TVKO - Organizational Unit: Sales Organizations

Organizational Unit: Sales Organizations information is stored in SAP table TVKO.
It is part of development package VZ0CCORE in software component SD-BF-ACT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Customizing R/3 RV central functions".

Fields for table TVKO

Field Name
Is Key
Data Element
Data Type
Check Table
VKORGSales OrganizationXVKORGCHAR8
WAERSStatistics currencyWAERS_VCUKY10TCURC
BUKRSCompany code of the sales organizationVKBUKCHAR8T001
TXNAM_ADRText name for form text module short addressTXNAM_ADRCHAR32
TXNAM_KOPText name for form text module letter headerTXNAM_KOPCHAR32
TXNAM_FUSText name for formula text module footer linesTXNAM_FUSCHAR32
TXNAM_GRUText name for form text module: GreetingTXNAM_GRUCHAR32
VKOAUReference sales org.for sales doc.types (by sales area)VKOAUCHAR8TVKO
KUNNRCustomer number for intercompany billingKUNIVCHAR20KNA1
BOAVORebate processing active in the sales organizationBOAVOCHAR2
VKOKLSales organization calendarVKOKLCHAR4TFACD
EKORGPurchasing organizationEKORGCHAR8T024E
EKGRPPurchasing GroupEKGRPCHAR6T024
LIFNRAccount Number of SupplierLIFNRCHAR20LFA1
BSARTOrder Type (Purchasing)BSARTCHAR8T161
BSTYPPurchasing Document CategoryBSTYPCHAR2
BWARTMovement Type (Inventory Management)BWARTWECHAR6T156
LGORTStorage locationLGORT_DCHAR8T001L
TXNAM_SDBText names for layout-set module SDS senderTXNAM_SDBCHAR32
MWSKZTax code for SD documentsJ_1AMWSKZCHAR4T007A
XSTCEGRule that determines the VAT registration number (VAT ID)XSTCEGCHAR2
J_1ANUTIMETime of numbering for deliveriesJ_1ANUTIMECHAR2
MAXBIMaximum Number of Items in Billing DocumentMAXBINUMC6
HIDECustomization of SD Input Help EntriesSD_OBSOLETECHAR2
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