PBEN - Benefits

The development package PBEN contains objects for "Benefits".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package HRRXX. It belongs to software component PA-BN.

Child development packages of PBEN

Development Package
PBEN_SFWSBenefits Switch Framework Objects

Tables for development package PBEN

PA0167HR Master Record: Infotype 0167 (Health Plans)
PA0168HR Master Record: Infotype 0168 (Insurance Plans)
PA0169HR Master Record: Infotype 0169 (Savings Plan)
PA0170HR Master Record: Infotype 0170 (Flexible Spending Accounts)
PA0171HR Master Record: Infotype 0171 (Gen. Benefits Information)
PA0172HR Master Record: Infotype 0172 (FSA Claims)
PA0211HR Master Record: Infotype 0211 (COBRA Beneficiaries)
PA0212HR Master Record: Infotpye 0212 (COBRA Health Plan)
PA0219HR Master Record: Infotype 0219 (External Organizations)
PA0236HR Master Record: Infotype 0236 (Credit Plans)
PA0270HR Master Data Record: Infotype 0270 (COBRA Payments)
PA0375HR Master Data Record: Infotype 0375 (Add. Benefits Inform.)
PA0376HR Master Data Record: Infotype 0376 (Medical Benefits Info)
PA0377HR Master Record: Infotype 0377 (Miscellaneous Plans)
PA0378HR Master Data Record: Infotype 0378 (Benefit Adj. Reason)
PA0379HR Master Record: Infotype 0379 (Stock Purchase Plans)
PA0565HR Master Record: Infotype 0565 (Retirement Plan Val. Res.)
PA0602HR Master Record: Infotype 0602 (Retirement Plan Cumulation)
PA0671HR Master Record - Infotype 0671 (COBRA Flex. Spending Acct)
T5UB1Benefit plan type
T5UB2Benefit plan status
T5UB3Benefit area
T5UB4Benefit eligibility grouping
T5UB5Benefit cost grouping
T5UB6Benefit Standard Health Selection
T5UB7Benefit standard insurance selection
T5UB9Benefit second program grouping
T5UBABenefit plan
T5UBBBenefit health option/dependent coverage assignment
T5UBCTo be deleted - no longer used!
T5UBDTo be deleted - no longer used!
T5UBEBenefit Health Plan Option
T5UBFBenefit dependent coverage
T5UBGBenefit Flexible Spending Account
T5UBHBenefit cost rule variant
T5UBIBenefit cost rule
T5UBJBenefit age group for calculating imputed income
T5UBKBenefit Salary Group
T5UBLBenefit age group
T5UBMBenefit seniority group
T5UBNBenefit investment
T5UBOBenefit investment group
T5UBPBenefits investment/investment group assignment
T5UBQBenefit calculation factor for imputed income
T5UBRBenefit vesting rule
T5UBSBenefit vested portion
T5UBTBenefit first program grouping
T5UBUBenefit program
T5UBVBenefit eligibility rule
T5UBWBenefit provider
T5UBXTo be deleted - no longer used!
T5UBYBenefits Parameter Group
T5UBZTo be deleted - no longer used!
T5UC1Benefit plan type texts
T5UC2Benefit plan status texts
T5UC3Benefit area texts
T5UC4Benefit eligibility grouping texts
T5UC5Benefits cost grouping texts
T5UC9Benefit Second Program Grouping Texts
T5UCABenefit plan texts
T5UCCTo be deleted - no longer used!
T5UCEBenefit health plan option texts
T5UCFBenefit dependent coverage texts
T5UCHBenefit cost rule variant texts
T5UCJBenefit imputed income age group texts
T5UCKBenefit salary group texts
T5UCLBenefit age group texts
T5UCMBenefit seniority group texts
T5UCNBenefit investment texts
T5UCOBenefit investment group texts
T5UCRBenefit vesting rule texts
T5UCTBenefit first program grouping texts
T5UCVBenefit eligibility rules texts
T5UCXTo be deleted - no longer used!
T5UCYBenefit parameter group texts
T5UD3Benefit area currency
T5UDBCOBRA beneficiary
T5UDCCOBRA maximum coverage period
T5UDDCOBRA administrative data
T5UDECOBRA events / personnel action assignment
T5UDFCOBRA early termination reason
T5UDLBenefit receipt type
T5UDMTo be deleted - no longer used!
T5UDNTo be deleted - no longer used!
T5UDOBenefit credit grouping
T5UDPTo be deleted - no longer used!
T5UDRTo be deleted - no longer used!
T5UDSBenefit termination rule
T5UDTBenefit termination grouping
T5UDUBenefit Termination Rule Variant
T5UDVBenefit Eligibility Rule Variant
T5UEFCOBRA early termination reason
T5UELBenefit payment receipt type texts
T5UEMTo be deleted - no longer used!
T5UEOBenefit credit grouping texts
T5UETBenefits Termination Type Texts
T5UEUBenefit termination rule variant texts
T5UZFCOBRA Reasons for Coverage Unavailability
T5UZFTCOBRA Reasons for Coverage Unavailability
T74AACOBRA-qualified dependent/plan type assignment
T74ABCOBRA dependent of qualified beneficiary
T74F1Benefit adjustment grouping
T74F2Benefits insurance coverage grouping
T74F3Benefit employer contribution grouping
T74F4Benefit employee contribution grouping
T74FABenefit insurance plan
T74FBBenefits Coverage Rule Variant
T74FCBenefits Insurance Coverage Rule
T74FDBenefit Savings Plan
T74FEBenefit employer contribution rule variant
T74FFBenefit employer contribution rule
T74FGBenefit employee contribution rule variant
T74FHBenefit employee contribution rule
T74FIBenefit credit plan
T74FJBenefit credit rule variant
T74FKBenefit credit rule
T74FLBenefit miscellaneous plan
T74FMBenefit Standard Savings Selection
T74FNBenefit Standard Spending Account Selection
T74FOBenefit standard credit selection
T74FPBenefit Standard Miscellaneous Selection
T74FQBenefit standard stock purchase selection
T74FRBenefit evidence of insurability
T74FSBenefit evidence of insurability option assignment
T74FTBenefit evidence of insurability option jump assignment
T74FUBenefit combined coverage limit
T74FVBenefit combined coverage limit expression
T74FWBenefit combined contribution limit
T74FXBenefit combined contribution limit expression
T74FYBenefit prerequisite plan
T74FZBenefit corequisite plan
T74G1Benefit adjustment grouping text
T74G2Benefit insurance coverage grouping texts
T74G3Benefit employer contribution grouping texts
T74G4Benefit employee contribution grouping texts
T74GABenefit insurance plan texts
T74GBBenefit insurance coverage rule variant texts
T74GEBenefit employer contribution rule variant texts
T74GGBenefit employee contribution rule variant texts
T74GJBenefit credit rule variant texts
T74GLBenefit miscellaneous plan texts
T74GUBenefit combined coverage limit text
T74GWBenefit combined contribution limit text
T74HABenefit adjustment reason
T74HBBenefit adjustment authorization
T74HCBenefit adjustment reason/workflow event assignment
T74HDBenefit stock purchase plan
T74HEBenefit payment model assignment
T74HFBenefit Date Types for Dynamic Eligibility
T74HGBenefit Family Member Grouping
T74HHTo be deleted - no longer used!
T74HIBenefit reasons for off-cycle payroll assignment
T74HJBenefit zip code group
T74HKBenefit zip code group assignment
T74HLBenefit forms
T74HMBenefit Compensation Model
T74HNBenefits Assignment of Wage Types to Compensation Model
T74HOBenefit Equivalent Length of Service
T74HPBenefits Uniform Resource Locator (URL)
T74HQBenefit Information on Doctor Search via Internet
T74HRBenefits Number of Dependents per Subtype
T74HSBenefit Dependent/Beneficiary Eligibility Rule Variant
T74HTBenefits Dependent/Beneficiary Eligibility Rule
T74HUCOBRA Subtypes of Additional Qualified Beneficiaries
T74IABenefit adjustment reason text
T74IGBenefits - Family Member Grouping Text
T74IJBenefit zip code group text
T74IMBenefit Compensation Model Text
T74IPBenefits Uniform Resource Locator (URL) Text
T74ISBenefits Dependent/Beneficiary Rule Variant Text
T77BENPLANGRPBenefits Plan Archiving Object Subgroup
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