Tables with fields of type TB_DUPDAT
The data element TB_DUPDAT is used by fields in the following tables.
| | | |
IDCFM_USWS_WSHD | Wash Sales: Worklist Header | ID-CFM-US-FAMA | Treasury Localization USA: FAM |
IDCMLHU_01DOC | Contract Amount Off-Balance Posting - Documents | ID-CML-HU | Loans Localization Hungary |
IDCMLHU_01HDR | Contract Amount Off-Balance Posting - Header | ID-CML-HU | Loans Localization Hungary |
TCCT_CCURVE_FUT | Commodity Curve Futures Style Master Data | FTR_COMMODITY_CURVE | Commodity Forward Curves |
TCCT_CCURVE_MAST | Commodity Curve Master Data | FTR_COMMODITY_CURVE | Commodity Forward Curves |
TRCOT_CTY_MASTER | Commodity master data (obsolete) | FTR_COMMODITIES | Commodity master data |
JBDGSCH | IS-B: Transaction Master Data | JBD | Application development IS-B Data Pool |
JBDKKOF_BACKUP | Backup Table for the Conversion of JBDKKOF | JBD | Application development IS-B Data Pool |
JBDOBJ1 | Object Table for Financial Transactions, General Part | JBD | Application development IS-B Data Pool |
JBDVTMD | Variable transaction - master data | JBD | Application development IS-B Data Pool |
JBKLOBJ1 | Segment Table for Financial Transactions, CL Part | JBA | TRM Analyzer General Development |
JBRBDSLFNS | RM-BDS: Run Number Status | JBR | Application development TRM Market Risk Mangement |
JBRBPGENUE | Generated Views for an RM Area | JBRC | Customizing for TRM Risk Management |
JBRDBKO | RM: DB Table Header Information Extended Risk Object | JBR | Application development TRM Market Risk Mangement |
JBRHKO | RM: Version Table: Header Information: Extended Risk Object | JBR | Application development TRM Market Risk Mangement |
JBRKNZ | RM: External Key Figures for Financial Object | JBR | Application development TRM Market Risk Mangement |
JBRMZBG | RM: Assignment of Transactions to Business Partners | JBR | Application development TRM Market Risk Mangement |
JBROBJ1 | RM: Definition of Fields/Characteristics Specific to RM | JBR | Application development TRM Market Risk Mangement |
JBRPH | Portfolio hierarchy | JBRC | Customizing for TRM Risk Management |
JBRRMBBF | Analysis Structure | JBRC | Customizing for TRM Risk Management |
JBRSVGAPHD | RM: Header Data (Saved Gap Evaluation Results) | JBRA | Risk Management: Asset/Liability Management |
JBRSVGAPHD2 | RM: Header Data (Saved Gap Evaluation Results) | JBR | Application development TRM Market Risk Mangement |
JBRSVGAPHEAD | RM: Header Data (Saved Gap Evaluation Results) | JBRA | Risk Management: Asset/Liability Management |
JBRUPGRADE | RM: Administration of Release Changes and Autom.Conversions | JBR | Application development TRM Market Risk Mangement |
JBTOBJ1 | Segment Table for Financial Transactions, STC Part | JBT | IS-B Transaction Costing |
JBKLBEST | Credit Limit: Characteristics for Position Objects | FTBK | Risk Management Counterparty/Issuer Risks |
KLARP | Default Risk Line Items | FTBK | Risk Management Counterparty/Issuer Risks |
KLFAZ01 | Facilities (Header) | FTBK01 | Risk Management - Default Risks |
KLNT01 | Definition of Netting Group | FTBK | Risk Management Counterparty/Issuer Risks |
KLNT02 | Definition of Netting Factor Assignment | FTBK | Risk Management Counterparty/Issuer Risks |
KLSDCPROT1 | Log Gen. for Single Transaction Check: Header Information | FTBK | Risk Management Counterparty/Issuer Risks |
KLSI01 | Collateral Provision (Header) | FTBK | Risk Management Counterparty/Issuer Risks |
KLSI01_BAK | Backup for Euro Changeover for Collateral Provision (Header) | FTBK | Risk Management Counterparty/Issuer Risks |
KLSI02 | Collateral Agreements | FTBK | Risk Management Counterparty/Issuer Risks |
KLSI02_BAK | Backup for Euro Changeover for Collateral Agreements | FTBK | Risk Management Counterparty/Issuer Risks |
KLSI03 | Collateral Agreements (Items) | FTBK | Risk Management Counterparty/Issuer Risks |
KLSI03_BAK | Backup for Euro Changeover for Collateral Agreements (Items) | FTBK | Risk Management Counterparty/Issuer Risks |
KLSI04 | Global Collateral (Items) | FTBK | Risk Management Counterparty/Issuer Risks |
KLSI04_BAK | Backup for Euro Changeover for Global Collateral (Items) | FTBK | Risk Management Counterparty/Issuer Risks |
KLSI05 | Single-Transaction-Related Collateral (Item) | FTBK | Risk Management Counterparty/Issuer Risks |
KLSI05_BAK | Backup for Euro Changeover for Single-Tran.-Rel. Collateral | FTBK | Risk Management Counterparty/Issuer Risks |
KLSI06 | Global Collateral (Assignment) | FTBK | Risk Management Counterparty/Issuer Risks |
KLSI06_BAK | Backup for Euro Changeover for Global Collateral (Assignmt) | FTBK | Risk Management Counterparty/Issuer Risks |
KLSI07 | Single-Transaction-Related Collateral (Assignment) | FTBK | Risk Management Counterparty/Issuer Risks |
KLSI07_BAK | Backup for Euro Changeover for Single-Tran.-Rel. Collateral | FTBK | Risk Management Counterparty/Issuer Risks |
KLZUEXTOBJ | Assignment of External Administration Key to Object Number | FTBK | Risk Management Counterparty/Issuer Risks |
ATCOVO | Commodity Price Volatilities (obsolete) | FTB_CORE | FTB Core |
ATDCSVO | DCS based Commodity Price Volatilities | FTB_CORE | FTB Core |
OTC_CONV_AFINKO | Backup Table for Fin. Transaction Alternative Conditions | FTA | R/3 appl. development for Treasury money,forex,forward gen |
OTC_CONV_FHAPO | Backup Table for Financial Transaction Flows | FTA | R/3 appl. development for Treasury money,forex,forward gen |
OTC_CONV_FHAZU | Backup Table for Financial Transaction Activities | FTA | R/3 appl. development for Treasury money,forex,forward gen |
OTC_CONV_FINKO | Backup Table for Financial Transaction Conditions | FTA | R/3 appl. development for Treasury money,forex,forward gen |
OTC_CONV_IAFINKO | Backup Table for Transaction Underlying Old Conditions | FTA | R/3 appl. development for Treasury money,forex,forward gen |
OTC_CONV_IFHAPO | Backup Table for Underlying Transaction Flows | FTA | R/3 appl. development for Treasury money,forex,forward gen |
OTC_CONV_IFINKO | Backup Table for Financial Transaction Underlying Conditions | FTA | R/3 appl. development for Treasury money,forex,forward gen |
REFCC | References between CO object numbers, currency differences | FTR | Application development R/3 Treasury referencing (unit) |
REFH | References between CO object numbers, header table | FTR | Application development R/3 Treasury referencing (unit) |
REFON | References between object numbers (CO object no.) | FTR | Application development R/3 Treasury referencing (unit) |
TCORT_CO | Correspondence Administrative Data | FTR_CORRESPONDENCE | Treasury Correspondence (Confirmations & Matching) |
TCORT_CODCO | Deal: Conditions | FTR_CORRESPONDENCE | Treasury Correspondence (Confirmations & Matching) |
TCORT_CODCOFO | Deal: Condition's Formula | FTR_CORRESPONDENCE | Treasury Correspondence (Confirmations & Matching) |
TCORT_CODMD | Deal: Main Data | FTR_CORRESPONDENCE | Treasury Correspondence (Confirmations & Matching) |
TCORT_CODPI | Deal: Payment Information | FTR_CORRESPONDENCE | Treasury Correspondence (Confirmations & Matching) |
TCORT_CODULCO | Deal : Underlying's Conditions | FTR_CORRESPONDENCE | Treasury Correspondence (Confirmations & Matching) |
TCORT_CODULCOFO | Deal: Underlying's Formula | FTR_CORRESPONDENCE | Treasury Correspondence (Confirmations & Matching) |
TPMTVMFL | Position management variation margin flows at sec. account | FTT | R/3 application development for Treasury forward trading |
VTBAFINKO | Alternative Conditions | FTA | R/3 appl. development for Treasury money,forex,forward gen |
VTBFASGT | Account Assignment of a Financial Transaction Flow | FTA | R/3 appl. development for Treasury money,forex,forward gen |
VTBFATHD | Acct Assmt Templates for PS Mult. Acct Assmts: Header Info. | FTA | R/3 appl. development for Treasury money,forex,forward gen |
VTBFHA | Transaction | FTA | R/3 appl. development for Treasury money,forex,forward gen |
VTBFHAPO | Transaction Flow | FTA | R/3 appl. development for Treasury money,forex,forward gen |
VTBFHAPO_MIGR | Migrated Financial Flows | FTA | R/3 appl. development for Treasury money,forex,forward gen |
VTBFHAPO_UNFIXED | Non-Fixed Financial Transaction Flows | FTA | R/3 appl. development for Treasury money,forex,forward gen |
VTBFHAZU | Transaction Activity | FTA | R/3 appl. development for Treasury money,forex,forward gen |
VTBFINKO | Transaction Condition | FTA | R/3 appl. development for Treasury money,forex,forward gen |
VTBFSEC | Securities Collateral | FTR_LENDING | CFM-TM: Securities Lending |
VTBKORES | Correspondence Data | FTA | R/3 appl. development for Treasury money,forex,forward gen |
VTBMA | Master Agreement | FTA | R/3 appl. development for Treasury money,forex,forward gen |
VTBPFHAPO | Treasury: Flow Shells | FTA | R/3 appl. development for Treasury money,forex,forward gen |
VTBRATE | Rate for Activity | FTA | R/3 appl. development for Treasury money,forex,forward gen |
VTBSIANF | **Caution! Do not use. Will be deleted!! | FTA | R/3 appl. development for Treasury money,forex,forward gen |
VTBTRA1 | Transaction Authoriz. for Traders | FTA | R/3 appl. development for Treasury money,forex,forward gen |
VTBZV | Payment Details for Transaction | FTA | R/3 appl. development for Treasury money,forex,forward gen |
VTB_TRADER_AUTH | Transparent Table for Trader Authorizations | FTA | R/3 appl. development for Treasury money,forex,forward gen |
VTIAFINKO | Alternative Conditions Underlying | FTT | R/3 application development for Treasury forward trading |
VTIFHA | Underlying transaction | FTT | R/3 application development for Treasury forward trading |
VTIFHAPO | Underlying transaction flows | FTT | R/3 application development for Treasury forward trading |
VTIFHAZU | Underlying transaction status table | FTT | R/3 application development for Treasury forward trading |
VTIFINKO | Underlying transaction conditions | FTT | R/3 application development for Treasury forward trading |
TRFT_CLASS_POS | Treasury: TRF Class Position | FTR_LISTED_OPTIONS_FUTURES | Treasury: Listed Options and Futures |
TRST_NOM_CORR | Treasury: Nominal Adjustment | FTR_SECURITY_ACCOUNT_MGT | Treasury: Securities Account Management |
TLCT_RCD | Record table for Risk Check Decision | FTR_TRADE_FINANCE | Treasury: Trade Finance |
TCHT_HD_SFGDT | SFGDT Representation of Instruments | FTR_CROSS_HEDGE_AUX | Components of Cross Hedge (used by Old and New) |
VTB_WEB_SUSER | FTR Web: Service Users | FTTR | Treasury: Financial Transaction |
VTBSTA1 | Allocation of Payment Details as Standing Instructions | FTBP_SI | FS Business Partner: Standing Instructions |
VTBSTA2 | Standing Instructions for Correspondence | FTBP_SI | FS Business Partner: Standing Instructions |
VTBSTA3 | SI for Business Partner: Transaction Authorizations | FTBP_SI | FS Business Partner: Standing Instructions |
VTBSTA4 | SI for Business Partner: Derived Flows | FTBP_SI | FS Business Partner: Standing Instructions |
VTBSTC1 | Components of Payment Details for Standing Instruction | FTBP_SI | FS Business Partner: Standing Instructions |
VDZV | Payment Details for the Loan | FVVZ | TR-LO: Payment Requests for Loans |
JBSSAMOB | Regulatory Reporting - Grouping Objects | JBS | SEM-B (deprecated): IS-B Statutory Reporting |
JBSSICH | Regulatory Reporting - Collateral | JBS | SEM-B (deprecated): IS-B Statutory Reporting |
JBSSKB1 | IS-B: Additional FI account info.(Regulatory Reporting) | JBS | SEM-B (deprecated): IS-B Statutory Reporting |
JBSSPAR | Regulatory Reporting - Savings | JBS | SEM-B (deprecated): IS-B Statutory Reporting |
JBSWPOFF | Open, Non-Fulfilled Spot Securities Transactions (RR) | JBS | SEM-B (deprecated): IS-B Statutory Reporting |