FVVI - R/3 appl.dev. for Financial Assets Management: Real estate

The development package FVVI contains objects for "R/3 appl.dev. for Financial Assets Management: Real estate".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package APPL. It belongs to software component RE.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package FVVI

BDSCHKF26BDS: File Name for Last Check-Out
BDSCHKO26BDS: Check Out Data for Physical Information Object
BDSCONT26BDS: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)
BDSLOIO26BDS: Instances of Logical Information Objects
BDSLOIOT26BDS: Descriptions of Logical Information Objects
BDSLOPR26BDS: Attribute Values of Logical Information Objects
BDSLORE26BDS: Outgoing Relationships of Logical Information Objects
BDSLORI26BDS: Incoming Relationships of Logical Information Objects
BDSPHF26BDS: Files of Physical Information Objects
BDSPHHR26BDS: Outgoing Hyperlinks from Physical Objects
BDSPHIO26BDS: Instances of Physical Information Objects
BDSPHNM26BDS: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Objects
BDSPHPR26BDS: Attributes of Physical Information Objects
BDSPHRE26BDS: Outgoing Relationships of Physical Information Objects
BDSPHRI26BDS: Incoming Relationships of Physical Information Objects
BDSRE26BDS: Relationship Instances
BDSREPR26BDS: Relationship Attributes
BDS_CONN26BDS: Link Table Default for Undefined Class
BPOBIMMOBusiness Partner - Object Relationship: Real Estate
IVBKIncidental expenses collector-Document header
IVBPLine Item (Settlement: Service Charge Collector) (Obsolete)
ONRIACalculation unit object number index
ONRIMRental unit object number index
ONRIVRental agreement item object number index
RFVIAUSZUGTest Data for RE Multicash Statement Data
RFVIBK01ABank Procedure Test Data - A-Record
RFVIBK01CBank Procedure Test Data - C-Record
RFVIBK01EBank Procedure Test Data: E-Record
RFVIBK01VBank Procedure Test Data - C-Record - File Extension
RFVIUMSATZTest Data for RE Multicash Sales Data
S401RE standard analysis partner
S402Business entities
S406Rental units
S407Rental agreements
S408Land registers
TDO6Land register type indicator
TDO6TText table for land registry indicator
TFINDSAPscript: Search and replace strings in text modules
TFIND2SAPscript: Search for strings, copy modules, replace in copy
TIANPMinimum amounts for adjustment of advance pmnts/flat-rates
TIK01Condition types additional data for DARWIN Real Estate
TIK02Condition categories
TIK03Condition type - Condition category allocation
TIK04Excluded condition types
TIK05Alternative reference areas for condition types
TIK0BTexts for terms types (TIK02)
TILG1Vacancy reason
TILGATexte TILG1 vacancy reasons
TIPA1FI-FVVI: Parameters for tenancy law and adjustment type
TIPABDarwin Real Est.: Comp.code-depend. parameters for rent adj.
TIPALRE: Tenancy Law/Country-Dependent Parameters for Rent Adj.
TIPARRent Adjustment: Rounding Parameters
TIPAZTable was replaced by TIPA1
TIPZBGeneral real estate installation parameters, co.cd.-depend.
TIPZZReal estate installation parameters, comp.code-independent
TIS01Control of business activities: Real estate depend. activit.
TIS02Real estate status control: Set status and subsequent status
TIV00Field status definitions for Real Estate object mgmt
TIV02Debit types
TIV04Repr.list of rents surcharge/reductions features
TIV05Definition of Service Charge Keys
TIV06Service Charge Key Attributes for each Tenancy Law
TIV07Apportionment unit ID
TIV08Area types
TIV09Room Types
TIV0GSettlement factor name
TIV0HTexts for TIV08 Area types
TIV0ITexts for TIV09 Room types
TIV100Real Estate direct input: Non-transferable fields
TIV11Adjustment Method for Rent Adjustments
TIV13Internal usage types for rental unit
TIV14Reasons for Adjustment Blocks
TIV15Regional management - no longer used
TIV17Darwin Real Estate: Storey names and storeys
TIV18Security deposit types
TIV19Repres.list of rents size classes
TIV1AText Table for TIV11 (Adjustment Method for Rent Adjustment)
TIV1CInternal usage types for rental unit: Texts
TIV1DReasons for adjustment blocks: Texts
TIV1RLanguage table for security deposit types view
TIV20Rep.list of rents master data
TIV21Building age classes
TIV22Representative list of rents location classes
TIV23Fixtures/Fittings Categories
TIV24Surch./Reduct. for each Charact.Category and Area Interval
TIV25Value table / Representative list of rents
TIV27Value Table for Lease-Out Adjustment Type
TIV28Corporate group type - Table no longer used
TIV29Combination of adjustment type - usage cat./ext. usage type
TIV2BLocation classes of representative list of rents - texts
TIV2CCharacteristics classes - Names
TIV2GText Table for Lease-Out Adjustment Type (TIV27)
TIV2JRepresentative list of rents master texts
TIV2TText table for debit types
TIV30Tenant service in a company
TIV31Occupancy obligation
TIV32Elevator installation types for rental units-no longer used
TIV34Water mains connection types
TIV39Reason for notice
TIV3AOccupancy commitment texts
TIV3BTexts for table TIV32: Types of elevator installation in RU
TIV3COut-of-date texts for TIV33: Media reception
TIV3DTexts for TIV34: Water mains connection types
TIV3IReason for notice texts
TIV41Lease-out notice rejection reason
TIV42Rental agreement offer status
TIV46Tax code for administration costs surcharge on IEA
TIV47Posting rules for owner settlement
TIV48Allocation of condition types to settlement factors
TIV4ARental agreement notice rejection reason texts
TIV4BRental agreement offer status texts
TIV53Accountancy firm fuel types
TIV55Key conversion fuel type DARWIN <-> Accountancy firm
TIV5DAccountancy firms fuel types - Texts
TIV60Real estate tax indicator
TIV61Source of credit information - Institution providing info.
TIV62Credit standing for real estate application
TIV63Reasons for input tax option
TIV64Periods of notice - replaced by TIVKUE2 and TIVKUE3
TIV66Surcharge/reduction reasons for expert opinion
TIV67Flow Types for Service Charge Key
TIV68Flow types/SCKey for vacancy with tenant serv. charge sett.
TIV69%-rates for index forwarding(depend.on tenancy law and loc.)
TIV6ANames of institutions supplying credit information
TIV6BCredit standing of real estate applicant - Texts
TIV6CReasons for input tax opting text table
TIV6FSurcharge/reduction types for expert report texts
TIV6TTIV60 Names
TIV70Surcharge/reduction categories
TIV70TSurch./reduction classes - Texts language-dep.
TIV71Fixtures and fittings characteristics
TIV72Fixtures and fittings objects
TIV73Characteristics of fixtures/fittings objects
TIV74Groups of fixture and fittings objects
TIV75Usage of heating days for heating costs settlement
TIV76Area types for each external usage type
TIV77Additional info. from SAP PS component per object type
TIV78Additional info. from SAP PM component per object type
TIV79Allocation of input tax correction accts in chart of accts
TIV7AFixture and fitting feature texts
TIV7BNames of fixtures and fittings objects
TIV7CDescriptions of fixture and fitting object characteristics
TIV7DNames of fixture and fitting object groups
TIV80Allocation of clearing accounts to cost accounts
TIV81Real estate object type - Status profile allocation
TIV82Allocate Cost Element Sets to RW Report Groups
TIV84Alloc.of non-ded.inp tax rev.acct to net rev.acct (SCS)
TIV85G/L acct/transaction category alloc. for down pmnts made
TIV86Allocation of periodic fee types to condition types
TIV87Allocation of calculation base for select.type/admin.cntrct
TIV88no longer used
TIV89CH Rent adjustment: Adjustment to changed mortgage rate int.
TIV8AAssignment Cost Type - Flow Type Directly Assigned Costs
TIV8ZAllocate Events Management Contract to Fee Types
TIV90Default-condition types for adjustment type
TIV91Internal fee types
TIV92External fee types
TIV93Calculation types for calculating fees
TIV94Calculation base for calculating fees
TIV95Selection types for calculating fees
TIV96Calculation forms for management contracts
TIV97Events For Management Contract
TIV98Default values for business entities
TIV99Allocation of Event-Oriented Fees to Transaction Types
TIV9AText table for internal fee types
TIV9BText table for external fee types
TIV9CText table for calculation types
TIV9DText table for calculation bases
TIV9EText table for selection types
TIV9FText table for calculation forms
TIV9GEvents for administration contracts text table
TIV9HDefault Value Texts for Business Entities
TIV9IRE: Owner POR Data (Switzerland)
TIV9JRE: Control Data for POR Clearing Entries (Switzerland)
TIVA1Allocat.of rounding differences from incid.exp. sttlmnt
TIVA5REst. objects for IMKEY (as from Rel.3.0) client-independant
TIVA6Table No Longer Used (Replaced by T001R)
TIVA7Definition of correspondence applications
TIVA7_CUST_FUNCCorresp.Applic.: Assigned FMs for Differ. Characteristics
TIVA7_HELP_INFODefinition of Correspondence Applications
TIVA7_SAP_FUNCCorresp.Applic.: Assigned FMs for Differ. Characteristics
TIVA8Correspondence/Letter assignment
TIVA9Land Register Sect. II Type of Charges and Restrictions
TIVAEReal est. objects for IMKEY, texts
TIVAFCorrespondence area texts
TIVAGRE authorization groups
TIVAGTText Table for TIVAG (RE Authorization Groups)
TIVAIText tab.land reg. Sect.II Type of charges and restrictions
TIVAJINDXCONIndex - Rebasing
TIVAR01RE: REse@rch - Object Category
TIVAR01TRE: REse@rch - Text Table for TIVAR01
TIVAR02RE: REse@rch - Group of a Rental Object
TIVAR02TRE: REse@rch - Text Table for TIVAR02
TIVAR03RE: REse@rch - Characteristics
TIVAR03TRE: REse@rch - Text Table for TIVAR03
TIVAR04RE: REse@rch - Type of Parking Space for RE Object
TIVAR04TRE: REse@rch - Text Table for TIVAR04T
TIVAR05RE: REse@rch - District Location (Rental Request)
TIVAR05TRE: REse@rch - Text Table for TIVAR05
TIVAR06RE: REse@rch - Transport Connection
TIVAR06TRE: REse@rch - Text Table for TIVAR06
TIVAR1Real Estate archiving residence times
TIVAR2Executed Real Estate archiving
TIVAR99Application: Fields Status Control with Category Criterium
TIVB1Day shift
TIVB2Correspondence application - Correspondence activity alloc.
TIVB4Print control classes fix./fitting charact.
TIVB5Default Values for Selection acc. to Status of Object
TIVB7Priority for accommodation entitlement certificate
TIVB8Accomm.entitlemnt certif.: Special groups of people
TIVB9Additional information for accomm.entitlemnt certif.
TIVBADay shift (text for TIVB1)
TIVBDPrint control classes fix./fitting charact. (texts)
TIVBGLevel of priority for certificate of entitlement - texts
TIVBHAccomm.entitlement cert.: Special groups of people - Texts
TIVBIAdditional information for accomm.entitlement certificate
TIVC1Rental Request: Processing Indicator
TIVC2Rental Request: Preselection Indicator
TIVC3Rental Request Processing Status
TIVC5RE: Determine Factors for Account Determination
TIVC6Account Determination Key 4 for Lease-Out Accnt Determ.
TIVC7Accnt determination key for management ctrct accnt determ.
TIVC8Definition of bank procedure for tenant
TIVC9Bank procedure
TIVC9TBank procedure
TIVCAApplication: Processing indicator (text table)
TIVCBApplication: Preselection indicator (text table)
TIVCCApplication: Preselection indicator (text table)
TIVCFAccnt Determ. Key 4 for Lease-Out Accnt Det. - Texts
TIVCGAccnt determ. key 2 for mgt contract accnt det. - Texts
TIVCN02TResubmission - Text Table for TIVCN02
TIVCN03TResubmission - Text Table for TIVCN03
TIVCORRGRPDefinition of Correspondence Group
TIVCORRGRPDTLSCorresp.Group: Assignment of Corr.Applic. and Corr.Activity
TIVCORRGRPTCorrespondence Group Name
TIVCPOI02Partner Assignment in the Includes of the OI Print Structure
TIVFIRevenue elements for RE debit-side advance payments
TIVKATEDefinition of Categories
TIVKATETDefinition of Categories: Text Tables
TIVKUE1Basic table for periods of notice
TIVKUE2Period regulation - periods of notice
TIVKUE2VNotice Periods for Period Regulation - Tenant View
TIVKUE3Deadline regulation - periods of notice
TIVKUE3VNotice Periods for Deadline Regulation - Tenant View
TIVM1RA: Rent Adjustment Reasons
TIVM2RA: Permitted Adjustment Methods for Each LO Adjustment Type
TIVM3RA: Permitted Condition Types for Each Adjustment Method
TIVM4RADJ: Reservations for Rent Adjustment Approval
TIVM4TRA: Text Table for TIVM4
TIVM5RA: Reasons for Rejecting a Rent Adjustment
TIVM5TRA: Text Tables for TIVM5
TIVM6RA: Rent Adjustment Reminder - CA for Reminder Proc./Level
TIVM7RA: Reminder Procedure for Rent Adjustment
TIVM7TRA: Text Table for TIVM7
TIVM8Logical Database Select Options Used
TIVMARA: Text Table for TIVM1
TIVN2Defaults for Settlement Participation of Condition Type
TIVO1Rent Adjustment: Variables for RLR Control Table
TIVO1TRent Adjustment: Variables for RRL Substitution (Texts)
TIVO2Rent Adjustment: Control Table for RRP Adjustment
TIVP1Acquisition From Where (Application, Rental Agreement)
TIVP1TSource of Prospect
TIVP2Acquisition Reason (Application, Rental Agreement)
TIVP2TAcquisition Reason (Text Table)
TIVP3Partner Acquisition: Why?
TIVP3TPartner Acquisition: Why? (Text Table)
TIVPFRE default settlement profile per object type
TIVRCTYPCORRGRPDefault Correspondence Group for Rental Agreement Type
TIVROZ01IPD: Classification of participant
TIVROZ02IPD: Ownership structure
TIVROZ03IPD: Type of retail trade object
TIVROZ04IPD: Region (only for usage type office > 50%)
TIVROZ05IPD: Office type
TIVROZ06IPD: Commercial object type
TIVROZ07IPD: Location of commercial object
TIVROZ08IPD: Link to commercial object
TIVROZ09IPD: Type of resid. object (only for usage type apart.> 50%)
TIVROZ0AIPD: Classification of participant
TIVROZ0BIPD: Ownership structure
TIVROZ0CIPD: Type of retail trade object
TIVROZ0DIPD: Type of retail trade object
TIVROZ0EIPD: Type of retail trade object
TIVROZ0FIPD: Commercial object type
TIVROZ0GIPD: Commercial object type
TIVROZ0HIPD: Link to commercial object
TIVROZ0IIPD: Type of resid. object (only for usage type apart.> 50%)
TIVROZ10IPD: Rent category (only for usage type apartment > 50%)
TIVROZ11IPD: Valuation method
TIVROZ1AIPD: Type of resid. object (only for usage type apart.> 50%)
TIVROZ1BIPD: Valuation method
TIVS1Validation dates / logical field groups
TIVSAName of logical field groups (Real Estate)
TIVSBSubstitution for Real Estate Management / Company code
TIVSKZ2UEConversion of Statistical Key Figures for Apportionment Unit
TIVT033Validat.Table for Acct Determin. "for Acct to be Replaced"
TIVT5Incidental expenses key text
TIVTAXAssignment of Acquisition Tax Indicator
TIVTAXSCS_CZTax Code for SSC Receivable Dependent on Cost Element (CZ)
TIVVAValidation for Real Esate Management / Company code
TIVWA1Status of Apartment Inspection
TIVWA1TStatus of Apartment Inspection
TIVWEB01RE: Web Link - Buttons/Link for Navigation Bars
TIVWEB01TRE: Web Link - Text Table for TIVWEB01
TIVWEB02RE: Web Link - Control F1Bs for Program
TIV_OB_SETTINGSSettings for RE Object Browser
TIV_OB_WORKLISTTable for Saving the List with Work Lists
TP14Business Partner: Address ID
TTXBFTCorrespondence Interface: Definition of Letter Categories
TTXBRSAPscript: Letter list for search strings in text modules
TVIRPReports for printing letters in DARWIN-Real Estate
TVROAAllocation of roles to partner / screen control
TVZ05BProcessing type for internal transaction (account statement)
TVZ05BTProcessing type for internal trans. (acct statement) texts
TW12BRelationship table TW12 - RANTYP
TZB0CFlow category texts
TZE01Incoming Payment: Order of Evaluation Criteria
TZE02Incoming Payments: Evaluation Criteria
TZE03Incoming payments: Allocation table
TZE04Incoming payments: Name of user-specific structure
TZE0BIncoming payments: Organizational criteria texts
TZK01Condition types
TZK02Condition group, condition group - condition type allocation
TZK03Alloc.of VZZKOPO fields to field string items(MODIFY SCREEN)
TZK06Documentation key for condition type-dependent documentation
TZK09Relationship between condition types
TZK0ACondition type texts (Table TZK01)
TZK0FText table for documentation key (TZK06)
TZR1Convert Roles between Applications
TZR4Allocation of external roles to various application areas
TZS01Screen control: Possible control fields per module pool
TZS02Screen control: Field val.-specific cntrl customer setting
TZS03Screen control: Field val.-specific control default values
TZS12Sort strings for object
TZS13Real estate objects acct settlement profile proposal
TZTXTS01Word processing: Form letters
TZV10Entity table for address category
TZW01TText table for TZW01 Application areas for resubmission
TZW02User <-> Determine message
VIAK01History of acct settlement runs
VIAK02Settlement Participation for Service Charge Settlement
VIAK03Settlement Unit Master Record
VIAK04Allocation of Settlement Variants to Settlement Unit
VIAK05Allocation of rental units to calculation unit
VIAK06Calculation unit relations
VIAK07Calculation unit option rate
VIAK08DME Settlement Units Master Data
VIAK09Assignment of Heating Systems to Calculation Units
VIAK10Fuel quantity on meter reading key-date
VIAK11Inclusion of acct settlement results from D-tape
VIAK12Acct settlement error log
VIAK13Apportionment Result for List Evaluation (SCSettlement)
VIAK14RA credit memo/receivable:now only used as structure!
VIAK16SCS: Identification Of Settlement With Log Reference
VIAK17Interface for settlement / transfer of advance payments
VIAK18Management fee surcharge for service charges settlement
VIAK19Costs Directly Assigned to Lease-Out
VIAK20RA credit memo/receivable (incid.exp.sttlmnt created)
VIAK21Split settlement factors for settlement variant
VIAK22Heat.oil supply
VIAK22THeat.oil supply texts
VIAK23Service charges settlement: Participatn ID (set of part.RUs)
VIAK24Service charges settlement: Allocate RU to set of part. RUs
VIAK25Cost collector for SU (per settlement period)
VIAK26Master Settlement Unit: Participating Settlement Units
VIAKBKPFDocument Header from Service Charge Settlement for Interface
VIAKBSEGDocument Line Item from SCS for Interface
VIAKT5Rental units allocation ID
VIAKUVSales settlement histories
VIAR01RE: REse@rch - Offered RE Objects
VIAR02RE: REse@rch - RE Requests
VIAR03RE: REsearch - Offering/Searching Party (Web User)
VIARMVKey for archived lease-outs
VIAROBJArchived real estate objects
VIBEAGOutflows for correction items
VIBEAMAllocate assets to correction items
VIBEBECorrection items for input tax treatment
VIBEMEAssign rental units to correction items
VIBEOSOption/composite rates for correction items
VIBEPPFlow data - Planned items for real estate management
VIDOCSReference Table for Real Estate Documents
VIEA01Cost elements for owner
VIEA02Allocation of costs elements to owner cost elements
VIEA03Administration information: Objects of owner settlement
VIEA05Owner acct settlement: Settlement identification
VIEA06Management information: Owner for owner settlement
VIEIGEOwners of real estate objects
VIEIGTOLD, replaced by VIEIGE in 3.0
VIEPOSLine items for correction items
VIGB2AChanges in section 2 of land register
VIGB3AChanges / deletions in section 3 of land register
VIGBA1Section 1 of land register
VIGBA2Section 2 of land register
VIGBA3Section 3 of land register
VIGBFLSParcels of land for property
VIGBSTDReal estate register of land register
VIGBUCHLand register
VIGBZABAppreciations/deprecations for land register list
VIKOKOReal Estate condition header
VIMI01Rental unit - Master data
VIMI02Fixtures and Fittings Characteristics of a Rental Unit
VIMI03Occupancy type history for rental unit
VIMI04Old. replaced in 3.0 with VIMIMV
VIMI05Characteristics per rental request
VIMI07Reported Sales for Sales-Based Lease-Out
VIMI08Apportionment units per rental unit
VIMI09Graded Lease-Out
VIMI10Rental agreement additional text
VIMI11Applications - Real Estate Management
VIMI12Rental requests in an application
VIMI13Co-applicant - Leasing
VIMI14RA: Adjustment block for terms types
VIMI15Comparative group header data
VIMI16RE: Records of a Rent Adjustment Run
VIMI17RE: Adjustment Run Header
VIMI18Rent Adjustment History for Lease-Out
VIMI19Fixt. + fitt. features for external comparative apartments
VIMI20Compar.accommod.:Assign RU or ext. comp.aprtmnt to accommod.
VIMI21Alloc. rental unit - comparative accomm. for rent adjustment
VIMI22Assignment / Rental unit - rental request offers
VIMI23Determination of Year and Percent for Sls-Bsd LO
VIMI24Percentage for Sales for Sales-Based Lease-Out
VIMI25Sales reports
VIMI26Notice of rental agreement
VIMI27Modernization Measure
VIMI28Sales settlement histories
VIMI29Maintenance orders - Modernization measure allocation
VIMI30Allocation of WBS elements to modernization measure
VIMI31Allocation of rental units to modernization measure
VIMI32Other collateral
VIMI33Offers for a rental unit (-> VIMIMV)
VIMI34Determine year and percent for sales-based agreement (offer)
VIMI35Percent for sales for sales-based rental agrmnt (offer)
VIMI36Index-Linked Lease-Out Offer
VIMI37RA offer: Adjustment block for term types
VIMI38Cost centers (RU / LO) Real Estate
VIMI39Tenant change; data for apartment inspection
VIMI40Tenant change: Data on release of rental deposits
VIMI41Expert opinion on rent adjustment
VIMI42Markup/markdown on expert opinion
VIMI43Allocation of expert opinion to rental units
VIMI44OLD, replaced by VIMI54 for 3.0
VIMI45OLD, replaced by VIMI55 for 3.0
VIMI46OLD, replaced by VIMI56 for 3.0
VIMI47Tenant change: Alloc.of maint.orders to sec.deposit release
VIMI54Real Estate: Time-dependent adjustment data
VIMI55Index Data for Lease-Out (Time-Dependent)
VIMI56LO: Adjustment Block for Condition Types
VIMIEVSupplementary lease-outs
VIMIIHInvoice Header
VIMIIPInvoice Items
VIMIK1RA Periods of notice: Period regulation
VIMIK2RA periods of notice: Deadline regulation
VIMIMEHEADRE: Header Data for MIME Object
VIMIMELINERE: Data Lines of a MIME object
VIMIMVKATEText Module in Dependence of Category and Rental Agreement
VIMIRAInstalments for Lease-Out
VIMIRDLog for Real Estate invoice print
VIMITHRental agreement number and doc.number for printing invoices
VIMIUHSales-Based LO: Contractual Sales Lease-Outs Header
VIMIUISales-Based Grading Lease-Out Items
VIMIWBAccomm.entitlement certif. for application and LO
VIOB01Business entities
VIOB02Property master data
VIOB03Real estate building master
VIOB04Buildings: Fixtures and fittings characteristics
VIOB05Building option rate
VIOB06Property option rate
VIOB07Business entity option rate
VIOB09Areas for each Rental Unit (Obsolete)
VIOB10Number of rooms per rental unit
VIOB11Assignment of rooms to rental units
VIOB12Areas per rental request
VIOB13No. of rooms per rental request
VIOB14Areas for Building (Obsolete)
VIOB15Areas for properties
VIOB17Rent request: Locations
VIOB18Comparative apartments for rent adjustment, external accomm.
VIOB19Rent request: Storey table upto 15.07.94
VIOB20Fixtures and fittings objects for building
VIOB21Fixtures and fittings objects for room
VIOB23Area per room
VIOB24Rental units per usage type (plan)
VIOB27Relationship between properties and buildings
VIOB28OLD, replaced by VIOB39 for 3.0
VIOB29OLD, replaced by VIOB39 for 3.0
VIOB30Rent request: Storey table
VIOB35Productive Holdings
VIOB37Relationship between real estate objects and SAP-FI-AA
VIOB38Relationship between Real Estate objects and SAP-PS
VIOB39Relationship between Real Estate objects and SAP-PM
VIOB40Time-dependent areas of real estate obj.: Newest entry
VIOB41History of time-dependent areas of real estate objects
VIOBOVAssignment Table for Real Estate to Standard Objects
VIROZReal Estate: IPD reporting additional fields
VIRPALV0ALV: Used Database Tables
VIRPALV1ALV: Used Fields and Sources
VIRPALV2ALV: Selection Criteria
VIRPALV3ALV: Data Table Allocation to Object Table
VIRPALV4ALV: Text Table and Domains
VIRPALV5ALV: Text Table Fields
VIRPALV6ALV: Field Catalog Modifications
VIRPS406Rental units
VIRPS407Rental agreements
VISLIDDebit position history
VITAXALine items for correction items
VITAXDTax Shares per Real Estate Account Assignment
VITAXROutflows for correction items
VITAXUTax transfer posting for advance payments with jurisdiction
VITXTRE: Correspondence - Company Code Standard Text
VIVSTBDocument reference for input tax treatment
VIVSTIInput tax treatment interface: Records not yet updated
VIVW01Management contract: General data
VIVW02Management contract: Periodic fee types
VIVW03Management contract: Calculation forms with selections
VIVW04Management contract: Settlement periods for fee types
VIVW05Management contract: Managed objects
VIVW06Management contract: Event-driven fee types
VIVW07Allocation periods: Real estate obj. to management contract
VIVW08Events for management contracts
VIVW09Postings for management costs settlements
VIVW10Interface prop.man.settlement/transfer advance payments
VIWEGBRelation table between buildings and assets
VIWEGRRelation table between property and assets
VIWI01Cost Efficiency Analysis Total Costs
VIWI02Cost Efficiency Analysis Finance Plan
VIWI03Cost Efficiency Analysis Current Expenditure
VIWI04Cost Efficiency Analysis Average Rent/Charges
VIWI05Cost Efficiency Analysis Current Expenditure
VIWIGKCost Efficiency Analysis Total Costs
VIWIRTCost Efficiency Analysis Basic Table
VIWIV1Simplified CEA: Property and Building Description
VIWIV2Simplified CEA: Calculation of Total Costs
VIWIV3Simplified CEA: Finance Plan Outside Funds
VIWIV4Simplified CEA: Finance Plan Internal Activities
VIZA01Meter for incidental expenses consumption
VIZA02Meter readings from incid.expenses consumption meters
VIZNKOAssignment RE Object <-> Account Assignment ID
VIZNRNAssignment: Real Estate numbers <-> IMKEY <-> INTRENO
VVNOPTRE Transfer Table Option Rates
VVNVSTBELegacy Data Transfer: Transf.Table Input Tax Correct. Values
VZWDVLBuffer for sends within Financial Assets Management
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