Tables with fields of type SZBMETH
The data element SZBMETH is used by fields in the following tables.
| | | |
/ACCGO/T_INTRES | Prepayment Interest Calculation Result | /ACCGO/PPMG_SETTLEMENT | ACM Prepayment Package for Settlement |
ARO_CEP_HDR | Cost Estimation Plan Header | ARO_CEP | Cost Estimation Plan Handling |
ARO_HDR | Basic ARO Data (General) | ARO_GENERAL | General Obligation Handling, UI, Services |
ARO_TC_CONFIG | General Obligation specific configuration | ARO_APPL_CUST | Application Customizing Objects |
TFILAFM_IRCM | Assignment of Acct Prin. to Interest Rate Calc. Methods | FI_LA_FM | Lease Accounting Financial Mathematics |
FILA_RE_PRG | Refinancing Program | FI_LA_RE_APPL | Applications for the Refinancing Solution |
IDCFMHU_CISWDOC | ISW off-blnc postings documents | ID-CFM-HU-MM | Treasury Localization: Money Market |
IDCFM_USFA_COND | Facility: Conditions | ID-CFM-US-FAMA | Treasury Localization USA: FAM |
IDCMLHU_14CALPOS | Interest on Arrears Calculation Item | ID-CML-HU | Loans Localization Hungary |
CMMF_SVBEWEG | RM: Flow Table for Cat. of Prim. Trans. for Saved Datasets | FTR_COMMODITY_EVALUATION | Commodity Evaluation |
AT56R | Supplements to Analysis System for Table T056R | FTA_CORE | TR-CORE: Former Objects from FTA (Applic. Dev. TR General) |
JBD14 | Yield Curve Types (Header Information) | JBST | Yield & Commodity Curve |
TZPAB | Financial Assets Management product types | FVV | R/3 application development for Financial Assets Management |
VZZKOPO | Table condition items | FVV | R/3 application development for Financial Assets Management |
VZZKOKO | Table condition header | FTVV | TR - Objects from FVV in both Loans/Securities areas |
AFWBM_BASIC | TRM: Additional Attributes of a Basic Benchmark | CFM_AFWBM | RDB: PA Benchmark Management |
JBAFOKOKO | Condition Header | JBA | TRM Analyzer General Development |
JBAPLANPAR | ALM Assignment of Planning Parameters to Planning Variant | JBRB | Risk Management: Customizing for ALM |
JBASAKOKO | Collective Conditions, Condition Header | JBA | TRM Analyzer General Development |
JBASIMAP | ALM Simulation Type: Parameters | JBRB | Risk Management: Customizing for ALM |
JBASIMPARASAVEDB | ALM: Additional Information when Saving Sim. Transactions | JBRA | Risk Management: Asset/Liability Management |
JBASTCH | Standard Conditions: Condition Header | JBA | TRM Analyzer General Development |
JBCFBEWEG | Cash Flow Transaction: Flows | JBD | Application development IS-B Data Pool |
JBCFBZR | Cash Flow Transaction: Analysis Period | JBD | Application development IS-B Data Pool |
JBCFZSTRBEWEG | Cash Flow Transaction: Flow Data for Cash Flow | JBD | Application development IS-B Data Pool |
JBDKOKO | Condition Header | JBD | Application development IS-B Data Pool |
JBDVTCH | Variable Transaction - Condition Headers | JBD | Application development IS-B Data Pool |
JBRALMPARASAVE | ALM: Evaluation Parameters | JBRA | Risk Management: Asset/Liability Management |
JBRBRIASZ | Assignment of Utilization Scenario to Valuation Rule | JBRB | Risk Management: Customizing for ALM |
JBRDBBEWEG | RM: DB Table BEWEG Extended Category of Primary Transaction | JBR | Application development TRM Market Risk Mangement |
JBRHBEWEG | RM: Version Table BEWEG for Extended Cat. of Primary Trans. | JBR | Application development TRM Market Risk Mangement |
JBRKNZ | RM: External Key Figures for Financial Object | JBR | Application development TRM Market Risk Mangement |
JBROZ | RM Gap Opportunity Interest Rates from Single Trans. Costing | JBR | Application development TRM Market Risk Mangement |
JBRSIMZ | Simulated Interest - Definition | JBRB | Risk Management: Customizing for ALM |
JBRSVBEWEG | RM: Flow Table for Cat. of Prim. Trans. for Saved Datasets | JBR | Application development TRM Market Risk Mangement |
JBRSVGAPHD | RM: Header Data (Saved Gap Evaluation Results) | JBRA | Risk Management: Asset/Liability Management |
JBRSVGAPHD2 | RM: Header Data (Saved Gap Evaluation Results) | JBR | Application development TRM Market Risk Mangement |
JBRSVGAPHEAD | RM: Header Data (Saved Gap Evaluation Results) | JBRA | Risk Management: Asset/Liability Management |
FTBB_YCBSPRD_DEF | Extension of Basis-Spread Definition | FTBBYC | MRA: New YC Framework -- New DDIC Objects |
FTBB_YCCSPRD_DEF | Extension of Credit-Spread Definition | FTBBYC | MRA: New YC Framework -- New DDIC Objects |
TZPA | Financial Assets Management Product Types | FVVW_CORE | TR-CORE: Former Objects from FVVW (TR-TM: Securities) |
VTIDERI | Master Data Listed Options and Futures | FTT_CORE | Former FTT Objects Required in AL0 |
OTC_CONV_FHAPO | Backup Table for Financial Transaction Flows | FTA | R/3 appl. development for Treasury money,forex,forward gen |
OTC_CONV_FINKO | Backup Table for Financial Transaction Conditions | FTA | R/3 appl. development for Treasury money,forex,forward gen |
OTC_CONV_IFHAPO | Backup Table for Underlying Transaction Flows | FTA | R/3 appl. development for Treasury money,forex,forward gen |
OTC_CONV_IFINKO | Backup Table for Financial Transaction Underlying Conditions | FTA | R/3 appl. development for Treasury money,forex,forward gen |
TCORT_CODCO | Deal: Conditions | FTR_CORRESPONDENCE | Treasury Correspondence (Confirmations & Matching) |
TCORT_CODULCO | Deal : Underlying's Conditions | FTR_CORRESPONDENCE | Treasury Correspondence (Confirmations & Matching) |
THMEXT_EXPOS_IR | E-HA: Exposure Created by Transactions | FTHM_EXPOSURE | Hedge Management - Package Exposure Management |
THMEXT_TRANS_IR | E-HA: IR Transactions | FTHM_EXPOSURE | Hedge Management - Package Exposure Management |
TRDT_SEC_FLOW | Persistent distributor flows: Part for BEPP adaptor | FTR_DISTRIBUTOR | CFM-TM: Distributor |
TRLIT_AD_TRANS | Accrual/Deferral Business Transactions (Documentation avail) | FTR_ACCRUAL | Treasury: Accrual/Deferral of Profits |
VTBFHAPO | Transaction Flow | FTA | R/3 appl. development for Treasury money,forex,forward gen |
VTBFHAPO_MIGR | Migrated Financial Flows | FTA | R/3 appl. development for Treasury money,forex,forward gen |
VTBFHAPO_UNFIXED | Non-Fixed Financial Transaction Flows | FTA | R/3 appl. development for Treasury money,forex,forward gen |
VTBFINKO | Transaction Condition | FTA | R/3 appl. development for Treasury money,forex,forward gen |
VTBPFHAPO | Treasury: Flow Shells | FTA | R/3 appl. development for Treasury money,forex,forward gen |
VTIFHAPO | Underlying transaction flows | FTT | R/3 application development for Treasury forward trading |
VTIFINKO | Underlying transaction conditions | FTT | R/3 application development for Treasury forward trading |
VWBEPI | Treasury Securities: Actual Flows - Item | FVVW | Treasury Management: Securities |
VWBEPP | Treasury Securities: Planned Flows | FVVW | Treasury Management: Securities |
VWORDE | Order Data | FVVW | Treasury Management: Securities |
TRST_CLASFLO | CFM: Class Flows in Securities Account | FTR_SECURITY_ACCOUNT_MGT | Treasury: Securities Account Management |
TRST_CLASFLO_REV | CFM: Reversed Class Flows in Securities Account | FTR_SECURITY_ACCOUNT_MGT | Treasury: Securities Account Management |
FTI_BI_REP_ODS | Reparation Records for Inconsistent Data in ODS 0CFM_O01 /BW | CFM_TR_BIW | Transaction Management: Connection to BW |
TCHT_HD_BEWEG_CF | SFGDT FGET Cashflows Table | FTR_CROSS_HEDGE_AUX | Components of Cross Hedge (used by Old and New) |
TCHT_HD_COND | Instrument Conditions | FTR_CROSS_HEDGE_AUX | Components of Cross Hedge (used by Old and New) |
TRDC_REC | Summarization of Loan Document Items: Carryforward Records | FVVD | Treasury Loans |
VDARC_DOC_REC | Carryforward Records for Reorganization of Loan Doc. Items | FVVD_ARCHIVE | Loan Reorganization and Archiving |
VDBEPI | Posted line items for document header | FVVD | Treasury Loans |
VDBEPI_SHADOW | Shadow Table for VDBEPI (Restrictions) | FVVD | Treasury Loans |
VDBEPP | Flow Data - Planned Item | FVVD | Treasury Loans |
VDBOBEPP | Business Operation: Entered and Activated Flow Data | FVVD | Treasury Loans |
VDCFWAREHOUSE | Cash Flow Management | FVVD_REP | Payoff |
VDMEPOV | Condition Table: Variant Item | FVVD | Treasury Loans |
VDORDER | Borrower's note loan order data | FVVD | Treasury Loans |
VZFZE_VDBEPP | Central Entry Table for Release Procedure | FVVD | Treasury Loans |
TDIOA_SCHEME_DEF | Profile Definition for Interest on Arrears Calculation | FVVCL_IOA | Calculation of Interest on Arrears for Consumer Loans |
VDIOA_CALC_DET | Progress (Interest) of Model Account IOA Calculation | FVVCL_IOA | Calculation of Interest on Arrears for Consumer Loans |
VDESCROWKOKO0 | TEMPORARY USE: Escrow Condition Headers | FVVD_ESCROW | Escrow |
VDESCROWKOPO0 | TEMPORARY USE: Escrow Condition Items | FVVD_ESCROW | Escrow |
TDDEF_CUST | Settings/Preassignments for Deferral | FVVCL_DEFCAP | Payment Agreements (Deferral / Capitalization) |
VDDEFERRAL | Deferral Data | FVVCL_DEFCAP | Payment Agreements (Deferral / Capitalization) |
VDCOT_VER_CON | Conditions in the Condition Table | FVVD_CONDITION_TABLE | Condition Table |
TZK02 | Condition group, condition group - condition type allocation | FVVI | R/3 for Financial Assets Management: Real estate |
VIBEPP | Flow data - Planned items for real estate management | FVVI | R/3 for Financial Assets Management: Real estate |
TIVCERULE | Valuation Rule | RE_CE_CA | RE: Cross-Application CE |
VICDCFOBJ | Object-Related Cash Flow | RE_CD_CF | RE: Cash Flow |
VICDCFPAY | Payment-Related Cash Flow | RE_CD_CF | RE: Cash Flow |
PPMGAC_T_INTRES | Prepayment Interest Calculation Result | PPMG_INTEREST | Prepayment Interest |
PPMGAG_C_CALCMET | Interest Calculation method types | PPMG_INTEREST | Prepayment Interest |
PPMGAG_T_CALCMET | Interest Calculation method types Snapshot - Transactional | PPMG_INTEREST | Prepayment Interest |
PPMGAG_T_VTBFHAP | Transaction Flow | PPMG_INTEREST | Prepayment Interest |
PPMGAG_T_VTBFINK | Transaction Condition | PPMG_INTEREST | Prepayment Interest |