TCURV - Exchange rate types for currency translation

Exchange rate types for currency translation information is stored in SAP table TCURV.
It is part of development package SFIB in software component BC-SRV-BSF-CUR. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Financials: Components in Basis".

Fields for table TCURV

Field Name
Is Key
Data Element
Data Type
Check Table
XINVRIndicator: Calculation allowed with inverted exchange rate ?XINVR_CURVCHAR2
BWAERReference currency for currency translationBWAER_CURVCUKY10TCURC
XBWRLInd.: Base curr. is "from" curr. in the exchange rate tableXBWRL_CURVCHAR2
GKUZUExch. rate type of av. rate used to determine buying rateGKUZU_CURCHAR8TCURV
BKUZUExch.rate type of av. rate used to determine selling rateBKUZU_CURCHAR8TCURV
XFIXDIndicator: Exchange rate type uses fixed exchange ratesXFIXD_CURVCHAR2
XEUROIndicator: Exchange rate type uses special translation modelXEURO_CURVCHAR2
XNORLExchange Rates Without 11 Decimal PlacesXNORLCHAR2
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