CK - R/3 Application Development: PP Product Costing

The development package CK contains objects for "R/3 Application Development: PP Product Costing".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package APPL. It belongs to software component CO-PC-PCP.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package CK

CKCMCosting Model
CKCMCT_TRCharacteristics of a Costing Model - Texts
CKCMC_TRCharacteristics of a Costing Model (Transportable)
CKCMTName for the Costing Model
CKCMT_TRName of the Costing Model (Transportable)
CKCM_TRCosting Model (Transportable)
CKHSHeader: Unit Costing (Control + Totals)
CKHTTexts for CKHS
CKIPUnit Costing: Period Costs Line Item
CKISItems Unit Costing/Itemization Product Costing
CKITTexts for CKIS
CKLAYOUTUser Settings for Layout of Cost Estimate
CKSDI_COSTRUN_HDCosting Run for Sales Order Items in Parallel Valuation
CKSDI_COSTRUN_ITItems of Costing Run
CKSDI_COSTRUN_WLWorklist for Costing Run Sales Order
KALACosting Run: General Data/Parameters
KALAMATCON1Selection List for Costing Run
KALAMATCON2Selection List for Costing Run: Material List
KALAUSERUser-Dependent Settings for Costing Run
KALDCosting Run: Low-Level Codes
KALFCosting Run: Error Log Header
KALMCosting Run: Costing Objects
KALOCosting Run: Costing Objects (KVMK)
KALSCosting Run: Costing Levels
KALSTATCosting Run: Statistical Info for Separate Steps
KALVCosting Run: Costing Variants
KEKOProduct Costing - Header Data
KEPHProduct Costing: Cost Components for Cost of Goods Mfd
KINXMarking Table for Completed Actions
KNKOAssignment of Cost Est. Number to Config. Object
KNOBAssignment of Cost Est. Number to Config. Object
KUSEProd.Cstg: User-Specific Settings (Depends on Cstg Variant)
MAKABuffer Table for MiniApps of the Costing
SMCOPCPCPCO-PC-PCP Data in Monitor (see Schedman_specific_copc_pcp)
TCK18Deactivating Functions in Screen Sequence Control
TCK21CO Object Functions
TCK33Assignment of Condition Types to Origin Group
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