/AIF/GENERAL - SAP Application Interface Framework

The development package /AIF/GENERAL contains objects for "SAP Application Interface Framework".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package /AIF/MAIN. It belongs to software component BC-SRV-AIF.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package /AIF/GENERAL

/AIF/ERRSTAT_DError statistic (with date)
/AIF/FHEADFile header data
/AIF/FHEADTFile description
/AIF/FILE_EXPMSGexpected values table for AIF ECATT
/AIF/FILE_EXPVALexpected values table for AIF ECATT
/AIF/FINF_TLTrace level for Interfaces
/AIF/FLINEText lines
/AIF/NS_LOCKDefine Namespace
/AIF/PERF_COMTTime Tracking of Commits in AIF
/AIF/PERF_FCTMTime Tracking of function modules in AIF
/AIF/PERF_MSGSStarted messages for Performance Analysis
/AIF/PERF_SELCTime Tracking of Selects of Checks in AIF
/AIF/PERF_SELVTime Tracking of Selects of Value Mappings in AIF
/AIF/PERF_VARSVariants for performance time tracking
/AIF/QNAMEAIF: Queue name determination
/AIF/QNAME_FLDSAIF: Queue name determination
/AIF/REP_AC_ASGNAIF Automatic Reprocessing: Assign Reprocessing Action
/AIF/REP_AC_DEFAIF Automatic Reprocessing: Define Reprocessing Action
/AIF/REP_MSG_CNTAIF Automatic Reprocessing: Message Counter
/AIF/STRUCTINFOCache to decrease the runtime of UTIL_GET_STRUCT_FIELDS
/AIF/STRUC_CACHECache to decrease the runtime of UTIL_GET_STRUCT_FIELDS
/AIF/STRUC_CA_DDCache to decrease the runtime of UTIL_GET_STRUCT_FIELDS
/AIF/S_ENABLERDefinition of predefined Enabler Function Modules
/AIF/S_TYPESDefinition of all predefined Engine IDs
/AIF/TEMP_EXTIDTemplate for Serialization with External Index
/AIF/TEMP_TIMETemplate for Serialization with Date and Time
/AIF/TEMP_TIMESTTemplate for Serialization with Timestamp
/AIF/T_MSG_LTIMEMessage lifetime for errors in Interface determination
/AIF/T_SUB_STASub Status activation(only for xml engine)
/AIF/T_VARIANTTable for interface variants
/AIF/T_VARIANTTText Table for interface variants
/AIF/USERATTRUser specific attributes
/AIF/VALID_PERTAIF Validity Period
/AIF/VAR_AS_TMPLTemplate for a variant assignment table
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