Tables with fields of type TB_SFHAZBA
The data element TB_SFHAZBA is used by fields in the following tables.
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/ACCGO/T_INTRES | Prepayment Interest Calculation Result | /ACCGO/PPMG_SETTLEMENT | ACM Prepayment Package for Settlement |
IDCFMBRSE_PST | Customizing for creation of sales transactions for tax pmnts | ID-CFM | Treasury/CFM Localization Development Class |
IDCFMHU_CFMKSW | Interest Swap Null Correction | ID-CFM-HU-MM | Treasury Localization: Money Market |
IDCFMHU_CFW_DOC | FW off-blnc postings documents | ID-CFM-HU-MM | Treasury Localization: Money Market |
IDCFMHU_CISWDOC | ISW off-blnc postings documents | ID-CFM-HU-MM | Treasury Localization: Money Market |
IDCFMHU_COPTDOC | OPT off-blnc postings documents | ID-CFM-HU-MM | Treasury Localization: Money Market |
IDCFMHU_CSECDOC | SEC off-blnc postings documents | ID-CFM-HU-MM | Treasury Localization: Money Market |
IDCFMHU_OB_AAR | Assign G/L Accounts for Off-Balance Postings | ID-CFM-HU-MM | Treasury Localization: Money Market |
ATFTA | CFM: Assign Transaction Flow Type to Update Type | FTA | R/3 appl. development for Treasury money,forex,forward gen |
ATFTA_MIGR | Migration: Assignment of Flow Type to Update Type | FTR_MIGRATION_10 | CFM 1.0: Data Migration |
OTC_CONV_FHAPO | Backup Table for Financial Transaction Flows | FTA | R/3 appl. development for Treasury money,forex,forward gen |
OTC_CONV_IFHAPO | Backup Table for Underlying Transaction Flows | FTA | R/3 appl. development for Treasury money,forex,forward gen |
TCORT_CODFL | Deal: Flows | FTR_CORRESPONDENCE | Treasury Correspondence (Confirmations & Matching) |
TCORT_CODLC | Deal: Letter of Credit Main Data | FTR_CORRESPONDENCE | Treasury Correspondence (Confirmations & Matching) |
TCORT_CODUL2FL | Deal: 2nd Underlying's Flows | FTR_CORRESPONDENCE | Treasury Correspondence (Confirmations & Matching) |
TCORT_CODULFL | Deal: Underlying Flows | FTR_CORRESPONDENCE | Treasury Correspondence (Confirmations & Matching) |
TPMTVMFL | Position management variation margin flows at sec. account | FTT | R/3 application development for Treasury forward trading |
VTBFHAPO | Transaction Flow | FTA | R/3 appl. development for Treasury money,forex,forward gen |
VTBFHAPO_MIGR | Migrated Financial Flows | FTA | R/3 appl. development for Treasury money,forex,forward gen |
VTBFHAPO_UNFIXED | Non-Fixed Financial Transaction Flows | FTA | R/3 appl. development for Treasury money,forex,forward gen |
VTBPFHAPO | Treasury: Flow Shells | FTA | R/3 appl. development for Treasury money,forex,forward gen |
VTB_ADJUSTMENT | Fiduciary deposit adjustment flow | FTG | R/3 application development for Treasury money market |
VTIFHAPO | Underlying transaction flows | FTT | R/3 application development for Treasury forward trading |
VWFL2 | Assign Flow Types from TR Transaction to Security | FVVW | Treasury Management: Securities |
TLCT_ACTIVITY | Transaction Activity of Letter of Credit | FTR_TRADE_FINANCE | Treasury: Trade Finance |
VTBMDMAPFLW | CFM: Mirror Transaction - Map Flows | FTTR | Treasury: Financial Transaction |
PPMGAC_T_INTRES | Prepayment Interest Calculation Result | PPMG_INTEREST | Prepayment Interest |