OIU_PART_INT_TYPE - Participant Interest Type

SAP data element OIU_PART_INT_TYPE has the title "Participant Interest Type".
It is part of development package OIU in software component IS-OIL-PRA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "PRA Production and Revenue Accounting (Upstream Business)".

Properties of data element OIU_PART_INT_TYPE

Data TypeCHAR
Output Length2
Supports lower caseNo
Conversion Routine
Short DescriptionInt Type
Medium DescriptionInterest Type
Long DescriptionOwner Interest Type

Tables with fields of type OIU_PART_INT_TYPE

The data element OIU_PART_INT_TYPE is used by fields in the following tables.

Development Package
/PRA/ACCT_CNTRLPRA Accounting Entry Table/PRA/ACCOUNTING_DOCUMENTAccounting document
/PRA/ACCT_CNTRLPRA Accounting Entry Table/PRA/ACCOUNTING_DOCUMENTAccounting document
/PRA/ACCT_DOCAccounting document (All account types)/PRA/ACCOUNTING_DOCUMENTAccounting document
/PRA/ACCT_MDOCAccount document(JE) details for a Manual/PRA/ACCOUNTING_DOCUMENTAccounting document
/PRA/ACCT_RJDOCAccount document(JE) details for a Reject/PRA/ACCOUNTING_DOCUMENTAccounting document
/PRA/ACC_ANLYSTemporary table for storing analysis report/PRA/ACCOUNTING_DOCUMENTAccounting document
/PRA/BP_VEND_EXWBusiness Partner (Vendor) Exempt Withholding Info/PRA/BUSINESS_PARTNERCustomer and vendor enhancements for PRA
/PRA/CI_ACC_DOCAccounting Document for Incoming Check (Temporary hold)/PRA/CHECK_INPUT_2.0Check input remodeled from Razorsih,new DB,BO, enhancements
/PRA/CI_PDXRemitter DOI Cross Reference/PRA/CHECK_INPUT_2.0Check input remodeled from Razorsih,new DB,BO, enhancements
/PRA/CV_VLACCDOCTemporary Accounting document for Comparison utility/PRA/REVENUE_DISTRIBUTIONRevenue distribution
/PRA/C_WH_IN_TYPCustomizing for mapping various interest type codes to WI/RI/PRA/WH_PROCESSINGWithholding Processing
/PRA/OM_DOIMarketing Free maint. DOI/Owner selections/PRA/OWNERSHIP_MFMOwnership Marketing Free Maint.
/PRA/PP_ACCT_DOCPP Temporary Accounting Doc table for Journalize step/PRA/PAYMENT_PROCESSINGPayment Processing
/PRA/PP_WH_RTPayment Processing - Withholding Rates/PRA/PAYMENT_PROCESSINGPayment Processing
/PRA/RD_CRODCombined Run Owner Details/PRA/REVENUE_DISTRIBUTIONRevenue distribution
/PRA/RD_CROD_MKTCombined Run Owner Details/PRA/REVENUE_DISTRIBUTIONRevenue distribution
/PRA/RD_RPT_COTRD Report table: Owners Processed through RD Chain-of-title/PRA/REVENUE_DISTRIBUTIONRevenue distribution
/PRA/RD_RPT_COTRD Report table: Owners Processed through RD Chain-of-title/PRA/REVENUE_DISTRIBUTIONRevenue distribution
/PRA/RD_RPT_DEFRD Report Table: Deferred Amounts/PRA/REVENUE_DISTRIBUTIONRevenue distribution
/PRA/SB_ACTMP_VActual Owner Level Contractual Allocations Results at MP's/PRA/VERSIONINGMain package for Versioning
/PRA/SB_ACTWC_VActual Owner Level Contractual Allocations Results at WC's/PRA/VERSIONINGMain package for Versioning
/PRA/SB_RNAMP_VResidue and NGL Actual at Measurement Point Level/PRA/VERSIONINGMain package for Versioning
/PRA/SB_RNAWC_VResidue and NGL Actual at WC Level/PRA/VERSIONINGMain package for Versioning
/PRA/TEMP_OWN_EXPayment Processing - Owner Exempt Withholding Info/PRA/TEMPRoadmap Build-Out Temporary Package
/PRA/VL_ACC_DOCTemporary Accounting document (All account types)/PRA/REVENUE_DISTRIBUTIONRevenue distribution
/PRA/VL_DA_LOGKYDual Accounting audit log Key/PRA/VALUATIONValuation
/PRA/VL_DA_LOGOWDual Accounting audit log Multiple owners/PRA/VALUATIONValuation
/PRA/VL_DA_LOGVLDual Accounting audit log Volume details/PRA/VALUATIONValuation
/PRA/VL_DA_LOGVLDual Accounting audit log Volume details/PRA/VALUATIONValuation
/PRA/VL_SDSettlement Diversity Setups/PRA/VALUATIONValuation
/PRA/VL_SD_CLOGSettlement Diversity Setup Change Log/PRA/VALUATIONValuation
/PRA/VL_UNIT_MKTValuation - Mkt group allocation decimals for units/PRA/VALUATIONValuation
/PRA/VL_VDOI_MKTMkt group allocation decimals for units/PRA/VALUATIONValuation
/PRA/P2_ACCT_DOCAccounting document (All account types)/PRA/PROCESS_2.0Process 2.0
/PRA/FF_RESULTSAAllocation Results - Actual/PRA/ONRR_FFONRR - Field Fuels
/PRA/FF_RESULTSEAllocation Results - Entitled/PRA/ONRR_FFONRR - Field Fuels
/PRA/R3_OWNOVRRoyalty 2.0 - TX GLO/TAMU Owner Level Reporting Override/PRA/ROYALTY_2.0Royalty 2.0 remediation
/PRA/XTRCT_ROYNew Royalty Engine - Royalty Extraction - Main/PRA/TPTax Payable
OIUP_SB_ACTMPActual Owner Level CA results at MP's (PDM Shadow)OIU_PPartitioned Data Management
OIUP_SB_ACTWCActual Owner Level CA results at WC's (PDM Shadow)OIU_PPartitioned Data Management
OIUP_SB_ENTMPMP level owner entitlements (PDM Shadow)OIU_PPartitioned Data Management
OIUP_SB_ENTWCWC level owner entitlements (PDM Shadow)OIU_PPartitioned Data Management
OIUP_SB_RNAWCResidue and NGL actual at a WC level (PDM Shadow)OIU_PPartitioned Data Management
OIUP_SB_RNEWCResidue and NGL entitlements at a WC level (PDM Shadow)OIU_PPartitioned Data Management
OIU_CM_INTTYPGRPInterest Type Group TableOIUPRA Production and Revenue Accounting (Upstream Business)
OIU_CM_PINTTYParticipant Interest Type (TBLRV006 & TBLRV035)OIUPRA Production and Revenue Accounting (Upstream Business)
OIU_CM_PINTTY_TXParticipant Interest Type Description (TBLR006 & TBLR035)OIUPRA Production and Revenue Accounting (Upstream Business)
OIU_DO_BRBearer TableOIUPRA Production and Revenue Accounting (Upstream Business)
OIU_DO_BR_HSSDivision Order Bearer History SnapshotOIUPRA Production and Revenue Accounting (Upstream Business)
OIU_DO_BR_WKBearer TableOIUPRA Production and Revenue Accounting (Upstream Business)
OIU_DO_DODivision of Interest OwnershipOIUPRA Production and Revenue Accounting (Upstream Business)
OIU_DO_DOGRIDivision Order Gross Revenue InterestOIUPRA Production and Revenue Accounting (Upstream Business)
OIU_DO_DOHOwnership HistoryOIUPRA Production and Revenue Accounting (Upstream Business)
OIU_DO_DOHOwnership HistoryOIUPRA Production and Revenue Accounting (Upstream Business)
OIU_DO_DOH_HSSHistory for Division Order Ownership History SnapshotOIUPRA Production and Revenue Accounting (Upstream Business)
OIU_DO_DOH_HSSHistory for Division Order Ownership History SnapshotOIUPRA Production and Revenue Accounting (Upstream Business)
OIU_DO_DO_HSSDivision of Interest Ownership History SnapshotOIUPRA Production and Revenue Accounting (Upstream Business)
OIU_DO_DO_WKDivision of Interest Ownership WorktableOIUPRA Production and Revenue Accounting (Upstream Business)
OIU_DO_TRGRITract Gross Revenue InterestOIUPRA Production and Revenue Accounting (Upstream Business)
OIU_RV_VCRNIValuation Cross Reference Non-Working Interest (SettlementOIUPRA Production and Revenue Accounting (Upstream Business)
OIU_RV_VCRWIValuation Cross Reference Working InterestOIUPRA Production and Revenue Accounting (Upstream Business)
OIU_RV_VCRWI_NEWValuation Cross Reference Working Interest - NewOIUPRA Production and Revenue Accounting (Upstream Business)
OIU_RV_VLXASValuation Cross Reference AssociationOIUPRA Production and Revenue Accounting (Upstream Business)
OIU_RV_VLXASValuation Cross Reference AssociationOIUPRA Production and Revenue Accounting (Upstream Business)
OIU_RV_VLXAS_NEWValuation Cross Reference Association - NewOIUPRA Production and Revenue Accounting (Upstream Business)
OIU_RV_VLXAS_NEWValuation Cross Reference Association - NewOIUPRA Production and Revenue Accounting (Upstream Business)
OIU_SB_ACTMPActual Owner Level Contractual Allocations results at MP'sOIUPRA Production and Revenue Accounting (Upstream Business)
OIU_SB_ACTMP_TActual Owner Level Contractual Allocations results at MP'sOIUPRA Production and Revenue Accounting (Upstream Business)
OIU_SB_ACTWCActual Owner Level Contractual Allocations results at WC'sOIUPRA Production and Revenue Accounting (Upstream Business)
OIU_SB_ACTWC_TActual Owner Level Contractual Allocations results at WC'sOIUPRA Production and Revenue Accounting (Upstream Business)
OIU_SB_AVDAvailability DetailOIUPRA Production and Revenue Accounting (Upstream Business)
OIU_SB_ENTMPMP level owner entitlementsOIUPRA Production and Revenue Accounting (Upstream Business)
OIU_SB_ENTMP_TMP level owner entitlementsOIUPRA Production and Revenue Accounting (Upstream Business)
OIU_SB_ENTWCWC level owner entitlementsOIUPRA Production and Revenue Accounting (Upstream Business)
OIU_SB_ENTWC_TWC level owner entitlementsOIUPRA Production and Revenue Accounting (Upstream Business)
OIU_SB_MGDDMarketing Group Determination DetailOIUPRA Production and Revenue Accounting (Upstream Business)
OIU_SB_MGOPMPMarketing Group Owner Percent MPOIUPRA Production and Revenue Accounting (Upstream Business)
OIU_SB_MGOPMP_TMarketing Group Owner Percent MPOIUPRA Production and Revenue Accounting (Upstream Business)
OIU_SB_MGOPWCMarketing Group Owner Percent WCOIUPRA Production and Revenue Accounting (Upstream Business)
OIU_SB_MGOPWC_TMarketing Group Owner Percent WCOIUPRA Production and Revenue Accounting (Upstream Business)
OIU_SB_OADOwner Availability DetailOIUPRA Production and Revenue Accounting (Upstream Business)
OIU_SB_RNAMPResidue and NGL actual at a MP levelOIUPRA Production and Revenue Accounting (Upstream Business)
OIU_SB_RNAMP_TTemporary Residue and NGL actual at a MP levelOIUPRA Production and Revenue Accounting (Upstream Business)
OIU_SB_RNAWCResidue and NGL actual at a WC levelOIUPRA Production and Revenue Accounting (Upstream Business)
OIU_SB_RNAWC_TTemporary Residue and NGL actual at a WC levelOIUPRA Production and Revenue Accounting (Upstream Business)
OIU_SB_RNEMPResidue and NGL entitlements at a MP levelOIUPRA Production and Revenue Accounting (Upstream Business)
OIU_SB_RNEMP_TTemporary Residue and NGL entitlements at a MP levelOIUPRA Production and Revenue Accounting (Upstream Business)
OIU_SB_RNEWCResidue and NGL entitlements at a WC levelOIUPRA Production and Revenue Accounting (Upstream Business)
OIU_SB_RNEWC_TTemporary Residue and NGL entitlements at a WC levelOIUPRA Production and Revenue Accounting (Upstream Business)
OIU_SB_SPEMPSpecial owner entitlements at MP levelOIUPRA Production and Revenue Accounting (Upstream Business)
OIU_SB_SPEWCSpecial owner entitlements at WC levelOIUPRA Production and Revenue Accounting (Upstream Business)
OIUTV_SB_ACTWC_BActual Owner Level Contractual Allocations Results at WC'sOIU_TVPRA Automating Validations
OIUTV_SB_ENTWC_BTest Validation - Ent. Own. Level CA Results at WCOIU_TVPRA Automating Validations
OIUTV_SB_RNAWC_BBaseline - Residue and NGL Actual at WC LevelOIU_TVPRA Automating Validations
OIUTV_SB_RNEWC_BBaseline - Residue and NGL entitlements at a WC levelOIU_TVPRA Automating Validations
OIUGR_OOSHSTGen Roy 2.0 - Out-of-Statute HistoryOIU_GRGeneric Royalty SLA
OIUGR_OOSTXNGen Roy 2.0 - Out-of-Statute TransactionsOIU_GRGeneric Royalty SLA
OIUGR_PRDTGen Rep - PRA Detail TransactionOIU_GRGeneric Royalty SLA
OIUGR_PRDTAGen Rep - Royalty Transaction (Allocated)OIU_GRGeneric Royalty SLA
OIUGR_PRDT_CAGen Rep - PRA Detail CA DataOIU_GRGeneric Royalty SLA
OIUGR_ROYHSTGen Rep - Royalty Transaction HistoryOIU_GRGeneric Royalty SLA
OIUGR_ROYHSTAGen Rep - Royalty Transaction History (Allocated)OIU_GRGeneric Royalty SLA
OIUGR_ROYHST_CAGen Rep - Royalty History CA DataOIU_GRGeneric Royalty SLA
OIUGR_ROYSTGGen Rep - Royalty Transaction (Staging)OIU_GRGeneric Royalty SLA
OIUGR_ROYSTG_CAGen Rep - Royalty Transaction CA Data (Staging)OIU_GRGeneric Royalty SLA
OIUGR_ROYTXNGen Rep - Royalty TransactionOIU_GRGeneric Royalty SLA
OIUGR_ROYTXNAGen Rep - Royalty Transaction (Allocated)OIU_GRGeneric Royalty SLA
OIUGR_ROYTXN_CAGen Rep - Royalty Transaction CA DataOIU_GRGeneric Royalty SLA
OIUY3_TX_OWNOVRRoyalty 2.0 - TX GLO/TAMU Owner Level Reporting OverrideOIU_Y3Royalty 2.0 - Texas GLO/TAMU
OIUY6_WY_RPDTCRoyalty 2.0 - WY - Lease/Unit Report Detail - CAOIU_Y6Royalty 2.0 - WY
OIUX6_WY_CAPRDTTax 2.0 - Wyoming Conservation CA PRA Detail TransactionsOIU_X6Tax 2.0 - WY
OIUX6_WY_CASTGTax 2.0 - Wyoming Conservation CA Transactions StagingOIU_X6Tax 2.0 - WY
OIUX6_WY_CATXNTax 2.0 - Wyoming Conservation CA TransactionsOIU_X6Tax 2.0 - WY
OIUX7_WY_GSALESTax 2.0 - WYGP SalesOIU_X7Tax 2.0 - WYGP
OIUX7_WY_GSALHSTTax 2.0 - WYGP Sales HistoryOIU_X7Tax 2.0 - WYGP
OIUX7_WY_GSALTXNTax 2.0 - WYGP SalesOIU_X7Tax 2.0 - WYGP
OIUH_CDEX_INTYPMapping Owner Interest type with CDEX Interest typeOIU_HPRA Hybrid Solution
OIURV03_DTL_ZEValuation Transactions Level 1 - Zero VolumeOIU_RV03MP to Well Completion Split Out
OIURV03_DTL_ZEValuation Transactions Level 1 - Zero VolumeOIU_RV03MP to Well Completion Split Out
OIURV03_VOLDTLValuation Transaction Level 2 -VolumeOIU_RV03MP to Well Completion Split Out
OIURV03_VOLDTLValuation Transaction Level 2 -VolumeOIU_RV03MP to Well Completion Split Out
OIUBL01_ADJBalancing AdjustmentsOIU_BL01PRA Balancing - Redesign
OIUBL01_ADJHBalancing Adjustments HistoryOIU_BL01PRA Balancing - Redesign
OIUBL_IMBMPMeasurement Point ImbalanceOIU_RVBLPRA Balancing (Revenue)
OIUBL_IMBWCWell Completion ImbalanceOIU_RVBLPRA Balancing (Revenue)
OIU_SB_SPEMP_TSpecial owner entitlements at MP levelOIU_BL01PRA Balancing - Redesign
OIU_SB_SPEWC_TSpecial owner entitlements at WC levelOIU_BL01PRA Balancing - Redesign
OIUCA_OSPTermination Point Component Options for Selective Process.OIU_RVCAPRA Contractual Allocation (Revenue)
OIUCI_PDXPurchaser DOI Cross ReferenceOIU_CICheck Input Enhancements for Apache
OIUCW_BA_WH_EXMPBusiness Associates exempt from State WithholdingOIU_CWPRA Revenue: Payment Processing
OIUOW_DOH_WKOwnership History WorkableOIU_RVOWPRA Ownership (Revenue)
OIUOW_DOH_WKOwnership History WorkableOIU_RVOWPRA Ownership (Revenue)
OIUOW_POWOwners on Pending RequestsOIU_RVOWPRA Ownership (Revenue)
OIURV_DOC_DTL_ZEValuation Transactions Level 1 - Zero VolumeOIU_RVDCPRA Valuation (Document Concept)
OIURV_DOC_DTL_ZEValuation Transactions Level 1 - Zero VolumeOIU_RVDCPRA Valuation (Document Concept)
OIURV_DOC_RDSUMRD summary(VL interface records to RD)OIU_RVDCPRA Valuation (Document Concept)
OIURV_DOC_RDSUMRD summary(VL interface records to RD)OIU_RVDCPRA Valuation (Document Concept)
OIURV_DOC_VOLDTLValuation Transaction Level 2 -VolumeOIU_RVDCPRA Valuation (Document Concept)
OIURV_DOC_VOLDTLValuation Transaction Level 2 -VolumeOIU_RVDCPRA Valuation (Document Concept)
OIURV_DOC_VOLUNTValuation Document Concept - Volume UnitOIU_RVDCPRA Valuation (Document Concept)
OIURV_DOC_VOLUNTValuation Document Concept - Volume UnitOIU_RVDCPRA Valuation (Document Concept)
OIUVL_GASDTL_CURGas statement DetailOIU_RVVAPRA Valuation (Revenue)
OIUVL_GASDTL_HSTGas statement DetailOIU_RVVAPRA Valuation (Revenue)
OIUVL_GASRPTDGas statement report detailOIU_RVVAPRA Valuation (Revenue)
OIUVL_SCAUDITSettlement statement batchOIU_RVVAPRA Valuation (Revenue)
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