T5UB3 - Benefit area

Benefit area information is stored in SAP table T5UB3.
It is part of development package PBEN in software component PA-BN. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Benefits".

Fields for table T5UB3

Field Name
Is Key
Data Element
Data Type
Check Table
OPINDBenefit indicator open enrollment is performedBEN_OPINDCHAR2
OPBEGBenefit start of open enrollment periodBEN_OPBEGDATS16
OPENDBenefit end of open enrollment periodBEN_OPENDDATS16
ENBEGBenefits start of infotype records for open enrollmentBEN_ENBEGDATS16
ENENDBenefit end of infotype records for open enrollmentBEN_ENENDDATS16
EVENDBenefit end of infotype records for adj.reas./standard planBEN_EVTENDDATS16
FUTNUBenefit number of years in the future enrollment is possibleBEN_FUTNUDEC3
INDAGBenefit regular dependent age limitBEN_INDAGNUMC4
STDAGBenefit Dependent Age Limit for StudentsBEN_STDAGNUMC4
NOMAXBenefit No Maximum Age for DisabilityBEN_NOMAXCHAR2
TERMICOBRA Indicator Termination of Employment is RelevantCOB_TERMICHAR2
REDUCCOBRA Indicator Reduction in Working Hours is RelevantCOB_REDUCCHAR2
DEATHCOBRA Indicator Death of Employee is RelevantCOB_DEATHCHAR2
MEDICCOBRA Indicator Employee Entitlement to Medicare is RelevantCOB_MEDICCHAR2
DIVORCOBRA Indicator Divorce is RelevantCOB_DIVORCHAR2
SEPARCOBRA Indicator Legal Separation is RelevantCOB_SEPARCHAR2
LOSSDCOBRA Indicator Child's Loss of Dependent Status is RelevantCOB_LOSSDCHAR2
BANKRCOBRA Indicator Employer's Bankruptcy Is RelevantCOB_BANKRCHAR2
BKRDTCOBRA cutoff date for bankruptcy proceedingsCOB_BKRDTDATS16
RESISCOBRA residence status excluding person from COBRACOB_RESISCHAR2T505U
LOCOVCOBRA indicator COBRA starts when coverage is lostCOB_LOCOVCHAR2
CONCOCOBRA Indicator Restrict Offer to Participation Before EventCOB_CONCOCHAR2
POSBABenefits Only Offer FSAs with Positive Account BalanceCOB_POSBACHAR2
MOBDEGrouping of Personnel Subareas for Time RecordingMOBDENUMC4
CLCHGBenefit flexible spending account claims can be changedBEN_CLCHGCHAR2
CLCNFBenefit agreement can be given to rejection of claimsBEN_CLCNFCHAR2
PSMOPBenefit Indicator Payroll Sim. Permitted for Open EnrollmentBEN_PSMOPCHAR2
PSMADBenefit Ind. Payroll Simulation Allowed for Adjustmt ReasonBEN_PSMADCHAR2
DRVVRBenefit variant of payroll driver for payroll simulationBEN_DRVVRCHAR28
SLPVRBenefit Variants for Remuneration Statement for SimulationBEN_SLPVRCHAR28
HERCSBenefits: Flag to Hide Employer CostsBEN_HERCSCHAR2
DCNCCBenefits: Flag to Display ContributionsBEN_DCNCCCHAR2
ESTCNBenefits: Flag to Estimate ContributionsBEN_ESTCNCHAR2
PSMFOBenefits: HR Form for Payroll SimulationBEN_PSMFOCHAR32*
MILITBenefits Indicator Military Leave Is RelevantCOB_MILITCHAR2
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