VSAFVV_CN - Version: Quantities/Dates/Values in order operation

Version: Quantities/Dates/Values in order operation information is stored in SAP table VSAFVV_CN.
It is part of development package CNVS in software component PS-SIM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "R/3 Application development: Version Management".

Fields for table VSAFVV_CN

Field Name
Is Key
Data Element
Data Type
Check Table
VSNMRNumber or description of a versionXVSNMRCHAR12
AUFPLRouting number of operations in the orderXCO_AUFPLNUMC10
APLZLGeneral counter for orderXCO_APLZLNUMC8AFVC
MEINHUnit of measure for activityVORMEUNIT3T006
UMRENDenominator for Converting Routing and Operation UoMCP_UMRENDEC3
UMREZNumerator for Converting Routing and Operation UoMCP_UMREZDEC3
VGE01Unit of Measurement of Standard ValueVGWRTEHUNIT3T006
VGW01Standard ValueVGWRTQUAN5
VGE02Unit of Measurement of Standard ValueVGWRTEHUNIT3T006
VGW02Standard ValueVGWRTQUAN5
VGE03Unit of Measurement of Standard ValueVGWRTEHUNIT3T006
VGW03Standard ValueVGWRTQUAN5
VGE04Unit of Measurement of Standard ValueVGWRTEHUNIT3T006
VGW04Standard ValueVGWRTQUAN5
VGE05Unit of Measurement of Standard ValueVGWRTEHUNIT3T006
VGW05Standard ValueVGWRTQUAN5
VGE06Unit of Measurement of Standard ValueVGWRTEHUNIT3T006
VGW06Standard ValueVGWRTQUAN5
MINWEMinimum Send-Ahead QuantityMINWEIQUAN7
PLIFZPlanned Delivery Time in DaysPLIFZDEC2
DAUNONormal duration of the activityDAUNORQUAN3
DAUNENormal duration/unitDAUNOREUNIT3T006
DAUMIMinimum activity durationDAUMINQUAN3
DAUMEUnit for the minimum durationDAUMINEUNIT3T006
EINSAConstraint on the basic start date for the activityEINSCHRACHAR1
EINSEConstraint on the finish date of the activityEINSCHRECHAR1
ARBEIWork involved in the activityARBEITQUAN4
MGVRGOperation Total QuantityMGVRGQUAN7
ASVRGOperation Planned Scrap QuantityASVRGQUAN7
LMNGATotal Confirmed YieldLMNGAQUAN7
XMNGATotal Scrap Quantity ConfirmedXMNGAQUAN7
GMNGAConfirmed yield in order unit of measureGMNGAQUAN7
ISM01Already Confirmed ActivityCO_RUMNGQUAN7
ISM02Already Confirmed ActivityCO_RUMNGQUAN7
ISM03Already Confirmed ActivityCO_RUMNGQUAN7
ISM04Already Confirmed ActivityCO_RUMNGQUAN7
ISM05Already Confirmed ActivityCO_RUMNGQUAN7
ISM06Already Confirmed ActivityCO_RUMNGQUAN7
FSAVDEarliest scheduled start: Execution (date)FSAVDDATS8
FSAVZEarliest scheduled start: Execution (time)FSAVZTIMS6
FSSBDEarliest scheduled start: Processing (date)FSSBDDATS8
FSSBZEarliest Scheduled Start: Processing (Time)FSSBZTIMS6
FSSADEarliest scheduled start: Teardown (date)FSSADDATS8
FSSAZEarliest Scheduled Start: Teardown (Time)FSSAZTIMS6
FSEDDEarliest scheduled finish: Execution (date)FSEDDDATS8
FSEDZEarliest scheduled finish: Execution (time)FSEDZTIMS6
FSSLDEarliest Scheduled Wait Start DateFSSLDDATS8
FSSLZEarliest Scheduled Wait Start TimeFSSLZTIMS6
FSELDEarliest Scheduled Wait End DateFSELDDATS8
FSELZEarliest Scheduled Wait End TimeFSELZTIMS6
SSAVDLatest scheduled start: Execution (date)SSAVDDATS8
SSAVZLatest scheduled start: Execution (time)SSAVZTIMS6
SSSBDLatest Scheduled Start: Processing (Date)SSSBDDATS8
SSSBZLatest Scheduled Start: Processing (Time)SSSBZTIMS6
SSSADLatest Scheduled Start: Teardown (Date)SSSADDATS8
SSSAZLatest Scheduled Start: Teardown (Time)SSSAZTIMS6
SSEDDLatest scheduled finish: Execution (date)SSEDDDATS8
SSEDZLatest scheduled finish: Execution (time)SSEDZTIMS6
SSSLDLatest Scheduled Wait Start DateSSSLDDATS8
SSSLZLatest Scheduled Wait Start TimeSSSLZTIMS6
SSELDLatest Scheduled Wait End DateSSELDDATS8
SSELZLatest Scheduled Wait End TimeSSELZTIMS6
ISAVDActual Operation Start DateISAVDDATS8
IEAVDActual Operation End DateIEAVDDATS8
ISDDActual Execution Start DateISDDDATS8
ISDZActual Execution Start TimeISDZTIMS6
IERDActual Setup End DateIERDDATS8
IERZActual Setup End TimeIERZTIMS6
ISBDActual Processing Start DateISBDDATS8
ISBZActual Processing Start TimeISBZTIMS6
IEBDActual Processing End DateIEBDDATS8
IEBZActual Processing End TimeIEBZTIMS6
ISADActual Teardown Start DateISADDATS8
ISAZActual Teardown Start TimeISAZTIMS6
IEDDActual Execution End DateIEDDDATS8
IEDZActual Execution End TimeIEDZTIMS6
PEDDForecast finish date of operation from confirmationCO_PEDDDATS8
PEDZForecast End Time of Operation from ConfirmationCO_PEDZTIMS6
NTANFConstraint for activity start (Basic)VORGABESTDDATS8
NTANZConstraint for activity start time (Basic)VORGABESTZTIMS6
NTENDConstraint for Finish of Activity (Basic)VORGABEEND2DATS8
NTENZBasic finish time of the activityVORGABEENZTIMS6
EWSTDForecasted start date for the activityEWSTARTDDATS8
EWSTZForecast start time of the activityEWSTARTZTIMS6
EWENDForecast finish dateEWENDEDDATS8
EWENZForecast finish time for the activityEWENDEZTIMS6
EWDANNormal duration (from forecast) of activityEWDANQUAN3
EWDNEUnit for forecast normal durationEWDNEUNIT3T006
EWDAMMinimum duration (from forecast) for activityEWDAMQUAN3
EWDMEUnit for forecast minimum durationEWDMEUNIT3T006
EWSTEForecast date constraint on activity finishPS_RESTECHAR1
EWSTAForecast date constraint on activity startPS_RESTACHAR1
WARTZQueue Time Used for SchedulingWARTEZEITFLTP8
WRTZEUnit of Measure for Queue TimeWTRZEUNIT3
RSTZEUnit of Measure for Setup TimeRSTZEUNIT3
BEAZEUnit of measure for processing timeBEAZEUNIT3
ARUZEUnit of Measure for TeardownARUZEUNIT3
LIEGZWait Time Used for SchedulingLIEGEZEITFLTP8
LIGZEUnit of Measure for Wait TimeLIGZEUNIT3
TRANZMove Time used for SchedulingTRANSZEITFLTP8
TRAZEUnit of Measure for Move TimeTRAZEUNIT3
ISERHConfirmed Break TimeISERHQUAN5
OFM01Forecast Value for Updating of Standard ValueCO_SCHAETZQUAN5
OFM02Forecast Value for Updating of Standard ValueCO_SCHAETZQUAN5
OFM03Forecast Value for Updating of Standard ValueCO_SCHAETZQUAN5
OFM04Forecast Value for Updating of Standard ValueCO_SCHAETZQUAN5
OFM05Forecast Value for Updating of Standard ValueCO_SCHAETZQUAN5
OFM06Forecast Value for Updating of Standard ValueCO_SCHAETZQUAN5
OFMNWForecasted work (actual + remaining)OFMNWQUAN4
BZOFFBReference Date for Start of Sub-OperationCP_OBZOFFBCHAR2TCA54
EHOFFBUnit for Offset to StartCP_OEHOFFBUNIT3T006
OFFSTBOffset to sub-operation startCP_OOFFSTBQUAN3
OFFSTEOffset to sub-operation finishCP_OOFFSTEQUAN3
BZOFFEReference Date for Finish of Sub-OperationCP_OBZOFFECHAR2TCA54
EHOFFEUnit for Offset to FinishCP_OEHOFFEUNIT3T006
FPAVDEarliest scheduled start date (forecast)FPAVDDATS8
FPAVZEarliest scheduled start time (forecast)FPAVZTIMS6
FPEDDEarliest scheduled finish date (forecast)FPEDDDATS8
FPEDZEarliest scheduled finish time (forecast)FPEDZTIMS6
SPAVDLatest scheduled start date (forecast)SPAVDDATS8
SPAVZLatest scheduled start time (forecast)SPAVZTIMS6
SPEDDLatest scheduled finish date (forecast)SPEDDDATS8
SPEDZLatest scheduled finish time (forecast)SPEDZTIMS6
BEAZPUnit of processing time (Forecast)BEAZEPUNIT3
PUFGPTotal float (from forecast)PPUFF_GESMDEC2
PUFFPFree float (from forecast)PPUFF_FREIDEC2
BEARPProcessing time (forecast)PBEARZEITFLTP8
EPANFDispatched start date for operationEPANFDATS8
EPANZDispatched start time for operationEPANZTIMS6
EPENDDispatched finish dateEPENDDATS8
EPENZDispatched finish timeEPENZTIMS6
PDAUForecasted duration of activity from confirmationPDAUQUAN3
PDAEUnit of the forecasted duration from the confirmationPDAEUNIT3T006
KNOTETransportation Connection PointsKNOTECHAR10TVKN
VSTGADeadline deviation reasonVSTGACHAR4TVTG
QRASTMENGQuantity Between Two InspectionsQRASTMENGQUAN7
AUFKTExecution FactorAFAKTDEC2
RMNGATotal Confirmed Rework QuantityRMNGAQUAN7
ILE01Unit of measure for the activity to be confirmedCO_ISMNGEHUNIT3*
ILE02Unit of measure for the activity to be confirmedCO_ISMNGEHUNIT3*
ILE03Unit of measure for the activity to be confirmedCO_ISMNGEHUNIT3*
ILE04Unit of measure for the activity to be confirmedCO_ISMNGEHUNIT3*
ILE05Unit of measure for the activity to be confirmedCO_ISMNGEHUNIT3*
ILE06Unit of measure for the activity to be confirmedCO_ISMNGEHUNIT3*
RWFAKRework factor (is not used yet)RWFAKDEC3
IPRZ1Confirmed Quantity/Activity for Business ProcessCO_IPRZSQUAN7
IPRE1Unit of Measure for Business Process QuantityRU_IPRZEUNIT3*
IPRK1No Remaining Quantity Expected for Business ProcessRU_IPRZKCHAR1
TAKTtakt within a line segmentLD_TAKTNUMC4
OPRZ1Remaining Quantity for Business ProcessOPRZ1QUAN7
OPRE1Unit for Remaining Quantity of Business ProcessOPRE1UNIT3*
PSPM_INDICATORIndicates PMCS date influence activity schedulingPSPM_INDICATORCHAR1
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