Tables with fields of type TB_RFHA
The data element TB_RFHA is used by fields in the following tables.
| | | |
IDCFMBRSETX_HST | History table for taxation | ID-CFM | Treasury/CFM Localization Development Class |
IDCFMBRSETX_HST | History table for taxation | ID-CFM | Treasury/CFM Localization Development Class |
IDCFMBRSETX_HST | History table for taxation | ID-CFM | Treasury/CFM Localization Development Class |
IDCFMBRSE_PST | Customizing for creation of sales transactions for tax pmnts | ID-CFM | Treasury/CFM Localization Development Class |
IDCFM_BST_HIST | History table for balance sheet transfer for Brazil | ID-CFM | Treasury/CFM Localization Development Class |
IDCFMHU_ASLOG | LOG installments repayment sec. depreciation | ID-CFM-HU-MM | Treasury Localization: Money Market |
IDCFMHU_CFMKSW | Interest Swap Null Correction | ID-CFM-HU-MM | Treasury Localization: Money Market |
IDCFMHU_CFW_DOC | FW off-blnc postings documents | ID-CFM-HU-MM | Treasury Localization: Money Market |
IDCFMHU_CFW_HDR | CFM - FW off-blnc postings head | ID-CFM-HU-MM | Treasury Localization: Money Market |
IDCFMHU_CFW_REF | FW off-blnc aa_ref and valuation area pairs | ID-CFM-HU-MM | Treasury Localization: Money Market |
IDCFMHU_CISWDOC | ISW off-blnc postings documents | ID-CFM-HU-MM | Treasury Localization: Money Market |
IDCFMHU_CISWHDR | CFM - ISW off-blnc postings head | ID-CFM-HU-MM | Treasury Localization: Money Market |
IDCFMHU_COPTDOC | OPT off-blnc postings documents | ID-CFM-HU-MM | Treasury Localization: Money Market |
IDCFMHU_COPTHDR | CFM - OPT off-blnc postings head | ID-CFM-HU-MM | Treasury Localization: Money Market |
IDCFMHU_CREPO | Treasury - Repo off-blnc postings | ID-CFM-HU-MM | Treasury Localization: Money Market |
IDCFMHU_CSECDOC | SEC off-blnc postings documents | ID-CFM-HU-MM | Treasury Localization: Money Market |
IDCFMHU_DR001 | Addition data for CFM collateral repo transaction | ID-CFM-HU-MM | Treasury Localization: Money Market |
IDCFMHU_TKEEXP | KELER-KID Export Transactions | ID-CFM-HU-MM | Treasury Localization: Money Market |
IDCFMHU_TR_KLRA | IDCFMHU_TR_KLRA Ac | ID-CFM-HU-MM | Treasury Localization: Money Market |
IDCFM_USFA_SIA | Facility: Secondary Index | ID-CFM-US-FAMA | Treasury Localization USA: FAM |
FDT1 | CMF Line Items for Forex, Money Market, Derivatives | FF | Cash Management |
TRCCT_TRANS | Currency Changeover Transaction | FTR_CURRENCY_CHANGEOVER | Treasury Currency Changeover |
TREAT_FHA_DIFF | Treasury: TREA Differentiation for Deal Position | FTR_EXTERNAL_ACCOUNT_MGT | Treasury External Account |
TREAT_STATEM_ITM | Clearing Account Statement Detail | FTR_EXTERNAL_ACCOUNT_MGT | Treasury External Account |
TRPAT_CMF_GL_VAL | Contractual Change Gain or Loss | FTR_TRL_POS_ATTRIBUTES | Position Attributes for IFRS9 |
TRPAT_INIT_CLASS | Adjustment of Initial Classifier | FTR_TRL_POS_ATTRIBUTES | Position Attributes for IFRS9 |
TRPAT_TARGET_STA | Target stage for stage transfer | FTR_TRL_POS_ATTRIBUTES | Position Attributes for IFRS9 |
TRPAT_WRO_LA_VAL | Indicator for write-off and target loss allowance value | FTR_TRL_POS_ATTRIBUTES | Position Attributes for IFRS9 |
TRTM_CHG_PARTNER | Treasury: Change partner | FTR_EXTERNAL_ACCOUNT_MGT | Treasury External Account |
TOET_HREQ_DEAL | Hedge Request Deals | FTOE_HEDGE_REQUEST_CORE | Hedge Request |
TPIT_FULFILLMENT | Trade Request incl. fulfilled transactions | FTR_TPI_IMPLEMENTATION | Trading Platform Integration: Implementation |
AFWCH_STR_SP_CLD | Analysis Structure: Template for Cloud Version | CFM_AFWCH | RDB: Analyzer Characteristic Management |
FTBCVA_GUID2KEY | Mapping table GUID - semantic key | FTB_CVA | Credit Value Adjustement |
FTB_I73_STATIC | Risk Mngt: FO w/ static analysis structure [I73] | FTB_STATIC | Static Characteristics |
FTB_I74_STATIC | Risk Mngt: Base Portfolio w/ static analysis structure [I74] | FTB_STATIC | Static Characteristics |
JBDEURO | Indicator Table for EURO Conversion (CC) | JBD | Application development IS-B Data Pool |
JBDGSCH | IS-B: Transaction Master Data | JBD | Application development IS-B Data Pool |
KLSDCPROT1 | Log Gen. for Single Transaction Check: Header Information | FTBK | Risk Management Counterparty/Issuer Risks |
VTVBAR | NPVs of OTC transactions | FTB | Applic. development R/3 Treasury risk simulation analysis |
VTVBAR_HEDGE | Key Figures for Hedge Accounting | FTB | Applic. development R/3 Treasury risk simulation analysis |
BCKVTBFHAPO | Backup: Transaction Flows | FVVW | Treasury Management: Securities |
BCK_VTIFHAPO | Backup for Currency Changeover of Bond Underlying | FTT | R/3 application development for Treasury forward trading |
DIFT_POS_IDENT | Persistent Flow Selectors | FTR_DIFFERENTIATION | CFM-TM: Differentiation |
FDC1 | Cash Management Shadow table | FTR_CASH_MGT_UPDATE | Cash Management Update for CFM-TM |
FDC1 | Cash Management Shadow table | FTR_CASH_MGT_UPDATE | Cash Management Update for CFM-TM |
FTR_AVG_ASGN | Assign one flow to many adjustments for average | FTA | R/3 appl. development for Treasury money,forex,forward gen |
MIGT_EXCL1 | Transactions to be Excluded from Migration | FTR_MIGRATION_10 | CFM 1.0: Data Migration |
OTC_CONV_AFINKO | Backup Table for Fin. Transaction Alternative Conditions | FTA | R/3 appl. development for Treasury money,forex,forward gen |
OTC_CONV_FHAPO | Backup Table for Financial Transaction Flows | FTA | R/3 appl. development for Treasury money,forex,forward gen |
OTC_CONV_FHAZU | Backup Table for Financial Transaction Activities | FTA | R/3 appl. development for Treasury money,forex,forward gen |
OTC_CONV_FINKO | Backup Table for Financial Transaction Conditions | FTA | R/3 appl. development for Treasury money,forex,forward gen |
OTC_CONV_IAFINKO | Backup Table for Transaction Underlying Old Conditions | FTA | R/3 appl. development for Treasury money,forex,forward gen |
OTC_CONV_IFHAPO | Backup Table for Underlying Transaction Flows | FTA | R/3 appl. development for Treasury money,forex,forward gen |
OTC_CONV_IFINKO | Backup Table for Financial Transaction Underlying Conditions | FTA | R/3 appl. development for Treasury money,forex,forward gen |
POGT_POS_GUARD | Lock Objects | FTR_POSITION_GUARD | Treasury: Generic Position Lock |
SLDT_FLOW | Subledger Distributor Transactions | FTR_SUBLEDGER_DISTRIBUTOR | Subledger Distributor |
SLDT_TRANSACTION | Subledger Distributor Business Transactions | FTR_SUBLEDGER_DISTRIBUTOR | Subledger Distributor |
TCAT_TRANSACTION | Business Transaction: Corporate Action | FVVW | Treasury Management: Securities |
TCORT_CO | Correspondence Administrative Data | FTR_CORRESPONDENCE | Treasury Correspondence (Confirmations & Matching) |
TCORT_CODDP | Deal: Dividend Plan | FTR_CORRESPONDENCE | Treasury Correspondence (Confirmations & Matching) |
TCORT_CODRP | Deal: Rollover Plan | FTR_CORRESPONDENCE | Treasury Correspondence (Confirmations & Matching) |
THAHRT_ASS_PROSP | Retrospective effectiveness assessment result | FTHM | Hedge Management - central objects |
THAHRT_EFF_HEAD | Effectiveness test result header | FTHM_HEDGING_RELATIONSHIP | Hedge Management - Package hedging relationship |
THAHRT_EXT_RETRO | External Retrospective Assessment | FTHM | Hedge Management - central objects |
THMEXT_PLANNER | E-HA: Hedge Plan | FTHM_EXPOSURE | Hedge Management - Package Exposure Management |
THMHRT_ASS_RETRO | Retrospective effectiveness assessment result | FTHM | Hedge Management - central objects |
THMHRT_CASH_FLOW | Calculated cash flows for effectiveness | FTHM_HEDGING_RELATIONSHIP | Hedge Management - Package hedging relationship |
THMHRT_EXT_PROS | External Prospective Assessment | FTHM | Hedge Management - central objects |
THMHRT_HI_MEAS | Fair value change of the hedge comp. in an effective hedge | FTHM | Hedge Management - central objects |
THMHRT_HR | Hedge Relationship | FTHM_HEDGING_RELATIONSHIP | Hedge Management - Package hedging relationship |
THMHRT_HR_STRAT | Effectiveness strategy for the hedging relationship | FTHM_HEDGING_RELATIONSHIP | Hedge Management - Package hedging relationship |
THMHRT_HR_VAL | Valuation details for the hedging relationship | FTHM_HEDGE | Central objects for the hedge and hedge relationship admin. |
THMHRT_MEASURE | Effectiveness measurement result | FTHM | Hedge Management - central objects |
TLRT_TARO_ADM | Trade Repository Object Administrative Data | FTR_LEGAL_REPORTING | Legal Reporting |
TLRT_TARO_PFIELD | Trade Repository: Protected Fields | FTR_LEGAL_REPORTING | Legal Reporting |
TLRT_THM_RES_POS | Threshold Result Position Data | FTR_LEGAL_REPORTING | Legal Reporting |
TLRT_TRADE_ID | Trade Identifier for Financial Transactions | FTR_LEGAL_REPORTING | Legal Reporting |
TPMHRT_EXT_RETRO | External Retrospective Assessment | FTHM | Hedge Management - central objects |
TRCT_BUSTRANS | Table of business transactions | FTR_CASH_MGT_UPDATE | Cash Management Update for CFM-TM |
TRDTT_DATA_ADMIN | Legacy Data Transfer Admin. Entries Business Transactions | FTR_DATA_TRANSFER | Legacy Data Transfer |
TRDTT_IGTDATA_SE | Intragroup Transaction (IGT) Data for Securities | FTR_DATA_TRANSFER | Legacy Data Transfer |
TRDTT_POS_ADMIN | Legacy Data Transfer Admin. Entries Subledger Positions | FTR_DATA_TRANSFER | Legacy Data Transfer |
TRDTT_VADATA_FUT | Valuation-Area-Dependent Data for Futures | FTR_DATA_TRANSFER | Legacy Data Transfer |
TRDTT_VADATA_OTC | Valuation-Area-Dependent Data for MM, FX, OTC Derivatives. | FTR_DATA_TRANSFER | Legacy Data Transfer |
TRDTT_VADATA_SEC | Valuation-Area-Dependent Data for Securities | FTR_DATA_TRANSFER | Legacy Data Transfer |
TRDTT_VAD_FUTSUB | Valuation Area-Dependent Data for Futures with Subpositions | FTR_DATA_TRANSFER | Legacy Data Transfer |
TRDTT_VAD_SECSUB | Valuation Area-Dependent Data for Securities w. Subpositions | FTR_DATA_TRANSFER | Legacy Data Transfer |
TRDT_FLOW | Persistent distributor flows | FTR_DISTRIBUTOR | CFM-TM: Distributor |
TRDT_TRDBUSTRANS | Treasury: Persistent distributor business transaction | FTR_DISTRIBUTOR | CFM-TM: Distributor |
TRGT_KEY_ASSGN | Table for Persistent Class CL_KEY_ASSIGNMENT_TRG | FTR_GENERAL | CFM TM: Application Basis / Global Objects |
TRGT_MIGPS_OTC | Assignment of PS Account Assignments to Transactions | FTR_MIGRATION_10 | CFM 1.0: Data Migration |
TRLIT_AD_MIGRATE | Accrual/Deferral: Log Data of Migration to EP 2: | FTR_ACCRUAL | Treasury: Accrual/Deferral of Profits |
TRLIT_AD_TRANS | Accrual/Deferral Business Transactions (Documentation avail) | FTR_ACCRUAL | Treasury: Accrual/Deferral of Profits |
TRLT_VCL_FLOW | Flows Valuation Class Transfer | FTR_TRANSFER | General Transfers |
TRTFT_VCLCONTROL | Control Table for Valuation Class Transfer | FTR_TRANSFER | General Transfers |
VTB2TRD | Link Between Financial Transaction Flow and Distributor Flow | FTA | R/3 appl. development for Treasury money,forex,forward gen |
VTBAFINKO | Alternative Conditions | FTA | R/3 appl. development for Treasury money,forex,forward gen |
VTBDIVIDEND | Dividend Data for Forward Securities Transaction | FTT | R/3 application development for Treasury forward trading |
VTBFHA | Transaction | FTA | R/3 appl. development for Treasury money,forex,forward gen |
VTBFHAPO | Transaction Flow | FTA | R/3 appl. development for Treasury money,forex,forward gen |
VTBFHAPO_MIGR | Migrated Financial Flows | FTA | R/3 appl. development for Treasury money,forex,forward gen |
VTBFHAPO_UNFIXED | Non-Fixed Financial Transaction Flows | FTA | R/3 appl. development for Treasury money,forex,forward gen |
VTBFHAZU | Transaction Activity | FTA | R/3 appl. development for Treasury money,forex,forward gen |
VTBFINKO | Transaction Condition | FTA | R/3 appl. development for Treasury money,forex,forward gen |
VTBFKTLOG | Treasury: Sequence of Functions for Activity Processing | FTA | R/3 appl. development for Treasury money,forex,forward gen |
VTBKORES | Correspondence Data | FTA | R/3 appl. development for Treasury money,forex,forward gen |
VTBPFHAPO | Treasury: Flow Shells | FTA | R/3 appl. development for Treasury money,forex,forward gen |
VTBRATE | Rate for Activity | FTA | R/3 appl. development for Treasury money,forex,forward gen |
VTBROLLOVER | Rollover Periods for Forward Securities Transactions | FTT | R/3 application development for Treasury forward trading |
VTBSIZU | Hedge Allocation | FTH | Application development R/3 treasury hedging |
VTBTEKAL | Treasury: Due Date Management | FTA | R/3 appl. development for Treasury money,forex,forward gen |
VTBZV | Payment Details for Transaction | FTA | R/3 appl. development for Treasury money,forex,forward gen |
VTB_ADJUSTMENT | Fiduciary deposit adjustment flow | FTG | R/3 application development for Treasury money market |
VTIAFINKO | Alternative Conditions Underlying | FTT | R/3 application development for Treasury forward trading |
VTIFHA | Underlying transaction | FTT | R/3 application development for Treasury forward trading |
VTIFHAPO | Underlying transaction flows | FTT | R/3 application development for Treasury forward trading |
VTIFHAZU | Underlying transaction status table | FTT | R/3 application development for Treasury forward trading |
VTIFINKO | Underlying transaction conditions | FTT | R/3 application development for Treasury forward trading |
VWBEKI | Treasury Securities: Actual Flows - Header | FVVW | Treasury Management: Securities |
VWBEPP | Treasury Securities: Planned Flows | FVVW | Treasury Management: Securities |
VWFL3 | Assign Transaction Number to Position Number | FVVW | Treasury Management: Securities |
VWKMPO | Corporate actions (items) | FVVW | Treasury Management: Securities |
VWORDE | Order Data | FVVW | Treasury Management: Securities |
TLVT_MANUAL_VAL | Book Values for Manual Valuation of Positions | FTR_VALUATION | Treasury: General Valuation |
TRACT_DOCUMENT | Treasury: Accounting Adaptor Document | FTR_ACCOUNTING_ADAPTOR | CFM TM: Accounting Adaptor |
TRACT_QUEUE | Resubmission for Reversal | FTR_ACCOUNTING_ADAPTOR | CFM TM: Accounting Adaptor |
TRILT_DTRANS | Derived Business Transactions in the Income Ledger | FTR_INCOME_LEDGER | Treasury: Income Ledger |
TRLT_INITVAL_OTC | Initialization Values for TRL Positions: OTC positions | FTR_TREASURY_LEDGER | Treasury Ledger |
TRLT_INIT_TRANS | List of Initializing Business Transactions | FTR_TREASURY_LEDGER | Treasury Ledger |
TRET_PROTOCOL | Transactions Generated for Endowments | FTR_ENDOWMENT | PS /TRM-TM Integration: Endowments (Grants, Donations) |
TRET_PROTOCOL | Transactions Generated for Endowments | FTR_ENDOWMENT | PS /TRM-TM Integration: Endowments (Grants, Donations) |
TRFT_MAN_POST | Manual Posting | FTR_LISTED_OPTIONS_FUTURES | Treasury: Listed Options and Futures |
FTIT_FAS157_OTC | FAS157 : Classification of OTC deals into levels | FTI | Application development R/3 Treasury information system |
FTI_MARKET_VALS | Reporting: Buffer Table for Market Values - Position Crcy | FTI | Application development R/3 Treasury information system |
FTI_MARKET_VALST | Reporting: Buffer Table for Market Values - Evaluation Crcy | FTI | Application development R/3 Treasury information system |
TLCT_TFNUM_MAP | Mapping table for trade finance between SD and TRM | FTR_SD2TRM_TF | Integration Package for Trade Finance: SD-to-TRM |
TLCT_ACTIVITY | Transaction Activity of Letter of Credit | FTR_TRADE_FINANCE | Treasury: Trade Finance |
TLCT_DOCUMENT | Documents of Letter of Credit | FTR_TRADE_FINANCE | Treasury: Trade Finance |
TLCT_INVOICE | Table of Presentation Invoice | FTR_TRADE_FINANCE | Treasury: Trade Finance |
TLCT_NOMI_BANK | Letter of Credit: Nomimate Bank | FTR_TRADE_FINANCE | Treasury: Trade Finance |
TLCT_NOTE | Letter of Credit: Note content | FTR_TRADE_FINANCE | Treasury: Trade Finance |
TLCT_ORDER | Letter of Credit: Order | FTR_TRADE_FINANCE | Treasury: Trade Finance |
TLCT_PRSTN_HIST | History Table for Presentation | FTR_TRADE_FINANCE | Treasury: Trade Finance |
TLCT_RCD_ITEM | Item record table for Risk Check Decision | FTR_TRADE_FINANCE | Treasury: Trade Finance |
TLCT_SD_ASSGMT | Letter of Credit: Order | FTR_TRADE_FINANCE | Treasury: Trade Finance |
CMM_AVG_OPTUL | Underlying flow of Average Price options | FTTR | Treasury: Financial Transaction |
FTR_AVG_RATE | Average Rates | FTR_AVG | Management of Average Rates |
FTR_TIER_LEVEL | Tier Level | FTTR | Treasury: Financial Transaction |
TCHT_HD_SFGDT | SFGDT Representation of Instruments | FTR_CROSS_HEDGE_AUX | Components of Cross Hedge (used by Old and New) |
THXET_MEAS_ITEMD | Effectiveness Test: Detailed Results per Deal & Hyp. Deri. | FTR_HEDGE_EFFECTIVITY | Effectivity Tests for New Hedge Management |
THXT_HREL_INIT | Hedging Relationship Initialization Transactions | FTR_TRL_HEDGE_MANAGEMENT | New Hedge Management |
THXT_HR_TRANS | Treasury: Hedging Relationship Transactions | FTR_TRL_HEDGE_MANAGEMENT | New Hedge Management |
THXT_MD_ACC_KF | Market Data: Hedge Accounting Key Figures | FTR_TRL_HEDGE_MANAGEMENT | New Hedge Management |
THXT_MD_PV | market data present value | FTR_TRL_HEDGE_MANAGEMENT | New Hedge Management |
TPM_SECACC_GRD2 | Assign Transaction: Sec. Acct Position Lock | FTTR | Treasury: Financial Transaction |
VTBCSPREAD | Credit Spread per OTC Transaction | FTTR | Treasury: Financial Transaction |
VTBPA | Fin. Transaction: Assignment of Further Business Partners | FTTR | Treasury: Financial Transaction |
VTBRATING | Rating for Financial Transaction | FTTR | Treasury: Financial Transaction |
VTBRELE1 | Transaction release: Change history | FTTR | Treasury: Financial Transaction |
VTB_ASGN_RELAT | FTR Assignment Management: Assignment Object | FTTR | Treasury: Financial Transaction |
VTB_SPPI_CLASSIF | SPPI Classification for Financial Transaction | FTTR | Treasury: Financial Transaction |
TEXT_CTY_EXPOS | Commodity Price Exposure (obsolete) | FTR_COMMODITY_EXPOSURE | Commodity Price Exposures |
FLQITEMT1_FC | Liquidity Calculation: Forecast Line Items from TR Trans. | FFLQ | Liquidity Calculation |
/ILE/POSTED_TRN | Localization : CFM - Posted annexing val for transaction | /ILE/FTA | IL Localization - Annexing in CFM |
/ILE/POSTED_VAL | Localization : CFM - Posted annexing results | /ILE/FTA | IL Localization - Annexing in CFM |