD: Flag if it is a table | DDTABTYPE | CHAR | 2 | ||
DEPTH | DD: Depth for structured types | TYPEDEPTH | NUMC | 4 | ||
COMPTYPE | DD: Component Type | COMPTYPE | CHAR | 2 | ||
REFTYPE | Type of Object Referenced | DDREFTYPE | CHAR | 2 | ||
LANGUFLAG | DD: Indicator for a Language Field | DDLANGUFLG | CHAR | 2 | ||
DBPOSITION | Position of the field in the table | TABFDPOS | NUMC | 8 | ||
ANONYMOUS | Anonymization Indicator (for User Fields) | DDANONYM | CHAR | 2 | ||
OUTPUTSTYLE | DD: Output Style (Output Style) for Decfloat Types | OUTPUTSTYLE | NUMC | 4 | ||
SRS_ID | Spatial Reference System | SRS_ID | INT4 | 4 |