CNVS - R/3 Application development: Version Management

The development package CNVS contains objects for "R/3 Application development: Version Management".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package APPL. It belongs to software component PS-SIM.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package CNVS

PROJVS_ENQBlock key project (project versions)
TC54TLanguage dependent texts for TCN54: Simulation profile
TCN52Valid user status for version profile
TCN53Valid system status for version profile
TCN54Simualtion control
TCNVSCCustomizing: Possible version number per version category
TCNVSCTCustomizing: Short description of possible version numbers
VSAFAB_CNVersion: Network relationships
VSAFFH_CNVersion: PRT allocation to work order
VSAFFL_CNVersion: Order sequences PP orders
VSAFIH_CNVersion: Order header for plant maintenance
VSAFKO_CNVersion: Order header data for PP orders
VSAFPO_CNVersion: Order items in PP orders
VSAFVC_CNVersion: Operation in order
VSAFVU_CNVersion: User fields in operation in order
VSAFVV_CNVersion: Quantities/Dates/Values in order operation
VSAUFK_CNVersion: Order master data
VSEBAN_CNVersion: Purchase requisition
VSEBKN_CNVersion: Purchase requisition account assignment
VSEVFG_CNVersion: PS EV, percent of completion
VSEVOF_CNObject parameter PS earned value analysis
VSFPLA_CNVersion: Billing schedule
VSFPLT_CNVersion: Billing schedule: Dates
VSHIST_NPTranfer history for network
VSHIST_NVTranfer history for network activity
VSHIST_OKTransfer history material components
VSHIST_ORTransfer history order
VSHIST_OVTransfer history activity
VSHIST_PDTransfer history project definition
VSHIST_PRTransfer history WBS element
VSJEST_CNVersion: Individual status per object
VSJSTO_CNVersion: Information on status object
VSKBED_CNVersion: Capacity requirement records
VSKBEZ_CNVersion: Additional data for table KBED (ind. capacities)
VSKBKO_CNVersion: Capacity requirements header for an order
VSKOPFVersion: Header - general data for a version -
VSKPER_CNVersion: Workforce Planning
VSMLST_CNVersion: Milestone
VSNPTX_CNVersion: PS texts (network)
VSPLAF_CNVersion: Planned order
VSPRHI_CNVersion: WBS, edges (hierarchy pointer)
VSPROJ_CNVersion: Project definition
VSPRPS_CNVersion: WBS Element (Work Breakdwn Struc. Elem.) Mast. Data
VSPRTE_CNVersion: Scheduling data for project item
VSPRTX_CNVersion: PS texts (WBS)
VSPSTX_CNVersion: PS texts (header)
VSRESB_CNVersion: Reservation/Dependent requirements
VSRPSCO_CNVersion: Cumulation table for project reporting
VSRSADD_CNVersion: Additional fields for reservation
VSRSDB_CNVersion: Index of RESB for direct procurement elements
VSSTEUVersion: Control table - one entry per version object -
VSVBAK_CNVersion: Sales document: Header data
VSVBAP_CNVersion: Sales document: Item data
VSVBEP_CNVersion: Sales document: Schedule line data
VSVBKD_CNVersion: Sales document - commercial data
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