Tables with fields of type CHAR40
The data element CHAR40 is used by fields in the following tables.
| | | |
HRSFEC_D_TIM_MSG | Time replication inbound messages | PAOC_TIM_SE_SFEC | Service Enabling Time Data Employee Central Integration |
FMEUFRUNL | Selection Details for Certification Run | FMEUF_E | Expenditure Certification |
FMEUFRUNL | Selection Details for Certification Run | FMEUF_E | Expenditure Certification |
VVKKREPPROG | Coinsurance Reporting: Generated Subprogram OBSOLETE | ISCDFUN | FS-CD: Collections/Disbursements Functionality |
VVKK_COINS_PROG | Coinsurance Reporting: Generated Subprograms | ISCDFUN | FS-CD: Collections/Disbursements Functionality |
OIJNOMMBLTKTTMPS | Nomination Ticket details | OIJ_TSW_07_BACKEND_PLAN | Backend Objects for Planning and Analytic APPS |
GHO_MTR_TYP_T | Text Table for Meter Type | APPL_GHO_NETOBJ_DB | DB layer for Network objects |
GHO_NETOBJ_TD | Well Time Dependency | APPL_GHO_NETOBJ_DB | DB layer for Network objects |
GHO_OBJECT_TYP_T | text table for Network Object Type(obselete) | APPL_GHO_NETOBJ_DB | DB layer for Network objects |
GHO_PUMP_TYP_T | Text Table for Pump Type | APPL_GHO_NETOBJ_DB | DB layer for Network objects |
GHO_WCSTATUS_T | Text Table for Well Completion Status | APPL_GHO_NETOBJ_DB | DB layer for Network objects |
GHO_WC_TYP_T | Text Table for Well Completion Type | APPL_GHO_NETOBJ_DB | DB layer for Network objects |
GHO_WELLSTATUS_T | Well Status Text Table | APPL_GHO_NETOBJ_DB | DB layer for Network objects |
GHO_WELLUSAGE_T | Text Table for Well Usage Maintenance | APPL_GHO_NETOBJ_DB | DB layer for Network objects |
PIQDB_NL_OUTLOG | Status log of the Outgoing messages | PMIQ_NL | Student Lifecycle Management - Netherlands |
TFMCA_ECMD_DEF | Definition of Template Structure for ECMD | FMCAD | PSCD: Basics & Documents |
DFMCA_RISK_PROF | Data Table for Risk Profiles | FMCA_ISR | PSCD: Internet Service Request |
TFMCA_PEN_CODET | Text Table for Penalty Codes | FMCA_ISR | PSCD: Internet Service Request |
TFMCA_RISK_TYPET | Text Table for Risk Types | FMCA_ISR | PSCD: Internet Service Request |
TFMCA_TC_RCT | Text Table for Reason Codes for Tax Cases | FMCA_ISR | PSCD: Internet Service Request |
TFMCA_TC_SCT | Text Table for Status Codes for Tax Cases | FMCA_ISR | PSCD: Internet Service Request |
TFMCA_TC_TYPET | Text Table for Tax Case Types | FMCA_ISR | PSCD: Internet Service Request |
/SAPCE/IURU_KLCI | Russia: KLADR import: Cities + Villages without city | /SAPCE/IURU | IS-U localization Russia |
/SAPCE/IURU_KLPR | Russia: KLADR import: Provinces | /SAPCE/IURU | IS-U localization Russia |
/SAPCE/IURU_KLRE | Russia: KLADR import: Regions | /SAPCE/IURU | IS-U localization Russia |
/SAPCE/IURU_KLSC | Russia: KLADR import: Sub-cities / Villages within city | /SAPCE/IURU | IS-U localization Russia |
/SAPCE/IURU_KLSS | Russia: KLADR import: Street sections | /SAPCE/IURU | IS-U localization Russia |
/SAPCE/IURU_KLST | Russia: KLADR import: Streets | /SAPCE/IURU | IS-U localization Russia |
EWA_EL_SPRATEXT | Global Table for Language-Dependent Texts | EEWA_ENHANCED_LOGISTICS | IS-U-WA: Enhanced Logistics |
OIUCM_LV_CATEGT | job viewer - table for category description | OIU_CM | PRA common objects |
OIUCM_LV_GROUPT | List Viewer Group Definition | OIU_CM | PRA common objects |
OIUCM_LV_SUBGRPT | List viewer- description of the subgroup | OIU_CM | PRA common objects |
OIUT2_PARMS_T | Obsolete: Parameters for object services | OIU_T2 | Obsolete: PRA Tobin Integration Phase II |
OIUT2_PARM_VALS | Obsolete: Parameters for object services | OIU_T2 | Obsolete: PRA Tobin Integration Phase II |
OIUXI_PARM_VALS | Parameters for object services | OIU | PRA Production and Revenue Accounting (Upstream Business) |
OIUX1_FLD_CAT | Field Catalogue for Tax Reporting | OIU_X1 | PRA Tax Reporting - Tax Reporting Framework |
OIUX1_FLD_CAT | Field Catalogue for Tax Reporting | OIU_X1 | PRA Tax Reporting - Tax Reporting Framework |
CLUIPROFILE | Profile Definition for the iPPE Workbench Express | CPPELUI0C | iPPE: Customizing for iPPE Workbench Express |
USRLUISETTINGS | User-Specific Settings of the iPPE Workbench Express | CPPELUIUSR | iPPE: User Assignment to Profiles in iPPE Workbench Express |
MMRP_LCC_DATA | Master Data and Transaction Data for RPM LC Test | ISAUTO_MMP_LCC | Test Programs for RPM-LiveCache Routines |
MMRP_LCC_ROUTINE | All liveCache Routines (liveCache check) | ISAUTO_MMP_LCC | Test Programs for RPM-LiveCache Routines |
MMRP_LCC_SEQ_DET | Routine Sequences for RPM_LCC_TESTTOOL | ISAUTO_MMP_LCC | Test Programs for RPM-LiveCache Routines |
MMRP_LCC_SEQ_DET | Routine Sequences for RPM_LCC_TESTTOOL | ISAUTO_MMP_LCC | Test Programs for RPM-LiveCache Routines |
/CPD/AVR_PRJ_CST | Dummy table for actual cost of Commercial Projects | /CPD/AVR_UTIL | Utility Package |
/CPD/AVR_PRJ_CST | Dummy table for actual cost of Commercial Projects | /CPD/AVR_UTIL | Utility Package |
CNV_00001_PARAMS | Parameter table | CNV_BASIS | Conversion: Basis functions |
CNV_00001_STATUS | Table with possible statuses | CNV_BASIS | Conversion: Basis functions |
CNV_20000_CHECKS | Master table for Analysis Check IDs | CNV_20000_S4 | Additional reports for Fiscal year conversion |
CNV_2001C_SB_FP | Table to store filename-param_name of Sol Builder Tables | CNV_2001C_S4 | Additional function for 2001c |
CNV_2010C_PARAMS | Parameter table for 2010C | CNV_2010C | Chart of accounts conversion for Cloud |
CNV_2010C_SB_FP | Table to store filename-param_name of Sol Builder Tables | CNV_2010C | Chart of accounts conversion for Cloud |
EDOINTOKEN | India: Token for RFC Token Destination | GLO-EDO-IN | eDocument India |
CNVA_00006_PARAM | CBS Table for storing general parameters | CNVA_00006 | Content Based Scan (CBS) |
CNVA_APPLIC_STEP | SHC: Analysis application step | CNVA_APPLICATION | Analysis Application |
IUUC_EXIT_FB | callable function modules in IUUC classif. - OBSOLETE | CNV_TABLE_CLASSIFICATION_REMOT | table classification tools required in the remote (sender) s |
DMC_INDX2 | MWB: generic data store ( INDX-like, 40 bytes key length) | CNV_DMC_UTIL | Data Mapping and Conversion: Utilities |
CNVMBTCR_GPCHECK | Selected Global Parameters used in Checking Rule fumod | CNV_MBT_MAIN_46 | MBT PCL Main objects from Release 4.6 on |
CNVMBTGLOBPARAM | Table of global parameters for DMIS | CNV_MBT_MAIN_46 | MBT PCL Main objects from Release 4.6 on |
CNVMBTGLOBPARAMT | Global parameter text table | CNV_MBT_MAIN_46 | MBT PCL Main objects from Release 4.6 on |
CNVMBTGPHIST | History of global parameters | CNV_MBT_MAIN_46 | MBT PCL Main objects from Release 4.6 on |
CNVMBTGPSETT | Global Parameter settings from different systems | CNV_MBT_MAIN | Main components of PCL for SLO Products |
CNVMBTPARAMS | Table for storing general parameters | CNV_MBT_MAIN | Main components of PCL for SLO Products |
CNVMBTPARAMSP | General package parameters from the Control System | CNV_MBT_MAIN | Main components of PCL for SLO Products |
RSH_D_MEAS_PTS | RSH ABAP Units Measurement Points | RSH_CDS_CMN_TEST | Resource Scheduling Test Objects 4 common Objects, Utils etc |
RSH_D_MEAS_PTS | RSH ABAP Units Measurement Points | RSH_CDS_CMN_TEST | Resource Scheduling Test Objects 4 common Objects, Utils etc |
RSH_D_MEAS_PTS | RSH ABAP Units Measurement Points | RSH_CDS_CMN_TEST | Resource Scheduling Test Objects 4 common Objects, Utils etc |
RSH_D_MEAS_PTS | RSH ABAP Units Measurement Points | RSH_CDS_CMN_TEST | Resource Scheduling Test Objects 4 common Objects, Utils etc |
RSH_D_MEAS_PTS | RSH ABAP Units Measurement Points | RSH_CDS_CMN_TEST | Resource Scheduling Test Objects 4 common Objects, Utils etc |
RSH_D_MEAS_PTS | RSH ABAP Units Measurement Points | RSH_CDS_CMN_TEST | Resource Scheduling Test Objects 4 common Objects, Utils etc |
BWOM_SETTINGS | BW CO-OM: Control Data | KBWOM | CO-OM-IS: BW Extractors AddOn 1.2Bff |
FINS_TDD_PER | test | FINS_CO_COPA_TDD | Management Accounting - PA Top Down Distribution |
MLDOC_DAAG_KALNR | Data Aging: kalnr for Data Aging (correction) | FCML4H_DATAAGING | Data Aging in Actual Costing |
EHPRCD_IMDSMATCL | Configuration for matclass check | EHPRC_CP_IMDS | IMDS Advanced Interface Communication |
EHFNDD_KV_TEMP | Key Value Storage (Temporary) | EHFND_COMN | Common objects for all components |
FPB_SETTINGS | FPB: Control Table for Possible Tuning Parameters | FPB_MONITOR | Monitor.Framework |
DFKKREPPROG | Generated Comparing Subroutines for DDIC Structures | FKKCONREP | Contract Reporting |
DFKKTRACEK | FKKTRACE: Header for a Trace Run | FKKB | Contract A/R & A/P: Central Objects |
DFKKTRACEP | FKKTRACE: Item Data | FKKB | Contract A/R & A/P: Central Objects |
DFKKTRACEP | FKKTRACE: Item Data | FKKB | Contract A/R & A/P: Central Objects |
DFKK_EXCD_LP | Logical ports for External Cash Desk Outbound Services | FKKEXC | External Cash Desk Services |
CFIN_CTRL | central finance generic settings | FIN_CFIN_INTEGRATION | Central Finance � Integration |
CFIN_CTRL | central finance generic settings | FIN_CFIN_INTEGRATION | Central Finance � Integration |
FINS_CFIN_CTRL | Process Control in Target System | FINS_CFIN_GEN | Central Finance - General |
FINS_CFIN_CTRL | Process Control in Target System | FINS_CFIN_GEN | Central Finance - General |
FMLOG | Log file for documents not updated | FMBS | FIFM: Basis |
FMRES_EW_INFOS | Saving Enhancement Wizard Settings | FMRE | Earmarked funds |
FINS_ALLOC_ASGMT | Top Down Distribution Cycle Template Assignment | FINS_ONE_ALLOCATION | One Allocation |
FINS_ALLOC_TMPLH | One Allocation Template Header | FINS_ONE_ALLOCATION | One Allocation |
ACEPSPPSEL | Select Options Periodic Posting Run | ACE-PS | Accrual Engine: Posting Server Basis |
ACEPSPPSEL | Select Options Periodic Posting Run | ACE-PS | Accrual Engine: Posting Server Basis |
QSTRE | FI/HR Withholding Tax Report for Spain | FREP | RF reporting |
CMCBD_LIQ_ASS_RT | Runtime: Cash Budgeting Liquidity Item Assignment | EA_FIN_CM_CB_PLANNING_SRV | Service for Cash Budgeting |
CMCBD_PL_TPLT | Cash Budgeting Liquidity Item Assignment Template | EA_FIN_CM_CB_PLANNING_SRV | Service for Cash Budgeting |
EPIC_DUM_TRANSAC | Transactions of Dummy Bank | ID-FI-EPIC-TEST | Globalization: E-Payment Integration General Test Objects |
EPIC_DUM_TRANSAC | Transactions of Dummy Bank | ID-FI-EPIC-TEST | Globalization: E-Payment Integration General Test Objects |
EPIC_BCP_PT | Parameter Transfer Table for Program EPIC_BANK_COMM_PROG | ID-FI-EPIC-BACOM-BL | Globalization: E-Payment Int. Bank Comm. Business Logic |
/CEECV/RORFMDATA | RO RFUMSV00 official run data | /CEECV/ROFI | Romania development class - FI |
J_1UF_CLR_REF | References to Clearing doc for which no tax docs needed | J1UF | Localization Ukraine: FI |
J_1UF_FINAL_CLR | Clearing documents for which no tax documents needed | J1UF | Localization Ukraine: FI |
J_1ITCJCMAP | Tax code and Jurisdiction code mapping | J1I2 | India, Phase II |
FCLM_BSEG_DELTA | BSEG Queue for Cash | FCLM_REUSE | Common / Reusable Components |
FCLM_MM_DELTA | Delta table for MM | FCLM_REUSE | Common / Reusable Components |
CACS_DBC_EVENT_S | Events for Simple Database Conversion | CACSDC | ICM: Database Conversions |
TCACS_NSC_DOC | Replacements Carried Out | CACSCUST | ICM: Customizing Copier |
TCACS_NSC_DOC | Replacements Carried Out | CACSCUST | ICM: Customizing Copier |
TCACS_NSC_MAP | Replacement Rule | CACSCUST | ICM: Customizing Copier |
TCACS_NSC_MAP | Replacement Rule | CACSCUST | ICM: Customizing Copier |
DIWPS_FAVORITE | Table to store user-specific favorites in the WPS Browser | DIWPS | DI: Work Packaging and Sequencing |
DIWP_HIST | OBSOLETE: Work Packaging and Sequencing | DIWPS | DI: Work Packaging and Sequencing |
DIWP_HIST | OBSOLETE: Work Packaging and Sequencing | DIWPS | DI: Work Packaging and Sequencing |
TOBJ_D_INDEX | Index Table - Batch-Related Object Types | VBIC | Batch Information Cockpit |
TOBJ_D_INDEX | Index Table - Batch-Related Object Types | VBIC | Batch Information Cockpit |
TOBJ_D_INDEX | Index Table - Batch-Related Object Types | VBIC | Batch Information Cockpit |
TOBJ_D_INDEX | Index Table - Batch-Related Object Types | VBIC | Batch Information Cockpit |
T130Z | Use of material master views | MG | Application development R/3 material master prior to 3.0 |
EKPO_PO_D | Item - #GENERATED# | APPL_MM_PUR_PO | Purchase Order w/o Draft-based AI |
MMPUR_GW_TRACE | MM Purchasing GW Trace Info | ODATA_MM_GW_TRACE | OBSOLETE: Application Specific GW Traces |
MMPUR_IMG_ML_MTR | ML Search Metering - Image based buying | APPL_MM_PUR_REQ_ML | Machine Learning Objects for SSP PR |
MMPUR_SRH_AUTH | Attribute search authorization | VDM_MM_PUR_CATALOG | Catalog core CDS views |
MMPUR_SRH_AUTH | Attribute search authorization | VDM_MM_PUR_CATALOG | Catalog core CDS views |
/SMERP/STG_PM004 | Data staging - Equipment list set - Measuring Points | /SMERP/MDO_PM | MDO Framework - Plant Maintenance |
/SMERP/STG_PM009 | Data staging - Func. Loc. List Set - Meas. Pts - cmplex tab | /SMERP/MDO_PM | MDO Framework - Plant Maintenance |
CFX_VERSION_LOCK | Versions Locked Against Changes | CFX_FOLDERS | Collaboration Folders: Folder and Documents |
CXM_ESCS | EasySPEC Classification | CXM_EASYSPEC | EasySPEC Model |
/PLMI/CR_ACTION | Available action database table | /PLMI/BO_CR_SRV | BO: Change Record Services and Customizing |
MSM_COMM_LOG_2 | Commmunication log for MSM for paging status | I_MSM_GRAFIK | SM/PM Graphics Module |
PMEAMS_JC_SEL | Selection of Printing Papers for Web Dynpro Document | IPRT | Application Development R/3 Plant Maintenance Print |
MRP_SOL_VIEW | MRP Solution View Cache Table | ODATA_PP_MRP | OData Services for Material Requirements Planning |
COTRACE | PP trace data for exceptional cases - SAP internal | CO | Application Development ERP PP Production Orders |
RPM_CTEMPLATE | Custom Development Template | RPM_DEV_CTEMPLATE | xRPM Customer Development Template Example |
RPM_CTEMPLATE | Custom Development Template | RPM_DEV_CTEMPLATE | xRPM Customer Development Template Example |
AD01FILTVAR | Filter Variants | AD01 | DI Processor (Resource-Related Billing/Sales Pricing) |
AD01FILTVAR | Filter Variants | AD01 | DI Processor (Resource-Related Billing/Sales Pricing) |
/SAPPSPRO/A_DESC | Contains descriptions of a SRM/EBP attachment in RM | /SAPPSPRO/RM/INTERFACE | BADI's, Interfaces |
/SAPPSPRO/DESCR | Contains descriptions of a SRM/EBP element in RM | /SAPPSPRO/RM/INTERFACE | BADI's, Interfaces |
/SAPPSPRO/I_DESC | Contains descriptions of a SRM/EBP item in RM | /SAPPSPRO/RM/INTERFACE | BADI's, Interfaces |
/SCMB/ELO003_R | eSOA: Testing result table for Location | /SCMB/SE_BIF | SCM Basis SE Interfaces: From XI Generated Objects |
/SAPAPO/APPLS | Application Types : SAP Application Types | /SAPAPO/LOC | Location Master |
/SAPAPO/LOC | Locations | /SAPAPO/LOC | Location Master |
/SCMB/PERF | SCM Performance Data | /SCMB/PFM | Application Monitoring |
/SCWM/TWME_CONF | Non-Business-Relevant Technical Settings | /SCWM/SHP_RCV_CORE | backend functions of shipping & reciving |
QTCH | Product Allocation: Feature Directory | VZ | Application development R/3 RV central functions |
CNDN_UPLD_MSG | Condition upload data and application log | COND_PUBLIC_MAINTENANCE_API | Public layer for condition maintenance tasks |
/SMB99/ZSBCMPEXC | Solution compare exception list | /SMB99/ | SAP BP Manual Created Global Objects |
/SMB99/ZSBCMPEXC | Solution compare exception list | /SMB99/ | SAP BP Manual Created Global Objects |
/SMB99/ZSBCMPEXC | Solution compare exception list | /SMB99/ | SAP BP Manual Created Global Objects |
/SMB99/ZSBCMPEXC | Solution compare exception list | /SMB99/ | SAP BP Manual Created Global Objects |
/CFG/AUTM_DATA | SSCUI Automation data | /CFG/WEBGUI_SSCUI | SSC UI Development - Web gui area |
/FTI/EXP_CONFXML | Expert Configuration XML | /FTI/WEBGUI_SSCUI | SSC UI Development - Web gui area |
/FTI/EXP_XML | Expert Configuration XML | /FTI/WEBGUI_SSCUI | SSC UI Development - Web gui area |
/FTI/SSC_X4_CONT | Store Content keys for SSCUIs | /FTI/WEBGUI_SSCUI | SSC UI Development - Web gui area |
/SMB/REMOTE_REQ | Workbench and customizing requests for remote activation | /SMB/CUSTOMIZING | Customizing Activities |
/SMB/SM_OBJ_TYPE | Object List of supported Solution Manager Object Types | /SMB/DDIC | Commonly used DDIC-Objects |
/SMB/SOL_SP_PROC | Solution specific procedures | /SMB/STRUCT_CHANGE_MANAGEMENT | Structure Change Management |
/SMB/UDP_PROC | User-defined procedures | /SMB/STRUCT_CHANGE_MANAGEMENT | Structure Change Management |
/CFG/EXP_DATA | Test data for expression string | /CFG/MIGRATION | Content Migration |
/CFG/EXP_DATA | Test data for expression string | /CFG/MIGRATION | Content Migration |
/SCMTMS/D_FLDVAL | Field value table for test purposes | /SCMTMS/TOOLS | eCATTs, BC Sets, Test Reports |
UABATIMPORTVAR | Variants for Batch Import, PDCE, EhP4 | UA_SFWS_UI_PDCE_EHP4 | SEM-BW: UI Enhancements in ERP 6.0 EhP 4 |
UABATIMPORTVAR | Variants for Batch Import, PDCE, EhP4 | UA_SFWS_UI_PDCE_EHP4 | SEM-BW: UI Enhancements in ERP 6.0 EhP 4 |
UAB_PPE_SEL_F4 | UAB_PPE_SEL_F4 | UA_SFWS_UI_PDCE_EHP4 | SEM-BW: UI Enhancements in ERP 6.0 EhP 4 |
UAB_PPE_SEL_F4 | UAB_PPE_SEL_F4 | UA_SFWS_UI_PDCE_EHP4 | SEM-BW: UI Enhancements in ERP 6.0 EhP 4 |
/SAPAPO/T077D | Customer account groups | /SAPAPO/R3TABLES | R/3 Tables in APO Namespace, Usually not Used |
/SAPAPO/T077D | Customer account groups | /SAPAPO/R3TABLES | R/3 Tables in APO Namespace, Usually not Used |
/SAPAPO/T077D | Customer account groups | /SAPAPO/R3TABLES | R/3 Tables in APO Namespace, Usually not Used |
/SAPAPO/T077D | Customer account groups | /SAPAPO/R3TABLES | R/3 Tables in APO Namespace, Usually not Used |
/SAPAPO/T077D | Customer account groups | /SAPAPO/R3TABLES | R/3 Tables in APO Namespace, Usually not Used |
/SAPAPO/T077D | Customer account groups | /SAPAPO/R3TABLES | R/3 Tables in APO Namespace, Usually not Used |
/SCMB/ALPRM7881 | Alert Parameter | /SCMB/ALEN_DATA | Alert engine Data base |
/SCMB/ALPRMH7881 | | /SCMB/ALEN_DATA | Alert engine Data base |
/SCMB/ALPRMH7882 | | /SCMB/ALEN_DATA | Alert engine Data base |
/SCMB/ALPRMH7883 | | /SCMB/ALEN_DATA | Alert engine Data base |
/SCMB/ALPRMH7884 | | /SCMB/ALEN_DATA | Alert engine Data base |
/SCF/DYNPCOUNTER | Global Counter of Dynpro Cache | /SCF/UI_SAPGUI | SAP GUI Framework |
CRMD_APO_I | Temporary APO Item Data (Only APO 2.0) | CRM_APO_I | Temporary item data APO |
CRMD_IU_DIT_MAPD | DIT Mapping Data | CRM_IU_CI_DIT | Utilities Data Import Tool |
CRM_IU_OBJ_VERS | Object Version table | CRM_IU_IL_TOOLS | Tools for Generic IL. Component Implementation in CRM_IU_IL |
CRMS4D_ICM_LOC | ICM Location | CRMS4_ICM_LOC | S4CRM: Investigative Case Management Location |
CRMS4D_ICM_OBJ | ICM Object | CRMS4_ICM_OBJ | S4CRM: Investigative Case Management Objects |
/BA1/F4_RELEASE | Management of Release GUIDs for Primary Objects | /BA1/F4_BASIS | Basic Market Data |
/IPRO/TELMLIST | Where-used table for document elements | /IPRO/BASIS | Tables, Structures, general Infrastruktur |
CRMC_IC_CHPSTHDR | Chat postings header table | IC_UI_CCS | Interaction Center Communication Channels Service UI |
BSP_DLSTXT_PARAM | Parameter related to configurtion text elements | BSP_DYN_CONFIG_TEXTTOOL | Text Management |
COM_WEC_KEY_MAP | Stores the Activation key | COM_WEC_USER | Generic security functions for WEC User Management |
BUTP_XMAP | Mapping table between XML and BAPI structures | BUTP | SAPMarkets TradingPartner Plugin |
BUTP_XMAP | Mapping table between XML and BAPI structures | BUTP | SAPMarkets TradingPartner Plugin |
BUTP_XMAP | Mapping table between XML and BAPI structures | BUTP | SAPMarkets TradingPartner Plugin |
BUTP_XMAP | Mapping table between XML and BAPI structures | BUTP | SAPMarkets TradingPartner Plugin |
BUTP_XMAP | Mapping table between XML and BAPI structures | BUTP | SAPMarkets TradingPartner Plugin |
BUTP_XMAP | Mapping table between XML and BAPI structures | BUTP | SAPMarkets TradingPartner Plugin |
IWP_HDB_MODELS | VDM's for HANA Model Replication | IWP_HDB | ILM Workpackage: RW content generation on HANA |
DTINF_HASH | Table of hashes (SAP delivered) | CA_INFORMATION | Information Retrieval Framework |
DTINF_HASH3 | Table of hashes (SAP delivered) | CA_INFORMATION | Information Retrieval Framework |
DTINF_HASH3_S | Table of hashes (SAP delivered for Cloud systems) | CA_INFORMATION | Information Retrieval Framework |
DTINF_HASH_C | Table of hashes (customer) | CA_INFORMATION | Information Retrieval Framework |
DTINF_HASH_S | Table of hashes (SAP delivered for Cloud systems) | CA_INFORMATION | Information Retrieval Framework |
SMDC | Description of the Tasks in the Schedule Manager | KPEP | Schedule Manager |
SMMAIN | Main Information for an Entry in the Monitor | KPEP | Schedule Manager |
SMST | Node Structure and Task Name in the Schedule Manager | KPEP | Schedule Manager |
SMST | Node Structure and Task Name in the Schedule Manager | KPEP | Schedule Manager |
COAT_FLAGS | COAT: Tax Flags | BBTE | Business Transaction Events (Open FI) |
MDO_DRF_DESTSOAP | Obsolete, use MDO_DRF_DESTHTTP | MDO_OBSOLETE | Obsolete obejcts for MDO |
SWF_FLEX_CPWF | CP Workflow Instances | SWF_FLEX_ENGINE | Workflow: Flexible Workflow Engine |
SWF_FLEX_PERF | Flexible Workflow: Storage of performance test data | SWF_FLEX_ENGINE | Workflow: Flexible Workflow Engine |
SWF_FLEX_PERF | Flexible Workflow: Storage of performance test data | SWF_FLEX_ENGINE | Workflow: Flexible Workflow Engine |
SWWFLEXDLA | Flexible Workflow Deadline Actions | SWW | Business Workflow: Work Items |
ALBTCMON | Table for Batch Monitoring | SCSM_DATASUPPLIER | Data Supplier in CCMS Monitor Architecture |
ALPFPARAM | CPH Settings | SMOI | CCMS: Monitoring Architecture |
ALPFSFTPLY | Table for Performance Database Shift Aggregate Schema | SMOI | CCMS: Monitoring Architecture |
ALPFWSCHEM | Weighting Schemas for PerfDB Reorganizations | SMOI | CCMS: Monitoring Architecture |
TRACE_COCKPIT | Table for RSMONTRACE_COCKPIT | STSK | Task Handler, Number Range, Update, Gateway and so on |
TRACE_COCKPIT | Table for RSMONTRACE_COCKPIT | STSK | Task Handler, Number Range, Update, Gateway and so on |
TRACE_COCKPIT | Table for RSMONTRACE_COCKPIT | STSK | Task Handler, Number Range, Update, Gateway and so on |
TRACE_COCKPIT | Table for RSMONTRACE_COCKPIT | STSK | Task Handler, Number Range, Update, Gateway and so on |
TRACE_COCKPIT | Table for RSMONTRACE_COCKPIT | STSK | Task Handler, Number Range, Update, Gateway and so on |
TRACE_COCKPIT | Table for RSMONTRACE_COCKPIT | STSK | Task Handler, Number Range, Update, Gateway and so on |
TRACE_COCKPIT | Table for RSMONTRACE_COCKPIT | STSK | Task Handler, Number Range, Update, Gateway and so on |
TRACE_COCKPIT | Table for RSMONTRACE_COCKPIT | STSK | Task Handler, Number Range, Update, Gateway and so on |
TRACE_COCKPIT | Table for RSMONTRACE_COCKPIT | STSK | Task Handler, Number Range, Update, Gateway and so on |
E070_RVF_TASK | CTS: Review Flow: Release Tasks | SCTS_OBJ_RVF | CTS: Object Processing in Review Flow |
CMSEFLOW | CMS: Execution Flow | SCMA | Change Management Server |
CMSIDES | TMS CI: Destinations | SCMA | Change Management Server |
TMSANOLOG | TMS: Whitelist Alert Protocol(Function List Without Logging) | STMA | Transport Management System |
TMSCDES | TMS CI: Destinations | STMA | Transport Management System |
SCPRACPP | BC Sets: Activation Logs (BC Set Names) | SCPR | Business Configuration Sets |
SCPRSACTID | BC Sets: Activation Processes Switch BC Sets | SCPR | Business Configuration Sets |
F4TMP | Temporary HELP data | SHEL | New Help Processor |
NOIND | Tables Excluded from Conversion | SBRN | Replace Industry-Specific Short Texts |
TER15 | Spell check table | STER | Terminology - Database |
NOTRA | Tables Excluded from Translation Process | STRP | Processes for Translation Control (Obsolete) |
WBOBJECTT | Generic WB object table | SWB_TOOL | Abstract Workbench Tool |
SEO_SRC_POS_IND | index table storing source positions of class includes | SEO_SOURCE_BASED | Source-based Class Editor |
ESH_AU_AU_OBJCT | Hash values for user authorization data | S_ESH_ENG_AUTHORIZATION | Authorization |
ESH_AU_AU_QCONN | Authorization query and Hints per Search Connector | S_ESH_ENG_AUTHORIZATION | Authorization |
ESH_AU_AU_QCONN | Authorization query and Hints per Search Connector | S_ESH_ENG_AUTHORIZATION | Authorization |
ESH_AU_AU_QCONN | Authorization query and Hints per Search Connector | S_ESH_ENG_AUTHORIZATION | Authorization |
ESH_AU_AU_QUERY | Authorization query for authorization object | S_ESH_ENG_AUTHORIZATION | Authorization |
ESH_AU_AU_QUERY | Authorization query for authorization object | S_ESH_ENG_AUTHORIZATION | Authorization |
ESH_AU_AU_SCONN | Hash values for user authorization data per Search Connector | S_ESH_ENG_AUTHORIZATION | Authorization |
ESH_AU_USR_CONN | Hash values for user authorization data per Search Connector | S_ESH_ENG_AUTHORIZATION | Authorization |
ESH_AU_USR_DATA | Hash values for user authorization data | S_ESH_ENG_AUTHORIZATION | Authorization |
ESH_ADM_SC_MAIN | Search Connectors | S_ESH_ENG_MONITORING_ADMIN | Monitoring and Admin Component |
ESH_ADM_SC_MAIN | Search Connectors | S_ESH_ENG_MONITORING_ADMIN | Monitoring and Admin Component |
ESH_TST_EH_RTI_Q | Real Time Indexing Test : Test Transaction Queue Table | S_ESH_TEST | Test (Search Hub + Appliance), Smoke Test, Unit Test, EPM |
/BOBF/OBM_OBJ | BOPF Configuration: Version | /BOBF/CONFIGURATION | Business Object Processing Configuration |
SADL_DRFT_COMP | Composition Tree | SADL_GW_DRAFT_GENERATION_CORE | SADL GW: Draft Infrastructure Generation Core |
SADL_DRFT_COMP | Composition Tree | SADL_GW_DRAFT_GENERATION_CORE | SADL GW: Draft Infrastructure Generation Core |
SADL_DRFT_COMP | Composition Tree | SADL_GW_DRAFT_GENERATION_CORE | SADL GW: Draft Infrastructure Generation Core |
SRT_TF_USER | Contains current users who run tests of the Test Framework | SOAP_OBSOLETE | Web Services obsololete objects |
SRT_TF_USER | Contains current users who run tests of the Test Framework | SOAP_OBSOLETE | Web Services obsololete objects |
SRT_SEQ_QUE_HIST | Soap sequence : History of former queues | SOAP_SEQ_MANAGER | SOAP Sequence Manager |
WSRM_EVENT_TABLE | WSRM: Table for Storing Events | SOAP_WSRM | WSRM: Implementation of WSRM Protocol |
SRT_TEST_WSA_CL | Contains info for the received msg from ws-a client test | SOAP_RT_TESTS_FRAMEWORK | Sub packadge for Test Framework |
SRT_TF_LP | Table for storing all LP of the TF and delete it afterwards | SOAP_RT_TESTS_FRAMEWORK | Sub packadge for Test Framework |
CNTLSTRASC | Administration of components, A-LOBS (Ascii Large OBjectS) | SCET | Control Enabling Technology / Control Framework |
CNTLSTREAM | Administration of components, BLOBS (Binary Large OBjectS) | SCET | Control Enabling Technology / Control Framework |
CNTLSTRINF | Attributes of a stream | SCET | Control Enabling Technology / Control Framework |
CNTLSTRLIS | Control stream list | SCET | Control Enabling Technology / Control Framework |
FVERSIONDB | Cache for file information | SCET | Control Enabling Technology / Control Framework |
SITS_AWRT_DEBUG | Debugging Entries for Function Group AWRT | S_ITSP | ITS Plug-In |
SITS_AWRT_DEBUG | Debugging Entries for Function Group AWRT | S_ITSP | ITS Plug-In |
SITS_AWRT_DEBUG | Debugging Entries for Function Group AWRT | S_ITSP | ITS Plug-In |
ARCHLNK_AL_INDEX | Assignment of BOR Key to ArchiveLink Attachment Doc_ID | S_ARCHLNK_RETENSION_MGMT | Retention Management for ArchiveLink Documents |
ARCHLNK_AL_INDEX | Assignment of BOR Key to ArchiveLink Attachment Doc_ID | S_ARCHLNK_RETENSION_MGMT | Retention Management for ArchiveLink Documents |
ARCHLNK_DL_IND | ILM: Attributes for Finding ArchiveLink Print Lists in RW | S_ARCHLNK_RETENSION_MGMT | Retention Management for ArchiveLink Documents |
ARCHLNK_TOAAR | Copied TOAAR from Legacy Systems to be Decommissioned | S_ARCHLNK_RETENSION_MGMT | Retention Management for ArchiveLink Documents |
ARCHLNK_TOAXY | Link Table for ArchiveLink Stores from EOL Systems | S_ARCHLNK_RETENSION_MGMT | Retention Management for ArchiveLink Documents |
ICFBUFFER | Buffer for URL Display in Service List | SHTTP | Package for HTTP Communication |
RFCGO | RFC stub generation - generation of user parameters | SRCG | RFC Code Generator (Deprecated) |
RFCTA | RFC stub generation - ABAP/4 data types, RFC data type | SRCG | RFC Code Generator (Deprecated) |
MDK_INVENTORY | MDK Inventory Example - Data Table | S_ME_MDK | Mobile: Mobile Development Kit |
MICONFIGINFO | MI Client Configuration Files | S_ME_CCMS | Mobile: Monitoring |
UQFIELDVALUE | Field Values of differend forms | S_ME_CORE | Mobile: Core Components |
POWL_SELCRIT_C | Cust table for powl selcrit | GEN_PERSONAL_OBJECT_WORKLIST | generic worklist |
USOB_AUTHVALTRC | Authorization Trace Result: Objects and Values | S_PROFGEN | ABAP Role Administration (Profile Generator) |
USOB_FLAGS | Indicators for SU22, SU24, SU25 | S_PROFGEN | ABAP Role Administration (Profile Generator) |
SUAUTHVALTRC | Authorization Trace | SUSR_KRN | User Administration Tables Used Kernel-Side |
USR07_EXT | Object/values of last authorization check that failed | SUSR_CUA_TOOLS | Additional Tools for Central User Administration (CUA) |
TSAD15T_COPY | Copy of TSAD15T | SZAD | SAP Technology - Business Services: Address Management |
/AIF/T_ODATA_ACT | Active AIF interface as OData Service -obsolete | /AIF/MONITORING_ODATA | AIF Monitoring FIORI - OData Services |
/AIF/T_ODATA_ACT | Active AIF interface as OData Service -obsolete | /AIF/MONITORING_ODATA | AIF Monitoring FIORI - OData Services |
CDR_RT_PARAMS | Data Return: General Runtime Parameter Value Storage | S_APS_CDR_MODEL | Customer Data Return: Model Package |
TOAMS | SAP ArchiveLink API: Length definition of parameter | SAOM | KPRO CMS: Near-Front End Functions |
BDS_BAR_EX | Business Document Service: External Bar Codes | SBDS | SAP Knowledge Provider Business Document Service |
BDS_BAR_EX | Business Document Service: External Bar Codes | SBDS | SAP Knowledge Provider Business Document Service |
BDS_BAR_IN_REF | Reference Structure for BDS_BAR_IN | SBDS | SAP Knowledge Provider Business Document Service |
FDT_LOCAL_PARA | FDT: Local Parameters | SFDT_CORE | BRFplus: Core |
SCMGARCHTEMP | Table for Temporary Data | SCMG_ARCHIVE | Package for Archiving Interfaces/Classes |
TSOEX | SAPoffice: Trace Table | SO | SAPoffice |
NRIV_DOCU | Non-Assigned Internal Numbers in Parallel Buffering | SZN | Number Range Management |
NRIV_DOCU2 | Non-Assigned Internal Numbers in Parallel Buffering | SZN | Number Range Management |
NRIV_RESTE | Internal numbers not assigned in conn. with NRIV split | SZN | Number Range Management |
TSKT4 | Log of Translations for Language Transport | STXD | SAPscript |
CAT_DP_FLD | Export fields for DataProvider | SCAT | Computer Aided Test Tools |
CAT_DP_FLD | Export fields for DataProvider | SCAT | Computer Aided Test Tools |
CAT_DP_FLD | Export fields for DataProvider | SCAT | Computer Aided Test Tools |
ECSCR_TFLD | eCATT - TCD Data Provider Data DP_FLD Export Data | SECATT_DDIC | eCATT ABAP Dictionary Objects |
ECSCR_TFLD | eCATT - TCD Data Provider Data DP_FLD Export Data | SECATT_DDIC | eCATT ABAP Dictionary Objects |
ECSCR_TFLD | eCATT - TCD Data Provider Data DP_FLD Export Data | SECATT_DDIC | eCATT ABAP Dictionary Objects |
SVRS_VCNT_DATA | Data table for TLogo test objects with variable content | SVRS_TLOGO | Extended Version Management for Logical Transport Objects |
SVRS_VCNT_HEAD | Header table for TLogo test objects | SVRS_TLOGO | Extended Version Management for Logical Transport Objects |
SVRS_VCNT_LANG | Data table for TLogo test objects with language dependency | SVRS_TLOGO | Extended Version Management for Logical Transport Objects |
PATLOG | Logging Table for Transaction SPAM/SAINT | SPAM | OCS - Installation/Implementation Tools |
SMPPCASE | XI Mapping: Automatic Test Cases | SAI_MAPPING | Application Integration: Mapping |
SMPPCASE | XI Mapping: Automatic Test Cases | SAI_MAPPING | Application Integration: Mapping |
SXMS_LCR_VERS | XI: Version Information form SLD About Receiver Systems | SXMSF | XI: Integration Engine Runtime |
BDLFUVER2 | Extension of BDLFUVERS | BDL3 | Service data download (as of R/3 Release 3.x) |
BDLFUVER3 | Extension of BDLFUVERS | BDL3 | Service data download (as of R/3 Release 3.x) |
/OSP/T_UNSENT | Store unsent details | /OSP/REPORT | Office Suite Program - report functionality |
RSCRMD_IMP_TRACE | Trace results table | RSCRM_IMP_TEST_TOOLS | CRM In-Memory Planning Test Tools |
CCMSBIPROT | CCMSBISETUP Status and Log Table | RS_BCT_CCMS_WEBAS_STAT | BW Content: Integration OF WebAs Statistics Data |
RSPERS_BOD | Data for BEx Open Dialog (Core) | RS_PERS_CORE | Personalization Framework - Core |
BWBICS_RSTT_ERR | BICS InA RSTT Check Error Summary | BW_BICS_INA_RSTT | Entities for RSTT |
BWBICS_RSTT_ERR | BICS InA RSTT Check Error Summary | BW_BICS_INA_RSTT | Entities for RSTT |
BWBICS_RSTT_ERR | BICS InA RSTT Check Error Summary | BW_BICS_INA_RSTT | Entities for RSTT |
BWBICS_RSTT_ERR | BICS InA RSTT Check Error Summary | BW_BICS_INA_RSTT | Entities for RSTT |
BWBICS_RSTT_ERR | BICS InA RSTT Check Error Summary | BW_BICS_INA_RSTT | Entities for RSTT |
RSTTU_TRANS | Transformations for Test Utilities | RSTT_UTIL | Adaptation of system-dependent components during transport |
RSHASHTYP | Types of Hash Key | RSSM | BW: General monitoring and scheduling |
RSCRM_IMP_TRACE | Trace results table | RSCRM_IMP_TEST_UTIL | CRM In-Memory Planning Test Utitilites |
/IWBEP/I_MGW_CTC | generic cluster table for meta data caching | /IWBEP/MGW_MED_PERSISTENCY | OData Channel - Metadata - Backend Registration Persistency |
/IWBEP/I_MGW_CTC | generic cluster table for meta data caching | /IWBEP/MGW_MED_PERSISTENCY | OData Channel - Metadata - Backend Registration Persistency |
T5TPSCZLZARKONST | HRCZ - Public sector ZLZAR and constants | P18PS | HRCZ Public Sector |
PAPBS00WBRPACLOG | Action Log PWE (Obsolete): New Table PAPBS00WBRP_LOG | P00PBSWB_CONTROL_DDIC | Workbench Control Modules (DDIC and User Interface) |
PAPBS00WBRP_DATA | Transaction Data | P00PBSWB_CONTROL_DDIC | Workbench Control Modules (DDIC and User Interface) |
T7FIPRT | Reserves type for posting to Financials (Finland) | PC44 | HR accounting: Finland |
T5F6K | Send Table (TDE) | P06INTF_ADP | HR Payroll Interface: France (ADP) |
T5F6L | Send Details (DDE) | P06INTF_ADP | HR Payroll Interface: France (ADP) |
T5F6M | Returns Table (TDR) | P06INTF_ADP | HR Payroll Interface: France (ADP) |
T7GR4E11 | Special Leave to ERGANH(E11.1) | PC45 | HR Master Data: Greece |
T7HK11 | General information of the IR56 forms | PB27 | HR-HK: Master data |
T7HK11 | General information of the IR56 forms | PB27 | HR-HK: Master data |
T7HK11 | General information of the IR56 forms | PB27 | HR-HK: Master data |
T7HK11 | General information of the IR56 forms | PB27 | HR-HK: Master data |
T7HK11 | General information of the IR56 forms | PB27 | HR-HK: Master data |
T7HK11 | General information of the IR56 forms | PB27 | HR-HK: Master data |
T7INRT | India Region Code Description | PB40 | HR master data: India |
P05T_LOB_STORAGE | Table to store large objects for testing and check purposes | P05T | HR Payroll: The Netherlands |
P05T_LOB_STORAGE | Table to store large objects for testing and check purposes | P05T | HR Payroll: The Netherlands |
P05T_LOB_STORAGE | Table to store large objects for testing and check purposes | P05T | HR Payroll: The Netherlands |
P05T_LOB_STORAGE | Table to store large objects for testing and check purposes | P05T | HR Payroll: The Netherlands |
T7PLU0 | Quota conversion data | PB46 | HR Poland |
T7RUKLADR | KLADR.DBF | PB33 | HR master data : Russia |
T7RUSTREET | KLADR: Streets (buffer) | PB33 | HR master data : Russia |
PA3417 | HR Master Record: Infotype 3417 | PBUN | Master Data Non Profit Organizations |
PA3417 | HR Master Record: Infotype 3417 | PBUN | Master Data Non Profit Organizations |
T599U | Universal HR Tables | PBAS | SAP HR Master Data Application Development |
T599V | Universal HR Tables | PBAS | SAP HR Master Data Application Development |
T5EUR | HR-EMU: Conversion Table for Legal Constants | PEUR | HR: Changeover to Euro |
T5F99K0T | Possible configuration options descriptions | P99S | Southern Europe Basis |
PYC_D_PY_MSG | PYC: payroll message | PCTRRES | Transparent Payroll Results: Environment |
SALV_BS_ADMIN | Obsolete (Table for Creating Control Values for ALV) | SALV_BS_COMMON | Package SALV_BS_COMMON |
SALV_BS_ADMIN | Obsolete (Table for Creating Control Values for ALV) | SALV_BS_COMMON | Package SALV_BS_COMMON |
SALV_BS_ADMIN | Obsolete (Table for Creating Control Values for ALV) | SALV_BS_COMMON | Package SALV_BS_COMMON |
/UI2/AD_CDM_CAT | App Descriptor Mass Maintenance: Last Catalog Changes | /UI2/CDM_REPLICATION | Replication of FLP content |
/UIF/BPC_TASKS | RAG - BPC Tasks | /UIF/LREP_RAG_CORE | Runtime Agent - Core |
/UI2/CHIP_CSTAT | CHIP Cache: Status | /UI2/ABAP_PAGE_BUILDER | UI2: ABAP Pagebuilder |
/UI2/AD_MM_CATLG | App Descriptor Mass Maintenance: Last Catalog Changes | /UI2/PB_CATALOG_PROVIDER | Page Builder: Catalog Provider |
/UI5/APPIDX | UI5 application index table | /UI5/APP_INDEX | App Index Services |
/ASU/FLAGS | ASU Toolbox: global switch control flags | /ASU/MAIN_DDIC | Application-Specific Upgrade: DDIC |
/ASU/FLAGS | ASU Toolbox: global switch control flags | /ASU/MAIN_DDIC | Application-Specific Upgrade: DDIC |
/SDF/WS_MON_CONF | Configuration for WS Monitoring | /SDF/WS_MON | Web Service Monitoring |
/BDL/BDLFUVER2 | Service Definition, Extension of BDLFUVERS | /BDL/TASKMANAGER | Task Manager |
/BDL/BDLFUVER3 | Service Definition, Filter | /BDL/TASKMANAGER | Task Manager |
/BDL/LOCK | table for lock objects | /BDL/TASKMANAGER | Task Manager |
/BDL/MAINTAIN | Control Table: Session refresh / service defintion resfres | /BDL/TASKMANAGER | Task Manager |
/BDL/RTCC_CUST | Customizing for SDCC-specific functions | /BDL/TASKMANAGER | Task Manager |
/BDL/SDCC_CUST | Customizing for SDCC-specific functions | /BDL/TASKMANAGER | Task Manager |
/BDL/STAMP | Last task runs (service def refresh/session refresh) | /BDL/TASKMANAGER | Task Manager |
/BDL/TASKREP | Mapping of Task-Action to called report | /BDL/TASKMANAGER | Task Manager |
/BDL/TASKS | Control Table of Task Manager | /BDL/TASKMANAGER | Task Manager |
/BDL/TASK_CUST2 | Customizing for Taskmanager-specific functions | /BDL/TASKMANAGER | Task Manager |
/BDL/TASK_LOG | MessageLog of SDCC task manager | /BDL/TASKMANAGER | Task Manager |
/BDL/_GENER_2 | Timestamp of generated reimport includes | /BDL/TASKMANAGER | Task Manager |
/SDF/CMO_T_430 | CCMC Service: Enhancement | /SDF/STPI_DDIC | DDIC for /SDF/STPI Development |
/SDF/CMO_T_430 | CCMC Service: Enhancement | /SDF/STPI_DDIC | DDIC for /SDF/STPI Development |
/SDF/CMO_T_430 | CCMC Service: Enhancement | /SDF/STPI_DDIC | DDIC for /SDF/STPI Development |
/SDF/CMO_T_62A | CCMC Service: Categories of transactions and reports | /SDF/STPI_DDIC | DDIC for /SDF/STPI Development |
/SDF/CMO_T_62D | CCMC Service: Transactions and reports | /SDF/STPI_DDIC | DDIC for /SDF/STPI Development |
/SDF/TEMPCOMP | Template Component Table for SDCC Download | /SDF/STPI_6X | Release 6.XX dependent Basis Addon SLM |
E2ET_AT_REC_TRID | TBOM Recording by eCATT: Trace IDs | E2E_TESTING | E2E Testing |
/WMD/XF_BC_KEYS | Follow up Ids for xSuite processes | /WMD/XF_BC | xSuite Workflow Base Components |
/WMD/XF_WEBSESS | Web sessions | /WMD/XF_WEB | xSuite Web Components |