TVKK - Sales Activity Types

Sales Activity Types information is stored in SAP table TVKK.
It is part of development package VCK in software component SD-CAS-SA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "CAS - contacts".

Fields for table TVKK

Field Name
Is Key
Data Element
Data Type
Check Table
KTAARSales Activity Type for Sales SupportXKTAARCHAR8
KOPGRScreen sequence group for document header & itemBIFGRCHAR8TVHB
UEVORProposal for Fcode on the overview screenUEVOR_KACHAR40
NUMKENumber Range of Internal Number AssignmentNUMKICHAR4
PARGRPartner Determination ProcedurePARGRCHAR8TVPG
VBOBJSD document objectVBOBJCHAR2
TRVOGTransaction GroupTRVOGCHAR2
KAPPLApplication for output conditionsNA_KAPPLCHAR4T681A
KALSMOutput determination procedureKALSMBCHAR12T683
DATVOProposed End Date for the Validity PeriodDATVOCHAR2
TXTGRText Determination ProcedureTXTGRCHAR4TTXG
AFARTInquiry type for sales activitiesKTA_AFARTCHAR8TVAK
AGARTQuotation type for sales activitiesKTA_AGARTCHAR8TVAK
AUARTSales order type for sales activitiesKTA_AUARTCHAR8TVAK
GUARTCredit memo type for sales activitiesKTA_GUARTCHAR8TVAK
LAARTDebit memo type for sales activitiesKTA_LAARTCHAR8TVAK
REARTReturns type for sales activitiesKTA_REARTCHAR8TVAK
SOARTSales document type for sales activitiesKTA_SOARTCHAR8TVAK
KTAOROrganizational data required for sales activitesKTAORCHAR2
BEZOBReference MandatoryBEZOBCHAR2
KWIVOIndicator for mandatory follow-up sales activityKWIVOCHAR2
KTAFKType of follow-up activityKTAFKCHAR8TVKK
AUMA1Order type for sample enclosure for direct mailing campaignKTA_AUMA1CHAR8TVAK
AUMA2Order type for enclosures for a direct mailing campaignKTA_AUMA2CHAR8TVAK
KPAFKPartner function for follow-up sales activityKPAFKCHAR4TPAR
STGRUSales activity status groupSTGRU_CASNUMC6TVC6
FEHGRIncompleteness Procedure for Sales DocumentFEHGRCHAR4TVUV
DIAFEDialog message for incompletionDIAUVCHAR2
NUMADRNumber Range of Internal Number AssignmentNUMKICHAR4
TXT_KONSEText entered in documentTXT_KONSECHAR2
EXCLUDE_FCExclusion of Fcodes that lead to CREATE->EDITEXCLUDE_FCCHAR2
STGKKStatistics grp for sales activity processing in order headerSTGKKCHAR4TKSF
DIRECTIONDirection of sales activity: Inbound / outboundACT_DIRECTIONCHAR2
PA_PLTYPEPotential planning: Planning hierarchy typeCASPA_PLTYPECHAR22T445P
KALEMaintain appointments in calendarKALECHAR2
FOLLOW_UP_PREFCAS: Identify preferred follow-up actionFOLLOW_UP_PREFERENCECHAR8
KTAAR_CLASSCAS: Classify sales activity typesKTAAR_CLASSCHAR2
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