Tables with fields of type INFTY
The data element INFTY is used by fields in the following tables.
| | | |
/ISDFPS/MCHG2C | Invalid Infotypes (for Mass Change) | /ISDFPS/OM | Organizational Management Functions |
/ISDFPS/CSTACHG | Obsolete: New Table /ISDFPS/STA_CHG | /ISDFPS/FORCE0C | Customizing Force Element |
/ISDFPS/CSTACHGC | Obsolete: New Table /ISDFPS/STA_CHGC | /ISDFPS/FORCE0C | Customizing Force Element |
T77WWW_EACLT | Corresponding Letters | PAOC_ESEP_CORE | E-Separation Application: Core Components |
T77WWW_EAGLT | Correspondence Letters Generation Time | PAOC_ESEP_CORE | E-Separation Application: Core Components |
T77WWW_TEACL | Correspondence Letters | PAOC_ESEP_CORE | E-Separation Application: Core Components |
T7INFORM_SUBTY | Map adobe form per subtype of infotype 0906 | PAOC_PAD_IN_PS | HR IN: India Public Sector |
T7UN_ESS_ATTCH | NPO : Details of attachments for ESS Scenarios | PAOC_ESS_ENTL_UN | ESS: UN Entitlements |
T7UN_ESS_PROPS | NPO: Field Properties of Approver screen | PAOC_ESS_ENTL_UN | ESS: UN Entitlements |
T7UN_ESS_WFLOW | NPO : Details of workflows triggered from ESS | PAOC_ESS_ENTL_UN | ESS: UN Entitlements |
T5ASRDABDEF | Default Settings for Displaying Infotype Records in DAB | PAOC_ASR_DIRECT_ACCESS_BOX | Direct Access Box |
T5ASRDABHISTORY | Master Data Changes By User | PAOC_ASR_DIRECT_ACCESS_BOX | Direct Access Box |
T5ASRDPFARDOCS | Assignment of Archived Documents to Category of Record | PAOC_ASR_PERSONNEL_FILE | Digital Personnel Files |
T5ASRFAVORITES | Infotype Browser Favorites | PAOC_ASR_DIRECT_ACCESS_BOX | Direct Access Box |
T5ASRSEARCHFDS | Employee Search Fields | PAOC_ASR_WORKCENTER | Work Center |
T5ASRSELFLD | Report Selection Fields for LPA | PAOC_ASR_WORKCENTER | Work Center |
T5ASRSELFLDDF | Entity Table 'Additional Criteria' (LPA) | PAOC_ASR_WORKCENTER | Work Center |
T5ASRSELFLDSF | Specify Report Selection Fields for Reports: Stat.Field Sel. | PAOC_ASR_WORKCENTER | Work Center |
T5ASRITFORDER | Sequential Order for Update of Infotypes | PAOC_ASR_INFTY_CONTROLLER | Control Infotypes |
T5TMCSRCHP | Control Change Pointer for Enterprise Search | PAOC_TMC | Talent Management Core |
T7XSSPERBIZFLD | Available fields on bizcards on PersInfo Overview screen | PAOC_FACE_ESS_PERSINFO | Personnel information |
T7XSSPERBIZFLDC | Customize fields for bizcards on PersInfo Overview screen | PAOC_FACE_ESS_PERSINFO | Personnel information |
T7XSSPERBIZFLDCT | Text table for T7XSSPERBIZFLDC | PAOC_FACE_ESS_PERSINFO | Personnel information |
T7XSSPERBIZFLDT | Text table for T7XSSPERBIZFLD | PAOC_FACE_ESS_PERSINFO | Personnel information |
T7XSSPERFORADDR | Define Countries for foreign address | PAOC_FACE_ESS_PERSINFO | Personnel information |
T7XSSPERSTRUCT | Infotype record Structure assignment by country | PAOC_FACE_ESS_PERSINFO | Personnel information |
T7XSSPERSUBTYPE | Infotypes and Subtypes for ESS PersInfo | PAOC_FACE_ESS_PERSINFO | Personnel information |
T7XSSREUSEUISN | Reuse of Screen Structure Name for New Country Version | PAOC_FACE_ESS_PERSINFO | Personnel information |
T7XSSSERINFTY | Infotype for ESS PersInfo Services | PAOC_FACE_EMPLOYEE_CE | Employee Self Service CE utilities |
T76MGE_DIT | Storage of Document Types | PAOC_PAD_MGE | Management Of Global Employees |
T76MGE_FAC | Factors for compensation packages | PAOC_PAD_MGE | Management Of Global Employees |
T76MGE_MAP | Mapping Table from Global Employees to Standard | PAOC_PAD_MGE | Management Of Global Employees |
T588MUIFPROPC | Customer: Field Properties of UI Fields | PAOC_PAD_UI_CONVERT_GENERIC | UI Conversion: General Parts |
T588MUIFPROPS | Field Properties of UI Fields | PAOC_PAD_UI_CONVERT_GENERIC | UI Conversion: General Parts |
T588UICONVCLAS | Assignment UI Structures and UI Conversion Classes | PAOC_PAD_UI_CONVERT_GENERIC | UI Conversion: General Parts |
HRWFD_DATA | HCM - WFD Data interface table | PAOC_PAD_RETAIL | Retail Interface for Master Data |
HRWFD_ERROR | WFD-HCM Error interface table | PAOC_PAD_RETAIL | Retail Interface for Master Data |
T77PAODYDAMAP | Mapping View: Dynamic Actions to Dynamic Processing Rules | PAOC_PAO_DYNAMIC_PROCESSING | Dynamic Processing |
T77PAOSESINFTC | Infotype for Change Pointer Creation | PAOC_PAO_REUSE | Personnel & Organization: Objects for Reuse (Country, GXX) |
T77PAOSESINFTY | Infotype for Change Pointer Creation | PAOC_PAO_REUSE | Personnel & Organization: Objects for Reuse (Country, GXX) |
T77PAO_DRPAIT | PA Infotype Fields for Data Retrieval | PAOC_PAO_REUSE | Personnel & Organization: Objects for Reuse (Country, GXX) |
HRSFEC_D_REFMAP | Reference key mapping for items replicated from Employee Cen | PAOC_PAD_SE_SFEC | Service Enabling Employee Central Integration |
HRSFEC_D_REPSMSG | Replication log messages | PAOC_PAD_SE_SFEC | Service Enabling Employee Central Integration |
HRSFEC_D_SEQKEYM | Sequenzing key mapping table | PAOC_PAD_SE_SFEC | Service Enabling Employee Central Integration |
HRSFEC_TSKCFGINF | Task Configuration - Infotypes | PAOC_PAD_SE_SFEC | Service Enabling Employee Central Integration |
T77SFEC_C_SUP_IT | All supported infotypes for ECP replication (Customer) | PAOC_PAD_SE_SFEC | Service Enabling Employee Central Integration |
T77SFEC_EXTMAP | Employee Central Extensibility Mapping Configuration | PAOC_PAD_SE_SFEC | Service Enabling Employee Central Integration |
T77SFEC_IT_FILT | Filtering of Infotypes and Subtypes in Replication | PAOC_PAD_SE_SFEC | Service Enabling Employee Central Integration |
T77SFEC_ONB_CVMC | Code Value Mapping for Onboarding Compliance Forms(Customer) | PAOC_PAD_SE_SFEC | Service Enabling Employee Central Integration |
T77SFEC_ONB_CVMS | Code Value Mapping for Onboarding Compliance Forms (SAP) | PAOC_PAD_SE_SFEC | Service Enabling Employee Central Integration |
T77SFEC_ONB_FM_C | Field Mapping for Onboarding Compliance Forms (Customer) | PAOC_PAD_SE_SFEC | Service Enabling Employee Central Integration |
T77SFEC_ONB_FM_S | Field Mapping for Onboarding Compliance Forms (SAP) | PAOC_PAD_SE_SFEC | Service Enabling Employee Central Integration |
T77SFEC_ONB_NM_C | Node Mapping for Onboarding Compliance Forms (Customer) | PAOC_PAD_SE_SFEC | Service Enabling Employee Central Integration |
T77SFEC_ONB_NM_S | Node Mapping for Onboarding Compliance Forms (SAP) | PAOC_PAD_SE_SFEC | Service Enabling Employee Central Integration |
T77SFEC_S_INFTY | Allowed Node Names for Extensibility Mapping | PAOC_PAD_SE_SFEC | Service Enabling Employee Central Integration |
T77SFEC_WTP_ADPY | Processing of Non-Recurring Payment Wage Types | PAOC_PAD_SE_SFEC | Service Enabling Employee Central Integration |
T77SFEC_WT_PROC | Processing of Wage Types in EC Replication | PAOC_PAD_SE_SFEC | Service Enabling Employee Central Integration |
PTREQ_ATTABSDATA | Request Data for Attendances/Absences | PAOC_TIM_ABSENCE_REQ | Leave Request |
TIM_SE_EXT_KEY | Mapping Table for IT2004: External Key and Infotype Key | PAOC_TIM_SE_PROXY | Serviceenabling for PAOC_TIM |
TMETASTAR_I02 | HR Forms: Read Data for Infotypes | PAOC_PAY_HRFORMS | HR Forms |
/GSINS/INH_EXTDE | External Transfers (in HCM infotype 0011) | /GSINS/PENS_REU | FS-CM: Pension System � Reuse Package |
T7PIQPROC_BASEPR | Authorization Check for Activities: Basic Auth. Profiles | PMIQ | Campus Management |
T7PIQ_GB_SUBTYPE | Maintain note subtype to be copied on course change | PMIQ_GB | Campus Management (Great Britain) |
CTE_C_FIELD_MAP | Field mapping between SAP ERP and concur | CTE_FND_IMP | Concur T&E Integration: Central services like error handling |
CACS_HRLOG | Logging of HR Master Data Changes | CACSHR_HR | ICM: HR Link (Enhancements in HR System) |
PPMC_PL_AV_CUST | Customizing Settings for CS "Enh. Availability Calculation" | INM_CPPM | Capital Project and Portfolio Management |
FOPC_ENHANCE | MIC Enhancement for HR Infotypes | FOPC_HR_ORG | HR-Specific |
PTARQ_DIR | ESA: Interface Table for Infotypes (Directory Table) | PAOC_TIM_SE_SERVICES_S | Service Enabling for Time Management (Back End) � language i |
HRICP_D_CH_PTR | Change Pointer for Infotype Changes | HCM_CO_ICP_FRAMEWORK | Framework for Tracking Infotype Changes |
T7AEPBS14 | Salary Components | PAEP1 | Master Data AE PBS |
T7AEPBS22 | Service Duration Deduction | PAEP1 | Master Data AE PBS |
T7AEPBS23 | Service Duration Deductions / Additions | PAEP1 | Master Data AE PBS |
T7AR11 | Additional information by subtype | PB29 | HR Master Data: Argentina |
T5AA1 | B2A A1: PDF File and Relevant Record IT3671 | PB03 | Human Resources Master Data: Austria |
T5AA1_PER | B2A A1: Relevant IT3671 Records for Selection | PB03 | Human Resources Master Data: Austria |
T5AISTAT | Request Status | PB03 | Human Resources Master Data: Austria |
T5AISTATT | Texts for Request Status | PB03 | Human Resources Master Data: Austria |
T5AP0527_COSTD | Cost Distribution for Infotypes 0527/3238 | PB03 | Human Resources Master Data: Austria |
P2RA_ABAU | Payments Upon Leaving (IT0527) for Cluster | PC03 | HR Payroll: Austria |
T5APBS04 | Joint Taxation: Assignment of Infotypes to Wage Types | P03P1 | HR Public Sector Austria |
T7KWRPT_CONFIG | Report Configuration/Customization | PKWR | Report Builder |
T5QPBS2M | Repeat structure for Infotype 0573 | P13P5 | HR-PS:Australia specific Time management |
T77PAY00_NTMSGIA | Customizing of infotype action for messages | P12_NT | Notification Tool - Central Task List Belgium |
T7BREFD_ITEVTRIG | Fields of infotypes relevant for event generation | PB37 | HR master data: Brazil |
T5K1M | Master data reason relevant to ROE | PB07 | HR master data: Canada |
T5CAS | Assignment of EE Attr.classes to IT Entry Fields | PB02 | HR Master Data: Switzerland |
T5CEI | HR-CH: Infotype Output for Master Data Sheet | PB02 | HR Master Data: Switzerland |
T5CEJ | HR-CH: Infotype Output for Master Data Sheet | PB02 | HR Master Data: Switzerland |
T5CEM | HR-CH: Attribute Classes for Master Data Sheet | PB02 | HR Master Data: Switzerland |
P2CL_CLHWK | Payroll Results: Heavy Work (CL) | PC39 | Payroll - Chile |
T7CN13 | Salary information (CN) | PB28 | HR master data: China |
T7CN14 | Contribution change reason | PB28 | HR master data: China |
T7CN1A | Contribution change reason text | PB28 | HR master data: China |
T7CN20 | Contribution base | PB28 | HR master data: China |
T7CN24 | Contribution Type | PB28 | HR master data: China |
T7CN25 | Contribution Area | PB28 | HR master data: China |
T7CN26 | Contribution switch period | PB28 | HR master data: China |
T7CN27 | Social average salary switch period | PB28 | HR master data: China |
T7CN2A | Contribution Area Text | PB28 | HR master data: China |
T7CN2Y | Contribution Type Text | PB28 | HR master data: China |
T7CNRMP_CHGMGMT | Detail of Change Management | PB28_RM_ACTIVE_VERSION | Actively Maintained Version, Enhancement Allowed |
T7CNRMP_CUST_PD | Configuration Table for Fields in Organization Management | PB28_RM_ACTIVE_VERSION | Actively Maintained Version, Enhancement Allowed |
T7CNRMP_DETITM | Determining Factor Item | PB28_RM_ACTIVE_VERSION | Actively Maintained Version, Enhancement Allowed |
T7CNRMP_RPTGRP | Grouping Dimension for Report | PB28_RM_ACTIVE_VERSION | Actively Maintained Version, Enhancement Allowed |
T7CNRMP_RPTSTA | Statistical Dimension for Report | PB28_RM_ACTIVE_VERSION | Actively Maintained Version, Enhancement Allowed |
T7CNRMP_RPTSTA | Statistical Dimension for Report | PB28_RM_ACTIVE_VERSION | Actively Maintained Version, Enhancement Allowed |
T7CNRMP_TEXTMAP | Mapping Table of the Corresponding Text Table and Text Field | PB28_RM_ACTIVE_VERSION | Actively Maintained Version, Enhancement Allowed |
T7CNRMP_TEXTMAP | Mapping Table of the Corresponding Text Table and Text Field | PB28_RM_ACTIVE_VERSION | Actively Maintained Version, Enhancement Allowed |
T7CNRMP_VALUEITM | Value Item of Statistical Item with Value Reading Type | PB28_RM_ACTIVE_VERSION | Actively Maintained Version, Enhancement Allowed |
T7CNRM_CHNGCNTNT | Detail of Change Management | PB28_RM_OLD_VERSION | Old Version, Only Bug Fixing Allowed |
T7CNRM_DECITM | Determining Factor Item | PB28_RM_OLD_VERSION | Old Version, Only Bug Fixing Allowed |
T7CNRM_DECSET | Decision Factor SET - OBSOLETE | PB28_RM_OLD_VERSION | Old Version, Only Bug Fixing Allowed |
T7CNRM_GRPDIM | Grouping Dimension | PB28_RM_OLD_VERSION | Old Version, Only Bug Fixing Allowed |
T7CNRM_RPTSTA | Statistical Dimension Definition | PB28_RM_OLD_VERSION | Old Version, Only Bug Fixing Allowed |
T7CNRM_RPTSTA | Statistical Dimension Definition | PB28_RM_OLD_VERSION | Old Version, Only Bug Fixing Allowed |
T7CNRM_TTABMAP | Mapping Table of the Corresponding Text Table and Text Field | PB28_RM_OLD_VERSION | Old Version, Only Bug Fixing Allowed |
T7CNRM_TTABMAP | Mapping Table of the Corresponding Text Table and Text Field | PB28_RM_OLD_VERSION | Old Version, Only Bug Fixing Allowed |
T7CNRM_TXDTTYP | Detail of Statistical Item Type of Text | PB28_RM_OLD_VERSION | Old Version, Only Bug Fixing Allowed |
T5T4D | Configuration of parameters for HR reports | PC18 | HR payroll: Czech Republic |
T5T55 | Configuration table for IT0620, ... | PC18 | HR payroll: Czech Republic |
T5T56 | Configuration for HRCZ infotypes | PC18 | HR payroll: Czech Republic |
T5TPSC1SPLIT | Cost distribution | P18PS | HRCZ Public Sector |
T5DCK | Dynamic Field Texts | P01A | HR Germany: Retirement Pension Plan |
P01Y15 | PAISY: Management Table Subrecord Type 15 | P01Y | Human Resources Germany: PAISY Interface |
T5DP1 | PAISY Interface | P01Y | Human Resources Germany: PAISY Interface |
T5DP2 | Conversion of Infotype Fields -> PAISY | P01Y | Human Resources Germany: PAISY Interface |
T5DP3 | Conversion of Wage Type Infotypes 0008/0011/0014 -> PAISY | P01Y | Human Resources Germany: PAISY Interface |
T5DP9 | Conversion of HI Fund Infotypes 0013/0079 -> PAISY | P01Y | Human Resources Germany: PAISY Interface |
P01_EAU_IT2001 | Absence with eAU Request | P01S_EAU | Notification Procedure Elec. Work Incapacity Certificate eAU |
T7PBSWBRP2H | Control of Infotypes to Be Transferred from PWE to PA | P00PBSWB_CONTROL_DDIC | Workbench Control Modules (DDIC and User Interface) |
T5M5S | Information to PBS for Remuneration Statement | PC09 | HR Payroll: Denmark |
T7EG19 | Service Duration Deductions / Additions | PBEG | HR Master data: Egypt |
T5E91 | Assignation of customer subtypes to legal classes | PB04 | HR Master Data: Spain |
T5EF1 | Infotypes used to calculate DAQ fields | PB04 | HR Master Data: Spain |
T5F91A | Subtypes charact. (FR) | PB06 | HR master data: France |
T5FITCORR | Corrections infotype, presetting table | PB06 | HR master data: France |
T5FITCORRC | Corrections infotype, presetting table | PB06 | HR master data: France |
T5FITCORRGRP1 | Corrections infotype, PS3340 structure grouping table | PB06 | HR master data: France |
T5FITCORRGRP1C | Corrections infotype, PS3340 structure grouping table | PB06 | HR master data: France |
T5F60 | Dynamic Mapping for Interface: Infotypes | P06INTF_ADP | HR Payroll Interface: France (ADP) |
T77TNM_DE | TNM: deduction customizing table | P99S_TNM | Training needs management |
T77TNM_TAC | TNM: table to handle tabstrip naming (custo) | P99S_TNM | Training needs management |
T77TNM_TAS | TNM: table to handle tabstrip naming | P99S_TNM | Training needs management |
HRT1654 | | P06P1 | |
PA0863 | | P06P1 | |
PA0863 | | P06P1 | |
PA0863 | | P06P1 | |
PA0863 | | P06P1 | |
PA0863 | | P06P1 | |
PA0863 | | P06P1 | |
PA0863 | | P06P1 | |
PA0863 | | P06P1 | |
PA0863 | | P06P1 | |
PA0863 | | P06P1 | |
PA0863 | | P06P1 | |
PA0863 | | P06P1 | |
PA0863 | | P06P1 | |
PA0863 | | P06P1 | |
PA0863 | | P06P1 | |
PA0863 | | P06P1 | |
PA0863 | | P06P1 | |
PA0863 | | P06P1 | |
PA0863 | | P06P1 | |
PA0863 | | P06P1 | |
T5GEF01 | HR-GB: filing - Store parsed recording coming in from GG | PB08 | HR master data: UK |
T7HR21C | Check Table Company code x Payees | PB58 | HR Croatia |
T5H5I | Customizing table for RPUSTDH5 | PB21 | HR master data: Hungary |
T5H2Z | Display wage types and their validity in infotypes | PC21 | HR accounting: Hungary |
T5H49 | Report insured person - Control of qualification data | PC21 | HR accounting: Hungary |
T5HPBS86 | Reading PD data | P21PS | HR Public Sector Hungary |
T5HPBS86 | Reading PD data | P21PS | HR Public Sector Hungary |
T5HPBS_T588M | ScreenControl Mapping | P21PS | HR Public Sector Hungary |
T7IE_RETRO | Retro Date Setting of Infotypes based on Paydate | PB11 | HR master data: Ireland |
T5ITGR | Authorization grouping table | PB15 | HR master data, local development: Italy |
T5ITGR | Authorization grouping table | PB15 | HR master data, local development: Italy |
T5ITGR | Authorization grouping table | PB15 | HR master data, local development: Italy |
T5ITGR | Authorization grouping table | PB15 | HR master data, local development: Italy |
T5ITGR | Authorization grouping table | PB15 | HR master data, local development: Italy |
T5ITQI | Table for ICOMP Indirect Valuation form | PB15 | HR master data, local development: Italy |
T5ITQI | Table for ICOMP Indirect Valuation form | PB15 | HR master data, local development: Italy |
T5ITQI | Table for ICOMP Indirect Valuation form | PB15 | HR master data, local development: Italy |
T5ITQI | Table for ICOMP Indirect Valuation form | PB15 | HR master data, local development: Italy |
T5ITQI | Table for ICOMP Indirect Valuation form | PB15 | HR master data, local development: Italy |
T5ITDMA_2 | Fund values for DAQ fields | P15P1 | HR Public Sector Italy |
T7JP_ACCINF | Infotype Monitor for Access Log | PB22 | HR master data: Japan |
T7JP_ACCLOG | Access Log | PB22 | HR master data: Japan |
T7JP_ACCOPN | Infotype Operation Monitor for Access Log | PB22 | HR master data: Japan |
T7JP_ACCSUB | Subtype Monitor for Access Log | PB22 | HR master data: Japan |
T7JP_UPDFLD | Fields Monitor for Update Log | PB22 | HR master data: Japan |
T7JP_UPDINF | Infotype Monitor for Update Log | PB22 | HR master data: Japan |
T7JP_UPDOPN | Infotype Operation Monitor for Update Log | PB22 | HR master data: Japan |
T7JP_UPDSUB | Subtype Monitor for Update Log | PB22 | HR master data: Japan |
T7JP_UPTLOG | Update Log | PB22 | HR master data: Japan |
P2RJ_NT | Payroll Results: Social/Labour Insurance (Japan) | PC22 | HR accounting: Japan |
P2RJ_YTT | Payroll Results: Income Tax for Year End Adjustment (Japan) | PC22 | HR accounting: Japan |
T5JRIC | Retroactive Changes to YEA Infotypes | PC22 | HR accounting: Japan |
T7JPBP_CALDEC | Decision Factor | PB22_CP | Master data: Japan Pension Plan |
T7JPBP_PNTTYP | Retirement Benefit Point Type | PB22_CP | Master data: Japan Pension Plan |
T7JPCP_CBDEC | Decision Factors for Re-assessment Rate | PB22_CP | Master data: Japan Pension Plan |
T7JPCP_CLDECFC | Decision Factor | PB22_CP | Master data: Japan Pension Plan |
T7JPCP_DTFLSTR | Define Data File Structure | PB22_CP | Master data: Japan Pension Plan |
T7JPCP_PRDECFC | Decision Factors for Premium Rate/Amount | PB22_CP | Master data: Japan Pension Plan |
T7KR5A | Korea Infotype Subtype Repeat/Non-Repeat Setting | PB41 | HR master data: Korea |
T7KR5B | Define Infotype Non-Repeat Structure Fields by Subtype | PB41 | HR master data: Korea |
T7KR5C | Define Infotype's Secondary Subtype | PB41 | HR master data: Korea |
T7KR5CT | Define IT0881 Secondary Subtype Text Table | PB41 | HR master data: Korea |
T7KRDA | Privacy Data Archiving Administration (PIPA) | PB41 | HR master data: Korea |
T7KRDA | Privacy Data Archiving Administration (PIPA) | PB41 | HR master data: Korea |
T7KRIC | Korea Social Insurance Contribution | PB41 | HR master data: Korea |
P2KR_KRTAX | Payroll Result Korea : Tax | PC41 | HR Payroll: Korea |
T77PAYKZ_CLCATIT | Class Category Infotype Assignment | PCKZ | HR accounting: Kazakhstan |
PAPBSMXACT | ISSSTE - Action Table | P32P1 | Public Sector ISSSTE development for Mexico |
T5NBC | | P05F | Pension fund Netherlands |
T5NG8 | | P05F | Pension fund Netherlands |
T5NG9 | | P05F | Pension fund Netherlands |
T5NGA | | P05F | Pension fund Netherlands |
T5NKZ | | P05F | Pension fund Netherlands |
T77PAYNL_NT_MSGA | Assign Action to Control Code | P05_NT | Notification Tool - Central Task List Netherlands |
T5VPPS_PSRALV | Norway Public Sector: IT 0509 records in ALV of RPIPSP00 | P20P_PA | Norway - Public Sector, Master Data & PA |
T7PL92 | Influence of infotype records on seniority | PB46 | HR Poland |
T7PLU0 | Quota conversion data | PB46 | HR Poland |
T5PRC | HR-PT: Reasons for changes - Mapping for legal reasons | PB19 | HR master data: Portugal |
T5PIT | HR-PT: Infotype subtype - Classification | PC19 | HR settlement: Portugal |
T7QA42 | Allocate WageType for loan grouping | PBQA | HR Master Data - Qatar |
T7QA90 | Benefit Eligibility: Field value grouping | PBQA | HR Master Data - Qatar |
T7QAW7A | Salary Components | PBQA | HR Master Data - Qatar |
T7QAPBS15 | Infotype Activity | PQAP1 | HR Master Data - Pubic Sector Qatar |
T7QAPBS16 | Infotype Validation | PQAP1 | HR Master Data - Pubic Sector Qatar |
T7QAPBS17 | Link Activity and Validations | PQAP1 | HR Master Data - Pubic Sector Qatar |
T7QAPBS17T | Link Activity and Validations | PQAP1 | HR Master Data - Pubic Sector Qatar |
T7RO1B | RO Insurances - Reasons for Court Order | PC61 | HR Romania |
T7ROA7 | Master data events for HR-RO reporting | PC61 | HR Romania |
T77PADRU_CLCATCC | Table of customer category content of category-priority task | PB33 | HR master data : Russia |
T77PADRU_CLCATCS | Table of standart category content of category-priority task | PB33 | HR master data : Russia |
T77PADRU_CLCATIT | Table of permitted infotypes in category-priority task | PB33 | HR master data : Russia |
T77PADRU_FIAS01 | FIAS checking mode for subtypes of Inotype '0006' | PB33 | HR master data : Russia |
T7RUPACKERR | PFR error BCDATA | PB33 | HR master data : Russia |
T77PAYRU_INFTWTD | Dependency between Info-type Sub-type and Wage type | PC33 | HR accounting : Russia |
T7SA19 | Child Subtypes for infotype 21 for school field clearence | PB24 | Enhancements Master Data KSA |
T7SAMS02 | Service Duration Deduction | P24P1 | Public Sector KSA |
T7SAPBS14 | Salary Components | P24P1 | Public Sector KSA |
T7SAPBS79 | Assign Qarar Group to Object | P24P1 | Public Sector KSA |
T7SAPBS82 | Assign Object To PDF Form | P24P1 | Public Sector KSA |
T7SAPSHCMPFH | HCMPF add-on data header | P24P1 | Public Sector KSA |
T5S5A | Order of deduction Garnishment (SE) | PB23 | HR master data: Sweden |
P2RR_RM | Payroll Results: Table for Master data (SG) | PC25 | HR Singapore: Accounting |
T5RPBS11H | Customizing Table for SG Public Sector Declaration | P25P2 | HR-Public Sector - Singapore - Add-on functionality |
T5RPBS8F | Pay Changes Reasons to be considered for Averaging of APE | P25P4 | HR-PS-SG: Public Sector Singapore (Pensions Scheme) |
T7SIA7 | Master data events for HR-SI reporting | PC62 | HR Slovenia |
T7UAOC1 | Content of Employee Selection Process | PC36 | HR Ukraine Payroll |
T7UAR | Customizing for forms HR | PC36 | HR Ukraine Payroll |
P2UN_EGRT | NPO: EG Internal summary structure | PCUN | Payroll Non Profit Organizations |
P2UN_RS | UN Rental Subsidy internal structure | PCUN | Payroll Non Profit Organizations |
T7UNAAP_CLUST | Paap Cluster | PBUN_PAAP | PAAP: Non Profit Organizations (NPO) |
T7UNPAD_EG30 | NPO: Reasons for Changes | PBUN | Master Data Non Profit Organizations |
T7UNPAD_EGEXPMGT | NPO: Expense Management Table | PBUN | Master Data Non Profit Organizations |
T7UNTRV_T554V | Defaults for Absence Types | PBUN | Master Data Non Profit Organizations |
HRPAYUS_D_CLD00 | BSI eFormsFactory Communication Status | P10CL | HR accounting: USA - Cloud Extensions |
T5UPBSPOOL_TRANS | Sick Leave Donation - transaction history record | P10P1 | HR Public Sector USA |
T5UPBSPOOL_TRANS | Sick Leave Donation - transaction history record | P10P1 | HR Public Sector USA |
T5UPBSPOOL_TRANS | Sick Leave Donation - transaction history record | P10P1 | HR Public Sector USA |
T5W7A | Salary components | PB16 | Human resources department master data: South Africa |
T5W7B | Predefined attributes of salary components | PB16 | Human resources department master data: South Africa |
T77WWW_INFTY | ESS Infotypes for Exclude Table | PWWW | HR: Internet Services and BAPIs |
T77WWW_WHO_SRD | ESS Who's Who: Field Selection per Country Grpg & Appl.Type | PWWW | HR: Internet Services and BAPIs |
PTLRPRC2SP | Time Data Structure for LRP Time Descriptions | PTLP | HR - WFM Core Interface (Release Independent) |
HRPAD067 | Additional Data for Temporary Assignments | PP08 | Shift Planning |
HRPAD071 | Additional Data for Temporary Assignments | PP08 | Shift Planning |
DACH_D_TIMEDATA | Digital Access for Time Management | DIGITAL_ACCESS_HR | Digital Access n SAP_HR Layer |
T5UDR | To be deleted - no longer used! | PBEN | Benefits |
HRSEL_TABFIELDS | Table Name and Field Name of Selection | PBAS_SELECTION | General Selections in HR |
T77QUERY_FIELDS | OM: Desired Output Fields of a Query (Transportable) | PP0E | HR-CA: OM New Maintenance |
CLSTCASE | Cluster Table for Test Cases | PKOR | Correction Programs |
HRPAD_D_T591A_O | Subtypes obsolete flag | PBAS | SAP HR Master Data Application Development |
PREL | HR Master Data (Old Version, For Conversion Only) | PBAS | SAP HR Master Data Application Development |
T512Z | Permissibility of Wage Types per Infotype | PBAS | SAP HR Master Data Application Development |
T512Z_ESSEX | ESS: Deactivate Wage Types per Infotype | PBAS | SAP HR Master Data Application Development |
T521C | Check Table for Payees | PBAS | SAP HR Master Data Application Development |
T52IF | Assignment for Payroll | PBAS | SAP HR Master Data Application Development |
T530E | Reasons for Changes | PBAS | SAP HR Master Data Application Development |
T530F | Reasons for Changes | PBAS | SAP HR Master Data Application Development |
T538C | Permissibility of Time/Measurement Units for Infotypes | PBAS | SAP HR Master Data Application Development |
T538Z | Permissibility of Time/Measurement Units for Infotypes | PBAS | SAP HR Master Data Application Development |
T582A | Infotypes: Customer-Specific Settings | PBAS | SAP HR Master Data Application Development |
T582B | Infotypes That Are Created Automatically | PBAS | SAP HR Master Data Application Development |
T582ITD | Infotype - Dialog Module (CE) | PBAS | SAP HR Master Data Application Development |
T582ITVCHCK | Verification Class for a Version Flag | PBAS | SAP HR Master Data Application Development |
T582ITVCLAS | Classes for Determining Version IDs and Infotype Containers | PBAS | SAP HR Master Data Application Development |
T582L | Infotypes - country-specific settings | PBAS | SAP HR Master Data Application Development |
T582S | Infotype Texts | PBAS | SAP HR Master Data Application Development |
T582V | Assignment of Infotypes to Views | PBAS | SAP HR Master Data Application Development |
T582W | Assigns Infotype View to Primary Infotype | PBAS | SAP HR Master Data Application Development |
T584A | Test Procedures - Infotype Assignment | PBAS | SAP HR Master Data Application Development |
T585A | Infotypes with Documents | PBAS | SAP HR Master Data Application Development |
T585B | Field Group Definition | PBAS | SAP HR Master Data Application Development |
T585C | Field Group Characteristics | PBAS | SAP HR Master Data Application Development |
T585O | HR Optical Archiving: Configuration Table for PREL and PAPL | PBAS | SAP HR Master Data Application Development |
T587C | Detail View: Personnel Assignments - Line Layout | PBAS_CE | HR Enhancements of Master Data for Concurrent Employment |
T588B | Infotype Menus | PBAS | SAP HR Master Data Application Development |
T588D | Infogroups for Actions | PBAS | SAP HR Master Data Application Development |
T588F | - is no longer used (now T588G) - | PBAS | SAP HR Master Data Application Development |
T588G | Field-Specific Retroactive Accounting Recognition | PBAS | SAP HR Master Data Application Development |
T588H | Infotype Header Data Selection Control | PBAS | SAP HR Master Data Application Development |
T588Q | Screen Types for Fast Entry | PBAS | SAP HR Master Data Application Development |
T588R | Selection Reports for Fast Data Entry | PBAS | SAP HR Master Data Application Development |
T588S | Screen Types for Fast Entry | PBAS | SAP HR Master Data Application Development |
T588Z | Dynamic Actions | PBAS | SAP HR Master Data Application Development |
T591A | Subtype Characteristics | PBAS | SAP HR Master Data Application Development |
T591A_ESSEX | ESS: Deactivation of Subtypes | PBAS | SAP HR Master Data Application Development |
T591B | Time Constraints for Wage Types | PBAS | SAP HR Master Data Application Development |
T591S | Subtype Texts | PBAS | SAP HR Master Data Application Development |
T5JTD | HR Deduction indicator text JP | PDEL | HR: for future deletion of noted objects! |
T752F | Employee Data from External Systems (Temporary Storage) | PZ1R | HR: Resumix Integration |
T77PADDUR_DEF | Default Authorization Time Periods | PBAS | SAP HR Master Data Application Development |
T77PARCVETO_CHK | PA Veto: Registration of Checks | PARC_GEN | Generic PA Archiving Framework |
T77PRELVETO_CHK | HRPD_PREL Veto: Registration of Checks | PARC_GEN | Generic PA Archiving Framework |
THRCCE_CHGLP | Copy INFTY pop-up | PBAS_CE | HR Enhancements of Master Data for Concurrent Employment |
THRCCE_CHGLPT | Description | PBAS_CE | HR Enhancements of Master Data for Concurrent Employment |
THRCCE_T587D | Infy Subty table for Pop-up copy, of Change of legal person | PBAS_CE | HR Enhancements of Master Data for Concurrent Employment |
PA0302EXT | HR-PA: Status Management for Actions | PBAS_SERVICE | HR Master Data: Service Functions |
T582G | Infotype: Grouping Reason | PBAS_SERVICE | HR Master Data: Service Functions |
T582ITVOPER | HR: Master Data, Permissibility of Infotype Operations | PBAS_SERVICE | HR Master Data: Service Functions |
T588MFPROPC | HR: Field Properties | PBAS_SERVICE | HR Master Data: Service Functions |
T588MFPROPS | HR: Field Properties | PBAS_SERVICE | HR Master Data: Service Functions |
HRSM_DATA | External Employee Data: Dates | P99Q2 | HRMS Retail: Staffing Management |
T525A | Selection Rules for Employee Data | PSEN | Service Calculation |
T525I | Infotype Selection Condition | PSEN | Service Calculation |
T525Z | Permissibility of Infotype Selection in Empl.Period Calc. | PSEN | Service Calculation |
T5CBM | Output Sequence Steps | PK02 | HR: Pension Fund International Parts |
T5CP4 | HR-CH: Value assignment for fields (BI) | PK02 | HR: Pension Fund International Parts |
T5CP5 | HR-CH: Infotypes for BI | PK02 | HR: Pension Fund International Parts |
T5CP9 | HR-CH: Infotypes for Overview in Administrator Interface | PK02 | HR: Pension Fund International Parts |
T5CPR | Additional PF Re-Calculation Infotypes | PK02 | HR: Pension Fund International Parts |
T5CPS | Additional Infotype Field Values for PF Calculation | PK02 | HR: Pension Fund International Parts |
T72T4 | HR-PF: TS Master Data | PK02 | HR: Pension Fund International Parts |
T72T4T | HR-PF: TS Master Data Field Descriptions | PK02 | HR: Pension Fund International Parts |
PAPL | Applicant master data | PAPL | HR-PA Recruitment |
ASSHR | Assignment of HR to AFRU/ASSOB | PTIM | HR Time Management Application Development |
COIFT | Interface to Activity Allocation | PTIM | HR Time Management Application Development |
PTEXDIR | Interface Table for Infotypes (Directory Table) | PTIM | HR Time Management Application Development |
T554V | Defaults for Absence Types | PTIM | HR Time Management Application Development |
T554Y | Time Constraints in HR TIME | PTIM | HR Time Management Application Development |
T572E | Control table for additional absence data | PTIM | HR Time Management Application Development |
T572F | Event Texts | PTIM | HR Time Management Application Development |
T572G | Permitted Values for Events | PTIM | HR Time Management Application Development |
T572H | Event Value Texts | PTIM | HR Time Management Application Development |
T582Z | Control Table for PA Time Management | PTIM | HR Time Management Application Development |
P2B2_ABWKONTI | HCM Declustering B2 - Absence Quotas (Table ABWKONTI) | PTIM_DCT | HR Time Management Declustering |
P2B2_ANWKONTI | HCM Declustering B2 - Attendance Quotas (Table ANWKONTI) | PTIM_DCT | HR Time Management Declustering |
P2B2_URLAN | HCM Declustering B2 - Leave Accrual (Table URLAN) | PTIM_DCT | HR Time Management Declustering |
P2B2_ZKO | HCM Declustering B2 - Quota Changes (Table ZKO) | PTIM_DCT | HR Time Management Declustering |
T7UNEVE_INFTY | EVE: Master data Integration | P99EVE | HCM EVE |
T7UNPAD_ATTR | EVE: Attribute Properties | P99EVE | HCM EVE |
T799L00 | Protection Property | P99L | Payroll Latin America |
T599SFE | Required infotypes for feature structure | P99S | Southern Europe Basis |
T5F99CD | Calculation of duration in HR | P99S | Southern Europe Basis |
T5F99CONTA | Infotype Container Layout | P99S | Southern Europe Basis |
T5F99CONTAC | Infotype Container Layout (Customer) | P99S | Southern Europe Basis |
T5F99PR | Reason for changing master data keys for DAQ reports | P99S | Southern Europe Basis |
T5F99PRM | Reason for changing master data recodification DAQ reports | P99S | Southern Europe Basis |
T5F99PRT | Texts of reason for changing master data for DAQ reports | P99S | Southern Europe Basis |
T7799B_SUBTY | Subtype Characteristics | P99B | Payroll Versions Basis, Brazil |
T7799B_SUBTY_T | Subtype Characteristics | P99B | Payroll Versions Basis, Brazil |
T7RUOC1 | Content of Employee Selection Process | P99RU | Human Resources: Cross-Country Objects Russia |
T7RU_DEFTXT | Standard Texts in Infotypes | P99RU | Human Resources: Cross-Country Objects Russia |
T7799RU_RMS_INFT | Assignment of subtypes of IT3400 to PA Infotypes/Subtypes | P99RU_RMS_PL | RMS Processing Layer |
PA0815 | HR Master Record for Infotype 0815 | PC_MC | HR Payroll - Multiple Checks |
PA0815 | HR Master Record for Infotype 0815 | PC_MC | HR Payroll - Multiple Checks |
T52B9 | Use of Infotypes for Objects | PCAL | SAP HR Payroll Application Development |
T52B9_ADDON | HR-Add-on : Use of Infotypes with Objects | PCAL | SAP HR Payroll Application Development |
T52BPO_IT_LINKS | HR BPO: Link Between HR Infotypes with n:1 Relation | PCAL | SAP HR Payroll Application Development |
T52BPO_IT_LINKS | HR BPO: Link Between HR Infotypes with n:1 Relation | PCAL | SAP HR Payroll Application Development |
T52RIC | Retroactive Changes to Off-Cycle Infotypes | PCAL | SAP HR Payroll Application Development |
PCTR_T_AUTH_IFTY | PC authority type - infotype settings | PCTRRES | Transparent Payroll Results: Environment |