FPBEG - Start date of payroll period (FOR period)

SAP data element FPBEG has the title "Start date of payroll period (FOR period)".
It is part of development package PCAL in software component PY-XX. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "SAP HR Payroll Application Development".

Properties of data element FPBEG

Data TypeDATS
Output Length10
Supports lower caseNo
Conversion Routine
Short DescriptionStart/FP
Medium DescriptionFOR per.start
Long DescriptionFOR period start date

Tables with fields of type FPBEG

The data element FPBEG is used by fields in the following tables.

Development Package
HRPADNLP_P2RX_VRPayroll Status InformationPAOC_PAY_NL_PENSAdd-On Payroll Development: - Netherlands (Pensions)
HRPAYAR_D_F931FF931 file tablePC29Argentina
T5Q_STP_EESTP table - Payee DetailsPC13HR accounting: Australia
P2BR_OVUNPCredits and debitsPC37HR settlement: Brazil
P2CN_CNREIPayroll result: structure for retro difference detailsPC28HR accounting: China
P2CN_CNREOPayroll result: structure for retro difference detailsPC28HR accounting: China
T5EC1Directory of payroll results used in the lagged periodPC04HR Payroll: Spain
T7FILISTable for Low Income Support StatementPC44HR accounting: Finland
T5FDSNAB_FRTemp table for PAYFR_RESULT-AB_FRP06_DSNPackage for Nominative Social Declaration (DSN)
T5FDSNACTITemp table for PAYFR_RESULT-ACTIP06_DSNPackage for Nominative Social Declaration (DSN)
T5FDSNCPENTemp table for PAYFR_RESULT-CPENP06_DSNPackage for Nominative Social Declaration (DSN)
T5FDSNCPPTemp table for PAYFR_RESULT-CPPP06_DSNPackage for Nominative Social Declaration (DSN)
T5FDSNCTTemp table for PAYFR_RESULT-CTP06_DSNPackage for Nominative Social Declaration (DSN)
T5FDSNCTT_ENDTemp table for PAYFR_RESULT-CTT_ENDPC06HR Payroll: France
T5FDSNCUMCOCumulated declared contributions tablePC06HR Payroll: France
T5FDSNFDTemp table for PAYFR_RESULT-FDPC06HR Payroll: France
T5FDSNFPERSTemp table for PAYFR_RESULT-FPERSPC06HR Payroll: France
T5FDSNPASTemp table for PAYFR_RESULT-PASPC06HR Payroll: France
T5FDSNPAYMTemp table for PAYFR_RESULT-PAYMP06_DSNPackage for Nominative Social Declaration (DSN)
T5FDSNPNPSELTable for extended personnel number selection in DSNPC06HR Payroll: France
T5FDSNREMTemp table for PAYFR_RESULT-REMP06_DSNPackage for Nominative Social Declaration (DSN)
T5FDSNRETAXTemp table for PAYFR_RESULT-RETAXPC06HR Payroll: France
T5FDSNTHERATemp table for PAYFR_RESULT-THERAP06_DSNPackage for Nominative Social Declaration (DSN)
T77PAYKZBTBank Transfer Table Image (BTKZ)PCKZHR accounting: Kazakhstan
T7NZPDPY-NZ : Pay Date SchedulePC43HR accounting: New Zealand
HRPY_RGDIRDirectory for Payroll ResultsPCALSAP HR Payroll Application Development
HRPY_RGDIR_TEMPInternal TEMPORARY Directory for Payroll ResultsPCALSAP HR Payroll Application Development
T558BPayroll Account Transfer: Payroll PeriodsPCALSAP HR Payroll Application Development
T5UOTTax Services: Terminations and InactivesPOUTGeneric Outsourcing - International
P2RX_VERSCPayroll Status InformationPCDCTHR Declustering Tools
HRDCT_TPY_RGDIRDeclustering - Directory for Test Payroll ResultsPCTRRESTransparent Payroll Results: Environment
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