VIWI01 - Cost Efficiency Analysis Total Costs

Cost Efficiency Analysis Total Costs information is stored in SAP table VIWI01.
It is part of development package FVVI in software component RE. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "R/3 for Financial Assets Management: Real estate".

Fields for table VIWI01

Field Name
Is Key
Data Element
Data Type
Check Table
SWENRBusiness Entity NumberXSWENRCHAR8*
DATUMDate of Cost Efficiency AnalysisXVVWBDATDATS8
GRUND_GESCEA: Total costs for total property valueVVWBGEBBGECURR7
GRUND_OWCost efficiency analysis: Total costs value property PA ap.VVWBGEBBOWCURR7
GRUND_SWCost efficiency analysis: Total costs value prop. other ap.VVWBGEBBSWCURR7
GRUND_SRCost efficiency analysis: Total value property other roomsVVWBGEBBSRCURR7
ERWERB_GESCEA: Total costs purchasing costs totalVVWBGEKBGECURR7
ERWERB_OWCEA: Total costs purchase costs apartm.VVWBGEKBOWCURR7
ERWERB_SWCEA: Total costs purchase costs other apartmentsVVWBGEKBSWCURR7
ERWERB_SRCEA: Total costs purchase costs other apartmentsVVWBGEKBSRCURR7
ERSCHL_GESCEA: Total costs development costs totalVVWBGERBGECURR7
ERSCHL_OWCEA: Total costs development costs apart.VVWBGERBOWCURR7
ERSCHL_SWCEA: Total costs development costs other apartmentsVVWBGERBSWCURR7
ERSCHL_SRCEA: Total costs development costs other roomsVVWBGERBSRCURR7
SUM1_GESCEA: Total costs subtotal 1 totalVVWBGES1GECURR7
SUM1_OWCEA: Total costs subtotal 1 public authority-funded apartmntVVWBGES1OWCURR7
SUM1_SWCEA: Total costs subtotal 1 other flatsVVWBGES1SWCURR7
SUM1_SRCEA: Total costs subtotal 1 other roomsVVWBGES1SRCURR7
BAUKOT_GESCost efficiency analysis: Total costs constr. workVVWBGEKTGECURR7
BAUKOT_OWCost efficiency analysis: Total costs constr. work subs. apVVWBGEKTOWCURR7
BAUKOT_SWCost efficiency analysis: Total costs const. work other ap.VVWBGEKTSWCURR7
BAUKOT_SRCost efficiency analysis:Total costs constr. work other roomVVWBGEKTSRCURR7
BAUKOG_GESCost efficiency analysis: Total costs of constructionVVWBGEKGGECURR7
BAUKOG_OWCost efficiency analysis: Total costs of constr. PA ap.VVWBGEKGOWCURR7
BAUKOG_SWCEA: Total costs construction expenses other apartmentsVVWBGEKGSWCURR7
BAUKOG_SRCost efficiency analysis: Total costs constr. other roomsVVWBGEKGSRCURR7
BAUKOA_GESCEA: Total costs technical equipment totalVVWBGEKAGECURR7
BAUKOA_OWCEA: Total costs technical equipment Pub.auth.sub.apartmntVVWBGEKAOWCURR7
BAUKOA_SWCEA: Total costs technical equipment Other apartmentsVVWBGEKASWCURR7
BAUKOA_SRCEA: Total costs technical equipment Other roomsVVWBGEKASRCURR7
BAUKOB_GESCost efficiency analysis: Total costs of executionVVWBGEKXGECURR7
BAUKOB_OWCost efficiency analysis: Total costs execution subs. ap.VVWBGEKXOWCURR7
BAUKOB_SWCost efficiency analysis: Total costs of execution other ap.VVWBGEKXSWCURR7
BAUKOB_SRCost efficiency analysis:Total costs of execution other roomVVWBGEKXSRCURR7
GERAET_GESCEA: Total costs equipment totalVVWBGEGBGECURR7
GERAET_OWCEA: Total costs equipment public author.supported accomm.VVWBGEGBOWCURR7
GERAET_SWCEA: Total costs equipment other apartmentsVVWBGEGBSWCURR7
GERAET_SRCEA: Total costs equipment other roomsVVWBGEGBSRCURR7
AUSSEN_GESCost efficiency analysis: Total costs outside groundsVVWBGEABGECURR7
AUSSEN_OWCost efficiency analysis: Total costs outside gr. PA apart.VVWBGEABOWCURR7
AUSSEN_SWCost efficiency analysis: Total costs outside gr. other ap.VVWBGEABSWCURR7
AUSSEN_SRCost efficiency analysis: Total costs outs. gr. other roomsVVWBGEABSRCURR7
NEBENA_GESCost efficiency analysis: construction incid. costs arch.VVWBGEN1GECURR7
NEBENA_OWCost efficiency analysis: Construction incid. costs pub. apVVWBGEN1OWCURR7
NEBENA_SWCost efficiency analysis: Constr. incid. costs other apart.VVWBGEN1SWCURR7
NEBENA_SRCost efficiency analysis: Constr. incid. costs other roomsVVWBGEN1SRCURR7
NEBENV_GESCost efficiency analysis: construction incid. costs arch.VVWBGEN2GECURR7
NEBENV_OWCost efficiency analysis: Construction incid. costs pub. apVVWBGEN2OWCURR7
NEBENV_SWCost efficiency analysis: Constr. incid. costs other apart.VVWBGEN2SWCURR7
NEBENV_SRCost efficiency analysis: Constr. incid. costs other roomsVVWBGEN2SRCURR7
NEBENB_GESCost efficiency analysis: construction incid. costs arch.VVWBGEN3GECURR7
NEBENB_OWCost efficiency analysis: Construction incid. costs pub. apVVWBGEN3OWCURR7
NEBENB_SWCost efficiency analysis: Constr. incid. costs other apart.VVWBGEN3SWCURR7
NEBENB_SRCost efficiency analysis: Constr. incid. costs other roomsVVWBGEN3SRCURR7
NEBENK_GESCost efficiency analysis: construction incid. costs arch.VVWBGEN4GECURR7
NEBENK_OWCost efficiency analysis: Construction incid. costs pub. apVVWBGEN4OWCURR7
NEBENK_SWCost efficiency analysis: Constr. incid. costs other apart.VVWBGEN4SWCURR7
NEBENK_SRCost efficiency analysis: Constr. incid. costs other roomsVVWBGEN4SRCURR7
NEBENF_GESCost efficiency analysis: construction incid. costs arch.VVWBGEN5GECURR7
NEBENF_OWCost efficiency analysis: constr. incid. costs pub. apartm.VVWBGEN5OWCURR7
NEBENF_SWCost efficiency analysis: Constr. incid. costs other apart.VVWBGEN5SWCURR7
NEBENF_SRCost efficiency analysis: Constr. incid. costs other roomsVVWBGEN5SRCURR7
NEBENS_GESCost efficiency analysis: construction incid. costs arch.VVWBGEN6GECURR7
NEBENS_OWCost efficiency analysis: Construction incid. costs pub. apVVWBGEN6OWCURR7
NEBENS_SWCost efficiency analysis: Constr. incid. costs other apart.VVWBGEN6SWCURR7
NEBENS_SRCost efficiency analysis: Constr. incid. costs other roomsVVWBGEN6SRCURR7
SUM2_GESCost efficiency calculation: Total costs subtotal 2 totalVVWBGES2GECURR7
SUM2_OWCEA: Total costs subtotal 2 public authority-funded apartmntVVWBGES2OWCURR7
SUM2_SWCEA: Total costs subtotal 2 other apartmentsVVWBGES2SWCURR7
SUM2_SRCEA: Total costs subtotal 2 other roomsVVWBGES2SRCURR7
PARKPL_GESCost efficiency analysis: Total costs parking spaceVVWBGEE1GECURR7
PARKPL_OWCost efficiency analysis: Total costs parking space PA ap.VVWBGEE1OWCURR7
PARKPL_SWCEA: Total costs parking space other apartmentVVWBGEE1SWCURR7
PARKPL_SRCEA: Total costs parking space other roomVVWBGEE1SRCURR7
SUM3_GESCEA: Total costs subtotal 3 totalVVWBGES3GECURR7
SUM3_OWCEA: Total costs subtotal 3 public authority-funded apartmntVVWBGES3OWCURR7
SUM3_SWCEA: Total costs subtotal 3 other apartmentsVVWBGES3SWCURR7
SUM3_SRCEA: Total costs subtotal 3 other roomsVVWBGES3SRCURR7
GESSUM_OWCEA: Total costs total public authority-supported apartmntsVVWBGESUOWCURR7
GESSUM_SWCEA: Total costs other apartments totalVVWBGESUSWCURR7
GESSUM_SRCEA: Total costs other rooms totalVVWBGESUSRCURR7
BAU_KAUFCEA: Total costs of property purchase price per M2VVWBGEBAKACURR7
BAU_VERKWCEA: Total costs of public value property per M2VVWBGEBAVECURR7
BAU_FLAECEA: Total costs property areaVVWBGEBAFLDEC5
BAU_KSUMCEA: Total property purchase price total costsVVWBGEBAKSCURR7
BAU_VSUMCEA: Total costs of public value propertyVVWBGEBAVSCURR7
BAU_ERWCEA: Total costs of purchasing propertyVVWBGEBAERCURR7
BAU_FREICEA: Total cost of clearing propertyVVWBGEBAFRCURR7
BAU_BAUPLCEA: Total costs erecting construction siteVVWBGEBABACURR7
ERS_OEFFCEA: Total costs of public developmentVVWBGEEROECURR7
ERS_NOEFFCEA: Total costs not public developmentVVWBGEERNOCURR7
ERS_ANDCEA: Total costs of other former costsVVWBGEERANCURR7
KOS_M3CEA: Total costs cubic volume in M3VVWBGEKOM3DEC5
KOS_BETM3CEA: Total costs cubic volume amount per M3VVWBGEKOBECURR7
PARK_ANZCEA: Total costs number of parking spacesVVWBGEPAANDEC3
PARK_BETRCEA: Total costs amount per parking spaceVVWBGEPABECURR7
AANL_EINFCEA: Total costs of fencing outside groundsVVWBGEAAEFCURR7
AANL_GELACEA: Total costs of outside ground care and maintenanceVVWBGEAAGECURR7
AANL_VERSCEA: Total costs for outside ground utility plantsVVWBGEAAVECURR7
AANL_WIRTCEA: Total costs outside grounds business objectsVVWBGEAAWICURR7
AANL_KUNSCEA: Total costs of outside ground decorationVVWBGEAAKUCURR7
AANL_SONDCEA: Total costs for outside grounds for special pur. groundVVWBGEAASDCURR7
AANL_VERKCEA: Total costs outside grounds public areaVVWBGEAAVKCURR7
AANL_GRUECEA: Total costs of outside ground green areasVVWBGEAAGRCURR7
AANL_SONSCEA: Total costs for outside grounds otherVVWBGEAASOCURR7
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