SDOKPHCL - SDOK: Physical information object classes
SDOK: Physical information object classes information is stored in SAP table SDOKPHCL.
It is part of development package SDOK in software component BC-SRV-KPR-DMS. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "SAP Knowledge Provider".
It is part of development package SDOK in software component BC-SRV-KPR-DMS. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "SAP Knowledge Provider".
Fields for table SDOKPHCL
Field Name | Description | Is Key | Data Element | Data Type | Length | Check Table |
PH_CLASS | Document class | X | SDOK_CLASS | CHAR | 10 | SDOKIOCL |
CREA_USER | Created By | SDOK_CRUSR | CHAR | 12 | ||
CREA_TIME | Creation Time (UTC) | SDOK_CRTST | NUMC | 14 | ||
CHNG_USER | Last Changed By | SDOK_CHUSR | CHAR | 12 | ||
CHNG_TIME | Time of change (UTC) | SDOK_CHTST | NUMC | 14 | ||
VERSTYPE | Type of content version creation for physical documents | SDOK_VRSTY | NUMC | 1 | ||
HEADERTAB | Header table | SDOK_HDTAB | CHAR | 30 | SDOKPHTAB | |
STOR_CAT | Category (proposal) | SDOK_STCAD | CHAR | 10 | SDOKSTCAE | |
DOC_PROT | Document protection | SDOK_DPROT | CHAR | 4 | ||
FCT_IMPORT | Function module for import from PC | SDOK_FCT_I | CHAR | 30 | TFDIR | |
FCT_EXPORT | Function module for export to PC | SDOK_FCT_E | CHAR | 30 | TFDIR | |
FCT_DELETE | Function module for delete | SDOK_FCT_D | CHAR | 30 | TFDIR | |
FCT_VIEW | Function module for formatting for display | SDOK_FCT_V | CHAR | 30 | TFDIR | |
BUFF_XPIRE | Expiry Period in Seconds for Buffered Display Versions | SDOK_XPIRE | NUMC | 12 | ||
FCT_PROP | Function module for setting properties at checkin | SDOK_FCT_P | CHAR | 30 | TFDIR | |
INDEX_SPC | Index space | SRET_DOCSP | CHAR | 10 | ||
AUTO_INDEX | Indexability of Classes | SDOK_CAIDX | CHAR | 1 | ||
CAT_MAINT | Flag: Maintenance of standard storage category allowed | SDOK_CATFL | CHAR | 1 | ||
NO_BUFFER | Indicator: No Buffering of the Generated Display Format | SDOK_BUFFL | CHAR | 1 | ||
CAT_URLS | Category for External URLs (Proposed Value) | SDOK_STCAU | CHAR | 10 | SDOKSTCAE |