PB04 - HR Master Data: Spain

The development package PB04 contains objects for "HR Master Data: Spain".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package HRCES. It belongs to software component PA-PA-ES.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package PB04

PA0061HR Master Record Infotype 0061 (Social Insurance - Spain)
PA0062HR master record Infotype 0062 (Tax Spain))
PA0090HR Master Record Infotype 0090 (Additional Income)
PA0092HR master record Infotype 0092 (Seniority Spain)
PA0480HR master record for infotype 0480
PA0714HR master record Infotype 0714
PA0768Personal data
PA0799AFI message data
PA0887HR master record, infotype 0887
PA0968HR master record infotype 0968
PA3231Personnel master record infotype 3231
PA3393Personnel master record Infotype 3393
PB0480HR master record infotype 0480 (Candidates)
T5E01Personnel areas and subareas
T5E02Company tax data
T5E03IA/ID and NID healthcare companies
T5E04Registered company and work center names
T5E05Social Insurance branch offices
T5E06Social Insurance contributing companies
T5E07Health services amounts for company contributing to S.I.
T5E08Time-dependent characteristics of CACs
T5E10Extension of pay scales
T5E11Assignation of head office to corporate group
T5E12Assignment of Social Insurance center
T5E1TCorporate group texts
T5E25Operations for contract type change
T5E25TOperation texts for contract category change
T5E2TContract type keys for Social insurance
T5E30Adjust Social Insurance reasons and actions
T5E31Actions and situations for affiliation messages
T5E32Healthcare company codes - Social Insurance
T5E33Assign countries to Social Insurance key (RED System)
T5E34Pay scale codes
T5E35Towns according to SEPE
T5E36Reasons for legal situation of unemployment
T5E36TTexts: Reasons for legal situation of unemployment
T5E37Estimation of annual income
T5E38Reasons for IRPF percentage change
T5E39Check digit for specifying taxpayer reference number (NIF)
T5E3APay scale codes
T5E3TKeys for Social insurance contribution groups
T5E40Employment tax deduction percentages
T5E41Payment subkeys
T5E42Contract types for Social Insurance
T5E43Contribution bases for non-industrial risks
T5E44Contribution bases for IA and ID quotas
T5E45Social Insurance contribution types
T5E46Social Insurance epigraphs
T5E48Groups of professional categories
T5E4BEmployment texts
T5E4CEmployments (IA and ID contribution)
T5E4DCNAE texts
T5E4ECNAE: National Business Activities Classification
T5E4FCNAES entity table
T5E4GCNAE ocupational permissibility
T5E4HCNAE texts
T5E4TDescription of Social Insurance branch-office types
T5E50Minimum bases for part-time contracts
T5E51Seniority bonuses
T5E52Seniority calculation methods
T5E53Amounts of seniority bonuses
T5E55Social Insurance office types
T5E57Union dues
T5E5TTexts of Social Insurance contribution types
T5E60Contract entity according to the company
T5E61Contract transformations allowed
T5E64Length of temporary contracts according to Soc. Ins. Admin.
T5E65Work schedule in part-time contracts according Soc. Ins. Ad.
T5E66Contract validity acc. to Soc. Insurance, laws and decrees
T5E67Special contracts according to Social Insurance
T5E68Assignment of contracts to groups
T5E6AContract set
T5E6BContract groupers
T5E6CSets of contracts and associated wage types
T5E6DContribution calculation for sets of contracts
T5E6FCalculation methods
T5E6IContract texts according to company
T5E6JContract texts according to Social Insurance
T5E6KContract grouper texts
T5E6LCalculation method texts
T5E6MContract set texts
T5E6TTitle texts
T5E70SEPE branches
T5E75Work center commitment code
T5E76Allowance group code
T5E77Academic qualification code according to SEPE
T5E7ISEPE branch texts
T5E8MReasons for IRPF percentage change
T5E8SAssignation of professional categories to modifiers
T5E8TModifiers for professional categories
T5E8UTexts of professional categories modifiers
T5E91Assignation of customer subtypes to legal classes
T5EA0Seniority calculation procedures
T5EA0TCalculation procedure texts
T5EA1Seniority payment methods
T5EA1TPayment method texts
T5EA2Seniority payment symbols
T5EA2TPayment symbol texts
T5EA3Definition of valuation methods
T5EA3TValuation method texts
T5EA4Associate valuation wage type with valuation method
T5EA5Calculation sequences by payment method
T5EA6Actions and reasons affecting seniority
T5EAEBusiness activities
T5ECPGeneration of personal calendar
T5ED1Place type
T5ED1TPlace type
T5ED3Type of work
T5ED3TWork type
T5ED4Specific physical activity
T5ED4TSpecific physical activity
T5ED5Contact method
T5ED5TContact method
T5ED6Injured body part
T5ED6TInjured body part
T5ED7Description of the injury
T5ED7TDescription of the injury
T5ED8Material agents
T5ED8TMaterial agents
T5ED9Worker employment codes
T5ED9TDescription of worker employment codes
T5EDHLocal tax offices/authorities
T5EF1Infotypes used to calculate DAQ fields
T5EF2Directory of generated SEPE forms
T5EF3Directory of generated SEPE forms
T5EF4Templates for SEPE forms
T5EF5Definition of assignment trees
T5EF6DDIC structures for logical forms
T5EF7DAQ fields definition extension
T5EFISeverance payment calculation
T5EG0Gross/net model features
T5EG1Special Rule
T5EG2Special rule description
T5EG3Special rule calculation
T5EG4Features of non-exempt amount model
T5EG5Features of relationship with other debts model
T5EG6Default values
T5EG9Garnishee fee
T5EI1Employment tax deduction rates
T5EI2Wage exempt of employment tax deduction
T5EI3Employment tax control constants
T5EI4Employment tax amount constants
T5EI5Wage types valid for Spanish IRS evaluations
T5EI6Arrears by period and grouper
T5EI7Default behaviour for arrears groupers
T5EI8Lowering of deduction type for challenged persons
T5EIAPayment keys
T5EIIEmployment tax control constant texts
T5EIJTexts of unemployment tax amount constants
T5EL1Protected data access log
T5EL2Protected data logical files
T5EL3Last record of access to protected data by user
T5EL4Protected TemSe fields
T5EL5Protected data access log
T5EL6LOPD. High-level data fields and structures
T5EL7Log for accessing protected data for XML files
T5EMALegal application message texts, Spain
T5EP1Form management
T5EP2Forms management 2
T5EPTForms management: Description of form
T5ER1Employment regulation files
T5ER2Calendar configuration for ERE
T5ES1Marine employees: Canary Is. record
T5ES2Allowance formulas
T5ES3Contract processing methods
T5ES4Legal regulations
T5ES5Processing method keys
T5ES6Allowance formulas
T5ES7Incentive groups
T5ES8CAC types
T5ES9Processing method keys
T5ESTIncentive groups
T5EU1Payroll results containers
T5EU2Generic table of situations and possible options
T5EU3Assignation of options to situations
T5EU4Generic table of situations and possible options
T5EUBGeneric table of situations and possible options
T5EUDGeneric table of situations and possible options
T5EVPStreet identifiers
T77PADEST52Work relation type
T77PADEST52CCCRelationship of work relationship type with CAC type
T77PADEST52TDescription of the work relationship type
T77PADES_SHMSMessages by status
T77PADES_SHSTStatus handler
T77PADES_SHSTTStatus management texts
T77PADES_TPCEXConfiguration table of contribution and exclusions type
T77PADES_TPCEX_DConfiguration table of contribution and exclusions type
T77PADES_TPCEX_TConfiguration table of contribution and exclusions type
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