T582A - Infotypes: Customer-Specific Settings

Infotypes: Customer-Specific Settings information is stored in SAP table T582A.
It is part of development package PBAS in software component PA-PA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "SAP HR Master Data Application Development".

Fields for table T582A

Field Name
Is Key
Data Element
Data Type
Check Table
DATR1Reaction to: No delimitationDATR1CHAR1
DATR2Reaction to: 1st date enteredDATR2CHAR1
DATR3Reaction to: 1st and 2nd dates enteredDATR3CHAR1
EPASTReaction to Entry in Payroll PastEPASTCHAR1
SRTPSSort sequence of recordsSRTPSCHAR1
RURECRetroactive accounting relevance for payrollRURECCHAR1
VALDTIndicator for access authorization (from/to date)KENBECHAR1
NOAPReaction indicator for 'No organizational assignment'NOAPCHAR1
DAVODefault start dateDAVOCHAR1
DAVOEDefault end dateDAVOECHAR1
RURZERetroactive acct. relevance for PDC time evaluationRURZECHAR1
VORTEntry Before Earliest Retroactive Accounting DateVORTCHAR1
BRONENo longer used (indicator for gross/net recalculation)BRONECHAR1
DNAMEName of dialog moduleDIANMCHAR30
PNNNNInfotype structure namePNNNN_DCHAR5
EDYNRSingle screen numberEDYNPCHAR4
LDYNRList screen numberLDYNPCHAR4
DHDIDKey for screen header layoutDHDIDCHAR2
AWZAPIndicator specifying when data is chosen for the IT headerAWZAPCHAR1
NAMSTName of subtype fieldNAMSTCHAR11
SBTEXEntry of subtype obligatorySBTEXCHAR1
PSZRMIndicator: Selection of records for one period onlyPSZRMCHAR1
INFKNIndicator: Infotype/dialogINFKNCHAR1
OLDITPrevious infotype numberOLDITCHAR3
INFTXIndicator: Text allowed for infotypeITXALCHAR1
CPRFNInfotype copied from reference personnel numberCPRFNCHAR1
PZINTIndicator for entry of additional dataPZINTCHAR1
KFASTIndicator: Person-Related Fast Data EntryKFASTCHAR1
CYCALFeature name for payroll recalculation recognitionCYCALCHAR5
CYBDEFeature name for PDC/Time Mgt. recalculation recognitionCYBDECHAR5
LSTZRTime Period Selection for List ScreenPAD_LSTZRCHAR1
NAUSTMaintenance permitted after leavingPAD_NAUSTCHAR1
VORTTEntry Before Time Evaluation Retro. Accounting LimitPAD_VORTTCHAR1
CPCMAIndicate: Infotype Proposed for Country ReassignmentCPCMACHAR1
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