VIWIGK - Cost Efficiency Analysis Total Costs
Cost Efficiency Analysis Total Costs information is stored in SAP table VIWIGK.
It is part of development package FVVI in software component RE. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "R/3 for Financial Assets Management: Real estate".
It is part of development package FVVI in software component RE. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "R/3 for Financial Assets Management: Real estate".
Fields for table VIWIGK
Field Name | Description | Is Key | Data Element | Data Type | Length | Check Table |
MANDT | Client | X | MANDT | CLNT | 3 | * |
BUKRS | Company Code | X | BUKRS | CHAR | 4 | * |
SWENR | Business Entity Number | X | SWENR | CHAR | 8 | * |
DATUM | Date of Cost Efficiency Analysis | X | VVWBDAT | DATS | 8 | |
GRUND_GES | CEA: Total costs for total property value | VVWBGEBBGE | CURR | 7 | ||
GRUND_OW | Cost efficiency analysis: Total costs value property PA ap. | VVWBGEBBOW | CURR | 7 | ||
GRUND_SW | Cost efficiency analysis: Total costs value prop. other ap. | VVWBGEBBSW | CURR | 7 | ||
GRUND_SR | Cost efficiency analysis: Total value property other rooms | VVWBGEBBSR | CURR | 7 | ||
ERWERB_GES | CEA: Total costs purchasing costs total | VVWBGEKBGE | CURR | 7 | ||
ERWERB_OW | CEA: Total costs purchase costs apartm. | VVWBGEKBOW | CURR | 7 | ||
ERWERB_SW | CEA: Total costs purchase costs other apartments | VVWBGEKBSW | CURR | 7 | ||
ERWERB_SR | CEA: Total costs purchase costs other apartments | VVWBGEKBSR | CURR | 7 | ||
ERSCHL_GES | CEA: Total costs development costs total | VVWBGERBGE | CURR | 7 | ||
ERSCHL_OW | CEA: Total costs development costs apart. | VVWBGERBOW | CURR | 7 | ||
ERSCHL_SW | CEA: Total costs development costs other apartments | VVWBGERBSW | CURR | 7 | ||
ERSCHL_SR | CEA: Total costs development costs other rooms | VVWBGERBSR | CURR | 7 | ||
SUM1_GES | CEA: Total costs subtotal 1 total | VVWBGES1GE | CURR | 7 | ||
SUM1_OW | CEA: Total costs subtotal 1 public authority-funded apartmnt | VVWBGES1OW | CURR | 7 | ||
SUM1_SW | CEA: Total costs subtotal 1 other flats | VVWBGES1SW | CURR | 7 | ||
SUM1_SR | CEA: Total costs subtotal 1 other rooms | VVWBGES1SR | CURR | 7 | ||
BAUKOT_GES | Cost efficiency analysis: Total costs constr. work | VVWBGEKTGE | CURR | 7 | ||
BAUKOT_OW | Cost efficiency analysis: Total costs constr. work subs. ap | VVWBGEKTOW | CURR | 7 | ||
BAUKOT_SW | Cost efficiency analysis: Total costs const. work other ap. | VVWBGEKTSW | CURR | 7 | ||
BAUKOT_SR | Cost efficiency analysis:Total costs constr. work other room | VVWBGEKTSR | CURR | 7 | ||
BAUKOG_GES | Cost efficiency analysis: Total costs of construction | VVWBGEKGGE | CURR | 7 | ||
BAUKOG_OW | Cost efficiency analysis: Total costs of constr. PA ap. | VVWBGEKGOW | CURR | 7 | ||
BAUKOG_SW | CEA: Total costs construction expenses other apartments | VVWBGEKGSW | CURR | 7 | ||
BAUKOG_SR | Cost efficiency analysis: Total costs constr. other rooms | VVWBGEKGSR | CURR | 7 | ||
BAUKOA_GES | CEA: Total costs technical equipment total | VVWBGEKAGE | CURR | 7 | ||
BAUKOA_OW | CEA: Total costs technical equipment Pub.auth.sub.apartmnt | VVWBGEKAOW | CURR | 7 | ||
BAUKOA_SW | CEA: Total costs technical equipment Other apartments | VVWBGEKASW | CURR | 7 | ||
BAUKOA_SR | CEA: Total costs technical equipment Other rooms | VVWBGEKASR | CURR | 7 | ||
BAUKOB_GES | Cost efficiency analysis: Total costs of execution | VVWBGEKXGE | CURR | 7 | ||
BAUKOB_OW | Cost efficiency analysis: Total costs execution subs. ap. | VVWBGEKXOW | CURR | 7 | ||
BAUKOB_SW | Cost efficiency analysis: Total costs of execution other ap. | VVWBGEKXSW | CURR | 7 | ||
BAUKOB_SR | Cost efficiency analysis:Total costs of execution other room | VVWBGEKXSR | CURR | 7 | ||
GERAET_GES | CEA: Total costs equipment total | VVWBGEGBGE | CURR | 7 | ||
GERAET_OW | CEA: Total costs equipment public author.supported accomm. | VVWBGEGBOW | CURR | 7 | ||
GERAET_SW | CEA: Total costs equipment other apartments | VVWBGEGBSW | CURR | 7 | ||
GERAET_SR | CEA: Total costs equipment other rooms | VVWBGEGBSR | CURR | 7 | ||
AUSSEN_GES | Cost efficiency analysis: Total costs outside grounds | VVWBGEABGE | CURR | 7 | ||
AUSSEN_OW | Cost efficiency analysis: Total costs outside gr. PA apart. | VVWBGEABOW | CURR | 7 | ||
AUSSEN_SW | Cost efficiency analysis: Total costs outside gr. other ap. | VVWBGEABSW | CURR | 7 | ||
AUSSEN_SR | Cost efficiency analysis: Total costs outs. gr. other rooms | VVWBGEABSR | CURR | 7 | ||
NEBENA_GES | Cost efficiency analysis: construction incid. costs arch. | VVWBGEN1GE | CURR | 7 | ||
NEBENA_OW | Cost efficiency analysis: Construction incid. costs pub. ap | VVWBGEN1OW | CURR | 7 | ||
NEBENA_SW | Cost efficiency analysis: Constr. incid. costs other apart. | VVWBGEN1SW | CURR | 7 | ||
NEBENA_SR | Cost efficiency analysis: Constr. incid. costs other rooms | VVWBGEN1SR | CURR | 7 | ||
NEBENV_GES | Cost efficiency analysis: construction incid. costs arch. | VVWBGEN2GE | CURR | 7 | ||
NEBENV_OW | Cost efficiency analysis: Construction incid. costs pub. ap | VVWBGEN2OW | CURR | 7 | ||
NEBENV_SW | Cost efficiency analysis: Constr. incid. costs other apart. | VVWBGEN2SW | CURR | 7 | ||
NEBENV_SR | Cost efficiency analysis: Constr. incid. costs other rooms | VVWBGEN2SR | CURR | 7 | ||
NEBENB_GES | Cost efficiency analysis: construction incid. costs arch. | VVWBGEN3GE | CURR | 7 | ||
NEBENB_OW | Cost efficiency analysis: Construction incid. costs pub. ap | VVWBGEN3OW | CURR | 7 | ||
NEBENB_SW | Cost efficiency analysis: Constr. incid. costs other apart. | VVWBGEN3SW | CURR | 7 | ||
NEBENB_SR | Cost efficiency analysis: Constr. incid. costs other rooms | VVWBGEN3SR | CURR | 7 | ||
NEBENK_GES | Cost efficiency analysis: construction incid. costs arch. | VVWBGEN4GE | CURR | 7 | ||
NEBENK_OW | Cost efficiency analysis: Construction incid. costs pub. ap | VVWBGEN4OW | CURR | 7 | ||
NEBENK_SW | Cost efficiency analysis: Constr. incid. costs other apart. | VVWBGEN4SW | CURR | 7 | ||
NEBENK_SR | Cost efficiency analysis: Constr. incid. costs other rooms | VVWBGEN4SR | CURR | 7 | ||
NEBENF_GES | Cost efficiency analysis: construction incid. costs arch. | VVWBGEN5GE | CURR | 7 | ||
NEBENF_OW | Cost efficiency analysis: constr. incid. costs pub. apartm. | VVWBGEN5OW | CURR | 7 | ||
NEBENF_SW | Cost efficiency analysis: Constr. incid. costs other apart. | VVWBGEN5SW | CURR | 7 | ||
NEBENF_SR | Cost efficiency analysis: Constr. incid. costs other rooms | VVWBGEN5SR | CURR | 7 | ||
NEBENS_GES | Cost efficiency analysis: construction incid. costs arch. | VVWBGEN6GE | CURR | 7 | ||
NEBENS_OW | Cost efficiency analysis: Construction incid. costs pub. ap | VVWBGEN6OW | CURR | 7 | ||
NEBENS_SW | Cost efficiency analysis: Constr. incid. costs other apart. | VVWBGEN6SW | CURR | 7 | ||
NEBENS_SR | Cost efficiency analysis: Constr. incid. costs other rooms | VVWBGEN6SR | CURR | 7 | ||
SUM2_GES | Cost efficiency calculation: Total costs subtotal 2 total | VVWBGES2GE | CURR | 7 | ||
SUM2_OW | CEA: Total costs subtotal 2 public authority-funded apartmnt | VVWBGES2OW | CURR | 7 | ||
SUM2_SW | CEA: Total costs subtotal 2 other apartments | VVWBGES2SW | CURR | 7 | ||
SUM2_SR | CEA: Total costs subtotal 2 other rooms | VVWBGES2SR | CURR | 7 | ||
PARKPL_GES | Cost efficiency analysis: Total costs parking space | VVWBGEE1GE | CURR | 7 | ||
PARKPL_OW | Cost efficiency analysis: Total costs parking space PA ap. | VVWBGEE1OW | CURR | 7 | ||
PARKPL_SW | CEA: Total costs parking space other apartment | VVWBGEE1SW | CURR | 7 | ||
PARKPL_SR | CEA: Total costs parking space other room | VVWBGEE1SR | CURR | 7 | ||
SUM3_GES | CEA: Total costs subtotal 3 total | VVWBGES3GE | CURR | 7 | ||
SUM3_OW | CEA: Total costs subtotal 3 public authority-funded apartmnt | VVWBGES3OW | CURR | 7 | ||
SUM3_SW | CEA: Total costs subtotal 3 other apartments | VVWBGES3SW | CURR | 7 | ||
SUM3_SR | CEA: Total costs subtotal 3 other rooms | VVWBGES3SR | CURR | 7 | ||
GESSUM_GES | CEA: Total costs total | VVWBGESUGE | CURR | 7 | ||
GESSUM_OW | CEA: Total costs total public authority-supported apartmnts | VVWBGESUOW | CURR | 7 | ||
GESSUM_SW | CEA: Total costs other apartments total | VVWBGESUSW | CURR | 7 | ||
GESSUM_SR | CEA: Total costs other rooms total | VVWBGESUSR | CURR | 7 | ||
BAU_KAUF | CEA: Total costs of property purchase price per M2 | VVWBGEBAKA | CURR | 7 | ||
BAU_VERKW | CEA: Total costs of public value property per M2 | VVWBGEBAVE | CURR | 7 | ||
BAU_FLAE | CEA: Total costs property area | VVWBGEBAFL | DEC | 5 | ||
BAU_KSUM | CEA: Total property purchase price total costs | VVWBGEBAKS | CURR | 7 | ||
BAU_VSUM | CEA: Total costs of public value property | VVWBGEBAVS | CURR | 7 | ||
BAU_ERW | CEA: Total costs of purchasing property | VVWBGEBAER | CURR | 7 | ||
BAU_FREI | CEA: Total cost of clearing property | VVWBGEBAFR | CURR | 7 | ||
BAU_BAUPL | CEA: Total costs erecting construction site | VVWBGEBABA | CURR | 7 | ||
ERS_OEFF | CEA: Total costs of public development | VVWBGEEROE | CURR | 7 | ||
ERS_NOEFF | CEA: Total costs not public development | VVWBGEERNO | CURR | 7 | ||
ERS_AND | CEA: Total costs of other former costs | VVWBGEERAN | CURR | 7 | ||
KOS_M3 | CEA: Total costs cubic volume in M3 | VVWBGEKOM3 | DEC | 5 | ||
KOS_BETM3 | CEA: Total costs cubic volume amount per M3 | VVWBGEKOBE | CURR | 7 | ||
PARK_ANZ | CEA: Total costs number of parking spaces | VVWBGEPAAN | DEC | 3 | ||
PARK_BETR | CEA: Total costs amount per parking space | VVWBGEPABE | CURR | 7 |